© J989 Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. (Biomédical Division) The Hierarchy of Life B. Fernholm, K. Bremer and H. Jörnvall, editors 337 CHAPTER 25 Tetrapod phylogeny JACQUES GAUTHIER', DAVID CANNATELLA^, KEVIN DE QUEIROZ^, ARNOLD G. KLUGE* and TIMOTHY ROWE^ ' Deparlmenl qf Herpelology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA 94118, U.S.A., ^Museum of Natural Sciences and Department of Biology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, U.S.A., ^Department of ^oology and Museum of Vertebrate ^oology. University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, U.S.A., 'Museum of ^oology and Department of Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, U.S.A. and ^Department of Geological Sciences, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78713, U.S.A. Introduction Early sarcopterygians were aquatic, but from the latter part of the Carboniferous on- ward that group has been dominated by terrestrial forms commonly known as the tet- rapods. Fig. 1 illustrates relationships among extant Tetrápoda [1-4J. As the clado- grams in Figs. 2•20 demonstrate, however, extant groups represent only a small part of the taxonomic and morphologic diversity of Tetrápoda. We hope to convey some appreciation for the broad outlines of tetrapod evolution during its 300+ million year history from late Mississippian to Recent times. In doing so, we summarize trees de- rived from the distribution of over 972 characters among 83 terminal taxa of Tetrápo- da. More than 90% of the terminal taxa we discuss are extinct, but all of the subter- minal taxa are represented in the extant biota. This enables us to emphasize the origins of living tetrapod groups while giving due consideration to the diversity and antiquity of the clades of which they are a part. Our discussion centers on the origins of the major groups of extant tetrapods (Fig. 1 ). Most biologists study living organisms and are familiar with such groups as frogs, mammals, turtles, crocodilians and birds. More inclusive groups of extant tetrapods, such as Lissamphibia, Amniota and Archosauria, may be less familiar, but they are sufficiently well-known to serve as convenient points of departure. By emphasizing ex- tant taxa we do not mean to endorse the view of Hennig [5], who held that phylogenet- ic research proceeds first by recognizing groups of Recent species, and then by placing fossils on that cladogram. On the contrary, phylogenetic relationships are best in- ferred from a simultaneous consideration of all the evidence, regardless of the source [3]. 338 TETRÁPODA AMNIOTA MAMMALIA REPTILIA CHELONIA SAURIA ARCHOSAURIA CROCODYLIA AVES LEPIDOSAURIA Sphenodon SQUAMATA LISSAMPHIBIA GYMNOPHIONA ANURA CAUDATA Fig. 1. An indented, unsequenced, phylogenetic taxonomy of Recent Tetrápoda Much of what we have to say here is based on materials and methods discussed at length elsewhere [1•4, 6-9]. Our taxonomic scheme differs from the traditional in several ways [2, 3J. For example, we eschew all formal categorical ranks and rely on tree topology to reflect the nested, hierarchical structure of phylogeny. Rank-related suffixes already attached to particular names are retained, but only to conserve the traditional spelling and thus facilitate data retrieval from the literature. We also re- strict widely used names to généalogie entities stemming from an ancestor that pro- duced extant sister taxa. Tetrapod origins Fig. 2 displays a series of outgroups to Tetrápoda, a name that we restrict to the group composed of the most recent common ancestor of extant lissamphibians and amniotes and all of its descendants [4J. Tetrapods have historically been considered to be those sarcopterygians with four limbs [10]. A morphological gap separates the 'fins' OÏEusthenopleron from the iimbs' of ichthyostegalians (i.e., Ichthyostega, Acanthoste- ga). The most striking changes involve the distal portions of the paired appendages. Panderichthys Ichthyosiegalia Crassigyrinus TETRÁPODA Fig. 2. Cladogram of tetrapod outgroup series. Here, as in the remaining figures, only those names in bold- face have living representatives, the rest are composed entirely of extinct taxa. In the former category, upper case lettering denotes taxa whose ancestor produced extant sister groups, and upper and lower case lettering refers to taxa including extant groups plus extinct outgroups. 339 for example, Ichthyoslega has toes and Euslhenopteron does not [10, 11]. That morpho- logical gap has been used as a convenient marker separating tetrapods from other sarco- pterygians. But this is not to say that ichthyostegalians have limbs like those of the ancestor of extant tetrapods. On the contrary, the limbs of ichthyostegalians and, to a lesser extent, Crassigyrinus [12], are plesiomorphic compared to those of Tetrápoda (s.S.). The ancestral tetrapod possessed a discrete humeral shaft, lost the primitive ca- nal system in the humérus, had a fully developed shoulder girdle with a prominent scapular blade, and had differentiated proximal tarsals in the foot [4]. We apply Tetrápoda to an extant généalogie entity to make that name more infor- mative and stable, because it then summarizes molecular, behavioral and other less readily fossilized characters, such as 'soft' anatomy, as well as the preservable 'hard' synapomorphies afforded by fossils. The 'soft' characters of Tetrápoda are, admitted- ly, of little use in assigning extinct taxa to that group. But it is nonetheless reasonable to assume that these characters were present in the ancestral tetrapod and absent in the ancestral choanate. In the case of widely used names we prefer to emphasize what we know - that extant tetrapods shared an ancestor not shared by extant dipnoans - rather than what we do not know - such as whether or not Crassigyrinus had differ- entiated tarsals. We recognize two main groups within Tetrápoda (Fig. 3), Amphibia for extant lissamphibians and their extinct allies and Anthracosauria for extant amniotes and their extinct relatives [4]. The relationships of Nectridea, Aistopoda and Microsauria to the extant groups are not clear (Fig. 3). Amphibia is restricted to Loxommatidae and its sister group, Temnospondyli (Fig. 3; and see below), by removing early anthracosaurs and the tetrapod outgroups Crassigyrinus and Ichthyostegalia. Amniote origins Fig. 4 summarizes the early diversification of Anthracosauria [4]. Many of the char- acters elucidating relationships among early anthracosaurs, such as modifications in the vertebral column, girdles and limbs, together with changes in the dentition and palate, reflect an increasing reliance on patterns of locomotion and prey manipulation suited more to terrestrial settings [4, 13]. Several characters less likely to be observed Amphibia Nectridea Aïsiopoda Microsauria Anthracosauria Loxommaíidae Amphibia = Temnospondyli Fig. 3. Cladograms of major groups of Tetrápoda, and initial divergence within Amphibia. 340 Anthracosauroideae Seymouriamorpha Diadectomorpha AMNIOTA Fig. 4. Cladogram depicting relationship of Amniota among Anthracosauria. in the fossil record, such as a cleidoic egg and internal fertihzation, are diagnostic of Amniota among extant Tetrápoda, although they may have originated earlier within Anthracosauria. Nevertheless, amniotes can be diagnosed among their extinct rela- tives by such characters as a caniniform maxillary tooth, appearance of two coracoid ossifications in the shoulder girdle, an astragalus in the ankle joint, and loss offish-like bony scales from the dorsal surface of the body [4]. Early amniotes Fig. 5 depicts relationships among the earliest amniotes. Two groups are readily rec- ognized, Synapsida for mammals and their extinct allies, and Reptilia for turtles and saurians and their extinct relatives. Reptilia was initially coined for what are usually thought of as 'lower' tetrapods; it included amphibians as well as amniotes aside from mammals and birds. Amphibians and early anthracosaurs were subsequently re- moved, so that Reptilia referred to non-avian and non-mammalian amniotes only. The name was brought into the phylogenetic system by removing extinct relatives of mammals, known as 'therapsids' and 'pelycosaurs', from Reptilia, and including birds within it [1-4, 6, 8]. Synapsida is diagnosed by synapomorphies such as a lower temporal fenestra and sloping occiput, and extant Reptilia by phi keratins, uricotely and the dorsoventricu- lar ridge of the telencephalon [3]. Both synapsids and reptiles are known from as early as the mid-Pennsylvanian [3]. The relationships of the later and more modified am- niotes of the Permian, the pareiasaurs, millerettids, procolophonians and mesosaurs, are not clear. Several skeletal characters diagnose Reptilia [3], and at least some of these, such as loss of the medial pedal centrale and a small suborbital fenestra, have been reported in some of these Permian forms. This evidence suggests that they are more closely related to reptiles than to mammals [4, 14]. Thus, although it is reason- able to assume that the 'soft' characters mentioned above were absent in the ancestral Synapsida Pareiasauria Millerettidae Procolophonia ^^ Mesosauha REPTILIA Fig. 5. Cladogram depleting initial diversifieation of Amniota. 341 Cásea Ophiacodon Edaphosaurus Haptodus Sphenacodontinae Therapsida Fig. 6. Cladogram depicting selected early divergences within Synapsida. amniote, but present in the ancestral reptile, we cannot be certain of the level at which they can be considered diagnostic. Synapsid evolution Fig. 6 displays relationships among early synapsids [3, 8],
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