CLR-Nº 6 17/6/08 15:15 Página 1 CULTURA, CULTURE, LENGUAJE Y LANGUAGE AND REPRESENTACION REPRESENTATION Revista de Estudios Culturales Cultural Studies Journal of de la Universitat Jaume I Universitat Jaume I Volumen 6 - Mayo 2008 Volume 6 - May 2008 La intermedialidad Intermediality Editora invitada Guest Editor Freda Chapple Freda Chapple CLR-Nº 6 17/6/08 15:15 Página 2 © Del text: els autors, 2008 © De la present edició: Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I, 2008 Edita: Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I. Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions Campus del Riu Sec. Edifici Rectorat i Serveis Centrals. 12071 Castelló de la Plana Fax 964 72 88 32 http://www.tenda.uji.es e-mail: [email protected] ISSN: 1697-7750 Dipòsit legal: CS-34-2004 Imprimeix: CMYKPRINT-ALMASSORA Cap part d’aquesta publicació, incloent-hi el disseny de la coberta, no pot ser reproduïda, emmagatzemada, ni transmesa de cap manera, ni per cap mitjà (elèctric, químic, mecànic, òptic, de gravació o bé de fotocòpia) sense autorització prèvia de la marca editorial. CLR-Nº 6 17/6/08 15:15 Página 3 Índice / Contents 5 Presentación / Editorial 7 On Intermediality FREDA CHAPPLE Artículos / Articles Theories of Intermediality 19 Intermediality in Theatre and Performance: Definitions, Perceptions and Medial Relationships CHIEL KATTENBELT 31 F@ust vers. 3.0: A (Hi)story of Theatre and Media KATI RÖTTGER 47 Beyond Performance Studies: Mediated Performance and the Posthuman RALF REMSHARDT 65 Towards Intermediality in Contemporary Cultural Practices and Education ASUNCIÓN LÓPEZ-VARELA AZCÁRATE and STEVEN TÖTÖSY de ZEPETNEK Intermedial Practice and Analysis 85 Remediation of Moving Bodies: Aesthetic Perceptions of a Live, Digitised and Animated Dance Performance PAULINE BROOKS 101 Convergence and Creativity in Telematic Performance: The Adding Machine GEORGE H. BROWN and GERHARD HAUCK 121 From Intermedial Music to Interactive Multimedia Event: the Performance of Ravel’s Miroirs EMILIE CRAPOULET 137 Posthuman Perspectives and Postdramatic Theatre: the Theory and Practice of Hybrid Ontology in Katie Mitchell’s The Waves LOUISE LEPAGE 151 Bound to Honour: the Detention of David Hicks as Performance SANDRA GATTENHOF CLR-Nº 6 17/6/08 15:15 Página 4 159 Black to White: the Fading Process of Intermediality in the Gallery Space KAREN SAVAGE Reseñas / Book Reviews 171 FREDA CHAPPLE, CHIEL KATTENBELT (eds.), Intermediatlity in Theatre and Performance (Asunción López-Varela Azcárate) 177 Lista de participantes / List of contributors CLR-Nº 6 17/6/08 15:15 Página 5 Presentación Editorial El presente volumen de la Revista Cultura, Lenguaje y This volume of Culture, Language and Representación aborda el tema monográfico de «la inter- Representation is devoted to intermediality in medialidad en la cultura contemporánea». En una época en contemporary culture. In an age when the so-called la que la denominada revolución tecnológica se ha erigido technological revolution has become a major en uno de los factores determinantes de las relaciones socia- catalyst in shaping social and cultural relationships, les y culturales, de una manera similar a cómo lo habían similarly to the successive industrial revolutions of hecho en siglos anteriores las sucesivas revoluciones indus- previous centuries, it seems imperative to engage in triales, se hace perentorio el análisis de su articulación entre the analysis of the interdependence of communities, comunidades, individuos y con el entorno, desde la pers- individuals and their environments, with the digital pectiva de su interacción con el salto cualitativo tecnológico and technological developments that may influence que las condiciona. El fenómeno de la globalización ha them. The phenomenon of globalization in turn has contribuido a acelerar la reconceptualización de tales cues- contributed to the reconceptualization of such issues tiones en colaboración con los medios digitales para ins- in reaching what could be termed the society of taurar la era de la sociedad de la información «instantánea», «instantaneous» information. Thus, the current acentuando los procesos de doble sentido, de homogenei- strategies laid out to negociate the construction of zación, pero paradójica y simultáneamente, de disgregación identity fall into crisis, via an overall crisis of the y deslocalización. En este sentido, las formas mediante las processes of representation, opening the ground for cuales se negocia la construcción de identidades entran en the articulation of novel approaches that may explore crisis, vía la entrada en crisis de los procesos de represen- the potential spaces of dialogue and confrontation tación, lo que permite preparar el terreno en la exploración between artistic and cultural practices, and digital de nuevas estrategias para afrontar las cuestiones que perió- and technological media. The selection of articles dicamente cada generación debe abordar en un intento de gathered in this volume constitutes a comprehensive adaptarse a las condiciones cambiantes de su entorno, account of the issue of intermediality, ranging from ejemplificadas en esta ocasión a través de los espacios de theoretical aspects to the empirical analyses of diálogo y confrontación entre los procesos artístico-cultu- specific artistic practices. rales y los medios tecnológicos. It has been an honour and a pleasure for the La selección de artículos aquí presentados constituye Editors of the Journal to have had Freda Chapple, una panorámica exhaustiva del fenómeno de la intermedia- from Sheffield University, acting as guest editor for lidad en la cultura contemporánea, tanto desde la perspectiva this volume. We would like to thank Freda warmly teórica, como desde el análisis empírico de manifestaciones for her splendid work and great effort in making this artísticas concretas y sus implicaciones generales. enterprise possible. Her research experience and Constituye una satisfacción para la Dirección de esta expertise in the field of intermediality have no doubt Revista la posibilidad de haber contado con la cooperación been a crucial factor in the high quality of the de Freda Chapple, de la universidad de Sheffield, una academic and scientific results arrived at in these experta de reconocido prestigio en el área de la intermedia- pages. lidad, en calidad de editora invitada de este volumen ordi- nario de la Revista. Nos gustaría agradecer el gran esfuerzo y trabajo que Freda ha realizado en la edición de este volumen, quedando patente la alta calidad de los resultados académicos y científicos obtenidos. CLR-Nº 6 17/6/08 15:15 Página 6 CLR-Nº 6 17/6/08 15:15 Página 7 CULTURA, LENGUAJE Y REPRESENTACIÓN / CULTURE, LANGUAGE AND REPRESENTATION ˙ ISSN 1697-7750 ˙ VOL VI \ 2008, pp. 7-14 REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS CULTURALES DE LA UNIVERSITAT JAUME I / CULTURAL STUDIES JOURNAL OF UNIVERSITAT JAUME I On Intermediality One of the delights of guest editing the journal Culture, Language and Representation on the concept of Intermediality has been the privilege of reading the rich response to the call for papers, which presented different perspectives «on intermediality» from many countries around the world. The feature that is common in all articles presented here is a shared interest in what happens when traditionally ascribed, ontologically separate art forms and a variety of different media meet, merge and cross-over into the territory of another. In their different ways, the authors assess the implications of the concept of intermediality and present an analysis of emergent academic frameworks and new fields of knowledge-making. Through their analysis of intermediality in literature, theatre, music, dance, art and digital technology they explore how intermediality impacts on learning, teaching and research about and into our cultural industries and heritage. Taken together, the articles reveal the potentially radical intermedial forces that are in play as a result of intermedial exploration across disciplines, academic areas, art forms, media and modes of learning. Underpinning all of the articles, whether explicitly addressed or implicitly acknowledged, is digital technology – the new media – and its relationship to contemporary life. Whether it is through a practical exploration of the impact of new media applications on traditionally ascribed art forms, or through theoretical and historical insights into definitions of media and the inter- relationships of «new» and «old» media; the driving concern of the journal is the application and reception of digital technology into our lives – and the political and educational consequences of its arrival on our cultural consciousness. For ease of reference, the content of the journal is divided into two sections: theory and practice, but, of course, they are inter-related and readers are invited to make the connections. The theoretical perspectives on intermediality, although written independently and from different perspectives, share a common interest in «change» – change in the ways that intermediality is conceptualised CLR-Nº 6 17/6/08 15:15 Página 8 8 CULTURA, LENGUAJE Y REPRESENTACIÓN / CULTURE, LANGUAGE AND REPRESENTATION ˙ ISSN 1697-7750 ˙ VOL VI \ 2008, pp. 7-14 in relation to existing paradigms of knowledge; exploration of the medial changes that happen through the process of creating intermedial work; the change in perspective that is achieved by the way that artists and audiences participate in intermedial practice; and the potential for radical change that is encompassed in the concept of intermediality, which has within
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