Official Journal of the Ministerial Association of Seventh-day Adventists VOLUME XXXVI DECEMBER, 1963 No. 12 Editor Roy ALLAN ANDERSON IN THIS ISSUE EDITORIAL Associate Editor The Incarnation and You ______________._.. J. R. Spangler 3 ANDREW C. FEARING E. EARL CLEVELAND GENERAL ARTICLES J. R. SPANGLER Confirmed in Service ._....__._._.___________ R. Fearing 6 "Nothing to Fear for the Future Except . ." __._____.._ Managing Editor _____________________________ A. V. Wallenkampf 8 HARRY W. LOWE The Beatitudes of Revelation ______________ ______ E. Lloyd 11 Seminary Extension School in Southern Europe _____ Copy Editor _______________....___________ W. G. C. Murdoch 12 J. INA WHITE Great Words of the Bible 24 Tohu and Wabou ___ ___________________._____._____________ E. Oliveira 15 Consulting Editors Youth Join Hands With Pastors ___________ L. Nelson 17 REUBEN R. FIGUHR, WALTER R. BEACH, Some Pulpits I Have Known __.___.R. W. Engstrom 18 THEODORE CARCICH, RICHARD HAMMILL, The History of the Evolutionary Concept (Concluded) _______________________________ H. G. Hadley 22 EDWARD HEPPENSTALL, R. LEO ODOM REGULAR FEATURES Art Editor EVANGELISM T. K. MARTIN Evangelism. Among the Spanish People in North Circulation Manager America _______________ _ _____ W. Amundsen 24 J. R. SPANGLER It Works! _________________._._._._______ S. Weiss 25 Evangelism for the Jews in New York City ..._________ Overseas Contributors __..._____ _.__ .___..___________ W. Ismond 27 Bible Evangelism in Relation to the Mass Media of GEORGE BURNSIDE Australia Communication (Concluded) ____ G. L. Shafer 29 O. GMEHUNG Central Europe RESEARCH PAUL ELDRIDGE Far East The 1335 Days . ____ _____________ L. R. Van Dolson 31 DAVID H. BAASCH Inter-America Christ Our Lord (Concluded) _.______._ W. E. Read 33 Middle East WAYNE OLSON SHEPHERDESS Northern Europe E. E. ROENFELT The Charming "First Lady" (Concluded) _______ __. ENOCH OLIVEIRA South America _______:___________________ E. N. Atchley 37 T. M. ASHLOCK Southern Africa BOOKS FOR YOUR LIBRARY _.__________________ 39 Southern Asia INDEX FOR 1963 ______________..._________________ 41 G. CUPERTINO Southern Europe PULPIT POINTERS FOR PREACHERS ..____.___. 48 Editorial Office: 6840 Eastern Avenue NW. "When they [the wise men] were come into the house, they Washington, D.C. saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, Printed and published monthly for the Min and worshipped him" (Matt. 2:11). isterial Association of Seventh-day Adventists by the Review and Herald Publishing Associa tion, Washington, D.C. 20012, U.S.A. $4.00 a year; 40c a copy. Prices slightly higher in Change of Address Canada. Add 25c for yearly subscriptions to "When writing us about your subscription or changing your address, countries requiring extra postage. Second-class please enclose the address label from your copy or from the wrapper in postage paid at Washington, D.C. which you received the journal. THE MINISTRY yond comprehension and connect it with miserable money-making schemes. More than one businessman has said: "If some body abolished Christmas, I would go out of business." In the midst of this hallelujah-hilarious spree it not only is apparent but impera tive for ministers of God to turn the minds of men toward the miracle at Bethlehem two thousand years ago. Did Isaiah Realize? Did Isaiah comprehend the thought con tained in verse 6 of chapter 9? "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government will be upon his shoulder, and his name will be called ©Wonderful Coun selor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace© " (R.S.V.). Surely the church members of his day saw only dimly the overwhelming love and truth embod ied in this statement. Even we who live 2,700 years this side of the prophecy and cJne incarnation 2,000 years this side of its fulfillment can only touch the depth and meaning of this truth with the finger tips of our intellect and emotions. As we study the Incarnation with all the aids available we cannot help exclaiming: "O God, it is impossible for us to grasp the thought it is too great, too overwhelming!©© ana LJou A Son Is Given Many a great mind has stumbled over the term "Son of God." Followers of the Islamic faith mock Christians with the ri diculous question, "Who was God©s wife?" The surrendered mind does not limit or narrow the power of God but understands that concepts must be understood by (IME-STORE divinities, men; otherwise language would have little model mangers, plastic meaning. Let us put ourselves in God©s virgins, shepherd and sheep place a moment and we would be forced to facsimiles, will soon be exclaim: "For my thoughts are not your flanked by Santa Claus cos thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, tumes and Christmas-tree dec saith the Lord. For as the heavens are orations. The incomparable higher than the earth, so are my ways higher revelation of God in human than your xvays, and my thoughts than flesh will lie buried beneath an avalanche your thoughts" (Isa. 55:8, 9). of tinsel, sleigh bells, reindeer, and other The very fact that the Lord Jesus as incongruous objects. Satan©s manipulation sumed the title "Son of God" is evidence of of depraved minds has resulted in sweeping Heaven©s love for man, for a father-son re the inhabitants of the Christian and non- lationship draws from the human heart Christian world alike into the dustpan of feelings of tenderness and love. We need perversion. It is perversion of the worst to ever remember that God used a concept order when a race of beings created in the that not only is understandable by the hu image of God and redeemed at such infinite man race but which commands respect and sacrifice will so defiantly take a theme be- love. DECEMBER, 1963 A Comprehensible God after a son was born to him. Every baby We have stood in the midst of hundreds should remind us that "unto us a son is of heathen temples from Ball to Bombay given." The home, the parent-child rela and watched the incredible take place. tionship, should constantly remind us of Confused worshipers would wade through the Incarnation. But today it is difficult to rites and ceremonies, some most objection stir the minds of people with the Bethle able, in an effort to find their god or gods. hem story. Compare this jumbled, incoherent, con Satan stood in wonder before Bethle fused bell ringing hodgepodge of temples, hem©s manger, but he was not caught off idols, trinkets, and services with our God guard completely. From Eden until now whom we serve and love, "Unto us a son perversion of the marriage relationship is given." What language, what a concept and the breakup of the home is the most a child, a son born into the world! significant part of his vile plan of rebellion. How else could God come to this world? It is another method of his to discredit the Like Santa Claus in a sled pulled by rein glory of the Incarnation. The population deer? Revolting and ridiculous thought! explosion today is a result not of parental What family with a spark of love in their love for children but rather of ignorance hearts would ever choose to have a baby and uncontrolled passion. brought into this world any other way than Respect of man for man has been greatly God has ordained? One of the most remark reduced by irresponsible procreation. In able features of the Incarnation is the way many minds today the death of another God the Son became part of the human human being is about as insignificant as family. He came in such a way that would the demise of a fly. The ever-increasing diet cement Himself directly with the hearts of murder, suicides, and even accidents, and minds of people. He attached Himself dished up by the daily newspapers, is de to the human race in the most sacred and voured by thousands with no apparent tender way possible. shock. The human race has descended deeply into the cold pit of unsympathetic Incarnation Counterfeit feeling when we consider that Adam and Satan©s success in perverting God©s plan Eve mourned more deeply over the falling by destroying the Incarnation concept leaf than men do today over the death of a from the minds of men has succeeded re fellow being. Massive birth rates plus mas markably well. Entire nations have imi sive liquidations of human life have done tated the Incarnation. The ancient Egyp much to nullify the deep feelings and emo tians© belief of the Pharaohs being the sons tions wrapped up in the Incarnation. of Amen-Ra undoubtedly influenced God©s Made of a Woman choice of the tenth plague. The Exodus movement really got started when the To ponder the theme of Christ©s human Egyptians© incarnation theories were ity should ever bring forth fresh thoughts blasted by the death of the first-born. and new revelations of God©s love. "God A twentieth-century counterfeit incarna sent forth his Son, made of a woman" (Gal. tion gave impetus to the Japanese military 4:4). I confess I cannot understand this. regime, which centered on the false prem My mind is too small the best I can do is ise that the emperor was divine and his to accept it. Sometimes I think if the full subjects were the sons of heaven. This is impact of this thought should ever burst just a sample of Satan©s gigantic scheme upon my mind, my brain would explode.
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