PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON H3(l):70-76. 2000. A new genus and species of ghost shrimp from Tobago, West Indies (Crustacea: Decapoda: Callianassidae) Richard Heard and Raymond B. Manning (RH) Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, East Beach Road, Ocean Springs, Mississippi 39564, U.S.A.; (RBM) Department of Invertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560-0163, U.S.A. Abstract.—The new genus Pseudobijfarius is the seventh genus of Calli- anassinae recognized from the Americas. This monotypic genus is based on its type species from Tobago, West Indies, Pseudobijfarius caesari, new species. It differs from all members of the subfamily in having a very short, stout upper flagellum on the Al peduncle. Collections of a very small callianassid do-, false, with the generic name Biffarius, were made on Tobago by two individuals alluding to the resemblance of the present at different times, Lois Nickell in 1989 and genus to the latter The gender is masculine. Richard Heard in 1992 and 1993. The spe­ Diagnosis.—Size relatively small, tl of cies was initially identified as a member of adults less than 30 mm. Carapace with acute Biffarius Manning & Felder, 1991, but clos­ rostral projection, lacking rostral carina or er examination after Heard's collections of spine. Cornea dorsal, subterminal, disk- 1993 revealed that it represented not only a shaped, corneal elements distinct. Al pedun­ new species but also a new genus as well. cle longer than A2 peduncle; dorsal flagel­ The new taxa are named here. lum of Al peduncle short and stout, shorter The types have been deposited in the Na­ than peduncle. Mxp3 without exopod, ischi- tional Museum of Natural History, Smithson­ um-merus operculiform; inner face of ischi­ ian Institution, Washington, D.C. (USNM). um with cristate ridge of strong teeth; merus Carapace length (cl) measured as post- projecting slightly beyond articulation with orbital carapace length and total length (tl), carpus; last 3 segments slender Chelipeds measured on the midlineare in millimeters unequal in male, equal in female, with meral (mm). Other abbreviations: Al, antennule; hook. Plpl uniramous in both sexes; Plp2 A2, antenna; leg., collector; m, meter(s); absent in male, biramous in female; Plp3—5 Maxl-2, maxillae 1-2; Mxpl-3, maxilli- foliaceus, with stubby, projecting appendices peds 1—3; Pl-5, pereopods 1-5 (PI and P2 intemae in both sexes. are chelipeds, P3-5 walking legs); Plpl-5, Remarks.—Manning & Felder (1991) pleopods 1-5. recognized and named three American gen­ era in this subfamily, Biffarius, Neotrypaea, Family Callianassidae Dana, 1852 and Notiax, and in 1992 added a fourth, Subfamily Callianassinae Dana, 1852 Gilvossius. Rodrigues & Manning (1992) Pseudobijfarius, new genus added a fifth, Poti. Heard & Manning (1998) added a sixth, Necallianassa. Poti Type species.—Pseudobijfarius caesari, and the type genus of the family, Calli- new species, by present designation and anassa Leach, 1814, differ from the re­ monotypy. mainder of these genera by having slender Etymology.—The generic name is Mxp3, which are pediform rather than op­ formed by combining the Latin prefix pseu- erculiform; Poti also differs from all other VOLUME 113, NUMBER 1 71 genera in the subfamily by having an in­ Pigeon Point [11°10'N, 60°51'W], depth complete linea thalassinica on the carapace. 1 m, on sand, leg. R. Heard, 15 Jan 1993: Members of Neotrypaea and Notiax are 1 female, cl 4.4 mm (paratype, USNM jcnown only from the eastern Pacific; mem­ 260967). bers of the other genera are known only Lowlands Lagoon [= Petit Trou; from the western Atlantic. 13°50'N, 61°05'W], leg. R. Heard, sta. 9, 7 Members of Pseudobijfarius can be dis­ Apr 1992: 1 male, cl 5.4 mm (paratype, tinguished at once from the American gen­ USNM 260971). era with broad Mxp3 by the short, stout dor­ Diagnosis.—Size very small, cl 6.0 mm sal flagellum of Al. They further differ from or less and tl 30 mm or less in adults. Tel­ both Neotrypaea and Gilvossius in having son subrectangular, with small submarginal the appendix intemae of the Plp3-5 embed­ spines posteriorly and distinct median and ded in the edge of the pleopod, whereas they posterolateral spines. Mxp3 ischium-merus are projecting in Pseudobiffarius, as in Bif~ operculiform, without exopod, inner surface farius, Necallianassa and Notiax. In Notiax of ischium with strong crest of teeth. Major the second male pleopod is present, whereas cheliped not dimorphic in males; merus of it is absent in Pseudobijfarius; members of both chelipeds with ventral hook. Male Notiax also have a strong rostral spine ex­ lacking Plp2. Uropods unarmed. tending almost beyond the cornea and a me­ Description.—Carapace (Figs. 1, 4a—c) dian distal spine on the telson. Members of smooth, with dorsal oval, without cardiac Biffarius lack the strong ridge of teeth pre­ prominence; cervical groove distinct; linea sent on the inner margin of the Mxp3 in thalassinica distinct, parallel to longitudinal members of Pseudobiffarius. axis of body; rostrum short, acute, not pro­ duced into distinct spine; lateral frontal pro­ Pseudobiffarius caesari, new species jections present, low, obtuse. Figs. 1, 2, 3a-k, n-o, 4, 5a Abdominal somites (Figs. 1, 4a, d) smooth, somite 1 saddle-like, shortest; so­ Material.—Tobago: Lover's Beach, mite 2 longest, almost twice as long as so­ northwest corner of Man O'War Bay mite 6, with small tuft of setae posterolat- [iri9'N, 60°34'W], protected beach and erally, set in submarginal longitudinal shallow reef, depth ca. 2 m, leg. R. Heard, crease; somites 3—5 subequal in length, sta 3, 6 Apr 1992: 1 male, cl 3.2 mm (par- each with small lateral row of setae set in atype, USNM 260965). submarginal crease; somite 6 about as long Pirate's Cove, east side of Man O'War as telson, with median carina. Telson (Fig. Bay, depth 2-3 m, leg. R. Heard, 12 Jan 4e, f) subrectangular, tapering posteriorly, 1992: 3 females, 2 non-ovigerous, cl 2.6 slightly longer than wide, with anterior tuft and 3.8, 1 ovigerous, cl 4.1 (paratypes, of setae mid-dorsally and some isolated se­ USNM 260970). tae and small spinules dorsally, submarginal Buccoo Reef [11°11'N, 60°49'W], back row of spinules present posteriorly; poste­ reef area with sand bottom, depth ca. 2 m, rior margin setose, emarginate, with median leg. R. Heard, sta lOA (1992 sta 2), 11 Jan spine and 2 pairs of posterolateral spines. 1993: 1 male, cl 4.7 mm (holotype, USNM Eyes (Figs. 1, 4a-c, 5a) flattened, slightly 260966). convex, about as long as first segment of Coral Gardens, Buccoo Reef, depth 5 m, Al peduncle, external margins moderately leg. Lois Nickell, 6 Jul 1989: 1 female, cl convergent, mesial margins parallel, tips 3.6 mm (paratype, USNM 260968).—Coral pointed; cornea rounded, darkly pigmented, Gardens, Buccoo Reef, depth 2 m, leg. Lois subterminal. Nickell, 2 Aug 1989: 1 female, cl 6.0 mm, Al peduncle (Figs. 4a, b, 5a) extending tl 26 mm (paratype, USNM 260969). beyond A2 peduncle; segment 3 more than 72 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Fig. L Pseudobijfarius caesari, new genus and species, male holotype (USNM 260966), cl 4.7 mm, Buccoo Reef. Lateral view. Scale = 1 mm. twice as long as segment 2, segment 1 sub- 5-segmented endopod, terminal segment equal to segment 2; upper flagellum stout, short, spatulate; exopod unsegmented, much shorter than distal segment of pedun­ shorter than endopodal merus; protopod cle. A2 peduncle (Figs. 4a, b, 5a) with seg­ with small setose epipod, apparently lack­ ment 4 slightly shorter than segment 3 and ing arthrobranch. Mxp3 (Fig. 3h-k) ischi- as long as segment 1 and 2 together; anten- um-merus sub-operculiform; ischium about nal scale not evident; flagellum much lon­ as wide as long, mesial surface with dentate ger than peduncle. crest of large teeth; merus more than 1.5 Mandible (Fig. 3a, b) with numerous times wider than long, almost 4 times wider small teeth on incisor process; molar pro­ than carpus and propodus, distal margin of cess unarmed; palp 3-segmented, segment outer face projecting beyond articulation 3 elongate, longer than segments 1 and 2 with carpus; propodus much longer than combined, tapering distally. Maxl (Fig. 3c) wide, tapering distally, only slightly wider with broad basal endite, distal lobe almost than digitiform dactylus. forming right angle; coxal endite elongate, Males with very unequal chelipeds. In triangular; palp slender, with curved tip. larger cheliped of male (Figs. 1, 2a, b): is­ Max2 (Fig. 3d) with protopodal endites bi- chium with ventral margin spinulose in lobed, distalmost lobe elongate, triangular; largest of 3 males; merus with dorsal mar­ palp slender; exopod broad, with crenulated gin spinulose in proximal fourth, smooth margins. Mxpl (Fig. 3e) with protopodal distally, posterior margin with spinules endites very slender, bilobed; palp very proximal to distally-directed hook, with dis­ small but distinct, longer than wide; exopod tal portion serrated; carpus distinctly longer bilobed, mesial margin densely setose with than wide, smooth dorsally and ventrally, short, spatulate setae (Fig. 3f); epipod sub- broadly rounded proximally; palm shorter rectangular, elongate. Mxp2 (Fig. 3g) with than carpus, length less than height; fingers VOLUME 113, NUMBER 1 73 Fig. 2. Pseudobiffarius caesari, new genus and species, a, Male major PI, outer aspect; b, Male major PI, inner aspect; c, Female P2; d, Male P2; e, Male minor PI; f, Juvenile male minor PI, setae omitted; g, Juvenile male major PI; h, Male P3; i, Female P4; j, Female P5; k, Female Plpl; 1, Female Plp2. a, b, d, male holotype (USNM 260966), cl 4.7 mm, Buccoo Reef; c, g, h, k, 1, female paratype (USNM 260967), cl 4.4 mm.
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