• ■ /-vr ■ ( . *• —-x..icn-ian. J. Jun-03-66x- 0 3 - 6 6 X ir \ % Idaho^ho, 33tate ta t Historical Sooletvsoiety Boise,* Idaho 0 V V ....... ......................- . ^ /// W eath err _____________' ■ ☆ * ' F in al * _____ — I-iC ooIb tL T onlght-,^ ■ "lEI aitioiu— “ With Frost_ t TheTbe M*Magic Valley Newspaperaper bed]Dedicated to Serving and ProPromoting the Growth of Nine Irrigated Idaho Countieso n n tie s >66 VOL. 48, NO. 3 ~ _____________________________________ ............. " TWTWIN FALLS, IDAHO,O, MONMONDAY, APRIL 18, 1966 TEN CENTS: M eningitisitis R uled I M a n s f i i c e l d J JJ r r i g e s O ut in Dej)eath of I i j t i .y , 1I ^A r r a ni g g e m e nn t t o f M o t h e r a n d S o n | Spinal Meningitis has beeneen ruleruled out as the cause of ‘MM k Sm death of 19-year-old motherier and her I3-month-oId sonon t peU who died Saturday night enroute to Twin Falls from)m » A s i a nI IP e a c ee IM e e t Phoenix. Dr. Luther C. Tliompsoiriiompson. Twin Falls County> ty ___ r ' H i 'y U O utopsies indtcate"thert^-pre=- — F _i______ WASHINGTON (AP)-Sen.— Sen. MMi ik a n v in n.sfii>1d D -M/Tont.. ont.._crnllecl a lli today for efforts to coroner, said results of autopsies arrange an Asian peacee conferenceconferei to bring aboutit “a directdirec confrontation across encephalitis. Meningitis was'a s Hp surnably died of viral encepha the peace table between;n ourselvesourselv antl Hanoi. Peking and : te r iking and such elements in South believed the cause of deathath late Saturday night after Wl ! Viet Nam as may be essential to preliminary examinations of the ttwo after they arrived H b :! V ie t isential to the making and keepingkeeping of the peaceful settlement ^ in the region.” MansfieldId said the tiine m ay have arrivedarrived for a new attempt to open ---------------------- - ^ ~ at MiMagic Valley Memorial H H negotiations but gave; "nono ■ ------------------------------------- Hospital. I indicationin d ii of how such a X G e m i n i 9 ^ Dr. Thompson said viralral H encephalitis is a virus B ■- conference might be "ar- U.S. Jetss SmashSn I __ fanged in tiie light of prc- ■ which causes inflammation of -- L aunch Set the brain, afld evidence of this I ., ,V3ous rejections—l>y Hanoi of fTTl was apparent in the mother, 1 '■ -.American overtures for negotia- I B tions. For M ay 17 ^1-M rs, Jose E scobar, but not in KvOI^Ki ' t ? t i o n s “““'Two Missile3sile Sites ^ her sson Jose Escobar. Dr, 2 Mansfield made his statement 1 on tthe Senate floor whilerthe the SAIGON. North Viett Nam (AP)—U.(AF S. Air Force Jets CAPE KENNEDY. Fla. (AP)P) ThomfThompson said cultures werei - B gI im l I 2 - ■. senaiSenate FcSreign Relations Com- smsmitshednwD-Soviet-built it uilt missilem issile sites on the outskirts of , —Gemini 9 astronauts Thomasas made from .samples taken from .■r- the infant and unti! laboratoryory 9 mittee was hearing testimonymony HanoiHan in the closest raid yet to the North Vietnamese P . Stafford and E ugene A, Cer- the in: ■ from Secretary of State Dean capi nan will be launched into spacece tests fprove differently, he must Dean capital a'nd left two key’bridges:ey‘bridges in ruins, U. S. spokes- lu- presume tho child died of the it' Rusk.R usk men reported today. Another j M ay IV.the, National Aeronau- presun R u Another group of Navy fighter- tics and Space Administrationon same infection which killed his M Rusk told the commiltecj .n:i.,f,ni H freely elected South Vietnamese! bom. bers set off a huge;e e.xplosidne.xplosidr at a suspected missile announced today. motheim other.' low ai^'“^ 27 miles south of the coastacoastal city of Vinh. IfiO m iles ed Dr. Tliompson said the child rflWKlBBl “ regiiiregime which chose to folllow News media have carried Dr. wid honaligiicdhona policy "would create;rcate! soijitsoijith of Hanoi, silencedsnced sevensevc nearby antiaircraft this date for several weeks. Butlul was f(found (lead with his facc |k no P’problems for us.” ? ^ ■ bbatteries a tt and sank a junk. NASA makes a practice of notlot facing the floor and his dead M a in- m other atop of him. D r. TTiomp- W Mansfield told the Senate that Led by target-marking F- muking an official dale an- mothei B President Johnson has followed i ’ 1 ys son said this would indicate, Wm lowed Film S tar, 100{'oo'* S u p er S a b re je ts In nouncem ent '^until about 30 days son si 8 a wise course of restraint dur- ' , but not prove, the child suf- in advance. ' hut n( 9BIP I ing the political turmoil in Sai- J o clear afternoon skies, a During the three-day flightht focatecfocated. He said the exact H ■ Joel M cCrealJl ' pack^ of Air Force supersonic the a.stronauts are to link up virus 'which killed Mrs. Escobar HBB b A V 1-105 Thunderchiefs began the ;r- will not bc known until tiie H Mansfield suggested Japan or raid around Hanoi Sunday by with an Agena satellite nnd Cer- will n K B urn Burma as an appropriate set- nan i.s to take a lengthy spacece laboratoryahorai results come back "H Shops in T.F. ,a hurling 7.'iO-poiind bom bs a t a later in lhe week. Tliomp.son B ting fqr a "Viet Nam pcace con- walk of about 2 '/2 hours. later ■ fcrcnferen ee. ...j. F bridge 33 miles south of the . The flight will be simitar In said "cultures must be grown and ‘‘Twin Falls is a betterr place icapiiicapital on the road to the chief (.J, liecause of the difficulty in fi Rusk expressed confidence□ence toto docl business and shopop for port of Haiphong, many respects lo that which Jg that if elections are held as mnc] had been planned for Gemini 8,8 growirgrowing viruses, this will takelke HH “ ranch supplies.” was the reason ThThe span was put out of com- •nl se v era l days, * — pplanned lan r this August, the people given by motion picture■e star missmission, a spokesman said. which had to make an emergen- severa jij of South Viet Nam will not "be cy landing last month when a Dr. Thompson snid results , of WINTER’S ARTWORK INN April wawas thc result of a sprinklerInkier belbeing left on Sunday night at * Joel McCrea for his visit;lt here ThT he jets then m oved closer to se the culture growth will probably y, lielow degrees. Only part thisL. the first people to elect a com-Com- iviondayr^„„. mbrning. ^ the capital blasting a ml-ssilo jet thruster stuck open because 'he cu , 'y the Twin Falls Masonic Templemple as tentemperatures dropped below S2 i of munist regime.” of a short circuit and sent thehe prove; the virus to be one of the ,tree hadj Ice on, It Monday' morning. (Tlmcs-News photo) McCrea. who has been1 In thc miles south of the city spacecraft spinning wildly in Influeninfluenza family, "of which [here I r ........................... ..........., )^ RRusk, u the first Cabinet offi- picture business for 30 years.years another 17 miles southwest * * * * * * * * ' ' - 7 i*corc e r toI ba questioned in public ^ space. ■ are 189 different known types, J now spends approximatelyly one- rockets and 20mm cannon S tafford, a n A ir F o rc e lieu-:u- but .salsaid he i.i not just sure which * I ' by senators since the drive® for third of his time in Ruby Valley.Vallev ^ explosion rocked a one it will bo. He said this is a j \ "I ^ Friendlier I I elections broke out in Viet-Nam L 1, 1 ' one of the missile complexes, a teirant colonel, and Cernan, a one it L ll MOSCOW (AP) —The :] durin - re- where he operates a cattlo Navy lieutenant commander,!r, form oof sleeping sickness, but|1Area is Shuddeidders From e ; j during congress’s Easter re- pilot reported. The airmen spot- V are- to catch the Agena in thehe in no way connected with Ihe _ : West gels friendlier greet-1- | I ; ; cess.cess, said he linderstoodI thethe ^^nch. „ ted rockets on the launching I I ings and,R,ed China is de- electi -mak- "Ride thc High Country” with pads , thifd Qrbit. AfricaiAfrican sleeping sickness cau.sed | .. !- eleclion of a constitution-mak- / with pads just before they roared In ------ During his spaco walk, Cer-?r- by the Tse Tse fly. ^ J I I moled in the Soviet:t ':' ■ inging iassembly will be lieldId inIn 'hethe 1late Randolph Scott wasvas the but only one missile was sent :' Unseasonaflaf ^Snowfall Union's[ new May Dayy ^ Aiigu ^ August. lastlast Ipicture McCrea appearedared in up.up, It] mis.sed. naij will wear a self-containeded He said none of the otlierIier slogans, whic h are walch-1- ---------------------- 1— befor backpack -which will have small:ill mmembi em bers of the c a ra v a n have M o t ut in an imexpcctcd appcarance before his semi-retirement.nt. The Threey), other flighs of Thun- MothballCid fur coals put itr nn tu , ed each ve.ir for signs ofif • - p j I "I • T pictup ictu re, film ed in 1962, m arkedarkcd derchiefsderc struck th e m ain tTiil- rq^tets to help him move aboutut been quanantincd.q Allhoiigh this Mondaylyjondi us J^lagic Valleyy shuddeisliuddtMcd beneath as much'ucn' ppolicy change.
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