INIS-mf—10445 I GtoicoNoats u PO1CHEFS1ROOM GEOKONGRES 84 20STE GEOLOGIESE KONGRES VAN DIE 20TH GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS OF THE GEOLOGIESE VERENIGING GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY VAN SUID-AFRIKA OF SOUTH AFRICA POTCHEFSTROOM, 9 — 13 JULIE/JULY, 1984 OPSOMMINGS ABSTRACTS DEEL 1 ALGEMEEN PART 1 GENERAL AFKORTINGS/ABBREVIATIONS (GS) Geostatistiek Geostatistics (M) Mineralogie en Petrologie Mineralogy and Petrology (0) Oopsittings Open Sessions (P) Plakkaat Poster (S) Sedimentologie Sedimentology (V - D) Ventersdorp- en Dominiumopeenvolgings Ventersdorp and Dominion Successions * Presidensiele Rede Presidential Address INHOUD/CONTENTS (P) BARNARDO, D.J. and G.F.J. HORN Bauxite in Natal 1 (M) BEUKES, G.J., A.E. SCHOCH, H. DE BRUIYN, W.A. VAN DER WESTHUIZEN en L.D.C. BOK "n Buitengewone mineraalparagenese in sillima= niethouđenđe gesteer.tes van die Pofadder-distrik. 4 (O) BEUKES, N.J. and J.P. VAN WYK Thrust faulting along the edge of the Kaapvaal Craton in Griqualand West 8 (O) BRISTOW, J.W. Plinian air-fall activity and rhyolitic dome building in the Bumbeni Complex, Southern Lebombo . 11 (S) CAIRNCROSS, B. Depositional environments and coal seam charac= teristics in the north-eastern Witbank Coalfield.. 14 (P) CAMISANI-CALZOLARI, F.A.G.M., W.J. DE KLERK and P.J. VAN DER MERWE South.' African uranium resource estimates 17 (GS) CARTER, C.J. and R. SCHNEEWEISS Application of geostatistical techniques at the Otjihase Cu-Zn-Ag-S orebody, South West Africa/ Namibia . 19 (S) CHRISTIE, A.D.M. Depositional models for coal seam formation in the Klip River Coalfield, northern Natal 22 (S) COLLISTON, W.P. and J.C. LOOCK The determination of the stratigraphie polarity in Proterozoic metasedimentary rock using sedimentary cycles 26 (0) COLLISTON, W.P., H.E. PRAEKELT, D. STRYDOM, G. VAN ASWEGEN, H.J. BLIGNAULT and A.E. SCHOCH The recognition of low angle thrusts in central Bushmanland, Namaqua Mobile Belt 29 (M) CONRADIE, J.A. en A.E. SCHOCH Petrologiese en petrochemiese verwantskappe van die Koperbergsuite, Namakwaland 33 (M) DIXON, ROGER Sugilite and the associated mineral assemblage from Wessels Mine, Kalahari Manganese Field 36 (0) EBERLE, D. and E.H. STETTLER A quantitative geophysical stratigraphy in the Western Bushveld Complex 40 (M) GERINGER, G.J., H. DE BRUIYN, B.J.V. BOTHA and W.A. VAN DER WESTFUIZEN The geochemistry and petrogenetic relationships of some granites with mafic inclusions in the Keimoes Suite, the Namaqua Mobile Belt - A possible, magma mixing model 4 5 (S) GERRARD, I., K. STALLBOM and P. UNSTEAD Late Aptian to Cenomanian submarine fans, west coast, Republic of South Africa 49 (V - D) GROBLER, N.J. and N.A. BLEEKER A Makwassie-Rietgat complex SW of Warrenton, Northern Cape 52 / (M) HALLBAUER, D.K. Archaean granitic sources for the detrital mineral assemblage in Witwatersrand conglomerates 53 (M) HALLBAUER, D.K. and M. NAMI Gold distribution in Witwatersrand palaeo-placers 57 (S) KARPETA, W.P. The sedimentology and stratigraphie setting of the "A" reef placers, Aandenk .Formation, on President Steyn Gold Mine, Welkom, Orange Free State 61 (M) KLEYENSTÜBER, A.S.E. The mineralogy of the Voëlwater sedimentary rocks in the North-Western Cape, South Africa ... 63 (GS) KRIGE, D.G. The use of geostatistics in defining and re= ducing the uncertainty of grade estimates 66 * KYLE, D.L. Mineral discovery - The philosophy and strategy 6 7 (GS) LEMMER, I.C. Estimating recoverable reserves in a new way ... 72 (0) LOOCK, J.C. Zircons from the granites and gneisses of the Namaqua Mobile Belt and the interpretation of radiometric ages 77 (GS) MAGRI, E.J. and J.S. MOSTERT Some applications of geostatistics in mineral exploration 80 (M) MARSH, JULIAN Geochemistry of Karoo basalts and dolerites in the northeastern Orange Free State : Recognition and origin of two new Karoo basalt magma types . 87 (P) MARSH, JULIAN Karoo basalts of the Springbok Flats, Transvaal: Geochemistry and correlation 91 (S) MASON, T.R. Late Trias^ic Isopodichnus from the Natal Drakensberg 95 (S) MASON, T.R. and A.D.M. CHRISTIE Palaeoenvironmental significance of Ichnogenus Diplocraterion Torell from the Vryheid Forma= tion of Natal 99 (V - D) MCCARTHY, T.S. and A.B. CADLE The geology of the Bezuidenhout Valley graben .. 103 (O) MEYER, R., J.H. DE BEER and S.J. JOUBERT Geoelectrical study of the Bushveld Complex .... 105 (S) MILLER, R. McG., E.E. FREYER and I.W. HaLBICH A turbidite succession equivalent to the complete Swakop Group 108 (M) MIYANO, T. and N.J. BEUKES Mineralogy and petrology of the amphibole asbestos-bearing rocks of the Penge Iron For= mation, Transvaal Supergroup, Penge area 109 (M) MOORE, A.E. ' The post-Gondwanaland alkaline igneous province of Southern Africa 114 (GS) MORRISON, D.L., and S.L. MILLER What can be done with computerized gold data values 118 (P) OBERHOLSTER, R.E. Some examples of the application of geology • and mineralogy to building materials research 122 (P) SAGGERSON, E.P. and L.M. TURNER The metamorphic map of South Africa (1:1 000 000) 125 (M) SCHOCH, A.E., en E. KLATT Die verspreiding van pekels en kooldioksied in vloeistofinsluitsels van die gneise en gemeta= morfiseerde sedimentere gesteentes van die Noodwes-Kaap 128 (M) SMITS, G. The mineralogy on planes of unconformity within the Central Rand Group of the Witwaters= rand 133 _v (M) SOUTHWOOD, M.J. The influence of mineralogical parameters on the leachability of low-grade nickel deposits. 135 (V - D) STANISTREET, I.G. and T.S. MCCARTHY The tectono-sedimentary setting of the Ventersdorp outlier at Kromdraai, north-west of Johannesburg 138 (GS) STEFFENS, F.E. 1 Introduction to geostatistics. 140 (O) STRYDOM, D. Techniques employed during the structural- , stratigraphic mapping of the Proterozoic rocks of Western Bushmanland 142 (M) SWASH, P.M. The role of the mineralogist in the copper- mining industry 145 (P) TERBLANCHE, J.C. "n Fasieanalise van die basale Beaufortgroep in die Noordwes-Orar je-Vrystaat 148 (M) THERON, J.C. and A.E. 3CHOCH Uranium and thorium distribution in the Contreberg granite, Darling 150 (M) TORDIFFE, E.A.W. and A.E. SCHOCH Multi-element interpretation of regional stream sediment geochemical survey results from the Bushmanland region 154 (P) TWEMLOW, S.G. The Archaean gold-telluride-sulphide and gold-telluride mineralisation of a multiple stage hydrothermal vein deposit at the Com= moner Mine, Zimbabwe 156 (O) VAN ASWEGEN, G. The significance of the Gladkop Suite for the "Basement Problem" in the Namaqua Mobile Belt. 159 (M) VAN REENEN, D.D. Characterization of metamorphic fluid compo= sition associated with retrograde metamorphism in the Limpopo Belt in South Africa 163 (GS) VAN TONDER, G.J. Geostatistics applied in geohydrology 166 (S) VISSER, J.N.J. The problem of facies analysis in the Permo-Carboniferous Dwyka Formation 173 (M) VON RAHDEN, H.V.R. & M.J.E. Quantitative X-Ray diffraction: Fact or fantasy? 177 (GS) WOOD, I.D. An application of geostatistics in the Eastern Transvaal Coal Fields 178 ADDENDUM * WL VAN WYK: Role of the South African Government in the Mining Industry. (S) N STAVRAKIS & N HILLER: A Triassic Arid-Zone Anastomosed Fluvial Deposit from the Karoo Basin. (S) BG ELS: Sedimentological Controls of Gold Distribution in the Middelvlei Reef, Doornfontein Gold Mine. (S) MP MULLINS: Gold Distribution as related to Sedimentary Facies in the VCR on Deelkraal Gold Mine, Carletonville Goldfield. (S) IZAK C'. RUST: Sedimentary Facies. ******** ]- BAUXITE IN NATAL by D.3. BarnardD and G.F.J. Horn Geological Survey, Private Hag X 112, Pretoria, 0001 Following the discovery of bauxite deposits in the Mooi River, Ldeza and Ngome areas in Natal by L private concern, the Geological Survey launched a reconnaissance txploretion program tD locate Dther simil- ar deposits in this province. Bauxite is an aluminous, laterit^c weathering product of a suitable parent rock. It contains ksolinite, goethite-limonite end qusrtz, with sufficient quantitie? of aluminium hydroxide in the form of gibbsite (AlgCb^HgD) to be Economically viable as a source of alumina (AI2O3) and aluminium metal. Bauxite deposits in Western Australian deposits operate at s cut-Dff Df around U8r,'j oibbsite, which is the lomest-arade material currently mined. "" In South Afriud, the most suitable conditions for the formation Df bauxite are found in Natal. Potential targets UJBTE selected on the basis of three factors important in the process of bauxitisstiDn, i.e. precipitation, geomprphology and parent rack. Selected targets were inspected in the field and surface samples of the parent rock and it's directly associated weathering products were collected. Any promising targets were then followed up by auger drilling and samples of potential bauxitic material mere col- lected. Samples of the parent rock and the weathering products were analysed in the laboratory of the Geological Survey by mesns of XRF for major oxides while loss on ignition was determined gravimetrically. In addition, analyses of the quartz content of samples of the weather- ing products were carried out by XRD. Available alumina is the amount of Al2U- extractable from bsuxitB under plant conditions. A technique was devised tD calculate the gibbsite content, end from this the percentage of available alumina, using the concentrations of qutrtz, Fe203jloss on ignition and re- active silica. The latt.^ ^.s. the difftrence ast-.S-n the totsl silica content end thL j.-njura j_f qu:.rtz in th= scruple. IncicLtec resources Df materiel cznzsir.Lrc mere then 2Q*-. avziliule clun-.in^ LEIE EubEsqusntly G^ti-rnl-in f^r biX;. bi.lt results by using the polygcnsl msthco. Tct^l incicii^L :C.LJJ:CEE EMU"! to 129 Mt cf bauxitic matsrial contsin-'-in b:t. ttr. Zl -_~.C 37;. r-i/iilrblE ^lumir.r. D.J. BarnarcD ano G.F.J. The genesis of bauxite duperies on scv^rrl factors.
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