ORSAM ORTADOĞU ORTADOĞU ETÜTLERİ ORTADOĞU ETÜTLERİ Siyaset ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi CİLT 5 / SAYI 2 Saudi Women under the Context of the Arab Spring Alejandra Galindo Marines Iranian Women: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back Marzieh Kouhi Esfahani Exploring the Causes of Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt Maria Syed Hizballah in Syria: The Limits of the Democracy/Moderation Paradigm Dara Conduit Rethinking State-Society Relations in Syria until 1970: What Does the Center-Periphery Model Tell Us? Nuri Salık Political Economy of Turkish-Iranian Relations: Three Asymmetries Serhan Ünal & Eyüp Ersoy Book Review / The Arab Uprising: The Unfinished Revolutions of The New Middle East Zeynep Sütalan ORTADOĞU ORSAM ORTADOĞU STRATEJİK ARAŞTIRMALAR MERKEZİ CENTER FOR MIDDLE EASTERN STRATEGIC STUDIES Süleyman Nazif Sokak No: 12-B Kat: 3-4 ETÜTLERİ Cilt-5, Sayı-2, Ocak 2014 Çankaya - Ankara - TÜRKİYE Tel: +90 (312) 430 26 09 Fax: +90 (312) 430 39 48 www.orsam.org.tr, [email protected] ISSN: 1309-1557 {Cilt-5, Sayı-2, Ocak 2014} ORSAM ORTADOĞU STRATEJİK ARAŞTIRMALAR MERKEZİ CENTER FOR MIDDLE EASTERN STRATEGIC STUDIES ORTADOĞU ETÜTLERİ MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES Siyaset ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi Journal of Politics and International Relations Ocak 2014, Cilt 5, Sayı 2 / January 2014, Volume 5, No 2 www.orsam.org.tr Hakemli Dergi / Refereed Journal Yılda iki kez yayımlanır / Published biannualy Sahibi / Owner: Şaban KARDAŞ, ORSAM adına / on behalf of ORSAM Editör / Editor: Özlem TÜR Yönetici Editör / Managing Editör: Tamer KOPARAN Sorumlu Yazı İşleri Müdürü / Managing Coordinator: Habib HÜRMÜZLÜ YAYIN KURULU / EDITORIAL BOARD Meliha Altunışık Middle East Technical University Bülent Aras Director of Center for Strategic Strategic Research of the Ministry of Turkish Foreign Affairs Tayyar Arı Uludağ University İlker Aytürk Bilkent University Salih Bıçakcı Işık University Recep Boztemur Middle East Technical University Katerina Dalacoura London School of Economics F. Gregory Gause Vermont University Fawaz Gerges London School of Economics Ahmet K. Han Kadir Has University Raymond Hinnebusch St. Andrews University Rosemary Hollis City University Bahgat Korany American University of Cairo Peter Mandaville George Mason University Emma Murphy Durham University Ortadoğu Etütleri şu indeksler tarafından taranmaktadır / indexed by; Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ASSIA), EBSCO Host, Index Islamicus, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBBS), Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (WPSA). Makale Önerileri İçin / Submitting Your Articles: Özlem Tür / [email protected] Yayın İdare Merkezi / Head Office: ORSAM Ortadoğu Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi - Center for Middle Eastern Strategic Studies Süleyman Nazif Sokak No: 12-B Kat: 3-4 Çankaya-Ankara Türkiye/Turkey Tel: +90 (312) 430 26 09 Fax: +90 (312) 430 39 48 [email protected] Tasarım Uygulama / Graphic Design Karınca Ajans: 0 (312) 431 54 83 Baskı / Printing Center Eflal Matbaacılık Tel: 0 (312) 341 47 48 Basım Tarihi / Printed: 15 Ocak / January 2014 Ulusal Süreli Yayın Ortadoğu Etütleri’ndeki makalelerde yer alan fikirler yalnızca yazarlarını bağlamaktadır. The views expressed in Ortadogu Etütleri (Middle Eastern Studies) bind exclusively their authors. ORTADOĞU ETÜTLERİ / MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES Siyaset ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi / Journal of Politics and International Relations Ocak 2014, Cilt 5, Sayı 2 / January 2014, Volume 5, No 2 CONTENTS / İÇİNDEKİLER Saudi Women under the Context of the Arab Spring ................................................................ 9-29 Arap Baharı Bağlamında Suudi Kadını Alejandra Galindo Marines Iranian Women: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back ............................................................... 31-53 İran Kadını: Bir Adım İleri, İki Adım Geri Marzieh Kouhi Esfahani Exploring the Causes of Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt ....................................................... 55-79 Tunus ve Mısır’daki Devrimlerin Nedenlerini Keşfetmek Maria Syed Hizballah in Syria: The Limits of the Democracy/Moderation Paradigm .................................... 81-114 Suriye’de Hizbullah: Demokrasinin Sınırları/Ilımlılaştırma Paradigma Dara Conduit Rethinking State-Society Relations in Syria until 1970: What Does the Center-Periphery Model Tell Us? ..................................................................... 115-140 1970’e Kadar Suriye’de Devlet-Toplum İlişkilerini Yeniden Düşünmek: Merkez-Çevre Modeli Bize Ne Söyler? Nuri Salık Political Economy of Turkish-Iranian Relations: Three Asymmetries ........................................ 141-164 Türkiye-İran İlişkilerinin Politik Ekonomisi: Üç Asimetri Serhan Ünal & Eyüp Ersoy Book Review The Arab Uprising: The Unfinished Revolutions of The New Middle East .................................. 165-171 Marc Lynch, (Public Affairs, 2013), 273 p. By: Zeynep Sütalan FROM THE EDITOR Ortadoğu Etütleri brings together six articles and a book re- view in this issue. The issue starts with two articles that analyse the role of women in two Middle Eastern countries -Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran. In her article, Alejandra Galin- do Marines looks at the activism of women in Saudi Arabia and despite being limited how it has been evolving since the 1990s and how it is affected by the developments of the ‘Arab Spring’. The author argues that the two demands -the right to vote and the right to drive- is increasingly being advo- cated by the Saudi women after the Arab Spring and iden- tification through gender lines is becoming more underlined independent of the social and geographical divisions in the society. Marzieh Kouhi Esfehani looks at the women’s move- ment in Iran in a historical perspective and problematizes patriarchy and male-interpreted Islamic jurisprudence as two issues that are impediments to women’s emancipation and rights. Claiming that through education women is challeng- ing the dominant interpretation of Islamic jurisprudence in the country and trying to find ways to fulfil their rights, the author finishes with a pessimistic note arguing that as long as patriarchy persists, there is a long way to go for women to achieve and enjoy their rights. The third article by Maria Syed looks at the fourth generation of revolution theories, especially the work of Jack A. Gold- stone in order to understand the causes of revolution in Tuni- sia and Egypt. Syed argues that the earlier literature on revo- lutions which emphasize the importance of the international context is not enough to understand the developments in the Middle East and takes Goldstone’s perspectivewhich ar- gues for the relevance of the international environment only in case of a favourable domestic context. The author analy- ses the domestic conditions of Tunisia and Egypt in terms of the performance of states by focusing on the goals, the level of unity among elites and opposition elites joining the popu- lar groups for protests.Looking at the domestic conditions in both countries in details, the author concludes that a revolu- tion was inevitable in both countries. Ortadoğu Etütleri January 2014, Volume 5, No 2 5 Dara Conduit in her article questions the arguments that Hizballah has become a moderate party within the democrat- ic structure of Lebanon. The author, by taking Schwedler’s idea that democratic institutions are not enough for modera- tion of radical groups and a broader analysis taking into ac- count political opportunity structures, internal group struc- ture and theboundaries of justifiable action is needed, argues that claims of moderation for Hizballah were problematic much before the Syrian Uprising began. The author under- lines that Hizballah’s moderate behaviour between 1992 and 2008 was possible when threat to Hizballah’s survival was minimal. When conditions that threaten its survival emerged from 2008 onwards, intensifying with the Syrian Uprising, its moderation was reversed. Looking at the center-periphery relations in Syria until 1970, the fifth article by Nuri Salık takes Shils’s model and presents the evolution of state-society relations and the fierce struggle for power. Problematizing the approach that looks at center and periphery as monoliths, the author analyses the inter- central and inter-peripheral rivalries to understand the dy- namics of the power struggle. Yet, this approach is also in need of being supported by a class analysis according to the author. At a time when a heated debate on the Syrian Upris- ing and its sectarian character is continuing, this article is a good read to understand the background of the conflict - his- torical rivalries and controversies between Sunni groups and religious minorities – and to witness the continuities from the earlier decades. The last article of this issue looks at Turkish-Iranian energy relations. Serhan Ünal and Eyüp Ersoy argue that there is an important potential to further Turkish-Iranian relations – that of the energy relations. By looking at the primacy of geo- politicsin bilateral relations,the primacy of energy in bilateral economic relations,and the primacyof natural gas in bilateral energy relations the authors see that these three asymme- tries can serve to bring the two countries to a closer coopera- tion and can help them broaden their cooperation in political issuesof common concern as well. Zeynep Sütalan has reviewed the latest book of Marc Lynch -The Arab Uprising: The Unfinished Revolutions of the New Middle East- for this issue. Özlem Tür Ortadoğu Etütleri 6 January 2014,
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