US008877755B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,877,755 B2 Barberich (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 4, 2014 (54) DOPAMINE-AGONIST COMBINATION 2002fOO19398 A1 2/2002 Jerussi et al. ................. 514,249 THERAPY FOR IMPROVING SLEEP 2002/014301.6 A1 10, 2002 Jerussi et al. ................. 514,249 QUALITY 2002fO165246 A1 11/2002 Holman 2002/0193378 A1 12/2002 Cotrel et al. .................. 514,249 2003.01.19841 A1 6/2003 Jerussi et al. .. ... 514,249 (75) Inventor: Timothy J. 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WO WO2007/006003 1, 2007 WO WO2007/005.940 6, 2007 * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Nov. 4, 2014 Sheet 1 of 2 US 8,877,755 B2 Figure 1 (RS)-Zopiclone D-Malic Acid -D Acetone Methanol Mind - OCooling/Crystallizatio (S)-Zopiclone D-Malate See Methanol Filtration/Washing Mother Liquors/Washes -Ge IPC (S)-Zopiclone D-Malate U.S. Patent Nov. 4, 2014 Sheet 2 of 2 US 8,877,755 B2 Figure 2 (S)-Zopiclone D-Malate Water >-0 Ethyl Acetate Water Potassium Carbonate -O Reaction/Basification Aqueous Waste Water Aqueous Waste Ethyl Acetate Polish Filtration Solid Waste Ethyl Acetate Distillation Distillate Waste -> Pc ooling/Crystallization Ethyl Acetate Wash Filtration/Washing Mother Liquors/Washes -Ge IPC (S)-Zopiclone API US 8,877,755 B2 1. 2 DOPAMNE-AGONST COMBINATION The term “insomnia' refers to the perception of inadequate THERAPY FOR IMPROVING SLEEP or non-restful sleep by a patient. Insomnia is a frequent com QUALITY plaint, reported by 32% of the adult population surveyed in the Los Angeles area (Bixler et al. Amer. Journal of Psychia CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED 5 try 136:1257-1262, 1979), and 13% of the population sur APPLICATIONS veyed in San Marino, Italy (Lugaresi et al., Psychiatric Annals 17:446-453, 1987). Fully 45% of the surveyed adult popula This application is a divisional of copending U.S. applica tion of Alachua County, Florida, reported trouble getting to tion Ser. No. 11/052,719, filed Feb. 7, 2005. U.S. application sleep or staying asleep (Karacan et al., Social Science and 10 Medicine 10:239-244, 1976). The prevalence of insomnia has Ser. No. 11/052,719 claimed benefit from U.S. Provisional also been shown to be related to the age and sex of the Application 60/545,413, filed Feb. 18, 2004. The entire con individuals, being higher in older individuals and in females. tents of each of the prior applications are incorporated herein Early treatments for insomnia commonly employed central by reference. nervous system (CNS) depressants, such as barbiturates. These compounds are typically long acting (on the order of BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 15 8-50 hours) due to long terminal half-lives, and have a well known spectrum of side effects, including lethargy, confu Sleep is controlled by two biological processes, the homeo Sion, depression and next day hangover effects. In addition, static drive and the circadian rythym. The homestatic drive chronic use has been associated with a high potential for manifests itself as an increased drive for sleep. This drive for 20 addiction involving both physical and psychological depen sleep accumulates across the period of wakefulness (typically dence.
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