i u' .. II, Student Party Old Gold Poll Still Kickin' To Sound Out 1111' In Legislature Campus Views ":r• lb Page Five Page Six lr =·dll ·"e~ <Jt. eGHifU44 .e;,~u,. <JI£e M~,, * ------------------------------------------~~~~~~=-~· ~~-=~~~------------------------------------------ VOLUME XLVIII * * Wake Forest College, Winston~Salem, North ·carolina, Monday, May 6, 1963 * NlJMBER 27 Leadership Baptist Editors Give Views ·Groups Tap 19Students On College's Trustee Plan Omicron: Delta Kappa and . Tassels, honorary leadership societies, tapped 19 students and Legislature Action Grant: WF two faculty members into their ranks in Chapel Tuesday. ODK, national men's honor· Is 'Regional' an-, tapped llline jUIIliors and Appointees Okayed By CHARLES OSOLIN • tlhree seniors, and presented honorary memberShips to two faculty members, Dr. David L. Smiley, associate professor of other Photos, Page 3 hiStory, allld. Dr. James C. 0'· Ftlaherty, professor of German and chairman of the German department. Senior-s tapped were Dan Averett of Oxfonl, social af. fairs; Jesse Shear.icrh of Scotland Neck, scho~arship; and Ric Wil·· ,. son of Thomasville, publications. -, J·UIIl!iors tapped were Richard Carmichael of High Point, ath­ letics; Bill Constangy of Atlanta, Ga., student government; David - Forsythe of Richmond, Va., social affairs; ROO!! Mcintyre of Stoneville, scholarsfhip and stu­ deDit government; Charles Oso­ lin of Broomall, Pa., publica· tions; Walt Pettit of Arlington, Va., s·cholarship and social af­ fairs; James Self of Raleigh, scholarship; Charles Winberry of Statesvil1le, student govei1Il· ment; 81lld Frank Wood Df ..;_MITCHELL PHOTO Miami, Fla., scholarship, Jtu· • • • AND REWARDED. dent government, and debate. LEADERSHIP IS RECOGNIZED • • • • Kay Overman awards Kenna West her tassel • • • • Ric Wilson tapped by ODK member Jan Huggins TasseJs Taps Since You Asked Me ••• GOP: Niki 's 'Ally? I I· Calls On Baptists Grant c-alled on the Baptists of the state to "Be sure you have the facts and stick to the subject under dilscussion. Let's keep it on a level that will re­ flect credit on us as Baptists and Christians. It would be dis­ astrous for us to fall into need­ less controvem,y and division. It would be better for Wake Forest to remain as it is than for t.llilSI to happen." Roberts interpreted the IniOVe as an attempt on the part of the College to 10btain "partial severance of the school from its parent body," and said most of the !State's million Baptists "t~re no doubt disappointed and shocked." He said that the College's statement that the proposed ac­ tion "would not mean separa­ tion" is "only partly true. It would certainlY mean a lessen­ ing of control." Roberts contended that the College "belongiS wholly and completely to the Baptist State Convention, all 'outside' gifts , and community interests to the io contrary." He !Said that "this gives the e10nvention no right to a selfish attitude about its college, but rather one of sac­ red trust." Roberts quoted two other Baptist college presidents as SophomoreNotiee ch.illenging a "claim" by the Sophomores are reminded College that "certain founda­ by the Registrar's Office to tion funds would be available keep their appointments wlt.h under its proposed control," their major advisers during when calling on Wake Forest the next two weeks. Courses in to reveal all the facts in the the major and related fields matter. should be carefully plll!IIU!d He failed to name the presi· for the ne:d two :rears. dents. .lo:'AGE TWO Monday, May 6, 1963 OLD GO:i..n AND BLACK Irby Is Essential New Bill Prohibits Cox Pharmacy, ·Inc. IN COLLEGE VILLAGE 'Ondine' ·Ingredient <Just Off Robin Rood Road> By DIANA GILLILAND vincing as the Old One in ''On­ College 'Cribbing' dillle." "Ondime" i-s Ondine, and On- M:cCorkillllllale gave Ibis Wake P-RESCRIPTIONS -- COSMETICS A bill to prohibit the procure­ aider and abettor." dine is Susan Irby, an enchant- Forest swam; song as the Ch·am­ e Complete Camera And Stationery Depts. "'lent of academic credit by The billl. is worded "It is un­ ing little blond whom you would ber1ain "Ondine," probably the e Prompt Delivery Service To Wake Forest Area fraudulent means !has been in­ lawful for any person to obtain !have expected to disappear best rpart he 'has played here. He troduced in the Nortlh Carolina or atteilliPt ·to obtain, by fraudu­ into Reynolda Lake a-s soon as has a particular talent for REGISTERED PHARMACISTS ON DUTY AT ALL TIMES Gt!ne>ral Assembly. lent means, any academic cred­ the play was over. "listening" and reacting. Like PA 3-3627 Proposed by Sen. Johlll R. it, or any diploma, certificate When she was not onsta,ge, the Judy Palmer, he has the sort of Jol'ldan, Jr. of Raleigh, the bill O'i" other i!n:strument purporting play seemed lifeless and dull. stage presence whic-h compels would make it a misdemeanor to confer a literary, scientific, Her presence was essenltia-1, not the audiemJCe's a-ttention, and a for any per5011 to prepare or profession·al, teclhmical or other only for the movement of the bearing whiclJ. gives you con­ have prepar.red for him a term degree in any course of study in play, but also for the perfor- fidence in his ability to handle paper, thesis or dissertation. any university, college, academy mance of the other actors. his part, even though the rest or othe>r educa-tional institution." The bill ai1so prohibits procur­ She more than made up for of the p1ay is an abortion. imJg a person or personating '11he activity prohibited in­ tihe wooden acting of half of the As Ondirne's father, Auguste, anothl!'f' in ta.kim,g an examina­ cludes, but is not limited to, "a cast. It is unfortunate that Dan wes Howard gave a capable, Custer or Wes Howard could and at om.e point, wlhere he tion. pers<>n's procurilll!g or attempt­ 1110t ihave had the role of H8111!S crutnPled in misery, a moving Persons in viotati-on of the ilng to rprocure another" to pre­ im, which Buddy Young was performan-ce. This wars also his law would be -SU:bject to fine or pa're a paper or ·to take or at­ imprisorunent. temrpt to take -an examination. about as effective as a luke- last play and his sense of "thea- warm tea bag. tre" will be missed next year. The bill; numbered S.B. 252, It a:lso makes it umlawful for has been referred to the Com­ "any person, firm, corporation Outstanding in the cast were The other char-acters were ef- ROBINBOOD RD. AT REYNOLDA or association to assist any stu­ - Doug McCorkindaie and Dan ficient, but 1110t especiall.y effec­ SUNDAY HOURS.;__ 7- 9 A. M., ti. U .. P. M. mittee on Higlter Educatioo. It Ouster. Custer gave the play a tive. would amend Article 20 of Chap­ den, <>r advertise, offer or at­ great feeling of human warmth "Ondine" is aJil exquisite fan­ OM ter 14 of the Ge'D.er.al Statue of tempt to assist any student" isn obtaining CTedit or degree by aiD.d compassi0111. He has shown tasy and for the most part Bruce me: Nortlh Carolina. a great deal of .ability illl! the Hopper's sets and consbumes . Tht Jordan said the -bill is ",pri­ fraudulent means, including pre­ paring papers or taking exam­ MARY MICHAEL theatre -this year in a variety of conveyed thls sense of tmreality 0'1 mari]y directed against pei:-soos Princess Bertha in "Ondine" different parts, ·and he was con- beautifuliy. who write theses, term papers, illla tiorus for amother. L~ .. Beauty Salon Sm etc.," but noted that 'its: terms a~ extend to the student him­ 3 Locations he!£. In Kansas He said he mtroduced the bill Voting Age City NORTHSIDE SHOPPING CENTER at -the request of administrative offkiais -at N. C. State College, ToBelB? THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER amd that it was prepared by the REYNIC)LDA MANOR SHOPPING CENTER Institute of Government "after A COnstitutional amendment thO'i"ough research including a which would lower the voting SBC To Meet This Week For Your Convenience survey whiclh occurred in New age in NQirth Carolina to 18 has York State." been illltrod uced in the state By RIC WILSON Message which was established tist Church of Charlotte. Last Church of R,iclhmond, Va., who The bill ihas 11Qt yet be€n con­ Goocral Assembly, STAFF WRITER by [ast year's Convention to help year Dr. Bates served as Presi­ served for five years as Presi­ sidered by the Committee on Rep. J. Horner Stockton. of "interpret" a similar statement dent of the Pastor:s' Conference, dent of the Bal)tist World Alli­ Higher Educatioo. Jordan said Franklin presented the bill, The Soutlhern Baptist Con.vCitl· adopted by the 1925 Conventioo. and this year he will preach the ance. Th he may delete the portion deal­ numbered HB 107. It has been tion, meeting in Kansas City, Mo. next week, will feature "To The committee's report includ­ convention sermon. Another Some denomilllation sources weel! ing with the student himself, referred to the Committee on es statements about what Bap­ name which has been mentioned The College Inn .Restaurant because "the school involved Constitutional Amendments. Make Men Free" as its major are l)redictill1g that the election the: theme. About 15,000 "messen­ tists believe concerning the in certain of the denomination of the convention president may AND Caro ha.s authority to discipline tlte The bill would amend Section. scriptures, God, salvation, the publications is Theodore Adams, student: w:hereas, a'll action by 1 of Article 6 of the state Con- gers" are expected to attend the develop into a power struggle the I convention.
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