
Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 9-27-1977 The Guardian, September 27, 1977 Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/guardian Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1977). The Guardian, September 27, 1977. : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. mitt llail11 "uarbian 'The tyrant's foe, the people's friend' ~ September 27, 1977 Volume XIV Issue 10 Wright State University Dayton, Ohio/. Administrators·' reserved A spots cost $52 uid he BY DAVE YETJ'ER SHIO pritc 118 for A spa<es. Dr. Eugene Canu:lupc. dc11n of liberal ans. ) space Guanllaq Stall' Wr!IA>r ··'Vhcn the policy wu first formed. some people rccl-s it is " lmport1n1 to have a (parking indicated that would not pay the SIOO price, so we available for admlnii1rators." but uid "frankly I'm not in price for students Top l'nh•crsity administrators. Including the prcsi· decided there should be a dlscounl,.. Spiegel ..1d. sure" why th ere is a difference dent. ea:ttUtivc vice-president. and selected •dmini.stra­ "h's bcncr this way than having the administrators and administr11ors. ton and deans pay only SSl annually ror rescncd 10 drive around looking for a place to park," he said. ani.J Atwater declined to C'Omment on parting spa.ccs whkh an doscr to rampus buildings adding that administrators must be acces.sible. Both Cantclupc the price difference. but Ca ntclupe u1d he would than A decal spaces costing SIOO per year. David Atwater. a.ssistanl to t he president. said he later if po"lblc. Eiccutivc Vicc·prcsldcnt Andrew P. Spiegel said the believes the diKOunt is given because "it's pan of the provide additional lnformatk>n policy to give high ranking adminlstntors a near 50 bcnefin." and thinb that it ls a fair system. hide anything, I just think th percent discount on the pcrsonlliz.cd slots " Is io the " I'm on and off this campus alt the time and I need "I'm not t rying 10 "''Orth," Atwater said. schoors be.st in1crcs1." to hove 11crcss 10 a parking ,ila<."C," he Hid. Acwater school i.s gening their money's 11ickers were $100. "I migh~ Spiegel said the parking rate was slashed for some said he docsn 't have the time to drive .around campus He also Slaled 1ha1 if 1hc e ither." administrators when a number of them bal.:cd •t the in search of a pMking place. not pay for lhe sticker Auditor refuses release of document BY DAVID MCELkOY Oc3n of Studcnls O. Edward Goardlan New1 Edllor POllO<'k v. .,, responsible for initia­ ling the :administration's move to A spokcsm:in for the Statc­ block the r1cmbcrship, Knippcn­ Aud1tor's office ha'> declined to burg s3id. ··They can't e5capc romrnent upon or release a June their rc,ponsibilitics, they have 6. 1977 document ~hich disallow­ 10 say ye' ur no and then you ed the e:cpendiiurc o f S50 from s1Udcnl"i 1.·o.n have recourse. We Wnght S1a1e's Student Caucus' C'lln't tell the UnivC'fsily what to budget for mem~rship in a do, that's not our funC1ion." lobb)·lng group. Richard Liebold. state cumin· ' Tm not going c og~ 1moh.ed, er for WSU, s.aid the dctermin1­ I don'c kno"- v.t-:at the hell i."' 11on of leg:alily in Caucus' bid for going on." said Denny Gdburgt, OSA membcr~hip was requested J.ssisunt pubhc tnformation of­ by PollOC'k for WSU la.st yeo.r. ficer for St.:itc Auditor Thomas Liebold C'itcd AMicle 8. section Ferguson. after he wn, informed 4 of the Ohio Consti1u1 lon that Ario Ragan. \VSU's control­ " Which ~•id pub1it' rnomcs may ler and ~h1cf fi"'cal officer. had not be us tJ for private pur­ te\'ralcd th:n he had a document po.ses." from the Audi1or dated J une 6. RAGAN SAii'. "1he cunenl JohG Smltli/Guardlan pboro 1977 whkh preven:ed Cc.\JCUS position (of the Auditor) is tha t It A S1Dden1 Caoni• 11UVey abowed tlW more allldenla dlallU tbe l!mlled .......,, of from joining the Ohio Student is s till not 1 pcrmicted upcndi· lounal.na 1pace on campuo, u • Hmpllfled by lhla pbo"'araph of a typical A.ll111 llall Association. ture" for Ca.uc"'.s' OSA member­ loUDae ero"'d. FRED KNlPPENBURG. public ship. Ragan refused to rcleuc information officer fN the ·Suuc the documcntalion for viewing. Survey shows lack of space Auditor. had ea.rlier said. 'Tm Liebold said 1!.a1 ohhough this el11crl or your butt around hert a_ny­ not sure -.e would want co paMicular 'ltuatk>n in whkh last BY RON wtJKESON dents ... ere inrercsted in r more,•· complained one student ans,.cr to something that ha.sn't year's dcctsion by PolJock was GaardWi SLllJ Wr!ler problems and irritating faC'to". "ell u1i respondent. o..""Cun-c:d. I don't know tr wc·vc s-ubs-tanti1.ted by the audi1or, the "IF SPACE WERE man) nudcnts lu.cd in :till the buildings on had 1.:ommunicition ,.Ith them," Auditor's office is rarely if ever Nurly 1wkc as "You kno..-ir )OU dor' t do lounge ca.mpus. ,uch lakeovers or space regarding the legality of Caucu.s' successful in preventing actions feel there is not sufficient much lounging-it really dOf·sn't o 1J,1nk there i.s not be necessary," ~role efro n 10 spend 1he SSQ. opprovcd by lhe Boord o r .space a.s those ,.h "'1Uld bother you one way or another. one studenl. "Be.sides, cen ain When infor1ned 1h11 former Trustees. cnoueh. at"COrding '" a recent docs h1" fell one "nonlounglng dcP41nmcn11 h ave too much 1rro­ Coucus s urvey. student.·· for lhelr own good ond 1hls rhc raponscs, in an.sv.er to gan<e Studenb didn't v.ilhhold per· A.lleged hatchet thrower ld nor be cncoun1ged ... the question left on Caucus shou sonal concerns from the poll. " We have plenty of space but suaaestion bo1C5. ••b there " We need another lounge hkc pleads not guilty to charges wrong placcs I.e. the enough lounge an:aT", tallied up in the Allyn hall whh 1V and all. Thal VlCKEltS tween laaro and his companion y t'Cnler lounge lS one BY GAYLON to 24 " No", IJ "Yeo." and 2 universit way !here would nor be fights as G1U1n11aq Stall' Writer ar.d a group of people after the ('"no v. ay" and the ocher side of campu, and 11 other answers to who warchcs 'Younf« and the LAGNAF dancr which allcaedly "yes and no"). bn' 1 used H it ahould be." read Restless' a nd who watchc:~ All A Centerville man was arrest­ rcsuhed ir. a hatchet being se. BROKEN DOWN BY con11hu· another respon My Children. " wrote oue stu· morning by thrown at the grocp or people students e.1preued 1 ed eorly S11urday encics, Liberal An1 had the Many dc111. "Thl.s bickering ls a s hame Wrlgh1 Stale police aller he from l.uro's car. of rcspo.,dcnu concern for qu1ec space in lounge 1argest number and 11 breau up old friend· hatchet al a Two men from the group " Need ~ qul~I lounge allegedly threw a with 10 an.i'tlt-erlng "No" and 2 areas. •hips:· aroup of people luvlna lhe rushed at Lu.ro ""ho tried to "'Yes. " The College or S..icnce areas on main campus (like LAGNAF dancc and dragged one leave. Tcny Salyer, one of the and Engineering had 7 "No" Upper Heanh lounge). Nc.ed CAUCUS CHAii.Eli George member of lhc aroup "" feet wilh me.a, became engaged between votes and J " Yes: .. 1he Collf'"! some place to relu," said one. Sldcru Hid that the orlnion hb car. one of the wheels and the or Education had 2 ttlpon.ses 'in " It's e.1oucch room but too much bo•cs. localed in All)n loun4e S1even Laaro pleaded nol WheeJwelt O( the Vehkle and WU both ..Yes'" and " No" categor· • nolsc," said a rcspoue. " I 1he dorm lobby, and berwce, guUty to a charge of fcloniou1 dragged for I db-lance of 01oer 21 . lcs, with rhe 1wo other answers 1uuc1t that you ou• 'aw all musI· Fawcett haU and the COn\puter u saull and lo being hdd In yards. also. cal instruments In 1he lobby." cenler, may be u.sed to tl'cpress cualody pendina the posting of Salyer wu ta.ten 10 Good NondC'Signatcd responses STIJDENTS OFTEN RELATED any op?nion or 1ugc11lon as wcU ball by the Fairborn cny jail. Samaritan Hospital, wheno he iJ numben:d 6 "Yes" and S " No." parking 10 space problems. "You H lhe question presented on the Words were uchanaed be- llJ1ed In satisfactory ronditlon. Comme.ats showed that stu- can'1 flnd a place IO partyour car bo.. j l THE DAILY GUARDIAN Septemberl7, 1977 v Court orders adn1ission IDbr llailu Ciuarhtan DAVIES . Calif. (UP l}-Rita MRS. CLANCY, who was for t he "cxprcs"i purpose" of Oancy, a Runlan immigrant who grad uated f rom UCLA with an permitting th~ univcrsh)' to ron· challenged the !Uatc in a reverse ' ' A" l\'Cragc.
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