8.0 APPENDICES Appendix A – Property Acquisition List Appendix B – Wildlife Species List Appendix C – Vegetation Species List Appendix D –Special Status Species List Appendix E – Asset Inventory Appendix F – Organizational Chart Appendix G– Financial Assessment Appendix H – Roxborough Trail Plan Appendix I – Annual Work Plan (Updated/replaced annually; include budget) Appendix J – Photo Monitoring Appendix K – Other Useful Information, Maps, and Supporting Documents 89 90 APPENDIX A LAND ACQUISITION HISTORY Roxborough Fee Title (Owned) Lands Closing Purchase # of Conveyance Recordation Foot- Park Parcel Name County Date Acres Project Type Price Funding Sources Grantor Legal Description Parcels Land Class Instrument* (Rcpt #/Book/Page) Partners note # 50% Parks cash, Roxborough Woodmor Douglas 11/03/75 500 purchase $1,000,000 50% LWCF William C. Lamm, Trustee Sec. 11-14, 23, 24 T7S, R69W 4 agriculture trustee's deed 183306/282/37 50% Parks cash, Roxborough Princeville 1 Douglas 04/27/77 256 purchase $614,400 50% LWCF Princeville Corporation Sec. 12,13,23,24 T7S, R69W 1 agriculture WD 201588/308/358 Rocky Mountain 50% Parks cash, Roxborough Trust Douglas 07/16/79 17.5 purchase $52,500 50% LWCF Rocky Mountain Trust Sec. 24, T7S, 69W 1 agriculture WD 239115/365/679 50% Parks cash, Roxborough Sundance I Douglas 03/08/84 110 purchase $517,000 50% LWCF Trust for Public Land Sec. 24, 25 T7S, R69W 1 agriculture WD 32399/511/785 50% Parks cash, Roxborough Carpenters Peak Douglas 03/08/84 284 purchase $426,000 50% LWCF Trust for Public Land Sec. 14, 23, T7S, R69W 1 agriculture WD 32397/511/785 50% Parks cash, Roxborough Sundance II Douglas 07/31/84 336 purchase $1,203,000 50% LWCF Trust for Public Land Sec. 23,24,25, T7S, R69W 2 agriculture WD 332955/532/956 1 50% Parks cash, Roxborough Stonehenge Douglas 06/30/86 18 purchase $281,000 50% LWCF Trust for Public Land Sec. 23, 24 T7S, R69W 3 residential WD 8612393/651/630 Project Area 8, 50% Parks cash, Roxborough Stonehenge 12/19/86 8 purchase n/a 50% LWCF Trust for Public Land Sec. 23, T7S, R69W 1 residential QCD 8702471/696/543 2 Holland - Rampart 50% Parks cash, Roxborough Range Ranch Douglas 07/09/87 43 purchase $214,000 50% LWCF Gilligand/Howell/White/Holland Sec. 24,25 T7S, R69W 3 agriculture WD 8720561/734/175 50% Parks cash, Roxborough Goodwin lots Douglas 07/28/87 32 purchase $340,000 50% LWCF Goodwin Properties Sec. 25, T7S, R69W 1 agriculture WD 8722354/737/596 Roxborough Roxborough Development Fund Douglas 12/14/89 21 purchase $25,000 100% Parks cash Roxborough Development Fund Sec. 11,12,13,24, T7S, R68W 1 agriculture WD 8930921/889/158 Roxborough Roxborough Drive Douglas 05/30/90 6 HOA transfer n/a n/a Roxborough Park Foundation Southdowns @ Roxborough 1 road QCD 9012964/914/294 12% lottery, 53% partners, Douglas 12/22/95 35% GOCO OS County, Roxborough Southdowns Douglas & 7/10/95 628 purchase $2,430,000 grant The Conservation Fund Sec. 11,12,13,24, T7S, R68W 11 residential SWD 9562037/1309/895 others Southdowns Lot Lot 308, Southdowns @ Roxborough 308 Douglas 0.40 purchase $6,000 100% GOCO base Joy Barber Roxborough 1 residential WD Lot 35 Southdowns at Roxborough Southdowns Lot 36 Douglas 05/29/97 1 donation $1,785 100% partners Dave Goodwin Roxborough 1 residential QCD 9731912/1439/448 16% lottery, 13% GOCO base, 29% partners, Douglas Willow Creek 42% GOCO OS Sec. 13,19, T7S, R68W, Sec. 25, County, Roxborough South Douglas 07/30/97 590 purchase $1,200,000 grant Smernoff, etal T7S, R69W 1 agriculture SWD 9741792/1451/2377 others Park Trust Roxborough Park acquisition by 100% Land Board Roxborough South Douglas 7/30/1997 286 SLB $915,000 (Park Trust) State Land Board (grantor) Sec. 25, 26, T7S, R71W 1 agriculture SWD 9740225/1449/2107 Park Trust acquisition by 100% Land Board Roxborough Rockett Douglas 8/19/1997 160 SLB $320,000 (Park Trust) State Land Board (grantor) Sec. 25, T7S, R69W 1 agriculture WD 199748175/1460/1547 Lot 45 Southdowns at Roxborough Southdowns Lot 45 Douglas 11/07/97 1 purchase $22,000 100% lottery Hannum Roxborough 1 residential WD 9764255/1483/0095 Stonehenge Lot Sec. 24, T7S, R69W (Lot 185, Friends of Roxborough 185 Douglas 03/24/98 0.5 donation $17,000 100% partners George and Alberta Baker Stonehenge @ Roxborough) 1 residential WD 9821121/1572/1642 Roxborough 3 Stonehenge Lot Friends of Roxborough 168 Douglas 03/24/98 1.5 donation $30,000 100% partners Richard and Martha Spencer Sec. 24, T7S, R69W 1 residential WD 9821120/1527/1641 Roxborough 3 10% lottery, Sec. 24, T7S, R69W (Lots Friends of Stonehenge Lots 32% GOCO base, 180,183,184,186, Stonehenge @ Rox, Lynn Roxborough 180,183,184,186 Douglas 05/07/98 3.6 purchase $175,000 58% partners Goodwin Properties Roxborough) 4 residential WD 9836525/1549/260 Bahrych 4 Page 1 6/16/2010 Roxborough Fee Title (Owned) Lands Closing Purchase # of Conveyance Recordation Foot- Park Parcel Name County Date Acres Project Type Price Funding Sources Grantor Legal Description Parcels Land Class Instrument* (Rcpt #/Book/Page) Partners note # Stonehenge Lots 50% GOCO base, Friends of Roxborough 167, 188 Douglas 06/26/98 3 purchase $60,000 50% partners Richard Wiedman Sec. 24, T7S, R69W 2 residential WD 9850471/1568/743 Roxborough 5 82% GOCO base, Roxborough Princeville Douglas 09/04/98 13 purchase $45,000 18% lottery Princeville Corporation Sec. 23, T7S, R69W 1 residential WD 9874139/1600/714 No Park Trust acquisition by 100% Land Board Roxborough Treece Douglas 4/25/2001 20 SLB $215,000 (Park Trust) State Land Board (grantor) Sec. 26, T7S, R69W 1 agriculture WD 2001051830/2058/1280 Sec. 24, T7S, R69W (Lots 167- 168, Stonehenge @ Roxborough Matthiesen Douglas 12/21/01 -3 exchange n/a exchange DPOR Roxborough) 2 residential QCD 02005478/2240/1910 6 Sec. 24, T7S, R69W (Lots 164, 170, 171, 190-194, Stonehenge conservation Roxborough Matthiesen Douglas 12/21/01 12 exchange n/a exchange David Matthiesen @ Roxborough) 8 residential easement 02005477/2240/1895 26% GOCO base, Roxborough Brice life estate Douglas 10/09/02 n/a purchase $135,000 74% lottery Rocky Mountain Trust No. 1 Sec. 24, T7S, 69W 1 residential WD 2002109239 7 Page 2 6/16/2010 APPENDIX B WILDLIFE SPECIES Butterfly Species at Roxborough State Park Common Name Scientific Name ‘Rustic’ Arctic Blue Agriades glandon rusticus Common Roadside-Skipper Amblyscirtes vialis Delaware Skipper Anatrytone logan Hackberry Emperor Asterocampa celtis Brown Elfin Callophrys augustinus ‘Immaculate’Bramble Hairstreak Callophrys dumetorum affinis Western Pine Elfin Callophrys eryphon Moss’ Elfin Callophrys mossii Hoary Elfin Callophrys polios Sheridan’s Hairstreak Callophrys sheridanii ‘Hops’ Spring Azure Celastrina ladon humulus Common Wood-Nymph Cercyonis pegala Gorgone Checkerspot Chlosyne gorgone Common Ringlet Coenonympha tullia Southern Dogface Colias cesonia Orange Sulphur Colias eurytheme Clouded Sulphur Colias philodice Canyonland Satyr Cyllopsis pertepida Queen Danaus gilippus Monarch Danaus plexippus Silver-spotted Skipper Epargyreus clarus Afranius Duskywing Erynnis afranius Sleepy Duskywing Erynnis brizo Funereal Duskywing Erynnis funeralis Dreamy Duskywing Erynnis icelus Pacuvius Duskywing (?) Erynnis pacuvius Persius Duskywing Erynnis persius Horace’s Duskywing Erynnis horatius Large Marble Euchloe ausonides Olympia Marble Euchloe olympia Dotted Blue Euphilotes enoptes Dun Skipper Euphyes vestris Variegated Fritillary Euptoieta claudia Western Tailed-Blue Everes amyntula Silvery Blue Glaucopsyche lygdamus Arrowhead Blue Glaucopsyche piasus Reakirt’s Blue Hemiargus isola Common Branded Skipper Hesperia comma Juba Skipper Hesperia juba Leonard’s Skipper Hesperia leonardus pawnee Colorado Hairstreak (State Insect) Hypaurotis crysalus Common Buckeye Junonia coenia Marine Blue Leptotes marina Weidemeyer’s Admiral Limenitis weidemeyerii Melissa Blue Lycaeides melissa Tailed Copper Lycaena arota Blue Copper Lycaena heteronea Bronze Copper Lycaena hyllus Great Copper Lycaena xanthoides Butterfly Species at Roxborough State Park Common Name Scientific Name Dainty Sulphur Nathalis iole Mourning Cloak Nymphalis antiopa Milbert’s Tortoiseshell Nymphalis milberti Garita Skipperling Oarisma garita Woodland Skipper Ochlodes sylvanoides Chryxus Arctic Oeneis chryxus Pale Swallowtail Papilio eurymedon Two-tailed Swallowtail Papilio multicaudata Black Swallowtail Papilio polyxenes Western Tiger Swallowtail Papilio rutulus Anise Swallowtail Papilio zelicaon Common Sootywing Pholisora catullus Field Crescent Phyciodes campestris Pale Crescent Phyciodes pallida Pearl Crescent Phyciodes tharos Cabbage White Pieris rapae Russet Skipperling Piruna pirus Acmon Blue Plebejus acmon Boisduval’s Blue Plebejus icarioides Taxiles Skipper Poanes taxiles Long Dash Polites mystic Crossline Skipper Polites origenes Peck’s Skipper Polites peckius Arachne Checkerspot Polydryas arachne Hoary Comma Polygonia gracilis (includes zephyrus) Satyr Comma Polygonia satyrus Western White Pontia occidentalis Checkered White Pontia protodice Spring White Pontia sisymbrii Common Checkered-Skipper Pyrgus communis Banded Hairstreak Satryium calanus Behr’s Hairstreak Satyrium behrii California Hairstreak Satyrium californica Striped Hairstreak Satyrium liparops Coral Hairstreak Satyrium titus Aphrodite Fritillary Speyeria aphrodite Atlantis Fritillary Speyeria atlantis Callippe Fritillary (?) Speyeria callippe Coronis Fritillary Speyeria coronis (record of Ray Stanford) Edwards’ Fritillary Speyeria edwardsii Mormon Fritillary Speyeria mormonia Gray Hairstreak Strymon melinus Northern Cloudywing Thorybes pylades
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