MONMOUTH CO FREEHOUD Press Probe Sewer Plan Is In Fatal Fire Rumors Of Posiible Householders In - Third Dckth Scotched Member National Editorial Association — New Jersey Pres* Association — Monmouth County Press Association Areas Affected Am ‘ By Investigation; Test Critical Of High , Of Materials 'Awaited 81st YEAR — 20th WEEK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1B49 Single Copy Six Cents Levy For Extension Monmouth County Prosecutor J. Only eight of 00 householders ikt Victor Carton stated Investigation Thanksgiving Issue Early To Restore Trains Iho public hearing ut Mutuwan High of Incendiarism in the.Tony’s Tav- MBA Plans For Family Of Six School Tuesday night cm the propo- • ’ ern flrc Nov/-9-Is being pressed. Ai ihe usual publication day The Central Railroad ol New. Billon to extend sewers ' in the As of late yesterday, however, the of this newspaper falls on Jersey announced yeaterdey ihat Ravine Dr,, Luke Lefferts nnd Orc?n authorities had found no, occasion Thanksgirtag Day', we have Yule Decorations.. Move From Cabin ’ efiectlve midnight Sunday past- nnd White village sections of tho , to move against any persons in this decided io issue‘the paper for onger service would be restored borough voted In favor of action connection. ’ . , this week on Wednesday. Nor, Business Group To Use One-Room Dwelling in full. by iho borough council nt Ihls timo Trooper George Parcels, Keyport 23. in order lo give belter service The Pennsylvania Railroad sold on thc financing plrni presented. A ‘ State Polleemn investigating officer, io our advertisers. L ___ Plan. Similar To Last Place Condemned By coal burning locomotives halted predominant majority of thoio In . yesterday scotched a rumor preva­ All advertisers, and those who Yearr Special Events" —Township Board-Of— _by the coal strike woold be back uttcndimco lived in tho orous a lent .in.the days following the flrc have items for publication in the For Children In operation at 12i0l a.m. Mon­ fectcd. - f -------------------------------- ------ - that th^e was .another victim, in Thanksgiving week, issue are Health Inspector _ day, • Mayor John W, Applegnte ob­ addition to the two Long Branch advised that tbiTd* adllnoforaU Projected restoration ol sorvlce '“"The Matawan Business Associa­ M atow an T ow nship ncnm l of served lifter the test of rtntiment Ljncn’ 'Anthony Marcella nnd Patsy advertising and news copy will followed cancellation by ihe wus Inken that it was In accord tion met Monday night in Button­ H ealth scoured re m o v a l, ,,of t\vi> Marofa; lost In'the-Rarltan Town-, b e 12 noon on-M oadayv N ov. 21. -Interstate Commorco Commission with observations uu\do by ^ho wood Manor to formulate plans for families, during tho past wecft whu ship fire. Search of the rubble gave We ask your co-operation ' In of iii order reilrlcllng schedule! councll.ln prph* thc Christmas decorating program hud boon llvlnginonc-rQonLeqtlajiwi no indication ot other loss of_life. helping -Jo advance the issuance — for-coal burning trains.— - lem. Copies of this fiUitement w ero' in tjie shopping section and a scries reported ut tho Nov. 3 meeting of The trooper affirmed the Counly of lhe Thanksgiving week paper. The Central will return to given nil those in mtondtmcc. 11jo of association-sponsored activities thut body to be unsultcd for habita­ Gas Co. was being,^queried about operation 95 M onday-through* mayor allowed, however, sewers for area children. tion. the state of gas fixtures at thc time Friday trains. 22 which operated It was decided that the* holiday might havo to ho built on wnne such - of the fire. It huflibecn reported Charles Shovt Ji*.» township-hcnlth on Saturdays only, and 16 that financial basis of necessity," When • decorations for all stores would be. a pilot light on a gas stove at .the inspector, reported at the meeting ran on Sundays. Child Fatally similar to those that attracted wide queried about it, ho declined to glvfl ‘^’Establishment had not been working n family of six, a father, mother assurance tho State Department ot { properly duirlrtg the week before the favorable comment-last year. Red and four children, wus living ih ono barrels containing fivC'foot, lighted Health would, nol slop, inlo thc - place burned. Burned At Home cotiuge and a mohcr and two chil­ picture in tho neur future and force C hristm as trees wtftt be placed in dren in another. The Inspector AwaftingXnalysls- ...... ' Stay Discussion tho Ihhuiv Ho averred only the nut- front-of business .establishments.P.nd . .The most unusual and suspicious 2-Year-Old Matawan described these cottugc:< as being come of the pollution sllvudlon from the association membership requests one room blmelurc* uhnut eight foul circumstances. uiicovcrcdv' thus far septic tank disotmrgo In iho. Green Tpwnship Girl Falls . tliat -Householders along Main . St. by six feet. On Playground Idea . ’ are that Mr. Marotta was wearing follow this .lype of decoration. In­ and. White, viiluge 'nnd LaHe Lel-“ : .Against Wood Burning The board agreed al lhe llmo u«e forts areas wodld be the tiVontuul two pairs of pants when found formation relative to obtaining (if -the cottages fnr habitations by determimmi, ’. ............ ,- -lying-io the grass ..across the high­ Stove In Kitchen barrels and trees may be obtained Cliffwood P-TA Awaits way from the building and that families' of -six nnd three persons, It was observed ItttihKoh' ~ Wss'^ from'Herbert Gittens or Mrs. Gene* especially, vvitl i chlldren^was_.whoUy Word’On Asking Price ■ the trunk of. the Marcclla car. A two-year-old Mutowan Town­ vieve Donnell, association officer . presently IhHtalllug* Hewers under parked near the roar door of thc ship girl, Hester Jones, the young­ Improper. Mr, Short Informed thr Of Land; Plans Made JusC snv^r a^fiu'ceil prngritm r F.-C f ” The lights or( the municipal trco board tho proprietor of (he cot­ tavern, was found open and not est of 10 children of Mr. and Mrs. to be set up in the center of thc For Christmas Party Hoyd, engineer from tho office of fa r from the. sp o t w h ere seven five* Clifford Jones, Second St.. received tages, Alexander Vus, Route IM, hnd .1, C. Ilemlnglon, Camden, who pro* business district will bo turned on. averred he lied rchlod thc-coltnges —gallon cans were lying on the fatal burns yesterday when she fell with appropriate ccrcmonlcs. by Tho Cliffwood Paronl-Tenchor pared tho plan for Mutuwun eowor ground." Both the pahts worn by against a kitchen stove. ; - to the families bccuilfto they claimed AasncluUmt, m eeting In tho Cliff* extensions, mdetl tho stnto hud Santa Claus on Saturday, Dec. 3. to be homeless and could not afford Mr. Marotta and the cans have been The child died in Monmouth Me­ wood School, Thursday, postponed forced IDte aclion nt Ca|ndrn and Plan Special Shows lo“ pay rents for' regular-sized sent away for analysis to determine m orial H ospital nt 1:10 p.m., about a 'ih'ojMiHed'tllBCuniiinn of .tho need Uloucestei'- A query as lo whother On Saturday, Dec. 13, Santa Claus hOURCS. - * . if they bear traces of inflamabic or three hours after the accidcnt. She for playground equipment ponding stale nld ri»ild bo expeelod In ituch extends an Invitation to all area Tho.boaid questioned why thc explosive liquids. was admitted to thc hospital for definite notion on |Hirclmr>eH nf land an eventuality was auswcml in tho youngsters under 10 to attend a head of iho-family uf nix could not Louis Figone, son of Anthony treatment of first, second and third adjoining thn scliaol,' negative, • spccfal motion picture show at tho afford proper quarters for his wife Figone. Matawan, proprietor of the degree burns nil over her body. It was pointed out thlit at present Outllnos Problomi . und children when he was employed business, told police two of . the Motawan Theater. Each child Is there in nol HUdlelenl npnco . fnr Township .police said that Hester as driver of . a tank- wagon. The (Juettllunod why tbe total eont of cans contained •cooking oil iind dis- requested to b|*ing some article of awlngf< o r HtntlnnuriL. equipm ent. apparently -had elimbed nn a food for Christmas baskets for thc pay scale of such workers .whs lhe Matnwan aKtcmdan had to bo Infeclant,- but could not account for There, was im report nn'euenled n» kitchen chair, lost her balance and declared by bourd'members lu l>« as high as M.M10, Mr. Hayd de­ thc other five. needy. The MBA will compute the to tluMimount of the purehnsu prtee toppled against the wood burning baskets and Santa Claus will make high In rclallon lo Dial o t m ost clared conditions uf terrain wero Insurance on the building was f«>r iumt to the rear of thc school. stove. Tho youngster was in the deliveries. - truckmen. They declared - there uufaym-nhli! In the areas affected" * reported, to have been increased A four-member eommlllee wus family’s sccpnti-fioor . apartment On Saturday, Dec. 13, Santa Clous wus nn housing shorlugc in lhe He noted liavini) J)r»was u jgirfnced by $10,000 th e m onth before th e flre. appointed to attend the next meet However, the total insurance, with an older sister. „ will preside at an afternoon show township so severe that a mnn street and tearing up tho paving lug of tin* M atnwan T owiinIUp Hoard According to the police, thc in the thcalcr., Admission will bc making such wagus could not gel u and replacing It Involved u cont $30,000, Is' less than thc estim ale of of 'Education to"«»k that tlio need mother said she left the children free to all children under 10 and Aumack To File Garden Club Has satisfactory place to rent.
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