Norwegian Journal of Entomology Volume 50 No. 1 • 2003 Published by the Norwegian Entomological Society Oslo and Stavanger NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY A continuation of Fauna Norvegica Serie B (1979-1998), Norwegian Journal of Entomology (1975-1978) and Norsk entomologisk Tidsskrift (1921-1974). Published by The Norwegian Entomological Society (Norsk ento­ mologisk forening). Norwegian Journal of Entomology publishes original papers and reviews on taxonomy, faunistics, zoogeography, general and applied ecology of insects and related terrestrial arthropods. Short communications, e.g. one or two printed pages, are also considered. Manuscripts should be sent to the editor. Editor Lauritz Semme, Department of Biology, University of Oslo, P.o.Box 1050 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway. E­ mail: [email protected]. Editorial secretary Lars Ove Hansen, Zoological Museum, University of Oslo, PO.Box 1172, Blindern, N-0318 Oslo. E-mail: [email protected]. Editorial board Arne C. Nilssen, Tromse John O. Solem, Trondheim Lita Greve J ensen, Bergen Knut Rognes, Stavanger Arne Fjellberg, Tjeme Membership and subscription. Requests about membership should be sent to the secretary: Jan A. Stenlekk, PO. Box 386, NO-4002 Stavanger, Norway [email protected]).Annual membership fees for The Norwegian Ento­ mological Society are as follows: NOK 200 Uuniors NOK 100) for members with addresses in Norway, NOK 250 for members in Denmark, Finland and Sweden, NOK 300 for members outside Fennoscandia and Denmark. Members of The Norwegian Entomological Society receive Norwegian Journal of Entomology and Insekt-Nytt free. Institutional and non-member subscription: NOK 250 in Fennoscandia and Denmark, NOK 300 elsewhere. Subscription and membership fees should be transferred in NOK directly to the account of The Norwegian Entomo­ logical Society, attn.: Egil Michaelsen, Kurlandvn. 35, NO-1709 Sarpsborg, Norway. Account No. 7874.06.46353. SWIFT code: DNBANOKK. Name ofthe bank: Den norske Bank, N-0021 Oslo, Norway. Transfer costs should be covered by the sender. If paying by cheque, NOK 80 must be addl!d to cover the fee of handling in our bank. Medlemskap og abonnement. Forespersel om medlemskap i NEF s;!ndes sekretreren: Jan A. Stenlekk, Postboks 386, N-4002 Stavanger [email protected]). Kontingent for medlems:.;.ap i Norsk entomologisk forening er felgende: Kr. 200 Uunior kr. 100) for personlige medlemmer med adres5e i Norge, kr. 250 for medlemmer i Danmark, Finland og Sverige, og kr. 300 for medlemmer utenfor Fennoskandia og Danmark. Medlemmer av Norsk entomologisk forening mottar Norwegian Journal 01.' Entomology og Insekt-Nytt gratis. Abonnement for institusjoner og ikke-medlemmer koster kr. 250 i Fennoskandia og Danmark og kr. 300 for abonnenter i andre land. Kontingent og abonnement betales til Norsk Entomologisk Forening, ved Egil Michaelsen, Kurlandvn. 35, 1709 Sarpsborg. Konto 7874.06.46353. Vennligst benytt giro, ikke sjekk. Husk avsenderadresse. NEF web site: http://www.entomologi.no Front cover: Syngrapha interrogationis (L., 1758) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Artist: Hallvard Elven. Printed by: Reprografisk Industri AS, Oslo Editorial A small jubilee With the present issue of Norwegian Journal of Since the Norwegian Entomological Society took Entomology we have reached Volume 50. This over, submissions of manuscripts have been regu­ figure, however, does not correspond to the age lar and satisfactory. Two issues have appeared of the journal, which is actually 82 years. The yearly, including a large report from the 25th journal was founded by The Norwegian Ento­ Nordic Baltic Congress of Entomology in 2001. mological Society in 1921 under the name of We hope to continue publication of the journal at Norsk Entomologisk Tidsskrift. Initially, each an international level with papers on all topics of volume included issues from several years. Many entomology. The Nordic international journals papers were written in Norwegian. From 1967 have become quite specialised, and have high with Volume 13, the volumes corresponds to the levels of refusals. For this reason national ento­ calendar years. mological journals are still very important. Over the years more and more papers were written in English. In order to give the journal a more The Editor international appearance, the name was changed to Norwegian Journal of Entomology with Volume 22 in 1975. In 1979, support to the journal from The Norwe­ gian Research Council was discontinued. The council expected taxonomic and ecological papers to be published in international Nordic journals, like Oikos, Holarctic Ecology and Entomologica Scandinavica, which they supported. One problem remained. There was no journal for publishing local, faunistic papers. The situation changed later in the same year, when The Norwegian Research Council decided to sup­ port a series offaunistic journals. Our journal was continued as Fauna Norvegica Series B, with subtitle Norwegian Journal of Entomology. Up to 1993, Series B was published by Norsk zoolo­ gisk tidsskriftsentral at The Zoological Museum in Oslo, but from 1994 publication was taken over by Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA) in Trondheim. Due to financial problems, however, NINA deci­ ded to discontinue publication of the journal from 1998. For this reason, since 1999 the journal has again been published by The Norwegian Ento­ mological Society. The name was changed back to Norwegian Journal of Entomology, and the journal receives support from The Norwegian Ministry of Environment. «Catalogus Lepidopterorum Norvegiae» Dette er titteIen pa den trykte kataIogen over Norges somrnerfugIer. Her viI du finne alle norske arter listet opp med opplysninger om i hviIke fylker og regioner de er pavist. I tillegg gis det komrnentarer tiI nesten 500 av de i alt 2123 artene. Samtidig er katalogen en sjekkliste over samtlige sommerfugIarter i de nordiske land. Artenes forekomst i hvert av disse landene er angitt ved hjelp av bokstavkoder. Leif Aarvik, Kai Berggren & Lars Ove Hansen (Auctores) Sigurd A. Bakke, Yngvar Berg, 0istein Berg, Kai Berggren, Bj0fll M. Fjell stad, Lars Ove Hansen, Kai Myhr, Heimo O. P6yh6nen, Svein Svendsen & Leif Aarvik (Contributores) Lepidopterologisk arbeidsgruppe Zoologisk Museum, Univ. i Oslo Norsk institutt for skogforskning 194 sider (l90x265 mm) Tekst pa norsk og engelsk. Pris: Kr. 200,- I 250,­ (Uinnb.linnbundet) ISBN 82-995095-1-3 Boken kan kj0pes gjennom Norsk Entomologisk Forenings distribut0f ved: Insektavdelingen, Zoologisk museum, Postboks 1172 Blindern, NO - 0318 Oslo Tit. 22 85 1682; E-mail: [email protected] 2 Norw. J. Entomol. 50, 3-10. 2003 On the validity of the species Exechiopsis aemula Plassmann and Exechiopsis pulchella (Winnertz) (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) Olavi Kurina Kurina, O. 2003. On the validity of the species Exechiopsis aemula Plassmann and Exechiopsis pulchella (Winnertz) (Diptera, Mycetophilidae). Norw. 1. Entomol. 50, 3-10. The morphological differences between the species Exechiopsis pulchella (Winnertz, 1863) and E. aemula Plassmann, 1984 are discussed, based on an analysis of the taxonomic literature and the study of type material. The validity of the second species is established. Detailed illustrations of male genitalia for both species are given. Key words: Diptera, Mycetophilidae, Exechiopsis, taxonomy, Europe . .alavi Kurina, Institute oJZoology and Botany oJEstonianAgriculture University, Riia st. 181, Tartu 51014, Estonia, e-mail: olavi@;zbi.ee INTRODUCTION alcohol. For each dry preserved specimens the genitalia were separated from the abdomen and When studying European material of the sub genus heated in 15% KOH for maceration. The remain­ Exechiopsis s. str. Tuomikoski, 1966 a problem ing chitinous parts were washed with acetic acid occurred in the identification of the species E. (s. and distilled water for neutralisation and inserted str.) pulchella (Winnertz, 1863) which brought into glycerine. The genitalia were preserved as about an analysis of the literature and review of glycerine preparations. For material preserved in available type material. alcohol there was no need for maceration of the In the Palaearctic region another two species were genitalia, as the observation oftheir structure was described, close in morphological characteristics possible directly. to E. pulchella. Both of them have been reported Abbreviations of museums in which material are subsequently as junior synonyms: E. forciposa deposited: (Toilet, 1955) - synonymised by Hackman (1988) with remark «questionable»; E. aemula Plass­ IZBE -Institute of Zoology and Botany, Estonian mann, 1984 - synonymised by SevCik (2001). Du­ Agriculture University, Estonia; ring the original study two groups of specimens JSPC - Jan SevCik Personal Collection, Ostrava, could clearly be distinguished and the validity of Czech Republic; the species E. aemula was established by study of MNHN - Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, type material. The difference between the species Paris, France; appears primarily in the structure of male genitalia, ZMAN - Zoologisch Museum Amsterdam, which is discussed below. Nederland; ZSM - Zoologische Staatsammlung in Munchen, METHODS AND ABBREVIATIONS Germany. The studied material includes specimens pre­ served on pins and of specimens preserved in 70% 3 Kurina: Validity of Exechiopsis aemula and E. pulchella (Dipt., Mycetophilidae) THE SPECIES 28 July - 18 Aug. 1975, II - 25 Aug. 1975, 15- 22 Sep. 1975, 18-26 Aug. 1976 and 13-20 Sept. Exechiopsis (Exechiopsis) aemula Plass­ 1976, K. Muller leg. [ZSM];
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