March 21, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E401 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO NATIONAL DANCE NAOMI FRANK pendence of the Republic of Tunisia. I urge WEEK my colleagues to join me in saluting the peo- HON. ROBERT S. WALKER ple of this important North African country on HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY OF PENNSYLVANIA this significant milestone. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tunisia, first, under President Bourguiba, OF NEW YORK Wednesday, March 20, 1996 and since 1987, under President Ben Ali, has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES played a key role in preserving peace and sta- Mr. WALKER. Mr. Speaker, I take this op- Wednesday, March 20, 1996 bility in often turbulent North Africa and in pro- portunity to bring to your attention a special viding leadership for the entire Arab world. Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today constituent of mine, Naomi Frank, of West This country of 9 million people is located to bring National Dance Week, which is being Chester, PA. Born in Sharpsville, PA, on April between Libya and Algeria on the coast of the celebrated April 28 to May 4, to the attention 29, 1915, Naomi Frank moved to Farrell, PA, Mediterranean Sea. It has a tradition of play- 1 of my colleagues. when she was 3 ¤2 years old. From an early ing an important regional role. For 11 years National Dance Week is an annual celebra- age, Naomi had learning impediments that until 1990, Tunisia hosted the Arab League, tion sponsored by the United Dance Mer- would prevent her from keeping up with her and for 12 years from 1982 to 1994, Tunisia chants of America to increase public aware- classmates. After many starts in the public was the home of Yasir Arafat and the Pal- ness and appreciation of dance. National schools, her parents realized the problems estine Liberation Organization. In that time, Dance Week encourages all forms of dance and had Naomi enrolled in the Woods School the Tunisians worked hard to moderate poli- including not only classical dance, but also lyr- in Langhorne, PA. Naomi then worked with Dr. cies of the PLO and to promote the peace ical, hip hop, ethnic, jazz, and modern. The Frederick Martin and participated in a speech process. goal of National Dance Week is to encourage seminar at Ithaca College in New York. While More recently, Tunisia has been a leader in growth and development of dance in America on her way home to Farrell, in August 1934, promoting the peace process. Tunisia was the by raising the level of public consciousness she was involved in a serious car accident. first Arab state to host a U.N. multilateral After much rehabilitation, Naomi enrolled in and focus on the value and importance of the meeting of the peace process and to welcome 1938 to attend the Devereaux School where contributions of dance to our daily lives and an official Israeli delegation. And on January she would learn to be independent. As part of culture. 22 of this year, Israel and Tunisia agreed to her education, Naomi learned to play the bari- Established 15 years ago, this celebration of establish diplomatic relations, and I under- tone D-flat horn and participated in the school dance has grown out of a grass roots cam- stand that interests sections will open in Tunis band. The Devereaux School had a camp for paign. Everyone who works on National and Tel Aviv by mid-April, 1996. its students on Emden Lake in the State of Dance Week is a volunteer working to spread At home, Tunisia has been a leader in its Maine. In 1942, 1943, 1944, and 1946, Naomi their love of dance to others. Today, a national region. Tunisia has taken steps toward de- was selected as one of the young women to steering committee enlists the talents of many mocracy. It has opened up both its economy spend her summer in Maine. Naomi stayed at prominent figures in dance manufacturing, and its political system, despite the pressures the Devereaux School working and learning publishing, worldwide dancing competitions, of extremism with which Tunisia and its neigh- until 1983, when she was forced to leave teachers, and choreographers. Regional man- bors must contend. Tunisia's budget has the school because she could not earn enough to agers are working with the local communities right priorities. Defense spending is reduced. pay the tuition herself. in order to coordinate events occurring during Upon leaving the Deveraux School, Naomi Education is a top priority, and it is reflected National Dance Week. moved to Coatesville, then Brandamore, PA, in Tunisia's 60 percent literacy rate. Local events are the core of National Dance and in 1990 she moved to the Wentworth Tunisia still has some distance to go in Week because they brig the most recognition Home in West Chester, PAÐlocated in my achieving a full democracy and full protection to the art of dance. Some dance schools are congressional district. She took a job at the of human rights. This year's Department of sending cards of congratulations as well as West Chester library, while also volunteering State human rights report notes that some se- gift certificates for dance classes to the par- her time at the Chester County Hospital. In rious problems remain. The government con- ents of new born babies in their communities. 1993, Naomi received her 500-hour volunteer tinued to stifle freedoms of speech, press, and Other dance communities are holding dem- pin and in 1995 her 1,000-hour volunteer pin. association. Some improvement on human onstration classes in schools and community In October 1987, Naomi Frank began to rights has occurred, and I hope that Tunisia centers to showcase the different types of prepare for her bat mitzvah. She was encour- will take note of these concerns and address dance as well a show much fun dancing can aged to do that by Rabbi Charny, and on Oc- them in a positive way in the months ahead. be. Other events include dance festivals and tober 27, 1988 was bat mitzvahed. Currently, Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to join in saluting parades. There is also a nationwide poster she has just completed her autobiography en- Tunisia for its moderation, its leadership, and contest for National Dance Week. In all, dance titled ``Book of My Life''. its continued strong partnership with the Unit- instructors across the country are working dili- Naomi Frank, throughout her life, has shown ed States. I hope that United States-Tunisian gently to create an awareness of dance and to that a strong will and hard work can improve relations continue to expand and deepen and bring a new vision of dance to the American not only one's own life, but the lives of others. that Tunisia continues to grow as a leader in public. Naomi Frank has overcome many obstacles in promoting peace, stability, and economic and In today's society it is important to give our her life and in doing so has touched the lives political openness. children outlets to express their energy and of countless others. I rise today to salute f creativity. Dance is just such an outlet. As Naomi Frank for her perseverance and deter- COMMEMORATING THE 70TH mination for I believe she has been an exam- Marianne Prinkey, the National Dance Week BIRTHDAY OF JAMES J. MANCINI Chair, put it, ``[Dance] enriches the body with ple of self-reliance to many people. discipline, activity and feelings.'' f HON. JIM SAXTON Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join TUNISIA AT 40 OF NEW JERSEY me in recognizing the hard work that dancers, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES not only in New York City, but across the country have put into National Dance Week. HON. LEE H. HAMILTON Wednesday, March 20, 1996 OF INDIANA Let us help them celebrate dance and the Mr. SAXTON. Mr. Speaker, it is an honor IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES contributions that this wonderful art gives to and a privilege to pay tribute to my good society. Congratulations and best wishes to all Wednesday, March 20, 1996 friend, Ocean County Freeholder and long- for a most successful week and a most suc- Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, March 20, time mayor of Long Beach Township, James cessful year of dance. 1996 marks the 40th anniversary of the inde- J. Mancini. · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E402 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks March 21, 1996 Freeholder Jim Mancini, as chairman of the dominated for much of history. From the Ho- AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL AND Ocean County Office on Aging, serves the meric tradition to Alexander, through the birth INDIA largest senior population in the State of New of the Socratic method, Aristotelian logic and Jersey. Ocean County's nutrition sites, trans- countless artistic and architectural endeavors, HON. PETER T. KING portation programs for the elderly and senior the Greek people have left an indelible im- OF NEW YORK outreach programs are considered among the pression on civilization. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES finest in our State. Freeholder Mancini has I am proud, once again, to congratulate the Wednesday, March 20, 1996 worked closely with me through the years in Greek people on their monumental achieve- our effort to preserve and protect such pro- Mr. KING. Mr. Speaker, Amnesty Inter- ment. Democracy has persevered against grams as Social Security, Medicare, and Med- national recently issued a report called Am- icaid.
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