ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT O Seat: ORGANIZACJA I KIEROWANIE R Division I Polish Academy of Science G The Committee on Organizational AN and Management Sciences Wydział I PAN iz PKiN, Plac Defilad 1 AT 00-901 Warszawa I www.pan.pl MANA AND ON Address: Warsaw School of Economics Collegium of Management and Finance al. Niepodległości 162 NO. 1B (160) YEAR 2014 02-554 Warszawa e-mail: [email protected] Indeks 367850 ISSN 0137-5466 www.sgh.waw.pl/oik/ G EMENT NO. 1B (160) YEAR 2014 (160) 1B NO. ISSN 0137-5466 thE commIttEE oN orgANIzAtIoNAl AND mANAgEmENt ScIENcES WArSaw School of EcoNomIcS collEgIum of mANAgEmENt AND fINANcE ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT ORGANIZACJA I KIEROWANIE OiK 2014-01B.indd 1 9-02-15 11:34:54 ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT ORGANIZACJA I KIEROWANIE MEMBERS OF “ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT” QUARTERLY PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Bogdan Nogalski (University of Gdansk) – President of the Committee Ryszard Borowiecki (Cracow University of Economics) – Vice President of the Committee Maria Romanowska (Warsaw School of Economics) – Vice President of the Committee Wiesław M. Grudzewski (Institute of Organization and Management in Industry ORGMASZ) Jan Jeżak (University of Lodz) Andrzej K. Koźmiński (Kozminski University) Kazimierz Krzakiewicz (Poznan University of Economics) Tadeusz Listwan (Social Academy of Science in Lodz) Janusz Strużyna (University of Economics in Katowice) Michał Trocki (Warsaw School of Economics) Wiktor Askanas (University of New Brunswick, Canada) Klaus Brockhoff (Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, Germany) Zbigniew J. Czajkiewicz (University of Houston, USA) William Egelhoff (Graduale School of Business. Fordham University, New York, USA) Frank Krawiec (Pennsylvania University, USA) Rainer Marr (Bundeswehr University Munchen, Germany) Claude Martin (University of Grenoble, France) Jurij Pawlenko (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia) Zdenek Soucek (Univeristy of Economics, Prague, Czech Rep.) Norbert Thom (University of Bern, Switzerland) OiK 2014-01B.indd 2 9-02-15 11:34:54 ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT ORGANIZACJA I KIEROWANIE N0. 1B (160) YEAR 2014 Index 367850 ISSN 0137-5466 OiK 2014-01B.indd 3 9-02-15 11:34:54 Publisher: THE COMMITTEE ON ORGANIZATIONAL AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES & WARSAW SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS This publication is subsidized by Ministry of Science and Higher Education Editorial board: Szymon Cyfert (Poznan University of Economics) – Chairman Janusz Czekaj (Cracow University of Economics) – Editor‑in chief Jacek M. Rybicki (University of Gdansk) – Editor‑in chief Piotr Wachowiak (Warsaw School of Economics) – Editorial Assistant Sections editors: Janusz Czekaj (Cracow University of Economics) – methodology of organizational and management sciences, management concepts and methods Wojciech Dyduch (University of Economics in Katowice) – entrepreneurship, small business management Aldona Frączkiewicz ‑Wronka (University of Economics in Katowice) – public sector management Jerzy Niemczyk (Wroclaw University of Economics) – firm thoery Jacek M. Rybicki (University of Gdansk) – strategic management Agnieszka Sopińska (Warsaw School of Economics) – knowledge management and intellectual capital management Marzena Stor (Wroclaw University of Economics) – human resources management Maciej Urbaniak (University of Lodz) – logistics and quality management Reception: Anna Domalewska, tel. +48 22 564 95 34, e‑mail: [email protected] Distribution and Promotion: Anna Czułek, tel. +48 22 564 98 37, e‑mail: [email protected] Section chief editor: Anna Matysiak ‑Kolasa, e‑mail: [email protected] Production editor: Ewa Łukasiewicz, e‑mail: [email protected] © Copyright by The Committee on Organizational and Management Sciences & Warsaw School of Economics, Collegium of Management Finance, Warsaw 2014 All rights reserved. No part of this issue may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. All articles published in the quarterly are subject to reviews. Statistical review: Małgorzata Rószkiewicz (Warsaw School of Economics) Peer review: Jarosław Karpacz, Wioletta Mierzejewska, Anna Wójcik‑Karpacz. Adress: Warsaw School of Economics Collegium of Management and Finance al. Niepodległości 162, 02–554 Warszawa e‑mail: [email protected], www.sgh.waw.pl/oik/ Cover design: Małgorzata Przestrzelska DTP Operator: GEMMA Printing and Binding: QUICK‑DRUK Edition: 150 copies Order 180/XII/14 OiK 2014-01B.indd 4 9-02-15 11:34:54 Contents Szymon Cyfert The IntrodUction ............................................................................................... 7 Ryszard Borowiecki Enterprise RestrUctUring in the Conditions of the Crisis and the Globalization Challenges. Based on the EXperiences of the Polish EconomY ..................................................................................... 9 RestrUKTURYzacJA przedsiębiorstw w warUNKach KRYZYSU I WYzwań globalizacJI (na podstawie doświadczeń z polsKieJ gospodarKI) .......................... 24 Łukasz Sułkowski The FUnctionalist Understanding of cUltUre in management ......... 25 KUltUra w zarządzaniU z perspeKTYWY FUNKCJonalistYczneJ ................................... 36 Charles Wankel, Agata Stachowicz‑Stanusch Principles for Responsible Management EDUcation: A PathwaY to Management EDUcation for IntegritY .................................................. 37 ZasadY Społecznie Odpowiedzialnego NAUczania (Principles for ResponsiblE Management EDUcation – PRME) drogą kU prawości w szKolnictwie WYższYM ........................................................................................................ 59 Piotr Płoszajski EXpanding the ToolboX of Organizational and Management TheorY: CompleXitY, Morphogenesis, Catastrophe and Chaos ........... 61 Signe Vesso, Ruth Alas The main coaching areas for Estonian leaders for managing organisational change .................................................................................... 81 GłÓwne obszarY szKoleń dla estońSKich liderÓW zarządzania zmianami organizacYJNYM ......................................................................................................................... 94 Katarzyna Hys, Liliana Hawrysz SYstem – InterdisciplinarY Understanding ................................................ 95 SYstem – rozUmienie interdYscYplinarne .......................................................................... 115 Katarzyna Bratnicka Refining the mUltidimensional concept of organizational creatiVITY ................................................................................................................ 117 W KierUNKI wielowYmiarowego spoJrzenia na twÓrczość organizacYJNą ....... 129 ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT • nr 1B / 2014 (160) 5 OiK 2014-01B.indd 5 9-02-15 11:34:54 Contents THE COMMITTEE ON ORGANIZATIONAL AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCE ............................................................................... 130 WARSAW SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS ....................................................................... 131 6 ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT • nr 1B / 2014 (160) OiK 2014-01B.indd 6 9-02-15 11:34:54 The Introduction SZYmon CYfert* The IntrodUction The assumption that the instability of the business environment forces organiza‑ tions to continuously improve efficiency means that the omission of improvement‑ ‑related activities may, in the long run, lead to the deterioration of the competitive position of an organization, and consequently, to its downfall. The implementation of the measures aimed at improvement requires the use of a systemic approach by organizations, involving a deliberate and systematic implementation of changes. The use of a different approach may, in the short run, benefit an organization, but in the long run it will have synergy ‑destroying effects. Such a systemic approach involves the use of management methods and techniques. When implementing management methods and techniques, one should keep in mind that there is no “one best” manage‑ ment method or technique, on the contrary – both in theory and in practice there are many. Some of them compete with each other, some are mutually complemen‑ tary, and sometimes the actual differences between the methods and techniques are insignificant, which results from the desire to find the ideal solution by the authors of particular concepts. When taking actions aimed at the implementation of manage‑ ment methods and techniques, one should take into consideration the interactions between particular concepts, strengthening or weakening the effects of mentioned implementation. The literature emphasizes that the proper implementation of management methods and techniques can generate added value for an organization. However, just as often, due to errors in the implementation process, the implementation of management methods and techniques reduces the efficiency of an organization and consequently, destroys values. Therefore, every process of management method or technique imple‑ mentation should be considered and analyzed in terms of implementation ‑related benefits and risks for a specific company. Joining in the discussion on organizational renewal, Ryszard Borowiecki out‑ lines the background, causes and effects of the changes in the behavior of modern * Chair of Organization and Management Theory – Szymon Cyfert, Ph.D., Professor, Poznań University of Economics. ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT
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