HJB31_proof ■ 9 July 2016 ■ 1/7 HAYATI Journal of Biosciences xxx (2016) 1e7 55 HOSTED BY Contents lists available at ScienceDirect 56 57 HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 58 59 journal homepage: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/ 60 hayati-journal-of-biosciences 61 62 63 Original research article 64 65 1 Diversity and Abundance of Carabidae and Staphylinidae 66 2 67 3 (Insecta: Coleoptera) in Four Montane Habitat Types on Mt. 68 4 69 Q10 Bawakaraeng, South Sulawesi 5 70 6 1 fi 1* 2 71 7 Q9 Agmal Qodri, Rika Raf udin, Woro Anggraitoningsih Noerdjito 72 8 Q1 1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia. 73 9 2 Zoology Division (Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense), Research Center for Biology-LIPI, Cibinong, Indonesia. 74 10 75 11 76 12 Q2 article info abstract 77 13 78 14 Article history: Carabidae and Staphylinidae are the two beetle families frequently found to be most abundant and 79 Received 5 May 2015 15 diverse in forest ecosystem. Their roles especially as generalist predators are important in forest 80 16 Accepted 6 April 2016 ecosystem. No studies reported diversity and abundance of Carabidae and Staphylinidae in forest Available online xxx 81 ecosystem on Mt. Bawakaraeng, specifically in montane habitat yet. The aim of this study was to analyze 17 82 diversity and abundance of Carabidae and Staphylinidae in four montane habitat types, i.e. agricultural 18 83 KEYWORDS: area, pine forest, eucalypts and natural forest (1835 m asl), and natural forest (2165 m asl). They were 19 Carabidae, collected using pitfall traps. A total of 42 carabid beetles belonging to nine species and 260 staphylinid 84 20 diversity, beetles belonging to 37 species were collected. Diversity and abundance of Staphylinidae were higher 85 21 montane habitat, than Carabidae, this is predicted because of higher mobility in Staphylinidae compared to Carabidae. In 86 22 Mt. Bawakaraeng, Staphylinidae, Carabidae, the highest species richness was recorded in agricultural area, whereas the highest species 87 23 Sulawesi richness of Staphylinidae occurred in natural forest (2165 m asl). In Staphylinidae, the two largest 88 24 subfamilies are Aleocharinae and Staphylininae. Aephinidius adelioides occupied the highest abundance 89 25 of Carabidae and found in agricultural area. The differences in each montane habitat type are presumed 90 26 to cause variation in species richness of soil beetles, especially for Carabidae. 91 © 27 Copyright 2016 Institut Pertanian Bogor. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access 92 article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). 28 93 29 94 30 95 31 96 32 1. Introduction In forest ecosystems, soil beetles show important roles in soil 97 33 food chain being predators, decomposers, and phytophagous. Car- 98 34 Q3 The geological history of Sulawesi Island in forming four abidae is one of the beetle families, which are predominantly 99 35 different arm (north, south, east, southeast) was caused by tectonic predators (Nitzu et al. 2008), especially as generalist predators (feed 100 36 processes of active plate boundaries (Hamilton 1979). Mt. Bawa- on a variety of arthropod preys, such as Collembola, soil mites, and 101 37 karaeng (2830 m asl) is located in the south arm in Gowa district, larvae of Diptera) (Ribera et al. 1999). Besides Carabidae, Staph- 102 38 South Sulawesi, and the mountain was formed through the volcanic ylinidae is also a generalist predator (Pohl et al. 2008). As a 103 39 activity in the Pleistocene (Hasnawir & Kubota 2008). Sulawesi has generalist predator, they serve as seed eaters and pollen feeders, 104 40 several types of forest, i.e. lowland (0e400 m asl), hill respectively (Steel 1970; Hanski & Hammond 1986). 105 41 (400e850 m asl), upland (850e1500 m asl), montane The species richness of soil beetle decreased with the increasing 106 42 (1500e2500 m asl), and tropalpine forest (>2500 m asl) (Cannon altitude in montane forest (Hanski & Hammond 1986; Maveety 107 43 et al. 2007). Montane forest is often considered as less diverse et al. 2011). Thus, different types of montane forest or altitudes 108 44 area than lowland forest, but high endemism occurs in this area may inhabit different diversity of Carabidae and Staphylinidae. 109 45 (Anderson & Ashe 2000). Anotylus sp. (Oxytelinae) and Philonthus sp. (Staphylininae) are the 110 46 common staphylinids that occur in montane forests in Gunung 111 47 Mulu National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia (Hanski & Hammond 1986). 112 48 Another example, the three genus of three tribes, i.e. Pelmatellus 113 49 (Harpalini), Dyscolus (Platynini), and Bembidion (Bembidiini) are 114 50 * Corresponding author. 115 fi fi commonly found in tropical montane forest, Andes mountains, 51 E-mail address: rraf [email protected] (R. Raf udin). 116 Peer review under responsibility of Institut Pertanian Bogor. southeastern Peru (Maveety et al. 2011). 52 117 53 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hjb.2016.04.002 118 54 1978-3019/Copyright © 2016 Institut Pertanian Bogor. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http:// 119 creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Please cite this article in press as: Qodri, A., et al., Diversity and Abundance of Carabidae and Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) in Four Montane Habitat Types on Mt. Bawakaraeng, South Sulawesi, HAYATI J Biosci (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hjb.2016.04.002 HJB31_proof ■ 9 July 2016 ■ 2/7 2 A. Qodri, et al 1 Research on diversity and abundance of Carabidae and Staph- Laboratory of Entomology, Zoology Division, and Research Center 66 2 ylinidae in the area of Mt. Bawakaraeng particularly related to for Biology LIPI. 67 3 montane habitats has not been reported yet. Therefore, it is 68 4 69 necessary to conduct a research on the diversity and abundance of 2.3. Identification 5 70 Carabidae and Staphylinidae in various montane habitat types on Family level identification was identified using Triplehorn and 6 71 Mt. Bawakaraeng. The objective of this study was to analyze di- Johnson (2005). Carabidae was identified according to Darlington 7 72 versity and abundance of Carabidae and Staphylinidae in four (1970), Sawada and Wiesner (2000), Ito (2009), and specimen 8 73 montane habitat types on Mt. Bawakaraeng, South Sulawesi. This references in Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense (MZB) LIPI Cibinong. 9 fi 74 result is expected to provide scienti c information on the area The further identification for Staphylinidae was performed using 10 75 richness related to diversity and abundance of Carabidae and Cameron (1930) and specimen references in MZB. For morpho- 11 76 Staphylinidae. species level was identified based on external morphology. Almost 12 77 all species of Carabidae and Staphylinidae were verified by Co- 13 78 2. Materials and Methods leopterists listed at Table 2. All specimens were deposited in MZB. 14 79 15 2.1. Study sites 80 2.4. Environmental variables 16 Collecting sample of Carabidae and Staphylinidae was con- 81 We measured the environmental variables, i.e. temperature, 17 ducted once in dry season from September until October 2013 in 82 humidity, soil temperature, soil moisture, and soil pH. Temperature 18 four montane habitat types on Mt. Bawakaraeng. Those habitats are 83 and humidity were measured using digital thermohygrometer. Soil 19 (1) agricultural area (1465 m asl), consisted of tomatoes (Sol- 84 temperature was measured using soil thermometer. Soil moisture 20 anaceae), gourds (Cucurbitaceae), leeks (Alliaceae), and mustards 85 and pH were measured using soil tester Takemura. The range of soil 21 (Brassicaceae). There was no canopy cover in this habitat. (2) Pine 86 moisture value at soil tester is 1%e8% and soil pH value ranges from 22 forest (1545 m asl), dominated by pine trees and ferns. There were 87 3to8. 23 also weeds of Ageratum sp. in this habitat. (3) Mixed forest, i.e. 88 24 partly eucalypts forest, partly natural forest (1835 m asl). The nat- 89 25 ural forest in this altitude was dominated by trees of Magnolia 2.5. Data analysis 90 26 vrieseana (Magnoliaceae), and the trees of other families were Data of Carabidae and Staphylinidae were analyzed for species 91 27 coated by mosses and epiphytic plants. This habitat was overgrown richness (S), Shannon's diversity index (H'), Pielou's evenness index 92 28 by shrubs Leucosyke capitellata (Urticaceae). (4) Natural forest (E), and Simpson's index/dominance of species (D)(Magurran 93 29 (2165 m asl), dominated by trees of Melicope accedens (Rutaceae) 1988). The relationship among species, habitats, and environ- 94 30 and the trees of other families were coated by bryophytes and mental variables was analyzed using canonical correspondence 95 31 epiphytic plants, as well as had the most dense canopy cover analysis (CCA) implemented in the Paleontological Statistics (PAST) 96 32 (Table 1). program version 1.93 (Hammer & Harper 2006). 97 33 98 34 99 2.2. Specimen collection 3. Results 35 100 Carabid and staphylinid beetles were collected using pitfall 36 101 traps. Fifteen pitfall traps were positioned systematically in agri- 3.1. The diversity and abundance of Carabidae 37 102 cultural area and set up randomly in pine forest, mixed forest, and Compared to Staphylinidae, number of collected Carabidae was 38 103 natural forest. The space between pitfall traps are 10e20 m in a plot less, i.e. a total of 42 individuals, those from three subfamilies and 39 104 area of 2400 m2 in all the habitats, and with reference to Green- nine species of carabids. The subfamily Harpalinae was the most 40 105 Q8 slade (1973) we kept the traps for 2 days. The differential common carabids collected in the areas of Mt.
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