ARCHIV IDRC-024e MACINT 11251 TRITICALE Proceedings of an international symposium El Batan, Mexico, 1-3 October 1973 Editors: Reginald Maclntyre/Marilyn Campbell IDRC-024e TRITICALE Proceedings of an international symposium, El Batan, Mexico, 1-3 October 1973* Editors: REGINALD MAcINTYRE/MARILYN CAMPBELL This symposium was co-sponsored by the Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo, the University of Manitoba, and theInternational Development Research Centre. Oi958 *The views expressed in this publication are those of the individualauthor(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the International DevelopmentResearch Centre. ISBN 0-088936-028-6 UDC: 633.1 © 1974 International Development Research Centre Head Office: 60 Queen Street, Box 8500, Ottawa, CanadaK1G 3H9 Microfiche Edition $1 Contents Foreword W. David Hopper 5-7 List of Participants 8-11 Historical review of the development of triticale Arne Müntzing 13-30 Development of triticales in Western Europe E. Sanchez-Monge 31-39 Triticale-breeding experiments in Eastern Europe A. Kiss 41-50 Research work with 4x-Triticale in Germany (Berlin) K.-D.Krolow 51-60 Triticale research program in the United Kingdom R. S. Gregory 61-67 Progress in the development of triticale in Canada E. N. Larter 69-74 Triticale: its potential as a cereal crop in the United States of America R. I. Metzger 75-80 The triticale improvement program at CIMMYT F. J. Zillinsky 8 1-85 Prospects of triticale as a commercial crop in India J. P. Srivastava 87-92 Triticale breeding experiments in India N. S. Sisodia 93-101 Triticale research program in Iran M. A. Vahabian 103-105 Triticale research program in Ethiopia F. Pinto 107-115 Triticale research program in Algeria Herb Floyd 117-1 19 Triticale program and potential in Kenya B. A Nganyi Wabwoto 121-124 Triticale breeding experiments in Chile Patricio C. Parodi 125-128 Expanding the CIMMYT outreach programs R. G. Anderson 129-135 Meiotic, gametophytic, and early endosperm development in triticale Michael D. Bennett 137-148 Metabolic factors influencing kernel development in triticale R. D. Hill, A. I. Klassen, and W. Dedio 149-154 Improving seed formation in triticales F. 3. Zilhinsky 155-157 Univalency in triticale P. 3. Kaltsikes 159-1 67 Cytogenetics of hexaploid triticale Arnuif Merker 169-172 Use of chromosome analysis to detect favourable combin- ations from octoploid x hexaploid crosses M.H.deSosa 173-180 Preliminary report on the cytogenetics of tetraploid X diploid wheat crosses R. I. Metzger and B. A. Silbaugh 18 1-185 Triticale diseases review Santiago Fuentes Fuentes 187-192 Triticale diseases in CIMMYT trial locations M. J. Richardson and J. M. Wailer 193-199 Agronomy and physiology of triticales R. A. Fischer 201-209 Early steps on triticale breeding at CIMMYT Marco A. Quiiiones 211-212 Introduction of new forms and types from wheat and triticale Ing. Ricardo Rodriguez 21 3-215 Extending adaptability and sources of new genetic variability in triticale M. M. Kohli 217-226 Production of triticale germ plasm J. Perry Gustafson 227-233 Broadening of the triticale germ plasm base by primary hexaploid triticale production Armando Campos Vela 235-236 Nutritional value of triticales as high-protein feed for poultry James McGinnis 23 7-240 Comparison of the vole, rat, and mouse as assay animals in the evaluation of protein quality B. E. McDonald and E. N. Larter 241-246 Future role of triticales in agriculture L. H. Shebeski 247-250 Triticale Diseases in CIMMYT Trial Locations M. J. RICHARDSON1 AND J. M. WALLER2 lDepartment of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland, EastCraigs, Edinburgh, EHI2 8NJ UK, and 2Overseas Development Administration,Commonwealth Mycological Institute, Ferry Lane, Kew, Surrey, UK RICHARDSON, M. J., AND J. M. WALLER.1974.Triticale diseases in CIMMYT trial loca- tions, p. 193-199. In Triticale: proceedings of an internationalsymposium, El Batan, Mexico, 1-3 October 1973. Tnt. Develop. Res. Centre Monogr.IDRC-024e. AbstractThis paper describes triticale diseases found by the staff of CIMMYTat their various trial locations in Mexico, records made by cooperators inoutreach trials, and the authors' examination of material at and from CIMMYT. At present, alist of pathogens capable of infecting triticale is all that can be attempted. This listwill doubtless increase as the crop is grown more widely and receives moreattention from plant pathologists throughout the world. Little can be said about the differentsusceptibilities of triticale to various diseases. Information available from theInternational Triticale Yield Nurseries on disease incidence is very incomplete, but itwould appear that in general triticale has some useful resistance against stem rust(Puccinia graminis Pers.) and stripe rust (P. striiformis) but is somewhat susceptible to leaf rust (P.recondita Rob. ex Desm.). In North Africa and South America triticale has someresistance to septoria disease, which can be severe on wheat in these areas. Estimation ofdisease severity in terms of yield loss will require more intensive research that can onlybe contemplated when triticale is more extensively grown. Résumé Ce texte décrit les maladies du triticale constatées par leschercheurs du CIMMYT aux différents endroits du Mexique oi sontsitués les champs d'essai, celles signalées par les collaborateurs du Centre dans les essais de diffusion etcelles relevées par l'auteur lors d'examens du materiel végétaldu CIMMYT ou provenant de cet orga- nisme. Une liste de pathogènes susceptibles d'infecter le triticale est tout ce quel'on a Pu établir jusqu'à present. Cette liste s'allongera sans aucundoute au fur et a mesure que se répandra cette culture et qu'elle bénéficiera deplus d'attention de la part des phytopathologistes du monde entier. On ne peut dire que peu de choses quanta la vulnérabilité des triticales aux différentes maladies. Les renseignements sur lafréquence des maladies émanant des pépinières internationales de multiplicationdu triticale sont très incomplets, mais ii semblerait qu'en général les triticales aient unebonne résistance a Ia rouille de la tige (Puccinia graminis Pers.) et a Ia rouillestriée (P. striifor,nis) mais soient assez sensibles a la rouille des feuilles (P. recondita Rob. exDesm.). Le triticale a révélé une certaine résistance a Ia septoriose en Afriquedu Nord et en Amérique du Sud, regions oi cette maladie peut gravement affecter leblé. Un jugement sur la gravité des maladies en termes de pertes deproduction nécessitera des recherches plus intensives qui ne pourront être envisagées que lorsque Iaculture du triticale se sera développée sur une grande échelle. 193 194 IDRC-024e TRITICALE has been grown commercially in further identification, the shape,size, and Hungary, Spain, Canada, and parts of the colour of the spores need to be noted. USA, but there are few references to disease apart from rusts and ergot,which were covered by Fuentes (1974). Our information Leaf Diseases on triticale diseases is limited to observations made in Mexico by the staff of CIMMYT atFusarium nivale(Fr.) Ces. (Micronectriella their various trial locations, records made by nivalis (Schaff.) Booth) cooperators in outreach trials, and our own examination of material at and from CIMMYT. A leaf blight caused by this fungus occurs Many of these observations are of limited useextensively at Toluca and also at El Batan, because of the difficulty of disease diagnosis. but it has not been recorded on triticale else- Very similar symptoms may be caused bywhere, or to any extent on other cereals different pathogens in different parts of the (Richardson and Zillinsky 1972); therefore, world and the same pathogen may express except at Toluca, it would seem to be of little itself in a variety of ways. All trial workersimportance at present. It should, however, be and breeders should be prepared initially towatched for in areas with a climate similar make some preliminary microscope examina- to that of Toluca, with relatively warm day tion of diseased material to determine the temperatures, frequent heavy rain for spore identity of the pathogen. Attempts at field dispersal, and long periods of leaf wetness for diagnosis should only be made when one is infection. Lesions are extensive, irregular, dull familiar with the symptoms of a disease in agrey-green, and water-soaked in appearance. particular area,and even these diagnosesThe fungusproducespustulesofspores should be supported by regular microscopethrough each of the stomata, which can be checks.Wheneverpossible,thehelpof seen with a hand lens (x 10) as parallel rows national or international pathological or my-of regularly spaced whitish to pinkish dots cological services should be used. (Fig. 3). The spores are colourless, 10-30 There is a well-defined group of organisms (40) x 4-5.5 j.sm, curved, with 0-3 septa (Fig. 5). Very old lesions may also have the known to be pathogenic on wheat or rye, and perithecial state. it is likely that these organisms will eventually be found on triticale. Lesions with organisms Septoria Leaf Blotches notbelongingtothisgroupshouldbe examined with care before being reported as Much work has been done at CIMMYT with a new disease, and efforts should be made to Septoria tritici Rob. and Desm., but there are satisfy Koch's postulates. These state that an three or four species of Septoria that may organism should be isolated into pure cultureoccur indifferent areas(Richardson and from lesions, be shown to be capable ofNoble 1970). Spores of all species are colour- reinfecting the host to cause the same disease, less, cylindrical, and produced in pycnidia. and be reisolated into pure culture. The current position is as follows: For nonpathologists it would be useful to Septoria tritici, with spores 50-90 >< 2 pm (Fig. outline the main points to be noted when 6), has been recorded from Mexico (Anon. 1973), Portugal and Tunisia lookingatfungi from diseased material.(CIMMYT 1972), and Algeria (Floyd, personal Hopefully spores will be present. Are they communication).
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