E2112 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 7, 2006 Hooked on Health approaches these priorities ical equipment and medical supplies that have INDIA PLAYS THE VICTIM TO through a campaign model designed to in- been sent to India. This has generated tre- COVER UP ITS TERRORIST crease physical activity, improve nutritional mendous benefit, especially for the people RECORD choices, and reduce tobacco use and lower who are challenged and need our attention. stress. She has demonstrated that excess and HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS OF NEW YORK The campaign brings in motivational speak- unuseful resources of one society can be di- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ers and introduces wellness activities and in- verted for the betterment of another society. Wednesday, December 6, 2006 centives from community partners, such as re- Dr. Ketki Shah’s selfless work has earned duced fees at health clubs and health the goodwill of many, especially those who are Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, last month, In- screenings. Hooked on Health has modeled also involved in humanitarian work. This year, dian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh publicly this program to community partners rep- humanitarian Shabana Azmi and her husband stated that India is the victim of cross-border resenting local businesses, hospitals, school Javed Akhtar appeared on stage in a riveting terror. The Council of Khalistan under the systems, government and nonprofits. performance that highlighted the career of leadership of Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh wrote to The success of the campaign in its first year Shabana’s father, a renowned poet and a Prime Minister Singh and reminded him that shows that an investment in healthy choices freedom fighter. Shabana Azmi, leading star of India has been sponsoring cross-border ter- makes an important impact. After just 8 Indian Cinema, is an outstanding social activ- rorism in Sindh, a province of Pakistan, as the months, the wellness campaign teams re- ist, a passionate advocate of human rights, Washington Times reported on January 2, ported: 1,029 pounds lost, 13 improved lipid and a prominent humanitarian. Her work in 2002 and that according to India Today, which profiles, 21 hypertensive employees met blood each of the areas has been exceptional and is the leading news magazine in India, the In- pressure goals, four diabetics improved Hg has earned her a long list of awards, recogni- dian government created the Liberation Tigers A1C (a glucose control measure), one smoker tions and medals including Padma Shri, one of of Tamil Eelam, which the U.S. government quit and two decreased, and 88 percent are the prestigious recognitions in India. has identified as a terrorist organization. still engaged. It has also sponsored domestic terrorism She was one of the sixteen women to whom Jim Pericaud, a Public Health employee against the minorities within its borders, in- tributes were paid by President Mitterrand of who participated in the Hooked on Health cluding murdering a quarter of a million Sikhs France in 1989 on Bicentenary celebrations of campaign, reported, ‘‘I started riding my bike and holding another 52,000 as political pris- International Human Rights. In 1993, she was to work last July. I ride to work 2 to 3 days a oners; killing Muslims by the tens of thou- invited to Cape Town to present ‘‘The News week. My wife has encouraged healthy eating sands in Kashmir, where more than 90,000 maker of the year award’’ to President Nelson by preparing meals of lean meats, fish and have been killed, Gujarat, where between Mandela. She has been appointed the United vegetables. I also do weight training. I have 2,000 and 5,000 died in a massacre pre- Nations Goodwill Ambassador on Population lost 15 pounds since July and I feel great!’’ planned by the government, and elsewhere; I appreciate the opportunity to discuss the and Development. She was selected to Rajya killing Christians throughout the country, in- challenges facing our country’s overall health Sabha by the President of India. On October cluding over 300,000 just in Nagaland; and and to highlight the solutions promoted 26, 2006, she was the first Indian to receive mass killing many other minorities. Yet India through Hooked on Health in southwest Geor- a prestigious Gandhi Peace award presented proclaims itself the victim of terrorism and pro- gia as a model for employers, school systems at the House of Commons, London. Previous claims itself a democracy. Well, Mr. Speaker, and community groups across the country. recipients of this award include Nobel Laure- it certainly doesn’t act that way. ates: Honorable Dalai Lama and Archbishop f The repression and terrorism must be Desmond Tutu. stopped. We should end all aid and trade with TRIBUTE TO THE SHARE AND She had lead march of 4 days for com- India until such time as the repression ends CARE FOUNDATION munal harmony from Delhi to Meerut. Her and people enjoy the most basic human heart goes to the economically challenged for rights, and we should throw our full support HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. whom she undertook a 5 day hunger strike behind self-determination in Punjab, Khalistan, OF NEW JERSEY and as a Chairman of Nivara Hakk, she has in Kashmir, in Nagalim, and wherever people IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES managed to get alternative land for slum are trying to be free. The essence of democ- dwellers. Her struggle for the poor in India has Wednesday, December 6, 2006 racy is the right to self-determination. In addi- now resulted in the construction of 30,000 tion, we should designate India a terrorist Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I want to thank homes under a tripartite agreement among state and impose the sanctions that that des- the Share and Care Foundation for their chari- charities, a private builder and the ignation brings. table work in India. Their annual gala was re- Maharashtra government. Mr. Speaker, I would like to insert the Coun- cently held at the New Jersey Performing Art She has also addressed several Universities cil of Khalistan’s open letter into the RECORD. Center in Newark, New Jersey on Saturday, in the USA, such as Harvard, Columbia, It is a frightening record of Indian terrorism. November 4th. I was pleased to attend that Berkeley, and MIT, for the need to relate com- INDIA ISATERRORIST STATE, NOT A VICTIM evening. This event marked the kickoff of their munal harmony to issues of social justices. DEAR PRIME MINISTER SINGH: On October 4, forthcoming Silver Jubilee of helping the chal- you said that India is a victim of cross-bor- Shabana thrived and expanded the project lenged, especially women and children, in the der terrorism. India is a terrorist state itself ‘‘Mijwan Welfare Society’’ started by her father fields of education, improving healthcare and and should be subject to the penalties that in Mijwan, a small ‘‘challenged village’’ in Uttar social uplifting. They have also worked in are imposed on terrorist states. Pradesh, India where emphasis is placed on On January 2, 2002, the Washington Times emergency situations like earthquakes, floods, education and empowerment of women. We reported that India is supporting cross-bor- the tsunami, and September 11, etc. The ma- are extremely pleased to join hands with der terrorism in Sindh, a province of Paki- jority of their work is carried out by volunteers Shabana in this project to make a difference stan, the very same kind of thing that Prime who are professionals or entrepreneurs. Minister Singh was claiming is victimizing in one of the poorest regions with a very high Mr. Speaker, I would like to specially com- India. In addition, India’s leading newsmaga- mend Dr. Ketki Shah who has been closely in- infant mortality rate and birth rates, low female zine, India Today, reported that the Indian volved with the Share and Care Foundation. literacy and near absence of health and sani- government created the Liberation Tigers of Dr. Shah, a Diplomate, American Board of tation facilities. They have started 2 computer Tamil Eelam (LTTE), identified by the U.S. government as a terrorist organization, and Psychiatry and Neurology, is an experienced training schools, training center and ‘‘Sewa’’; embroidery projects for women. its leaders were put up by the Indian govern- Psychiatrist with specializations in ment in the finest hotel in Delhi. How can Psychopharmacology and Addiction Psychi- Shabana’s accomplishments are countless you blame Pakistan when India started atry. She is a low keyed humanitarian with the and extremely commendable, however, her cross-border terrorism with its own actions? sole purpose of helping people who need dedication to humanity is what makes her a The Indian government has committed ter- help. She attended a global women’s con- special individual. rorism against its own minorities. It has ference in Geneva to promote peace in the Mr. Speaker, Shabana Azmi, Javed Akhtar murdered over 250,000 Sikh infants, children, youth, men, women, and elderly since 1984, world. Her work including field visits during and Dr. Ketki Shah are all very special individ- as well as more than 300,000 Christians in emergencies like earthquakes and the 2004 uals who have made a remarkable difference Nagaland, over 90,000 Muslims in Kashmir, tsunami are remarkable. Her work as a chair- in the global community. Together they have tens of thousands of Christians and Muslims person of the medical committee is directly realized the benefits of volunteerism and self- throughout the country, and tens of thou- correlated with over ten million dollars of med- help. sands of Assamese, Bobos, Dalits, Manipuris, VerDate Aug 31 2005 07:03 Dec 08, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06DE8.025 E07DEPT1 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with REMARKS December 7, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2113 Tamils, and other minorities.
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