On the product of generating functions for domino and bi-tableaux Ekaterina A. Vassilieva November 26, 2019 Abstract. The connection between the generating functions of various sets of tableaux and the appropriate families of quasisymmetric functions is a signifi- cant tool to give a direct analytical proof of some advanced bijective results and provide new combinatorial formulas. In this paper we focus on two kinds of type B Littlewood-Richardson coefficients and derive new formulas using weak com- position quasisymmetric functions and Chow’s quasisymmetric functions. In the type A case these coefficients give the multiplication table for Schur functions, i.e. the generating functions for classical Young tableaux. We look at their generalisations involving a set of bi-tableaux and domino tableaux. 1 Type A quasisymmetric functions 1.1 Permutations, Young tableaux and descent sets For any positive integer n write [n] = {1, ··· ,n}, Sn the symmetric group on [n]. A partition λ of n, denoted λ ⊢ n is a sequence λ = (λ1, λ2, ··· , λp) of ℓ(λ) = p parts sorted in decreasing order such that |λ| = i λi = n. A partition λ is usually represented as a Young diagram of n = |λ| boxes arranged P in ℓ(λ) left justified rows so that the i-th row from the top contains λi boxes. A Young diagram whose boxes are filled with positive integers such that the entries are increasing along the rows and strictly increasing down the columns is called a semistandard Young tableau. If the entries of a semistandard arXiv:1911.10430v1 [math.CO] 23 Nov 2019 Young tableau are restricted to the elements of [n] and strictly increasing along the rows, we call it a standard Young tableau. The partition λ is the shape of the tableau and we denote SYT (λ) (resp. SSYT (λ)) the set of standard (resp. semistandard) Young tableaux of shape λ. One important feature of a permutation π in Sn is its descent set, i.e. the subset of [n−1] defined as Des(π)= {1 ≤ i ≤ n−1 | π(i) > π(i+1)}. Similarly, define the descent set of a standard Young tableau T as Des(T )= {1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1 | i is in a strictly higher row than i +1}. 1 1.2 Quasisymmetric expansion of Schur polynomials Let X = {x1, x2, ···} and Y = {y1,y2, ···} be two alphabets of commutative indeterminates. Denote also XY the product alphabet {xiyj }i,j ordered by the lexicographical order. Let FI (X) be the Gessel’s fundamental quasisym- metric function on X indexed by the subset I ⊂ [n − 1]: FI (X)= xi1 xi2 ··· xin . (1) i1≤···≤in k∈I⇒Xik <ik+1 The power series FI (X) is not symmetric in X but verifies the property that for any strictly increasing sequence of indices i1 < i2 < ··· < ip the coefficient k k xk1 xk2 x p xk1 xk2 x p s X of 1 2 ··· p is equal to the coefficient of i1 i2 ··· ip . Let λ( ) be the Schur polynomial indexed by partition λ on alphabet X. Schur polynomials are the generating functions for semistandard Young tableaux. As a result, T sλ(X)= X = FDes(T )(X). (2) T ∈SSYX T (λ) T ∈SYX T (λ) Using for any π ∈ Sn Gessel’s formula for the coproduct of fundamental qua- sisymmetric functions in [4] FDes(π)(XY )= FDes(σ)(X)FDes(ρ)(Y ), (3) σ,ρ S σρ π ∈ Xn; = and the Cauchy formula for Schur polynomials sλ(X)sλ(Y )= s(n)(XY ), (4) λ n X⊢ one can derive FDes(T )(X)FDes(U)(Y )= F∅(XY )= FDes(π)(X)FDes(π−1 )(Y ). λ⊢n π∈Sn T,U∈XSY T (λ) X (5) This gives a direct analytical proof of one important property usually proved using the Robinson-Schensted correspondence, i.e. that permutations π in Sn are in bijection with pairs of standard Young tableaux T,U of the same shape such that Des(T )= Des(π) and Des(U)= Des(π−1). 1.3 Product of Schur polynomials One may write a permutation α ∈ Sn as a word on the letters in [n], α = α1α2 ··· αn where αi = α(i). Given α ∈ Sn and β ∈ Sm, let α β be the set of permutations γ ∈ Sm+n obtained by shuffling the letters α and β = n + β1 n + β2 ··· n + βm such that the initial order of the letters of α (resp. of β) is preserved in γ. By extension if A and B are two sets of permutations, we 2 denote A B the set of all the shuffles of a permutation of A and a permutation of B. We have the product formula FDes(α)(X)FDes(β)(X)= FDes(γ)(X). (6) γ α β ∈X Given a standard Young tableau T of shape λ, Equation (5) proves the existence −1 of classes of permutations CT such that for any π ∈ CT , Des(π ) = Des(T ) and there is a descent preserving bijection between CT and SYT (λ). Remark 1. Classically the CT are the Knuth classes of permutations but here we derive these results directly without using plactic relations and/or the Robinson- Schensted correspondence. Equation (6) directly implies for integer partitions λ and µ and T,U ∈ SYT (λ)× SYT (µ): sλ(X)sµ(X)= FDes(α)(X) FDes(β)(X)= FDes(γ)(X). (7) α C β C γ C C X∈ T X∈ U ∈ XT U ν For any ν ⊢ |λ| + |µ| define formally the coefficients cλµ as the coefficients of the expansion of sλ(X)sµ(X) in the Schur basis (sν )ν . Equation (7) shows for some Vν ∈ SYT (ν) that ν ν cλµsν (X)= cλµFDes(γ)(X)= FDes(γ)(X). (8) γ C C ν⊢|Xλ|+|µ| ν⊢|Xλ|+|µ| ∈ XT U γ∈CVν As a result, we have the following proposition. Proposition 1. For I ⊂ [|λ| + |µ|− 1] denote DI the set of permutations π such that Des(π)= I. Using the notations above for integer partitions λ, µ and for T,U in SYT (λ) × SYT (µ), there is a set of tableaux Vν ∈ SYT (ν) indexed by the set of integer partitions ν ⊢ |λ| + |µ| such that ν cλµ|CVν ∩ DI | = | (CT CU ) ∩ DI |. (9) ν⊢|Xλ|+|µ| The following sections are dedicated to the extension of this method to weak composition quasisymmetric functions and Chow’s type B quasisymmetric functions. 2 Type B extension to weak composition qua- sisymmetric functions 2.1 Weak composition quasisymmetric functions and coloured permutations Weak composition quasisymmetric functions are a generalisation of Gessel’s qua- sisymmetric functions introduced in [5] and [12] in order to provide a framework 3 for the study of a question a G.-C. Rota relating Rota-Baxter algebras and sym- metric type functions. We consider a finite alphabet X = {x1, x2, ...,xM }. For any non-negative integer n, let WC(n) be the set of weak compositions of n, i.e. the set of ordered tuples of non-negative integers that sum up to n. A weak composition α ∈ WC(n) is of the form i1 i2 ik ik+1 α = (0 ,s1, 0 ,s2,..., 0 ,sk, 0 ) with ij ≥ 0, 1 ≤ j ≤ k + 1, si > 0, 1 ≤ j ≤ k and si = n. We further define ℓ(α)= k + i1 + ··· + ik+1 the length of α, ℓ0(α)= i1 + ··· + ik+1 as its P 0-length, |α| = n the weight of α and ||α|| = |α| + ℓ0(α) the total weight of α. The descent set of α is D(α)= {a1,...,ak|aj = i1 + s1 + ··· + ij + sj , j =1,...,k}. j1 j2 jk jk Definition 1. Given a weak composition α = (0 ,s1, 0 ,s2,..., 0 ,sk, 0 +1 ) with D(α) = {a1,a2,...,ak} define the weak composition fundamental quasisymmetric function indexed by α the formal power series Fα(X) = e 0 0 0 0 X xi ··· xi xij +1 ··· xia ··· xia +j +1 ··· xia xi ··· xi (10) 1 j1 1 1 k−1 k k ak+1 ak+jk+1 1≤i ≤···≤i 1 ak+jk+1 j∈D(α)⇒ij <ij+1 Weak composition fundamental quasisymmetric functions may also be de- scribed in terms of P -partitions indexed by coloured permutations. Define the total order 1 < 2 < 3 < ··· < 1 < 2 < 3 ··· and denote |i| = i for i > 0. We look at chain posets Pπ = {π1 <Pπ π2 <Pπ ··· <Pπ πl} indexed by coloured permutations π for any non-negative integer l where the πi are distinct letters in [l] ∪ [l] and such that |π1||π2| · · · |πl| has no repeated letters. A Pπ-partition is a map f : Pπ → [M] such that for x<Pπ y, f(x) ≤ f(y) with x>y ⇒ f(x) <f(y). The weight of f, w(f) is the monomial δ 0 if π is an overlined letter, w(f)= x πi , where δ = i f(πi) πi π P (1 otherwise. iY∈ π Denote A(π) the set of Pπ-partitions. We are interested in the generating func- tions Γ indexed by coloured permutations π Γ(π)= w(f). (11) f∈AX(π) Li shows in [6] that the Γ(π) can be expressed as a Z-linear combination of the Fα but not always positive. In particular if the indices j1 < j2 < ··· < jp of the 4 overlined letters in a coloured permutation π are such that πj1 < πj2 < ··· < πjp , denote the weak composition i1 i2 ik ik+1 comp(π)=(0 ,s1, 0 ,s2,..., 0 ,sk, 0 ) where (s1,s2,...,sk) is the tuple of lengths of the sequences of consecutive increasing non-overlined letters in π and ir is the quantity of overlined letters (p) between sequences r − 1 and r.
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