TABLE OF CONTENTS 2020 CLIMATE LEADERSHIP CALL TO AcTION Welcome 1 Schedule Overview and Session Locations 2 State of the World Forum 6 Scientists worldwide are making a dire warning: Pre- and Post-Conference Seminars 7 We have ten years at best to avert runaway climate Helpful Information 10 change that threatens human civilization itself. Greening Bioneers 11 Daily Schedule 12 Bioneers is allying with the newly forming Climate Bioneers Store 21 Leadership for Climate Prosperity campaign launched Moving Image Festival 22 Intermezzo 24 by the State of the World Forum in August in Brazil Other Happenings 25 (See p. 6). We need to make an 80% reduction in CO2 Booksignings 26 output by 2020. Radio Series 26 Web Tools 27 As Lester Brown, Amory Lovins, Bioneers and other Food and Farming 28 Youth Unity 30 experts have been showing for years, we can meet Beaming Bioneers Satellite Conferences 32 this ambitious goal with existing technologies. Women’s Leadership 34 Indigenous Tent 35 It is not a technological issue. It is a political issue. Membership 36 Music and Perfomance 37 Educators Network 38 State of the World Forum President Jim Garrison will Presenter Biographies 39 be premiering the US Climate Leadership campaign Carbon Offsets Policy 52 at the Bioneers Conference and holding meetings to Organic Valley Sponsor Feature 53 engage with the bioneers to support and participate Supporters 54 in the campaign, leading toward the historic Forum Sponsors, Media Partners and Partners 56 in Washington DC in February. Exhibitors 58 Exhibitors Booth Locations and Exhibit Hall Map 60 Ad-Style Acknowledgments 62 Please join us. The world is at stake. Conference Staff, Artists, Performers and In-Kind Thanks 71 and Bioneers Board of Directors and Staff 72 Kenny Ausubel Nina Simons Event Maps inside back cover ™ 1607 Paseo de Peralta, Suite 3 Santa Fe, NM 87501 • 877.BIONEER • www.bioneers.org - 1 - WElComE To BIoNEERS Greetings, and a warm welcome to the 20th anniversary Bioneers gathering. Thank you for your participation and contributions to this network of networks of visionary innovators with breakthrough solutions to restore people and planet. When we first began 20 years ago, about 200 people attended, which seemed huge. This weekend, between the main San Rafael event and the 19 Beaming Bioneers local satellite gatherings across the nation, upwards of 10,000 people will participate. The world has turned. For the first time, there’s unprecedented receptivity globally. Some of the work and ideas we’ve been highlighting for two decades are entering the mainstream. Yet it’s one minute to midnight regarding the dire necessity to change directions im- mediately on a global scale. The good news is that the solutions are largely present, and where we don’t know what to do, we know what directions to head in. Recognizing the urgency to spread these ideas rapidly and widely, we’re working year ‘round to expand access to these pivotal concepts, voices and strategies. For more on Dear Bioneers Conference Participants: our various approaches to reach increasingly larger audiences including through media, students, educators and women and through localization and policy efforts domestically I extend my warmest welcome and grati- and internationally, please refer to pages 6, 26-27, 32-34 and 38. tude to each of you. Thank you for the great work you’re doing for the mission we We’re especially honored to hold the second annual Indigenous Forum, organized by all share of restoring people and planet. our esteemed partners The Cultural Conservancy and the Indigenous Environmental Our conference production team and I Network. Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) is finally being recognized for the work hard to provide a wonderful ex- profound empirical, biocultural and spiritual wisdom gained by First Peoples and traditional perience for you during our important cultures for millennia, knowledge that is crucial to improving our resiliency in this time time together. We take your feedback of such immense transformation. seriously, so please fill out an evaluation form. We’re always learning and improving Bioneers has also begun to get more connected globally, and we’re honored to host and welcome your insights. many international speakers and attendees. We have much to learn from social and scientific innovators outside the US, and we’re delighted for them to convey news If you’re inspired by what you learn here, abroad of the breakthroughs happening here. Check out our first DVD Spanish trans- I encourage you to visit the Bioneers store and bring home media materials lations of 2008 plenaries, too. to spread the work more widely. We know how urgent the need in the world We hope you have a rich, productive experience during this fertile window of is to rapidly educate many millions learning, discovery, inspiration and real practical knowledge. The Bioneers community more about the real solutions within is unique. We’re here to network, collaborate and celebrate - and above all to our grasp. change the world together. Please feel free to find me and share Chief Oren Lyons posed the question last year of how we educate six billion people your thoughts about the conference really fast. When the Iroquois leadership does not have the answer to a problem, or your story. Part of my pleasure is to meet you personally. he said, they put it out to the people. Together, we will figure it out. I give my deep thanks to you on behalf With our love, respect and gratitude on behalf of all of us at Bioneers, of all of us at Bioneers for choosing to be with us and making change together at this urgent moment of rich opportunity. Kenny Ausubel Nina Simons Jill P. van Nortwick CEO + Founder President + Co-Founder Executive Director - 1 - www.bioneers.org SChEDUlE Overview INTRODUCTION BY KENNY AUSUBEL MICHAEL POLLAN THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2009 IN DEFENSE oF FooD: ThE omNIVoRE’S SolUTIoN 9AM –5PM ThE CENTER FoR EColITERaCY pRESENTS: SESSIONS Smart BY NaTURE: SChoolING FoR SUSTaINaBIlITY 2:45–4:15PM Showcase Theater, Marin Center FoREVER YoUNG: maRIN AgriculTURal INSTITUTE aND maRIN ThE omNIVoRE’S DIlEmma FoR YoUTh AgriculTURal laND TRUST pRESENT: VMA ThE omNIVoRE’S DISCovery: a loCal FooD CommUNITY IN ActioN laND IS lIFE: INDIGENoUS pEoplES Meet in front of the Marin Center’s RESpoND To ClImaTE ChaNGE Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium (VMA) Main Tent EDUCaTIoN FoR ActioN IN ThE TERmS oF maRKET ENGaGEmENT: BREaKThRoUGh Age oF ClImaTE ChaNGE: BUSINESS STRaTEGIES FoR SUSTaINaBIlITY hoW hIGhER EDUCaTIoN CaN lEaD RESToRaTIoN John Mohawk Tent IN aND oUT oF ThE ClaSSRoom Embassy Suites Hotel, Ballroom TRaNSFoRmING hIGhER EDUCaTIoN FoR ThE Age oF ClImaTE ChaNGE Rachel Carson Tent FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2009 REhYDRaTIoN REVolUTIoN: hYDRoloGICal aND CaRBoN FaRmING mUSICal pERFoRmaNCE BY KAI ECKHARDT Showcase Theater PLENARIES AcroSS DIFFERENCES: ThE REal 9AM –1PM ValUE oF SoCIal DIVERSITY in the Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium (VMA) Manzanita and in the Main Tent via simulcast ChaNGING ThE STory: USING mEDIa TRaDITIoNal WElComE BY ChaIRmaN FoR SoCIal TRaNSFoRmaTIoN oF ThE FEDERaTED INDIaNS oF GRaToN RaNChERIa, Corte Madera GREG SARRIS hEaDlINES! Art INSpIRED opENING REmaRKS BY Co-FoUNDERS BY BREaKING ENVIRoNmENTal NEWS KENNY AUSUBEL aND NINA SIMONS Santa Rosa INTRODUCTION BY ARTY MANGAN, BIONEERS hERB WalK WITh SaGE lapENa-pECoNom FOOD AND FARMING PROGRAM DIRECTOR Meet at the Sun Stage BROCK DOLMAN BaSINS oF RElaTIoNS: a REVERENTIal CoUNCIl CIRClE: INTERaCTIVE, REhYDRaTIoN REVolUTIoN opEN aND EGalITaRIaN FoRUm Council Tent INTRODUCTION BY LIZ CUNNINGHAM, BIONEERS YOUTH AND CONFERENCE PROJECT MANAGER 4:30PM KARI FULTON mIF SCREENING YoUTh REDEFINING ENVIRoNmENTalISm, in the Showcase Theater REClaImING oUR FUTURES FOOD INC. aND THE People’s GROCERY INTERMISSION SESSIONS 4:30–6PM INTRODUCTION BY KENNY AUSUBEL JACK HIDARY RE-ENVISIoNING lEaDERShIp FRom Small STEpS To ThE ENERGY REVolUTIoN VMA INTRODUCTION BY DUNE LANKARD, ALASKAN TRaDITIoNal holISTIC hEalING INDIGENOUS SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR AND moDalITIES FoR WomEN oF all Ages BIONEERS BOARD MEMBER Main Tent SARAH JAMES INDIGENoUS pEoplES aND ClImaTE GEoDESIC/SYNERGETIC/DYmaxIoN TRImTaBS: ChaNGE: REport FRom ThE aRCTIC ThE BUCKmINSTER FUllER ChallENGE! John Mohawk Tent PERFORMANCE BY Sally ROESCH Wagner www.bioneers.org - 2 - - 3 - SChEDUlE Overview loCalIzaTIoN: ThE paThWaY INTRODUCTION BY NINA SIMONS To lIVING ECoNomIES LILY YEH Rachel Carson Tent ThE RWaNDa hEalING pRoJECT: BRINGING hopE ThRoUGh Art aND CREaTIVE ActioN SaCRED WaTERS: RENEWING ThE BlooD oF moThER Earth PERFORMANCE BY SHAILJA Patel Indigenous Tent INTRODUCTION BY NINA SIMONS BUSTING ThE DRUG WaR: JENSINE LARSEN ThE DaWNING ERa oF DRUG polICY REFoRm ThE ElECTRIC pUlSE oF WomEN Manzanita TRaNSFoRmING oUR WoRlD RE-WEaVING ThE WEB oF lIFE: INTERMISSION Conserving GloBal BIoDIVERSITY Corte Madera MARIN COUNTY AWARD pRESENTED BY CHARLES MCGLASHAN BUIlDING a GREEN Agenda FoR RaCIal aND aND JIM FARLEY ECoNomIC JUSTICE moVEmENTS IN ThE BaY aREa Santa Rosa INTRODUCTION BY KENNY AUSUBEL ARTURO SANDOVAL SoCIal mEDIa ChaNGING ThE axIS: DRaWING FRom mExICaN aND Autodesk Atrium laTIN amERICaN CUlTURES To CREaTE a SUSTaINaBlE FUTURE CoUNCIl CIRClE: INTERaCTIVE, opEN aND EGalITaRIaN FoRUm INTRODUCTION BY KENNY AUSUBEL Council Tent DR. ANDREW WEIL ENVIRoNmENTal hEalTh, EVENING ENVIRoNmENTal mEDICINE 7PM mIF SCREENING SESSIONS in the Rachel Carson Tent 2:45–4:15PM A SEA CHANGE aND WITNESS TO HIROSHIMA ThE lIVING BUIlDING ChallENGE: YoUTh FIlm EVENT CaN YoU maTCh NaTURE’S DESIGN ElEGaNCE? in the
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