20 South Yorkshire Times, Thursday, August 9, 2012 www.southyorkshiretimes.co.uk Down Your Way Methodist Church on the first Saturday in every bolton-on-dearne month from 10am, all welcome, proceeds for ARECENT summer fair at Dearne Valley Care church funds. Faces and places Centre raised £393.33p for the residents’ fund. Staff APARENTS and Toddlers Group meet in Great would like to thank everyone who supported the Houghton Methodist Church on Wednesdays, dur- event. On July 17 eight residents, family members ing term times, from 9-11am. and staff had atrip to Seasons Gardens in Rother- AN AFTER School Club is held at Sandhill School, ham. On July 25 the Alzheimer’s Society visited Great Houghton daily from 3.10-4.15pm during Come and residents to hold a“Singing for the Brain” session term times. and tomorrow (Friday) at 2.15pm there will be a ANyONE who fancies aleisurely stroll in the puppet show musical, all welcome, admission free. ATEA Dance takes place at St Andrew’s Square Community Hall every Thursday from 1-4pm. Ad- goldthorpe mission is £2 and includes refreshments. The event ACOFFEE morning will be held at Goldthorpe is funded by agrant from the Coalfields Regenera- Parish Hall on Tuesday at 9.30am, proceeds for tion Trust and features sequence dancing. During church funds. Acar boot sale will be held to raise Something the first half hour instructors Ted and Sheila, will church funds on Saturday August 18, to book a help beginners to get started and demonstrate new pitch call the Vicarage on 01709 898426. dances to existing members. CHILDREN wishing to take part in this year’s to shout BOLTON Methodist Knit and Natter Group will Reading Challenge at Goldthorpe Library should meet on Wednesday from 2-4pm. call in and register. The national incentive to en- WINNING tote numbers at Bolton Ex-Service- courage children to read more has the theme Story about? men’s Club on Saturday July 28 were 8and 23 (one Lab and participants have to read six books dur- winner). The draw on Sunday July 29 was 24 and 42 ing the summer holidays. They receive small priz- (five winners). The Members’ Free Draw on Sun- es along the way as they complete each book and day July 29 was 899, Mr BLaw (claimed). there will be aspecial award ceremony at the end THE FISHING section tote draw at Ings Lane of the challenge on September 7. Sports and Social Club on Monday July 30 was 35 AN AFTERNOON tea will be held at Hickleton on and 38 (four winners). Results of afishing match at Sunday at 2pm, proceeds for Hickleton Church Hayfields on Saturday July 28 were: 1SNeal (45lbs funds ring the Vicarage on 01709 898426 for details. 8ozs), 2JDolman (41lbs 5ozs), 3CAnders (40lbs WINNING mini tote numbers at Goldthorpe Re- 4ozs). form Club on Sunday July 29 were 31 and 38. conisbrough Afamily afternoon will be held at the Ivanhoe Cen- To advertise in this publication call tre on Saturday August 11. There will be ajumble mexborough sale, tombola and bric abrac. Runs from noon- AVA Lunch Community Cafe is open at the Baptist 3pm. Anyone wishing to donate items can take CHURCH: Pictured with Ava Lunch Church every Wednesday from noon to 1.30pm. chairman Enid Mather are l-r Libbie 01302 347241 them along on Wednesday morning to the centre. COFFEE morning takes place at the Congregation- Windle, four, sister Megan Neal, 11, CONISBROuGH Old Road Training Centre, are to al Church every Saturday between 9.30-11.30am. hold their annual Summer Fayre, at the centre, on The church room is available for hire, call Kath- and dad James Windle, 26, all of GEE VEE TRAVEL Friday the 10th of August 10. Starts 9.30 am runs leen on 01709 322003. Albert Road, Mexborough. Picture: Liz into th afternoon.Refreshments will be served, AVARIETy of activites take place at Bank Street Mockler S1174LM 22 HIGH STREET, stalls to browse include home made goods, crafts, Methodist Church. They are as follows:- Cubs meet GOLDTHORPE. cards, plus Tombola. on Tuesday at 5.30pm, Beavers Club on Wednesday AWEEKLy lunch club in Mexborough is TEL (01709) 888150 CONISBROuGH Baptist chapel, have brought at 5.45pm and Scouts on Thursday at 7.45pm. Se- proving popular and attracting dozens of OR (01226) 287403 them selves up to date with technology, by launch- quence Dance on Mondays at 7pm. residents each week. ing their very own website. The church has its The Ava Lunch Community Cafe at DOOR-TO-DOOR PICK-UP ON ALL TOURS own Computer club. It takes place on the second Mexborough Baptist Church draws din- DAYTRIPS 2012 Tuesday of each month, and offers one to one, ad- ers of all ages for some fine foods each Sun 12th Aug Llandudno ................................ £13.00 vice. The next class takes place on Tuesday August swinton Wednesday afternoon. Mon 13th Aug Blackpool................................. £12.00 14, and is open to any age group. Free refreshments ANuMBER of community groups use St. John’s South yorkshire Times photographer Liz Wed15th Aug Beamish -Coach only............. £12.00 will be served. Follow them on www.conisbrough- Mockler joined them as they tucked in. Sat 18th Aug Whitby Regatta ......................... £12.00 bc.co.uk. you may also follow the church on Face- Methodist Church as their meeting place. Coffee Sun 19th Aug Whitby Regatta ........................ £12.00 book and Twitter. morning and book corner on Saturday from 10am Tues 21st Aug Lincoln .................................... £12.00 ST Peter’s church hall is hosting aseries of craft to noon. TNT youth Club meets on Sunday from THuRNSCOE’S Local History Group meets at Thurs 23rd Whitby Folk Week ........................ £12.00 days. All types of craft are on offer, and should 8-9pm. 10am every Thursday at the Rainbow Centre on Sat 25th Aug Blackpool .................................. £12.00 you be proficient at any particular craft, that you ABIBLE study and prayer meeting will be held Houghton Road. New members are always wel- Sat 25th Aug Skegness .................................. £12.00 would like to share, then you will be very welcome at Bethany Evangelical Church today, Thurs- come. SCHOOL HOLIDAYS DAYS OUT along. Although some of the needlework is for the day, from 7.30pm. There will be no ‘Toddlers’ ses- Thursday 16th August Sundown Pets Corner - more advanced, there are plenty of other skills to sions during the school holiday. A Drop-in session Coach only...................................................... £12.00 learn. Children are welcome along, but must be ac- for children aged 13 and under is planned for Fri- Tuesday 28th August Chester Zoo - companied by an adult. Sessions are on August 9, day, August 31, from 10am to noon in the church. Coach only...................................................... £12.00 16 and 23. wombwell* Wed29th August Lightwater Valley - THE Wombwell and Darfield PACT meeting will Coach only...................................................... £12.00 take place FROM 9.30am on August 28, at Wom- Thursday 30th August Alton Towers - bwell Police Station on Park Street. The meeting is Coach only...................................................... £12.00 denaby thurnscoe open to all and will be attended by the Wombwell TOURS DENABy united, are to receive support, from SuMMER DRAW tickets are still on sale to raise and Darfield Safer Neighbourhood Team and will 12th -19th August Eastbourne Mansion Lions Conisbrough’s newest business, Leger Frames funds for St Hilda’s Church, Thurnscoe. They are discuss crime and community safety problems ...................................................................... £384.00 (former Star hotel). They are to hold afamily Fun available from Mrs Lil Swift (tel 07790478525) and within the Wombwell and Darfield areas. Also at 12th -18th August Torquay Kistor Hotel....... £279.00 Day, on Sunday August 19. Music, BBQ, along with the draw will be made at aspecial coffee evening at the meeting will be members of Sy Fire and Res- 12th -18th August Yarmouth Swanvale Lodge agrand raffle for double glazed doors, beauty treat- St Hilda’s Community Centre on August 27 at 7pm. cue, Berneslai Homes, BMBC Neighbourhood ...................................................................... £250.00 ment vouchers and much more. Proceeds from the HOLIDAy activities at Thurnscoe Library take Safety unit, Neighbourhood Pride, Neighbour- 13th -17th August Blackpool Valron Hotel .... £139.00 day will be donated to the Junior football team. place on Mondays 3.30-5.30pm. This Monday is Per- hood Watch, and members of the Wombwell and 13th -17th August Weymouth Fairhaven Hotel Runs 10am-4pm. sonalised Flag and Bunting Making and August 20 ...................................................................... £270.00 Darfield Crime and Safety Groups. Contact 01226 THROuGHOuT the Six Weeks holidays, free en- is Pen Pot Making. 736411 for more details. 20th -24th August Grange over Sands Cumbria AGENEALOGy Group meets at Thurnscoe Li- Grand............................................................ £276.00 tertainment is taking place, at both Tom Hill youth ACOMMuNITy lunch club takes place from noon club, and the Dearne Valley Leisure Centre. At brary on Mondays from 2-4pm everyone welcome, on Mondays, at St Michael’s RC Church parish 20th -26th August I.O.W.-Malvern ............ £255.00 admission £2. 25th-29th AugustScarborough Cumberland Carlton Tom Hill, there will be activities including, gym, hall. sports, boxing. The club will be open for the usual LOCAL councillors hold asurgery at Thurnscoe AJOB Club is held at Wombwell Library from ...................................................................... £255.00 Library every Friday from 9.30-10.30am. 25th -1st September Weymouth CARLTON. £310.00 type of club activities. Meanwhile the Dearne Val- 9.30am to noon on Fridays. Free help and advice EVERyONE is welcome to attend the Lunch Club 2nd -7th Sept Eastbourne Mansion Lions Hotel ley centre offers badminton, table tennis, water is available on applying for jobs and compiling a ...................................................................... £300.00 volley ball, plus many outdoor activities.
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