THE • JUNE • 1940 ALUMNI • MAGAZINE Interesting Spots To Visit in Attention: Class of ~40 Southern Indiana Picturesque-Scenic ACH member of yo ur class receiv­ ing a first degree from the Univer­ Esi ty this June is entitled to a year';, INDIANA SPRING MILL membership in the J. U. Alumni Asso­ On Road 60, just off R oad 37 RE-CREATED pioneer- v illage. g rouped ciation. This membership will bring A a.round a. walel'-pOwel'e(1 saw ;l.UU I;TisL mill, is one of the many attractions which you the Indiana Alumni Magazine for mall:.e Spring Mill stale pa.I'I, a favorite outin g- place. Extensive underground cav­ the next year free. erns wi th their su bterranea.n streams. li ' act~ of virgin limber and the exhibH This is made possible by the action of ut.ensils and implement.s common to the bach woods bome of a century ago. share of the Board of Trustees who started in the dsitOl"S inff'rl'sl. the practice tw o years ago of using half of th e diploma fee to pay dues in the Alumni Association for the first year. This action of the Trustees was prompted by their desire to see you en­ ter into the activities of the alumni without burdening you with extra ex­ The recently corrupleteu Spring Mill Inn is a fine. new, modeI'll botel in most in­ penses while you are getting yourself teresting surroundings. You'll find it most F ealured on the cover of t1,,:s issue is enj::>~~ab ]e. open all year. COIl\'entioTls and settled in your work. large ga therings invited. Address l\{a.nager, Ihe president of Ih e class of '40, Earl }.litchell. Indi:-u1a. We hope you appreciate their thought­ C. Mauck, who was one of the out­ fulness_ They are interested in yo ur wel­ standing men of Ih e campus this year. fare even now that you have graduated. BROWN COUNTY So, take advantage of this opportunity. Look up the officers of the J.U. On Roads 46 and 135 alumni club wherever you happen to be and take an active part in the activ­ WITH its varied attractions, Brown County is rapidly becoming one of ities sponsored by that club. The contacts and friendships that you will the most popular vacation sections make there will be of great value to you. It will help you to maintain con­ in the Midwest. IS,OOO-acre Brown County State Park, Horseback Rid­ tact with your University, the Greater India na University that started its ing, Hiking, Fishing, Children's Play­ program of "emphasis upon quality" while you were an undergraduate_ You grounds, Swimming Pool, Archery, etc. Quaint Village of Nas'wille, have just cause to be proud of vour alma mater. Famous Brown County Artist Colony, Handicraft In d u s t r i e s - Potteries, Weaving, Woodworking, Old Log Jail, etc. Many Reminders of Pioneer Days. Abe Marlin Lodge Attention: Class of ~39 and Co tl'ages-open April lO-Nov. 1 in Brown Count.Y Slate Padc 1 [TH this issue your membership in the Alumni Association through the The Nashville House A :Modern Hotel-open a ll year in the I, courtesy of the Board of Trustees comes to a close. We hate to have it \" illag:e of Nashvi ll e. \ U nder Same J\Ia.na . ~emenl-Fo r jnfOl'ma.­so, but all good things must have an ending. The free membership is tion. address Na."hdll e. Ind. over, but that does not mean that you are excluded from the activities of the alumni. Far from it! It merely means that your apprenticeship as an McCORMICK'S CREEK alumnus has been completed, and now you are on your own. STATE PARK Your University is making rapid strides forward. You, as alumni, have On Road 46, just off Road 67 a part in that program of progress. This coming year alumni organizations HE never-fajling attraction of wiele­ are going to be taking a more active part in helping the University with its T flung forest and running wa tel' ma.h;:cs :McConllicl,'s Cree h.: state park a. delight­ program. You want a part in that program, so the first thing to do is send fnl outing' place. with each 6llcceeding season addi ng new beauty to the landscape. in your membership dues now and you will be sure to be included. Three This was the firs t of Indjana 's state parl\.s and enjoys a steady g'l'owth in popularity. dollars sometimes seems like a lot of money, but when you stop to think that it means less than a cent a day to keep in touch with your University, you realize what a relatively good investment it is. The class of '39 has always prided itself upon its loyalty to LU. Show the Trustees your loyalty by keeping up your active membership! Yours for a Gr@at@r I.V. CAN\,O~ INN, with its: pillar ed portico. provides a.P1)etizing meals an<1 comfort a.ble rooms for the visitor throughollt the ~:ear. Reservations should be addressed: Canyon -THE EDITORS Inn. McCormic k's Creek S l.a te Park. Spen­ cer . I ndiana... Voice of the Alumni Advice on Fishing, naturally "takes small." I'm 6' 2" and Part of Look at the ProoI! Ihe Boss i s 5' 11". Add those and divide the fi sh into it and yo u get the Ge ntle me n: A year or two or four X, Ih e unknown quantity_ ago I qualified, YOll no doubt remelll­ J ran onto a high-powe red bird en uer, as the A No.1, all-time, top-notch, rout e, a Phi Beta Kappa (that sari), boss duck hunt er of the Ark. and the an archeologist c uss diggi n ill an Ill' Southwest. Maybe, I said jllst Ark. the game... dian MOllnd. He had the skeleton of but the laller is more accurate. a man who lived 5,000 years ago. I Well, e nclosed find me, l'l'l e, as the told him abo ut Illy fish, and we treated coming fi sherman, if not the ahead)' ea,h other respectfully, and consider­ arrived fi sherman o[ these paris. ately. Five thousand years, sounds like Prof 1gemo n's work in blind fi shes! DR. EDWIN C. M c MULLEN , '04.. Pine Bluff, Ark. Says Fight Is All T hat Is Necessary H er e is my check for my m e mber­ ship du es. I am sme I ge t full vallie whe n I r ead the Magazine. I enjoy keeping in touch with what Indiana and her alumni are doing. I got do"n to Iowa City last fall to see that free-scoring game be tween Iowa and Indiana. [ saw three games that afternoon. Iowa played a game ; Indiana played a game, and the two toge ther played a game_ I hated to see 1.U. on the short end of the score, but Ihat was all right. This winter I was fortunat e e nollgh to see Ihe I.U.­ Minnesota basketball game at Min­ neapolis. I can still see that last shot that WOn th e game for Minnesota in the last 13 secunds of play. Our boys don't have to win to please Friend wife (t he one o n the end of me, if they are Fighting Hoosiers! th e Jine and Heavens Knows Ihe best HORTON KLIN E, '09. "calch" I ever landeu) and I took ollr­ The LaCrosse, Wis. selves fi shing near Gulfporl, "'Iiss.- be­ tween there and Pensacola. W e Likes Sports News pause thumbed a tow about four mil es dowu In the Magazine the bay to a shell bank and started fishing at abolll 8 fl. In three hOllrs we I have de layed sending my r e newal had taken 40 of as pretty speckled salt check until I could pe n a fe w lines. that wat er trout as I have e ver seen. Think you have a fine Magazine and We hooked a ray ( stingaree, to the e njo y it much, especially the sports uneducated like Davey Rothrock ) and in which I am naturally interested. when he fl o pt into the -boat, beli eve m e Personally, not much to tell. I mar­ brother, I like to have take n to the ried a Hoosie r girl, have five children ocean. May have done so had it not all in school- including twins ; am a s­ been [or 15 to 20 porpoises rolling sociate in medicine at the University of arollnd abollt 300 yards away. We beat Loui svill e Medical School-and have the fillin' Ollt of the visitor with an oar, charge of the medical clinic at the Cit)' Cllt his stinger off together with about Hospital. Am gradually limiting my three feet of his tail and give him a practice to internal medicine and p e· thorough " gloating over." They are diatrics. Best of luck Lo you. about as bad a s a rattlesnake. GOHOON S. BfJTTORFF, '2.3. S eriously, if YOll get a chance, hitch Louisville. lip the old bus and come on down here, stop by Pine Biliff and I'J] give you Behind the War Scenes runni ng orders down the west coast to With a Hoosier Miami and back the East coast.
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