..I Page Twelve THE ROCKETEER Friday, August 21 , 1964 LaV McLean 'Pass th e Hat!' Incomes Upped $1.5 Million; To Host Party Grand Olympics Showing For JP Wives La V McLean, wife of the Sta· Slated Here Aug. 26-27 Refro Pay Due Mex.Week tion's Technical Director, will "The Grand Olympics," a two·hour color documentary of again host the annual coffee and the 1960 OlympIC Games In Rome will be shown at the Station swim party honoring Junior Pro· Theater on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, the 25th and 26th fessional and sum mer em­ of August. It WIll afford all ployees' wives to be held at the a chance to view the grand contributions from those in at­ Officers Club pool Thursday, pageant that is so important to tendance. If attendance at the Aug. 27, from 9:30 a.m. to noon. amateur athletes and their reo movie is impossible contribu_ Women of the community are spective nation's throughout the tions may be sent directly to Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake, California invited to attend the function to world. the U.S. Olympic Fund, c/ o become better acquainted with These two showings will also Chief of Nava l ePrsonnel, BU. Vol. XIX, No. 35 Fri., Aug. 21 , the wives of our JP's and sum· provide all station residents an PERS (Pers G.13), Washington, mer employees. opportunity to contribute volun· D. C. Guests are asked to use Swim tarily to the U. S. Olympic Fund. Pool entrance behind '0 ' Club. Contributions to the U. S. Olym· Swim attire and low shoes pic Fund bave been very slow Planning Social Event? Boost Annual Pay will be appropriate. coming in throughout the na· tion and in this, the Olympic Here's How It Can '. year, our athletes, the men Be More Successful and women who will represent . To $40.5 Million our Nation and our way of life A "Social Events Scheduling SHOWBOAT Point" has been established by The combined pay raises for classified employees and mili· in Olympic competition sorely tary personnel here at China Lake and Pasadena will boost the FRIDAY AUG. 21 need and deserve our support. the Community Relations Office Station's annual payroll to over $40.5 million. The federal pay " 633 SQUADRON" (94 Min .) China Lake has no specific to aid local fraternal and social bill signed by President John· Cl iff Robertson, George Chakiris quota, but we know all station organizations in their scheduling son on Friday, Au g. 14, and the for all officers and enlisted men 7 p .m. residents recognize this impor. of social events. military pay bill signed two with more than two years of Air·War Drama) Bomber unit trains to tant pre s t i g e effort of the The new agency·s objectives, days earlier on Wednesday, Aug. service and an 8.5 per cent in· ottock an impregnable rocket fuel plant hid· United States and will support according to officials, "is to 12, will add $1,572,000 to East· crease for all officers with less den deep in a mountainous Norwegian fjord. it in an outstanding manner. help prevent conflict of dates than two years of service. T~ERESA WRIGHT, s·ye.rs.old, • p.r.plegic victim since ern Kern County's economy. Thrills golore in 0 mon's story or war. (Adults This two·hour color documen· between community functions Approximately 3,079 NOTS' Congress enacted a $1.2 bil· birth, .nd her 6·year·old brother, R.ndall, c.1I .ttention to and Youth.) tary of the 1960 Olympic Games of general interest and would the Elks Lodge Ch.rity Luau to be held on Aug. 22 to .id classified employees wi ll bene· lion military pay raise last year. SATURDAY AUG. 22 in Rome is the product of 22 normally have a large attend· President Johnson Lauds crippled children. Theresa and Randall are newcomers to skilled camera craftsmen. More ance. fit by the tune of $1.5 million the area. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Wright, 1601 --MATINEE-- annually and over 1,200 NOTS' President Johnson said of the " SWO RD OF SHERWOOD FO REST " (80 Min .) than three years was spent in "There is no intent to con. new p.y bill for feder.1 em· Radfor~ , sa~ction their children's interest in helping others. military personnel will h a v e Richord Greene editing the reams of film, set· trol or schedule events, rather, ployees: " For the first time Mr. Wright IS employed as a contract administrator with the $72,000 added to their salary I p .m. ting it to music, and providing the service is intended only as this gives us the tools to iden­ Supply Department. an information clearing point annually. Shorts: " Miner's Daughter" (7 Min .) narration (in English). tify and inspiret to reward and The finished product, which for the use of community Ol'o Retroactive Pay " S.a Hound No. 4" (1 8 Min .) The pay raise for' classified (Continued on P.ge ·2) , - - EVENING _ _ premiered in New York 21 ganizations if they desire," it employees is retroactive to July " NIGHTMARE" (83 Min .) April 1964 at $10.00 per ticket, was noted. 5. Pay checks for the retro· David KnighT, Moiro Redmond is spectacular. It vividly por· Groups planning events a r * VADM Stroh Heads Dyes Wins Bridge Olympiad active portion of the pay raise 7 p .m. trays the pageantry of the Olym. invited to call NOTS, ext. 71659 will be issued in separate checks (Mystery) Pretty young teenager hos nighT. pies, catches the dramatic high. or 71575, relating the dates ok Doris and Charles Dye were I Polly Nicol • n d Doris Dye upcoming social events. today if time permits. If not, Array of Visitors wmners of the masterpoint in were the win ners of the master­ mares ond fears she will a ctuolly do The lights of event after event, and depicts incidents of sportsman­ distribution will be made next the North·South Section wit h point tournament played by the deed she dreams of, but she a lso suspeCTs week. Here This Week her guardian has menTal control of her. ship. ElectriCity tolerates no mis­ Doris Dudley and Firth Pierce Rockettes Bridge Club Monday Checks representing retroac· Vice Admiral Robert J. Stroh, (AdulTs and MaTu re Youth.) Through exciting close·ups takes. Disconnect a line before in the East·West Bridge Olym· at the China L.ke Community tive pay will be distributed in Deputy Director of Joint Strate· Shorts: " Hi s.as Hijackers" (7 Min.) and suspense·building slow·mo· repalrIng cor d, appliance, - piad held at the Community Cen· Center. Ann Cierly .nd Susan the normal, departmental man· gic Target Planning Staff, head. PAY OH-;HE WAY I D.ta Processing Bronch's is working two shifts to expedite dis?ribu· t er last Wednesday_ Fisher were second with Loret· " Thin Along" (1 0 Min.) tion sequences this remarkable changing accessories or remov­ film lets every viewer s h are ing broken bulbs. ner. Those whose pay checks ed the array this week of dis. Lois Jon.s (I.ft) .nd Minnie Morgan ch.ck tion. Key . punch oper.tors in b.ckground Runner - up pairs we re Bob fa Cleary and Fannie Jonasson SUNDAY·MONDAY AUG . 23-24 are n or m a II y forwarded for tinguished visitors who ~isited payroll in preparation for processing pay prepare ca~ds for check printing. Sulli van and Joe Tremont and third. Dawn Morrison and Ethel " TAMAHINE" (86 Min .) the agony and the ecstacy ex· NOTS China Lake for orienta. due for distribution early next week. Branch -Photo hy Seth Rossman, PHAN"' perienced by the contestants. b an kin g will have the retro John Spessard of Trona in part· Kaufm.n were fourth. Nancy Kwon, John Fraser check forwarded in the u sua I 7 p .m. Immedi.tely following the tion briefings and conferences. I;=============~ ---=----------~:..=.:.:.::...:::...:::.=...:.:=:::::=~..::::.:...- nership with Richard HulL The Rockettes meet each Mon· Special manner, it was pointed out. 0 movie the lights of the theater Proceeds from t his game day afternoon at 12:30 and any· (Camedy in Color) When pretty little The first regular p.y checks went to the Ameri can Contract one is welcome to play. Mary islander Wanime is sent to visit her uncle's will be turned on and the d.~:~~i~~ S~::: wl::ebr~:e~n:~ 'Flight Deck' Two Local Off I· cer to include the new raise will be posh boy's school in En glond p rotocol gets IIHA Til wi II be passed to accept progr.ms by offici.ls Bridge League to help send the Higgins, FR 5·2447, makes part· Services issued on September 4. ~:~e~OTS On TV Ch. 4 S American to th. next interna· nership arrangements and takes upset, the boys get romantic a nd sporlS day Milit.ry Effective Sept. 1 He was accompanied on his tional bridge tournament. reservations for the game. is a shambles. (Adults ond Mo ture YOUTh.) The military pay raise, which Th' S d p. k d F Ct· visit by Colonel W. B. T.ylor, IS un oy Short: " Occurrences at Owl Creek Bridge" IC e or ap aIn· NOTS Man Returns Notes becomes effective Sept. 1, auth· USAF, Colonel J. E. H.ys USMC, "Flight Deck," an NBC col· (27 Min.) orizes a 2.5 per cent increase (Continued on P.ge 3) or special concerning flight TUESDAY_WEDNESDAY AUG.
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