SF 11W5sT1GAT10N QM CW UM I rm 92/92/orK~ersQ I % Qi PART<1 #_{ O8: PACESAIIJABLE A92 .PART_ THISK5 38 j FILES CONTAINED LN THIS PART FILE # PAGES AVAILABLE >n# [_ _. J§8__..._ 100- 4&4 7402 seam 5 SLOO Q-. SUBJECT: Cesar Chzivez & Urlited Farm Workers er: a1 FILE: floo - 4§§762 i SECTION; 9! _ %f5 92 ,-~ I 92 -. &#39;J HUI.5-I3-U , J rd -u.&#39;92. &#39;5 up L! - / |. 0 . FBI D==== s/13/av Transmit tho following in p_ Type in pluintezl or coda! Viu_____pAIRTEL&#39;___ _ K 7_ Prion&#39;ty!__u "&#39;:f:r 7 _ P _@q--|.-_-up--nuan-|¢1@@-¢__@_@__.-.-l.-._..-.1-|,-.|--.1-|__-@_ 1 92 ,*2#~/ - . _ 1&#39;--1 &#39;ro= _bIR!-ICTOR, rs: 00-wnsz! *9 mom SAC, sma mrronxo 2-3269! i RE: AQI;!lIIE§_COHQ£BNING.FARM 92&#39;a&#39;0R}§_Eli§_, IN RIO- GRANDE CIT-Y,___IEXAS MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION O CUNCEBNING _ __ I -1 i§T7""i:-" /*;r&#39;£{&#39;h I--I,.":=p Ef:-,»1*.-. &#39;&#39;f,Z"7&#39;:&#39;/_f ,. 0 _r-.__.__-- J Enclosed for the Bureau are nine copies of an LHM V captioned as above which is suitable for dissemination. 1 Since this matter represents part of a continuing { labor-political dispute, San Antonio following through 1 established sources. 92 I Y pk 9292. 92 92 r IQ- D/.&#39;,&#39;:&#39;7 ."Q - "M 71- 92 UNITED STA1F.S D.&#39;.7.P,92RT}£F_.-II JUSTICEJ5 FEDERAL BUREAU s1*=ss=;1 5*: n RB InRqbnPhmcR¢ww nhhm San Anco:;r. Cexes AC ,. .5-.-., ST Halal" u} JJG: W J- I MITI The J - _;-|-1 I Star. a daily n ew31 .92| .&#39; carries en arti in Arrests of P cl ing the United une 13, Rio Grande City epaoer E Court, Brownsvi Fa C Texas Rangers a _~-...->=-~&#39;Pca &#39;. P Grande Uitv are f PW ES CCHCERNIN Li E H RIO QRANDE _I RC ~: Her H _ 1 10 ans selzeres, u Pi be 195?, lb d G FA RM arrests, deant P 2 "-T Ql$Y. to due DfO¢§¬5 of Y92 iE al- I E ksu 1 d EX bl kee editio n OI v&#39;92:-1 u ished a T Ha "1 0 ll LC P J A4 &#39;f92Q ne capt lé ¢&#39;1SU- 1.. ;...,_._a-J.-1~.92.J :- H .L ti -1 -L"I ETC 5 C inéf C W g FlV Orgaizing Cc 7. Qwendmets of the ucns* L2. 4 A Q- an 4 Q E tion in i WORKERS The article L5 . _n _;;_,_ . .rH- n June P, Lu fm;AiLtec d_wu > TEXAS .__aL ,__c_.7_ ue union sash and 5 u 1 fur enforee "92 .- -1 ».¢&#39;SErin "unla "1 1"92-1" O -.4.rcurdless m _ n, Texas, tes*ed~un ti inemett wif 19 mmi ion Asks tzei iv .» Ti O 5 Z rcup gay? &#39;. 92.,I&#39;92. I wf T fee UFNO d St alleyates Dist Morning -_..__ . 4&#39;Q 2 state : - h 67. aiklié th YT,--u a;; Oufiié H ffi era in th h V; 5 n:ea;e, 5 e:ent ul § lW§iVid -92 late disr L, if This document cmntai s a rlct --.-.3+- 4- w af comJ e Ric w earches ... 1&#39;-I -. -. .-43 " - "5""? ifth and ftur -.. FD-36 Rev. 5~22-64! . _ *v F BI //! Due: s/14/av Trrmsmzt. followmq. the 1n Type-np1E,&#39;L¢__0,5¢a_,,q,,&#39;f_!:§":-f92_f&#39;!&#39;:*&#39;-1:-~3;&#39;;_,&#39;-ii5 &#39;. _ __ via W7AIRTELL _ H i| §_:l__%F"&#39;-&#39;-&#39;1"~1-""cf-&#39;-.&#39;Yg . T.-1 ; 11;-1:; J__,_ .&#39; _._H; &#39;;11_&#39;.~7-.~-Q -u-T 1 i * i ? 1 i i i i ? 3 Z l i * i Z i i Z i i Z ti i Z ii 1 _M, W v J?-:>I Tb= DIRECTOR,FBI 00-uuu762!c:" 9 FROM: SAC, SANANTONIO §2-a26s! ?J__ , M11-_-r=.w:-T1-to" _ 5::/Ha T44/:;e14ew.rci#ssct<;; /41t+¢s*&#39; ~~"RE= ggllllil CONCERNING FARMWQRKEES srnxxz IN RIQ_GR$NDE_QlIi,;H£u§L NI§CEELANEOUS J*INFORMATIONcomcsamzme t i .LDCIOBEQ to the Bureau arenine - copies- of an LHM_ captioned as above suitable for dissemination. Bureau&#39;s attentionis directed to the following: 1 ReportAntonio, entitled ofTEXAS SA RANGER datedCA iAIN ALFRED 6/7/67 ALLEY,akaSan at ET AL, CR, O0: San Antonio HM-1126! E -I Bureau airtel to San Antonio dated6/9/67 regarding the following-&#39; cases:Texas unsuss;CAPTAIN Rangers;Y. ALLEE,éé:% ALFRED Texas Ranger;EUGENE NELSON- VICTIM, CR SAnu-1130! I uususs; REVERENDan KRUGER - VICTIM; MRS. ED i KRUGERVICTIM; - DOUGLASSADAIR - VICTIM; MAGDALENO DIMAS- VICTIM, CR SA nu-1131! CR SAnu-1132! uwsuss; ~~g; TEXASRANGERS; PANCHO:MEDRANO- VICTIM, t UNSUB;RANGER; TEXAS E§§ER CAROLVICTIM, - CR,iq /QSA Mk-1133! . Q is"./i/7; ,";&#39;/*-."",/_/&#39; ,--,»~ i " 92"92 g¥_ Qft; Since . this, a matterrepresents partof a continuingin-In-I -ix c;g1abor-politicalestablissed sources.San dispute, Antoniofollowing 9 through MN *5Q67 ,- 92 "-- n , --~="H71: 1 --,, -w. ...|.__"71-: -_-1&#39; "T1_, , ::>{¬§@eau_ _ I 9! l:L£?C#LL?*T,"&#39;Enos. _ m.._wp &#39;I sat .2 as- 52-3&#39;1§91.L"Antonio - u+-112s>c1-u1+.ieJ.i&#39;22_!_ u ,1 0><1 _1,ZIC:¬3z nu-112;!- _, °" &#39;_ BED:fes LT 5a5x5F Appggvgzi;_ - - T- T " 1cc"- 92_,w1L* FmnlUNII _ 5 5 2 . AqentfCharge :1 Tm2;-"J-L .---- I &#39;I I - &#39; -- --- &#39;. ,6, H er_-E -2- uurrenauras DEPAITMENT or JUZTICI1 -_92 9,-,5 IIDIIAL IUIIIU OI ll? ISTIGATION 5 %!""&#39;&#39;""""&#39; San Antonio Tcrai - 92. menu _ . -e *&#39;¢ - June 1&#39;4.1967 .,. .e -=.... BCTIVITIT§ CGWCERETFG Fhiiiiiii &#39;3 I _ - STRIKEIN RIO GRANDECITY; TEXAS &#39; Reference ie made to PST, San L1t-niu, eemcrandta &#39; dated June 13, 1967, capticned ee above. The June 13, 1967, Bone Edition issue of the Sen Antonio Light, a Sen Antonio, Texas, daily newspaper,&#39;carnied {He following article on page eia. -¢ J e UNION FORCES BRING VALLEY RIGHTS SUIT - A euit filed here Hundey aeke a federal judge to order lee entorceeent ofticiels involved in the Starr County farm labor union dispute not to violate the civil righte of union members. , dge Reynaldo Garza, out of town when - xpected tc return tcdey. "The court clerk said she will ieeue a eumone for each of the defendente named in the suit. The euit, tiled by the United Farm Workers Organizing Connittee,_ArL-C10, asks for an injunction againit five Texas Rangers, three Starr CountII officers, e epecial deputy sheriff end a justice of the peace. -7 "Doran Williams, a union lawyer, eaid the suit does not eeek 1n_eny way to prevent those people from enforcing the valid laws of the etate of Texas. Two Weeks? . _ "Another lawyer involved in the suit ie Chris Dixie of Houston, Hilliene laid. &#39; "Williams eeid depositions in the suit, tilt; under the Civil-Rights Act of 1966, will be taken from the drfendents v Q .- 0&#39;". If-. 0 =&:. .&#39;_&#39;, ac-rzvrrxss concsmuns mm ucnxz.-;s - &#39;-&#39;~..,_-;, srnxxz IN no cnmm: cmr, rams ~ -. &#39; ~ @ 924 "in¬the next day or two. . "j i. .1- _ Named in the suit a-e Texas Ranger Capt. A. Y. -0-; Allan, Ranger Sgt. S. H. Denacn, Rangers Jack Van Clevel, id T. B; Dawson, and Jerome Preiss, Starr County Sheriff Dr. Rena Solis, Deputies Raul Pena and Roberto °ena, Special] # Depdty Jim Rochester, and Juetize of tl: Pcrce B. S. Lfpl. I5- "Rochester is an empTcye_ of La Casita Farms, the principal target of the uninrs year-long organizatioral drive. The California-baseo union seeks a $1.25 an hour minimum wage and union contracts for the field hands of Starr County. ~ Rochester&#39;e brothar, Ray, is vice president and general manager of the huge_1arm. - "Named as plaintiff: in the suit are Frank Pancho! Hedrano of Dallas, Lathr Baker, David Lopez, Gilbert Padilla, Magdalene Dinar, Dvnjamin Rodriguez and the union. "The §har5cs "Defendant: in the case are accused of unlawful harrassment, threats. searches and seizures unlawful and groundless sass and inéividual arrests, physical assaults and batteries and disregard far due process of lav. "l|nn.0§_¢-.11 ml &ll¬_ U l11-I.-Q-I:-sq J$ &#39;1-Q lg: Q: QI!:§ v r1_:IInD . §9292:1bil fl Van Cleve and Preiss unlawfully and without warrants or justification, arested some of the plaintiffe- &#39;?he suit also alleges that private property was taken from some of the plaintiffs and contends that some of the property was destroyed. &#39; "William Kircher, organization director of the AFL-C10, is scheduled to meet with Gov. John Connall- at 10 a.n. Wednesday in Austin, according~to williama. "A union spokesman said Kircher expects to ilzcuss the Starr County labor dispute with the governor. 3 Q <5 no 7&#39; 7 _ -oer &#39; _ __ &#39;5. .. ..,-.,-..1 Q L » ,&#39; *1. -_» 1 - , _ &#39; 92 ., = I g &#39; - &#39; v &#39; . - - &#39;. - 92 - A &#39; . _ _ ._ 7 I I Q . - I V- I I .5 I._--V . .-92 &#39;QJ &#39; t -1 "- -&#39;" " -*1 I ?&#39; ACTIVITIES CONCERNINGFARM UORQEPS - C g _ J J H 1 .
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