ST- n H 10 THE WASHINGTON TBEES. THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1913. Double-Head- er Yankees Here Tomorrow in Boosters . Offering Prizes , DOUBLE-HEADE- R ON It Was Boosters' Day for the Naps in the Capital Yesterday OFFER PRIZES TO OLSOV PLOUJeO tP CARD TOMORROW (MMr TH& F1EUO lft . RACKET MAKERS jneu.v. shipped M I fr ..... - Bill LIFE OFF PlEST- 3k . I J JW M m JL - ; -- ... ,. - m- - . 1 Boss Booster Hoover Busily Organizing Sectional New York Yankees OpenJSix-Gam- e Series in Four Playing Days rj Jl r (hearing -- j-(- M we trico state- - Squads All Over City for Second Boosters' Day, June and Griff men Expect to Do Some Climbing Cashion fti' JgEM&B) .St; t V?V -- W sV1'R'"v Recovering, But Won't Pitch for Many a Day. 28 Asks Fans for Ideas To Be Used at Park. By "SENATOR." By "SEKAT0R." means busi- when Gandll was caught oft first base . That the Boosters' Club and George McBride kicked himself out ness la shown tor their announcement Day be" League Probable Line-up- . of the conies: in the eighth. Morgan today of another' Boosters t Big Biffers of a point; to short and Laporte to second. observed June 28. the last day or tn Day. Dineen had several close decisions Griffmen city for almost a which h Kave against the home team In this Washington. Cleveland. and before the came was concluded the month. Furthermore, Boss Booster BUI forming clubs in all sec Moeller, rf. Johnston, ib. fans were riding him savagely. "Ger- Hoover Is. JAH.T.B.Ate. man:-" Schaefer was in charge of the tions of the city-an- d .prizes will be of Bescher, 3 Turner, ss. Griffmen 'Beds.... 3 3 1.000 Foster, 3b. in the final frame. fered foe best showing , on the next Gardner, Bed Sox. 2-- 4 1.000 Milan, cf. Olson, 3b- - Though the have expected holiday and for making tne most noise Griffmen way. DeTore, 1 1.000 GtnAiL ib. Jackson, rf. to play off a postponed game in De- In a novel Beds...... l l troit on Julv S. the Tigers have sched- "Get in line for Saturday. June 28." Is Miller, Fhniles.... 1.000 Morgan, ab. Lajoie, ab. uled an exhibition game on that day the clarion call of BUI Hoover today. at Laporte. Ind.. to be followed by a ,D! Murphy, Ath... Ill 1.000 cf. Shanks, If. Ryan, banquet at which Ty Cobb will be "We want to send our grand Utile ball team away rejoicing. We shall have a' DabHC, Tigers Ill 1.000 McBriae, ss. Graney, If. toastmaster. parade to the park In big sightseeing Loberts, Cards.... Ill 1.000 Ainsmith, c. Carisch, c "Red" Nelson, once with the Brown- cars, music, and some novel a band of Batler, Pirates 1.000 Henry, c Land, c ies Cardinals, and Phillies, has been features that will cause lots of fun, and 111Ill sold bv the Cincinnati Reds to the Collins, TThite Sox. 5 'i 5 .S00 Boehling, p. Falkenberg, p. Nashville club, of the Southern League. everybody alive. "We are organizing a boosting club Snafer, Giants 4 3 4 ,7o0 Engel p. Blanding, p. Pertinent comment bv Ed Wray, for each section, ancusome rivalry be- Post-Dispatc- 4 3 3 sporting editor of the St. Louis h: tween these clubs is expected. To work; Pratt, Browns .750' "It now develops that W. H. up Interest In this thing prizes wlU be The New York Yankees come rtomor-ro- w, Ronlnger, a stockholder of the Browns, offered lor the club making .the most secretary January, noise in the most novel way, six-ga- series witha was elected last and .and for Hoover wants the. names of rooters opening a the information has been withheld by the club turning out the largest mem- willing to lead these little knots of er avenue double-head- at the Florida, the Browns all this time. And during bership. Headquarters are to be es- noise makers. He wants suggestion; prairie. The Griffmen nope to do some that time the fact that Rickert was to tablished In every section. 'Timothy L. from the bugs with original Ideas. He climbing during the stay of the Chance be superseded was also known to Costelloibelng suggested for leadership, wants. to make this next Boosters Day .. ... j utii. Hedges and others connected with the in tne nonneui secuon. Me can do even better than the first was. So If tribe in...me capital auu tram .". club. found at 633 H street northeast, where I you think you have Ideas worth while. closer to the Mackmen, who are today "Failure of the Browns' management you roosters can register in ms Doua. snoot tnem along to Hoover. just twelve games ahead ef them. Sir to take the public ever so little into Us Melvin Gallia will confidence, is one explanation of the Robert Groom and reciprocal coldness that Is now being very likely be called upon to puzzle the handed right back. batsmen from the big town. "And there's more of the low tempera- good ball ture coming, to judge from waning FOSTER SOON TO The Yankees are jjlaying baseball interest." these days, but still seem to lack the &aj--s ful- - '- class necessary for the large show. The Detroit Times of Tuesdav has a THRee - ' booster-th- ai thbx ousht :&ta3yr. i five-colu- layout of rzz. mJh Russ Ford and Ray Fisher are pitching the Griffmen. m7ng &3Tn-- Krt '"" W 4?ltlc both twat are Including Cashion. Hughes. Shanks, out - W X. svefiGc: BE IN CONDITION in fine style, but the other twiners Gandll, Morgan, Laporte. Foster, and sSim-TmSy'- C- ."" i west wrm i wahs 4TI-HJ- Me f not going well. Ray Keating, the Henry. But here's the joke they iI '( t!w"Wl-::SP- U ' and SCRUM ' 'jr team's sensational youngster, is toting are all said to be. members of the Mil- yi'' J RUN ''.Jr a sore wing from too mucn work, and waukee American Association team. Midget Third Baseman Makes His First Hit Since April 21, and se .,' his poor condition Is proving a sad . , t . r handicap to jhe team. White Sox Fall on Shows Improvement in Fielding--Fa-ns See "Cincinnati The Yankees play here tomorrow. Saturday. Monday, and Tuesday. They played but one game at the opening of Bender and Wyckoff Base Hits" in Second Clash With Naplanders. the campaign, Johnson winning from George McConnell, 2 to 1, and so they PHILADELPHIA, Pa., June IS. The have two postponed games to play off. White Sox hammered "Chief" Bender X c By "SENATOR." one coming tomorrow. The festivities young , .1 - and Wyckoff from the mound - will begin promptly at 2 o'clock. "Fateem" Foster has made his first was allowed to trot down xn the ninth, yesterday and no wia-nin- g "We're going out those Yankees had trouble in hit April 21. to left there being two down at the time. arter the second game since a clean drive from the start. The Naps cleaned them from the Mack- center, Manager Griffith-feel- s cer- men. 9 5. anl Joe Jacksonj saved the for four straight, and we're going out to to Walsh, while not In the RED SOX CAPTAIN tain that the midget thirdsacker will honors for do better than that," Bays Griff today. best of shape, kept the hits scattered E Gregg in the seventh by his great give OUTPITdo BARROW SCHEMES soon be in condition to make many of throw to the plate. It wasn't such a "We're going after all six. That'll In all but the sixth frame, when thu - us a big boost, won't It. up the line. these. Out of four trips to the- plate In long heave, but It had to be perfect away leaders collected four runs In a bunch. against Naps and It was. O'Neill got the ball at Can't let those Mackmen run with Bender lasted Innings, the second contest the right height swing old pennant." Just three the once, singled once, foul- the and had only to this visitors getting six hits for Foster walked half around to block off tne rushing four runs BY LOSE FINGER ed to Johnston, and rolled to Lajoie young Jay Carl Cashion Is slowly recovering In that time. Wyckoff received the TO POOL PLAYERS Shanks. The Griffman took the same once. a bit more strength In his chance of scoring on bad throw. He his injury, Manager Griffith . treatment when he entered the With a from but box. Bill Taff. the Texas rookie, on wallop that roller to Lajoie would have lost out, that's all. predict the date his return unable to of stopped the hitting for the five - to active playing again. last skipped into right field for a safety. Johnston played smooth game In gradually, and frames. The score: League Would Equalize the Strength of fielding do, a "He's working out R. Head of International Blood Poisoning While he had little to he the field, having several bad throws doesn't complain much about his arm," II. E. Cleveland Hurler Defeats Na- Has and Must well, were strong White Sox 30 14 10000--9 H 1 did It and the fans to handle. He looks like a rattling says the Old Fox, "but I can't even 0 0 0 0 4 I ..good man the. field, is, not par Mackmeri 0 0 0 1510 4 So That Pennant Race Will Be Close at All for .him.
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