TOWN The Wilbraham-Hampden PRSRT STD Therapy U.S. POSTAGE dogs PAID visit PALMER, MA PERMIT NO. 22 Page 8 SPORTS ECR-WSS Boys LOCAL POSTAL CUSTOMER lacrosse finals Page 11 Dedicated to Improving the Quality of Life in the Communities We Serve A TURLEY PUBLICATION ❙ www.turley.comTIMESJULY 15, 2021 www.wilbrahamhampdentimes.turley.com Wilbraham was once underwater Historian and author Patrick Duquette, shown here at a local Native American site, will be guest speaker at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 1 Open House outside at New officer picture by Dalton Zbierski the Old Meeting House Ofc. Jeffrey Wojcik was recently promoted, becoming a full-time Museum in Wilbraham. member of the Hampden Police Department. TIMES PHOTO SUBMITTED PUBLIC SAFETY PROFILE: shut everything down last year, that oversees the museum an- Meet Hampden’s newest Open House guest will feature guest speaker Patrick nounced the meeting will be held speaker to talk about Duquette talking about prehis- outside (weather permitting) in full-time officer toric Lake Hitchcock that once the museum’s natural garden. prehistoric Lake covered most of Wilbraham. The “This is our first gathering in By Dalton Zbierski the National Guard. During his Hitchcock open house will be on Sunday, over a year-and-a-half as we get Editor military career, he was deployed Aug. 1 from 2 to 4 p.m., free and the Meeting House in shape for a overseas to Kuwait. WILBRAHAM – The first open to the public. new season. Historian and author HAMPDEN – The Hampden Each of Wojcik’s previous open house at the Old Meeting Lucy Peltier, president of the Police Department’s newest full- employment experiences culmi- House Museum, since Covid-19 Atheneum Society of Wilbraham Please see HITCHCOCK, page 5 time officer is well positioned to nated in his recent promotion; succeed. Prior to his July 6 ap- he explained what life is like as a pointment by the Hampden Board part-time officer. of Selectmen, Ofc. Jeffrey Wojcik “Being a part-time, you pretty garnered approximately eight much do what the full-timers do. Critical race theory stirs controversy at years of experience as a part-time We answer the same kind of calls officer in Hampden. and fill in for the full-timers. You “Hampden is a great, close- can work a couple times a week, July 7 School Committee meeting knit community. Everybody is once a week, a couple times a By Dalton Zbierski ings Five Wilbraham residents sworth, a developmental special- welcoming,” said Wojcik. “We’re month; it all depends on the needs Editor spoke publicly on the topic on ist and behavioral therapist. a small department so we all of the department,” said Wojcik. July 7. An equity audit aims to assess know each other. We all work as Moving forward, under the di- HAMPDEN, WILBRAHAM “It attacks our very funda- diversity, equity and inclusion in a team to make sure that the town rection of newly-appointed Police – The controversial concept of mentals of life because anything school settings. Farnsworth be- is safe.” Chief Scott Trombly, Wojcik an- critical race theory set the stage associated with the so called lieves that an equity audit would Wojcik worked part-time with ticipates that a continued empha- for stirring public commentary ‘majority oppressors’ is no lon- create divisiveness through- the Hampden Police Department sis will be placed on community during the July out the district and from 2005 until 2008. He re- policing. 7 meeting of the could reflect poorly turned to the department in 2016 Wojcik is excited to interact Hampden-Wil- on the performances and served in the same capacity with residents, hear their voices braham Regional of school adminis- until his recent promotion. and become more familiar with School Commit- trators. Before fulfilling his dream of their concerns. As a full-time tee. “My understand- working full-time for a municipal member of the department, Wo- CRT is an intel- ing is that there has police department, Wojcik spent jcik expects to play a greater role. lectual movement been no vote taken 23 years as a Campus Police Of- “I’m more committed to the that originated in authorizing an eq- ficer. community now that I’m here legal and academ- uity audit. Howev- After graduating from the full-time. This is my only job, and ic circles in the er, there have been Massachusetts Special State Po- I can dedicate my service to the 1970s and gained promises made that lice Academy, Wojcik began his community,” said Wojcik. “Un- further traction in it will be done,” said career in policing at Mount Holy- der the new Chief, we’re going the decades that Farnsworth, who oke College in South Hadley. He to be big on community policing questioned why the worked there for 18 years. and getting out there and talking. followed. Photo by Dalton Zbierski district would con- Wojcik later moved onto Am- We’re professional, we’re friend- The theory im- Systematic racism, critical sider pursuing an equity audit herst College, where he spent five ly; don’t be afraid to talk to us. plies that race is a concept cre- race theory and educational when it has not yet finalized its years in a similar position. If there are problems, don’t be ated culturally to oppress people equity were at the center of next strategic plan. “They are both great, diverse afraid to call. We’re here to help.” of color and that legal institu- conversation during the July Christine Goonan ventured communities,” said Wojcik. “Peo- Wojcik thanked Trombly and tions in the United States are in- 7 meeting of the Hampden- to the public speaking table last ple come from everywhere, and the Hampden Board of Selectmen herently racist, as they function Wilbraham Regional School Wednesday evening to remind you learn their customs and cour- for his newfound opportunity. He to construct and uphold social, Committee. economic and political inequal- residents of the origins of CRT tesies. Everybody works together plans to serve the town as a full- ities. and state that CRT is not part of to make sure the environment is time officer until his eventual re- During its June 10 meet- ger any good. That includes our a social studies curriculum at safe.” tirement. ing, the School Committee was Declaration of Independence any middle or high school in the On both campuses, Wojcik “This was my ultimate goal. asked by a resident to voice its and our Constitution,” said Rich- Commonwealth, meaning that was responsible for maintaining I wanted to work for a munici- position on CRT. The baord was ard Howell. the theory is taught to neither the security of the buildings, en- pality. It’s exciting and joyous asked the same question on July Multiple public speakers children nor teens. forcing parking and giving pre- because Hampden is a great fit,” 7. voiced concerns over a poten- Goonan also addressed the sentations to students regarding said Wojcik, who lives in Chicop- A stance has not yet been tial equity audit of the district, residents who spoke before her. dorm and fire safety. ee and also enjoys fishing, snow- given, but the conversation has which would cost approximate- For more than two decades, boarding and spending time with his family. carried over into multiple meet- ly $150,000, said Tracy Farn- Please see SCHOOL, page 13 Wojcik served as a member of Page 2 The Wilbraham-Hampden TIMES July 15, 2021 NEWS ABOUT TOWN With summer scammers lurking, Better Business Wilbraham library Bureau identifies red flags offers virtual program, By Dalton Zbierski Additionally, if a cruise line or travel “Norman Rockwell: Editor company advertises a vacation as being Inclusion, Exclusion, “free,” the trip may well include hidden WORCESTER – Scams come in all costs and restrictions. Do your research. and Evolving Views on shapes and sizes, and can be quite intri- While staying in a hotel, be aware of cate. Regardless of how clever a scheme late night, fake calls that claim to origi- Race” may be, a scammer’s primary objective nate from the front desk and ask guests is simple; emptying the wallet or bank to “re-verify” their credit card informa- WILBRAHAM – On account of a victim. tion. Tues., July 20 at 6:00 p.m., Residents can stay ahead of scams “They’re not going to call you and art historian Jane Oneail by educating themselves on the latest wake you in the middle of the night, will offer a virtual pro- ploys. During the summer of 2021, with saying that there’s a problem with your gram, “Norman Rockwell: COVID-19 restrictions lifted, scammers credit card,” said Cahalen. Inclusion, Exclusion, and are hard at work, but ordinary individu- Furthermore, scammers have been Evolving Views on Race,” als can arm themselves with a wealth of known to leave fake menus outside of for Wilbraham Public Li- knowledge that will foil most cons. Better Business Bureau photo submitted by hotel rooms. When a guest orders food, brary. “Any time someone asks you to pay Better Business Bureau the culprit collects the credit card infor- Norman Rockwell is an upfront fee for a service they have Nancy Cahalen, President/CEO of Better mation and never delivers a meal. heralded for depicting and Jane Oneail not provided, that’s a red flag. If you Business Bureau serving Western MA “It’s so simple, it’s diabolical,” said defining American life. He often captured bit- get pressure to accept the offer now or and Northern CT, is on a mission to Cahalen.
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