Page 4 February 04, 2017 (1) Eight Governors... ond issue is that there is also He said the organization had ers freely hold gatherings in being trapped in the snow- farmers to adopt drought mistrust within Jamiat-e-Is- more supporters in educa- Kabul and provinces. storm. tolerant crops, uncertain- who have not registered lami party, thirdly trust in tional centers because the A few months ago, an im- Ahmadi added 40 more ve- ties over prices of substitute their assets so far. The offi- the government institutions group wanted to promote portant member of the group hicles had been trapped in crops complicate their tran- cials will fill the registration has vanished completely,” their ideas through these fa- was detained in Nimroz Qunaq tunnal situated be- sition to climate smart farm- forms after they received it,” said political analyst Hamid cilities. province. (Pajhwok) tween Bamyan and Daikundi ing. the Finance Ministry spokes- Saboori. “They sometimes hold meet- provinces. (Pajhwok) “It is difficult for farmers to man Ajmal Abdul Rahimzai (10) Khost-Paktia... Political rifts between Ghani ings, share their ideas and change overnight from grow- said. (15)Children Direct... and Abdullah have apparent- call the government as Kaf- Weesa said that highway se- ing their own food and cash At least 8,000 government of- ly sparked internal disputes ir, they also call democracy curity was important, prom- eyes hurt at night. He would crops to becoming fully mar- ficials – including governors even between political par- against Islam, they try to at- ising to cooperate in the area. prefer to go to school, but as ket dependent and feeling - have so far registered their ties. (Tolonews) tract more youth to its fold He called for a joint fight the eldest son, it fell to him to comfortable to give up grow- assets at the High Office of from Takhar universities,” against militants, smugglers support the family when his ing their staple food crop Oversight and Anti-Corrup- (5) Amid Enhanced ... he said. and robbers. father, a brickmaker, devel- for a crop whose production tion. (Tolonews) a gap of 60 days between two Rahim said the organization While directing relevant of- oped chronic stomach pains. might be more reliable but (2) Governor Vows ... Tourism visits, however, re- might turn into a great chal- ficials to focus on their job, “I warn my son every day whose market price is un- mains unchanged. he said protecting the bor- about the cars coming from Meanwhile, local observers lenge for the government in known and liable to global The government of India der with Pakistan was also the Kabul side. The drivers describe the beleaguered future if it not prevented. fluctuations,” he said. promoted and encouraged necessary. Militants sneaked are completely careless and Sangin district as “strategi- Muzafari said if he was di- FAO has established Early Afghan businessmen to visit crossed the border to disrupt I fear for my son’s life,” said cally important” area and rected, he would soon take Warning Early Action Fund India to further enhance In- the security in the country, his father, Nader Khan. “It warned that the “fall of action. He acknowledged the (EWEA) from which county do-Afghan trade ties. Hence- he alleged. pains me to see him work, Sangin would further com- Hizb members had increased governments in Kenya would forth, Afghan businessmen “If we work together, most of and I’d rather see him go to plicate the security challeng- in the province and so their receive financial support to investing in India or having a our problems will be solved school. But what he earns es” in Helmand province. activities. provide animal feeds for se- large trade turnover with In- easily. We want to work now is the only income we “The fall of Sangin would A few months earlier, the lected breeding animals for dia, depending on volume of jointly with other provinces have in the family.” add to the security prob- Cabinet also expressed con- individual families, Simpkin their investment/trade, shall for resolving our problems,” Afghanistan bans children lems in Helmand and ad- cern over the Hizbut Tahrir said. be issued Indian visas for a he said. under 14 from working and joining areas,” Abdul Majid activities. On preparing communities duration of 1 to 5 years, with Logar Governor Halim Fi- has ratified international Akhundzada, the deputy to Chief Executive Officer for weather extremes, FAO continuous stay of up to 180 daee has also previously conventions against child Helmand Provincial Council (CEO) Abdullah Abdullah is executing an early warn- days during each such busi- told the Cabinet meeting traveled to Paktia for dis- labor. But rights groups say said. ing system of which 100,000 ness visit, subject to produc- held on November 22, 2016 cussing common problems laws against child labor are people are targeted with ear- Sangin district, if falls to Tal- tion of relevant business doc- that the group was a civilian with local officials. poorly enforced. Human ly warning messages and re- iban outfit would pave the uments, the statement said. branch of terrorist organiza- Provincial council members Rights Watch has estimated sponse options, according to way for the fall of Gereshk that a quarter of all Afghan The embassy of India, Ka- tions. He had said the group and tribal elders called such the official. (Xinhua) district and eventually would children under 14 work for bul was confident that these enjoyed a strong influence in meetings important, saying a living, many in dangerous (22)Trump “Disappointed” enable Taliban fighters to changes in the visas regime academic institutions, radi- the decisions made should be industries like brick-making tighten the noose around would further strengthen the calizing the youth. followed and implemented (Malcolm Turnbull), is sub- and mining. provincial capital Lashkar historic people to people and He said political parties were for the sake of peace and sta- ject to extreme vetting,” On a recent winter morning, Gah. business ties between our allowed to operate under the bility. (Pajhwok) Spicer said. two countries. (Pajhwok) as other children headed off The spokesman added that The poppy growing Helmand Constitution, but the Hizbut (11) Afghanistan... province with Lashkar Gah to school, Sedaqat set up Trump has “tremendous re- (6) Experts Assess ... Tahrir wasn’t a political par- more working and active for- as its capital 555 km south black, red and blue oil cans spect” for Turnbull and for Program at ICIMOD said in ty. eign policy track to be pur- of Kabul has been regarded at his favorite bend at the the Australian people. his presentation, “The Adap- 1st deputy CEO Eng. Mo- sued. as Taliban hotbed in the con- highway and took up his red The Washington Post report- tation Outlook will include hammad Khan had said the He said that mismanage- flict-hit Afghanistan. wooden traffic sign. ed Thursday that over a tele- Qari Yusuf Ahmadi who vulnerability assessment, Hizbut Tahrir had no legal ment and disharmony within “When I see other kids go- phone conversation on Satur- claims to speak for the Talib- policy assessment, gap anal- structure in Afghanistan, but the foreign policy managing ing school, I feel sad because day, Trump blasted Turnbull an outfit, in contact with me- ysis and recommendations.” its members had not been in- bodies would have implica- I also want to go to school,” over a refugee agreement. dia has confirmed fighting in The Hindu Kush Himalayan volved in violence. tions for the country. Sedaqat said. “But I know “This is the worst deal ever,” Sangin district and inflicting region extends 3,500 km over 2nd deputy CEO Moham- “Some rootless people unfor- that I’m the only breadwin- Trump fumed as Turnbull at- casualties on government all or parts of eight countries. mad Mohaqqiq has called the tunately on the basis of wage ner in my family. I have to tempted to confirm that the forces stationed there. (Xin- The most important region group as extremist and prac- calculation came and occu- work to help myself and my United States would honor family survive.” hua) for South Asia and China, tically against Afghanistan’s pied some parts of the power its pledge to take in 1,250 it is the source of ten large governance system and the in Afghanistan and demol- He said he would like to be- refugees from an Australian (3) NATO General... Asian river systems and pro- Constitution. ished major parts of global come a real traffic policeman, detention center, according the way ahead and priorities vides water, ecosystem ser- But in a statement, the Hiz- opportunities,” said Saleh. a job that pays around $180 to the newspaper. for the Resolute Support mis- vices, and the basis for live- but Tahrir said none of its “The government should dis- a month. But that would re- The Washington Post also sion. lihoods to a population of ideological and political ac- tance its foreign policy in- quire some schooling. reported that Trump abrupt- “We must ensure that terror- around 210.53 million people tivities contradicted Islamic stitutions from politics and “I have to do this now to ly ended the call, but Turn- ists never again use Afghani- in the region. The basins of principles and views. instead make them more support my family,” he said. bull told Australian media stan as a safe haven,” Scapar- these rivers provide water to The organization’s aim is professional, as much as pos- “Maybe one day I’ll become that the report is not correct. rotti said. “That’s why we are 1.3 billion people, a fifth of the re-establishment of ‘the sible, so that it can handle a real traffic policeman and (Xinhua) committed to strengthening the world’s population.
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