^HIGHLIGHTS^ THEAIHLETXS • Results of T&F Meets: • Results of Distance Runs: • Entry forms for T&F meets: — National Indoor — National lOK — Nationals — Grandfather Games — Tamanaha 15K — Western Regionals — Tampa Bay — Boston & Cherry Blossom — Northwest Regionals — Australian Nationals — 38 other races — Midwest Regionals — Mt. Sac. • 1981 15K Rankings — MSA Relays — Sacramento & Visalia • National Meeting — Metropolitan — Penn & Drake Relays • New List of World and U.S. T&F •T&F Rules and Meet Guidelines — MSA Indoor — Women's 5-Year Age Marks ^ National Masters News Tf Theonlynationaipublicationdevoted exclusively to track &field and longdistance running for menand womenover age 30 46th Issue June 1982 $1.25 Six Win Trips to Sports Festival 238 Compete In Final Lorenz, Dalrymple Grandfather Games Win National 10-K byALSHEAHEN VAN NUYS. Calif. May 8 — Two from BOB FINE hundred thirty eight men and women BROOKLYN, April 25 — Herb Lorenz, 43, and Cindy Dalrymple, 40, athletes over age 30 said farewell today JP to the 12th and final Grandfather raced to victories today in the Athletics games. Congress National Masters Meet director George Ker, who 10-kilometer road racing champion created and began directing the meet in ships in Prospect Park. jtrjTST? 1970, decided last month to hang it up Over 150 masters (men over age 40 after thi.s one, due to increased costs of and women over age 35) competed in the Los Angeles Valley College facili 5-year age divisions in the annual ty, and the continued pressures of stag event, held in hot, 80° weather. ing the annual popular event. Lorenz took the race out in a 4:40 •first mile, and no one could challenge The Ciames went out in style with him. By the halfway point it was all two world and ()ne American age- over. Lorenz led runner-up Kirk Ran group records set in cool, smog-firee, dall, 40, to the tape by 39 seconds in overcast weather. In addition, 21 new Continued on page 19 meet records were established. Ker was thanked and applauded bv the athletes and spectators. He paid National Indoor T&F Don Cheek, 51 San Luis Obispo, Gal. won 200 (23.78) and 400 (56.88) in Los Angeles Grand tribute to the many volunteers — in Meet Draws Hundreds father Games 8. (photo by Jerome McFadden) cluding 76 at today's meet — who had CAMBRIDGE, Mass, March 27-28. helped him put on the games over the Entrants came from throughout the Tymn 1st Master in Comeback years. United States, including a sizeable con Dalrymple Sets 15-K Mark in Hawaii "1 think it was a good, solid meet to tingent from California, for the Penn end it all with," he said after it was Mutual/TAC National Indoor Masters from VALDEMAR SCHULTZ The effort earned the former over. Continued on page "20 Track & Field Championships this HONOLULU, April 11 — Cindy Hawaiian ^ now living in New York weekend at Massachusetts Institute of Dalrymple, who turned 40 on March 5, — a free trip to the Grand Prix finals didn't waste any time in establishing August 15 in Philadelphia at the Na Technology. £• Competition was held in 5-year age herself as the nation's premier female tional Masters Sports Festival. ^ -0 O f oS groups for men and women age 30 and master (over age 40) runner. The race was held under some of the M OD S In the 5th annual Norman K. best weather conditions ever on the " O 0} over. OX > M O Tamanaha 15K Run, which was also Islands, with about 2000 open and w - Top individual winner was the in to defatigable Herb Anderson, 75, of the first in the 9-race Nike Masters masters entrants. It was slightly over ^ rv) O Bellevue, Colorado, who entered and Grand Prix Series, Dalrymple raced 70°F with not much wind. The course won 10 events as the only competitor in to a sparkling 55:25 to smash Miki was an out-and-back around Diamond his age 75-79 division. As always, Gorman's 3-year old American Head, beginning and ending at Anderson's efforts were world class in women's masters 15Kmark of 57:15 by Kapiolani Park. virtually every event. nearly two minutes. National Masters News columnist Phillipa Raschker, 35, of Atlanta Mike Tymn, 45, made an astonishing was runner-up for gold medal honors, LATEFLASH comeback after a year's battle with capturing all 7 of her events (60 yard The Southern California Striders weight, injuries and surgery. He dash, hurdles, high jump, pole vault, broke the U.S. age 40-49 distance finished 4th overall and 1st master in long jump, triple jump and shot put) in medley relay record May 15 in the 49:43, followed closely by Dr. Jim the women's 35-39 bracket.. Striders Relays in Northridge, Calif, Gallup (50:04) and Jeremy Clark Checking in with 5 triumphs was with a time of 11:03.7. The old mark (50:43). Tymn, whose "Gun Lap" Christel Miller of Glendale, Calif, in was pending 11.13.8, set by the New column appears monthly on page 6, the women's 45-49 division; and Phil York Pioneer Club in 1981. The Strider ran over a minute faster than he did in Mulkey of Atlanta in the men's 50-54 quartet was composed of Bill Knocke winning overall in 1978. "Jim (Gallup) category. (51.6), Ralph Lee (1:59.6), Mel Elliot keeps getting closer and closer to me, Continued on page 19 (3:29.7) and George Cohen (4:42.8). »- Continued on page 20 page 2 National Masters News June 1982 ly subscriptions of your newsletter to DenverDays Write On! my Florida address, so 1 can pass the Masters Sports Festival issues along to Florida racedirectors Deaver High School Track and others. Denver, Iowa Address letters to: Otto Essig National Masters Newsletter, P.O. Box 2!il2, Van Nuys, CA 91404 Daytana Beach, Florida Saturday, June 26,1982 many complaints concerning the'recent 10,000 Meter Run NATIONAL INDOOR MKKT & Masters Track Meet Realizing that you will be receiving TAG Nationals held in Boston, 1 felt there is one very important point which 10-VEAR BRACKETS Sanctioned By: tho.se of us who competed must Just a short note to express my The Athletics Congress (TAC) National Masters remember. Although the meet had disappointment in the number of more than it's share of problems, Masters meets that use the ten-year for — TAG registration and insarance available on the day of the meet Officers without John Pistone and his crew of mat for individual events. It .seems to supporting help, there would have been me that the five year differential is TRACK FACILITIES — Denver High School ATHLETICS CONGRESS Cinder track, asphalt runways, no meet. Therefore, no complaints. I more meaningful and certainly en concrete pads courages new competitors as entrants TRACK & FIELD, CHAIRMAN: want to thank John for the opportuni BEVERAGES AND SANDWICHES PROVIDED into the Masters program. In most FOR COfylPETITORS INCLUDED Jim Weed ty to have run in a 1982 Nationals and IN REGISTRATION FEE. ll672E.2ndAve. feel we should all remember that as we cases it appears that there is a substan SEPARATE MEN'S &W OMEN'S EVENTS Aurora, CO 80010 look back on the meet. tial difference in physical capability SCHEDULE (303)341-2980 Barry Kline, between the lower level of the ten-year LONG DISTANCE CHAIRMAN: Washington, PA. bracket and the upper level of the ten- 7:00 — Registration Opens Bob Boal year bracket which certainly puts the FLORIDA LDR 9:00 — lOK Race Begins 121 W. Sycamore Ave. I've just moved to Florida and I have older individuals at the disadvantage. Wake Forest, NC 27587 11:00 — lOK Awards found that the Masters Scene is in a 1 think the Masters provides ex TRACK & FIELD RECORDS: cellent competition and most impor 11:30 — Bill Toomey Clinic, Toomey In persoir PeteMundle deplorable state, at least for the older tantly allows us to have a great deal of 4017 Via Marina (^C-OOI runner. RoadraceS which draw 2000 or 12:30 — Field Events Start Venice, CA 90291 more entries have an upper division of fun and renew old acquaintances. But I •4- (213)823-8804 60 plus only! We need a 70 plus divi would hope that the powers to be, both 1:00 — Track Rnnning LONG DISTANCE RECORDS: nationally and locally, would consider sion in this state. I myself am 76 years 4:30 — Awards Bob Martin old, 1 enjoy competition, but what establishing the five-year format for National Running Data Center the individual events. AWARDS P.O. Box 42888 - chance do I have against a sixty year Congratulations on a fine newspaper lOK Tucson, AZ 85733 old? Trophies In all age brackets wHb (602)323-2223 Some pioneer work seems to be in product as 1 know that we all look for 2 overall awards INDOOR RECORDS AND RANKINGS: order. To start with send me four vear- ward to seeing this paper on a monthly TRACK EVENTS Haig Bohigian basis. Medals lor Ist, 2nd, 3rd In each age 225 Hunter Ave. bracket with trophies lor the relay NATIONAL MASTERS NEWS North Tarrytown, NY 10591 J. K. Stanners teams (914)631-1547 Bakersfield, Calif. Days events followed by chicken barbecue INDOOR T&F MEET COORDINATOR 46tti Issue and carnival festivities Ron Salvio JUNE 1982 Squan Rd. (5-year groups are fine if there are Sponsored By: Millstone Township, NJ 08520 Editor enough competitors. But it's not much Penn Mutual Life (201)266-8202 A1Sheahen fun to compete against only yourselfor Insurance Campany WORLD ASSOCIATION OF one or two others - Ed.) Production VETERAN ATHLETES (WAVA) American Publishing Co.
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