4 rri mmm* L. UNITED STATES PACIFIC FLEET AND PACIFIC OCEAN AREAS 25' 30' 35' 55' I52°O" • 40' TRUK • • • FIELD SURVEY ULALU.S of DUBLONIS PARAM IS. ETEN IS i / TARIK IS / .FEFAN JAPANESE DEFENSES •. L FALCAI AA BEGUETS IS on 10" MESEGON IS 5" TRUK KUOP ATOLL 7°0' KEY MAP 55 I52°O 5 PART ONE-THE REPORT CINCPAC-CINCPOA BULLETIN NO. 34 6 15 MARCH 1946 Eforofu Kaikyo fu Sluma (ioflhhti, % "-*" . K.in I.. Slu Kiiziin Hitt o , Minium I (THAILAND \ > ; (SIAM) A'.I.V (SOUTH CHINA SEA) .rfilrhongR !*«> C<iQdor« Sfrath- SVZV SEA Amfxmi a ( H\ SwnlWR/' ./ I ,;i.\TUlSulll . \ AfMun&ma V Arnjmka 3 Tg.S.-lataa ./.ll'.l SEA K unnuyii I)j a m Is BAJNDA SKA , ^7 V r.Van Dumoi. TIMOA SJM/cm NAME RANK ORGANIZATION REPRESENTINq HEADQUARTERS, FLEET MARINE FORCE, PACIFIC WEINTRAUB, Daniel J. Captain, USN PHIBSPAC PHIBSPAC C/O FLEET POST OFFICE, SAN FRANCISCO. GUTHRIE, James T. Lt.. USC & GS PHIBSPAC PHIBSPAC HELANDER, Melvin Lt (jg), USNR INTERPRON 2 COMMARIANAS Confidential 1 March, 1946 ZIRKELBACH, Harry W. Ensign, USNR MEIU 4 MEIU 4 From : Officer in Charge, Japanese Defense Study Group. (4) Signal Communications. To : The Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas, ORGANIZATION REPRESENTING Via : The Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific, NAME RANK POPE, Albert L. Captain, USMC Hdqts, FMF PAC FMF,PAC Subject: TRUK, transmittal of Japanese defense study of. CLARK, John A. Lt (Jg), USNR JICPOA JICPOA HURLBUT, Franklin C. Ensign, USNR COMMARIANAS COMMARIANAS References: (a) CinCPOA dispatch 162329 of November, 1945. EVANS, William A. Rad. Elec. NOB, GUAM COMMARIANAS (b) CinCPO- - ­A dispatch 220315 of November, 1945. (c) CinCPOA dispatch 270316 of November, 1945, (5) Strategic and Tactical Subjects;(History; Order of Battle; Panoramic-Photographic Terrain Study; Tactical Dispositions; 00 1* Upon completing its survey of CHICHI JIMA the Japanese Defense Infantry Weapons Dispositions; Medical and Sanitary Condi­ Study Group proceeded to TRUK on board the USS Castle Rock (AVP 35) in accordance < with references (a), (b), and (c). The Group was organized as set forth below tions). to carry out its mission of reporting on the Japanese defenses on TRUK, Avail­ o able intelligence material was studied enroute. NAME RANK ORGANIZATION REPRESENTING z GOWER, Elmer B. Major, USA Hdqts, AFMIDPAC AFMIDPAC 2. The Study Group was organized as follows: MALLON, James R. Captain, USMCR 3rd MarDiv FMF,PAC KJ Ensign, USNR JICPOA JICPOA (a) Supervisory group. SHEEHAN, Richard G. NAME RANK ORGANIZATION REPRESENTING (6) Aviation, Z NAME RANK ORGANIZATION REPRESENTING DAVIS, Leonard L. Brig. Gen.,USA 2273d AAC (Hawaii) AFMIDPAC MARSHALL, St.Julien R. Colonel, USMC Hdqts, FMF,PAC FMF,PAC PETERS, James M. Commander, USN COMAIRPAC COMAIRPAC CO REEVE, Parker M. Colonel, USA Oahu Engr. Ser. AFMIDPAC WEINTRAUB, Daniel J. Captain, USN PHIBSPAC PHIBSPAC 3. The Study Group arrived at TRUK on 13 December, 1945 and commenced Z COMAIRPAC COMAIRPAC PETERS, James M. Commander, USN a study of the Japanese defenses Immediately. The desired data was collected by _J •RIDGE, Thomas L. Lt.Col., USMC 3rd MarDiv FMF,PAC 23 December, 1945 and the Study Group departed. co MEDINNIS, Charles L. P. Lt.Col., USA Oahu Ord. Ser. AFMIDPAC POPE, Albert L. Captain, USMC Hdqts, FMF,PAC FMF,PAC UI PORTH, Alfred M. 1st Lt., USMCR Hdqts, FMF,PAC FMF,PAC Z •Assembly and Publication of Report. ST. JUKEEN R. MARE o (b) For the purpose of collecting information and preparation of Cblonel, USMC as the final report the Study Group was divided into sections with the senior officer in charge of each section, HEADQUARTERS (l) Engineer. (Fortifications, Installations, Roads, Rail­ FLEET MARINE FORCE, PACIFIC roads, Bridges, Explosives, Demolitions) C/O FLEET POST OFFICE, SAN FRANCISCO. NAME RANK ORGANIZATION REPRESENTING Confidential 2 March, 1946. REEVE, Parker M, Colonel, USA Oahu Engr, Ser. AFMIDPAC JAMES, David E. Captain, USA 2805th Engr.Gen.Sr.Bn. AFMIDPAC JAEDTKE, Gilbert H, Lt (jg), USNR 5th Naval Cons. Brig. COMMARIANAS 1st Endorsement on ltr fr OinC, Japanese Z HIROKI, Howard K. 2nd Lt., USA Hdqts, MIDPAC AFMIDPAC Defense Study Group to CINCPAC-CINCPOA, NAHLIK, Sylvester R. Carpenter, USNR 5th Naval Cons. Brig. COMMARIANAS o dtd 1 March, 1946. CO UJ (2) Artillery and Ordnance. (CD,AA, and DP Guns: Tanks, and From : The Commanding General, Z CO Vehicles) To : ui The Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas. NAME RANK ORGANIZATION REPRESENTING Subject: TRUK, transmittal of Japanese defense study of. CO MEDINNIS, Charles L. P. Lt.Col. USA Oahu Ord. Ser. AFMIDPAC 1. UI DORR, William R. Lt.Col. USMC Hdqte, FMF,PAC FMF,PAC Forwarded, HARRISON, Edward P. Lt.Col. USA Oahu Ord. Ser. AFMIDPAC Z MENDENHALL, George E. Lt (Jg) USNR JICPOA JICPOA WYCOFF, DeWltt D. 2nd Lt. USMCR 3rd MarDiv FMF,PAC (3) Beaches and Hydrography; Naval Vessels and Installations. ROY S. GEIGER LC". G ..1L£D AT 3 YEfcR INTERVALS; Lu^.^rtcSlHED ASTfcR 12 YEABS. DOD DIB 5200.10 UNITED STATES PACIFIC FLEET AND PACIFIC OCEAN AREAS NAVY HEADQUARTERS OF THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF 20 CNO TLR/Jrf 2 BuAir 2 BuMed CONFIDENTIAL 2 BuOrd Z 2 BuShlps 15 March 1946 - Serial ADM-150802 2 BuDocke 2 The Hydrographer Navy Dept From: Commander in Chief, U. S. Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean 5 ComdtANSCol Wash D C Areas* 5 ComdtNavWarCollege Newport R I 00 To: Distribution List. 2 ComPhlbTraPac FPO San Diego Calif 2 COTCPac FPO San Diego Calif < Subject: CINCPAC-CINCPOA Bulletin No. 3-46, JAPANESE DEFENSES ON 2 CONavResLab Bellevue D C TRUK ATOLL, CAROLINE ISLANDS. 2 USNLO RadiationResearchLabMIT Cambridge Mass o 2 USNLORadloLabHarvardU Cambridge Mass a. Enclosure: (A) Subject Bulletin. 2 USNLOOSRD Wash D C 5 CINCPAC Z 1. Subject report, forwarded herewith, need not be reported 5 ComAirPac and when no longer of value should be destroyed. No report of destruction 2 ComBatCruPac is necessary. 2 ComDe sPac 5 CominPac z 2 ComServPac 2 ComPhibsPac 2 AdComPhlb sPac Q L. E. PETERSEN, 2 Com5thFleet By direction. 2 Com7thFleet Z 2 OinCSUPRADPAC DISTRIBUTION LIST 2 ComNavJap CO 2 Chief NavTecJap UJ Copies ARMY 2 SNO USSBS Z 2 PhotoIntelCenter Anacostia D C 2 COInterpronONE _j 10 ComGenAAF War Dept For: AC/AS Intelligence 2 COInterpronTWO o 10 ComGenAGF Army War College Wash D C 2 DivPacDivBuDocks Navy 128 (PH) 5 ComGenASF War Dept 5 ComMarJ anas 14 Chief MIS War Dept 2 Chiefof Engrs War Dept MARINE CORPS 2 ChiefofOrd War Dept 4 ChiefSigOff War Dept 4 ComdtMarCorps Incl: Arlington Hall Station Arlington Va 3 ComGenFMFPAC 2 ChiefChemicalWarfare War Dept 2 C omGe nAirFMFPAC 2 SurgeonGeneral War Dept 2 ComGenlllPhibCorpe 5 ComdtCom&StaffSch Ft Leavenworth Kan 5 ComdtMarCorpsSchsMarBks Quantico Va 2 ComdtFASch Ft Sill Ofcla 2 ea. ComGenMarDiv z 2 COOrdBDCAberdeenProvingGround Aberdeen Md 2 ComGenTraCom FMF o 2 ComdtlnfantrySchool Ft Benning Ga 3 DlrofAviation MARCORPS CO 10 SCAP 10 AT COM TRUK UJ CO 5 ClnCAFPAC APO 500 Z 2 ComGenPACUSA APO 925 Ul 2 ComGenUSAFIK APO 235 u. 2 ComGenUSAFCTO APO 879 NY UJ 2 ComGenEIGHT APO 343 a 10 ComGenMIDPAC APO 958 Ul 2 The EngrMIDPAC APO 958 CO 2 C030thEngrBaseTopoBn APO 957 Ul Z 2 C064thEngrTopoBn APO 246 2 CO AGF APO 246 2 CO AGF APO' 247 2 ComGenWesPacBasCom APO 244 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE NO TITLE PAGE NO. GEOGRAPHY 1 Army Communications 101 SUMMARY 6 Radio 101 Radio Countermeasures 103 A SHORT HISTORY OF THE MILITARY DEVELOPMENT OF TRUK 8 Radio Intelligence 103 Radio Direction Finders 103 JAPANESE ORDER OF BATTLE, TRUK ISLANDS 9 Wire; Telephone 103 Radar 103 PANORAMIC PHOTOGRAPHIC TERRAIN STUDY 12 Power Equipment 103 Visual 103 ARTILLERY AND "ORDNANCE 22 Pigeons 103 Codes and Ciphers 103 Sources of Information 22 Air-Ground Communications 103 Development of the Defenses 22 Meteorlogical Stations 103 Equipment Available 22 Supply and Repair 103 Artillery Tactical Control 22 Artillery Fire Control 22 NAVAL ACTIVITIES 107 Artillery - General Remarks 23 Artillery Positions On Barrier Reef Islands 23 General 107 c Description of Individual Batteries 23 Mine Warfare 116 Maintenance and Repair Facilities 34 Defense of the North and South Passes 118 o. Total Quantities of Fire Control Items 36 Details on Minefields in TRUK Atoll 123 Total Quantities of Vehicles 38 Obstacles 124 Z Total Quantities of Weapons and Ammunition 38 Vessels 125 Navy Ships and Boats 125 ENGINEERING 46 Naval Communications 126 i Hydrographic Information 126 Z Military Engineering 46 Conditions of the Sinking of Submarine 1-169 127 The Attack on TRUK by the British Task Force 127 Engineer and Construction Troops 46 > Organization of the Ground 46 BEACHES 128 Q Fortifications 48 Z Obstacle Construction Types 52 General 129 Searchlights 58 Beach No. 1 129 Mines, Mine Warfare, Booby Traps, Explosives and Demolitions 58 Beach No. 2 129 Camouflage 58 Beach No. 3 130 Chemical Warfare 58 Beach No. 4 131 z Field Utilities 62 Beach No. 5 131 Beach No. 6 132 o General Construction 63 Beach No. 7 133 Beach No. 8 133 < Roads, Trails, and Railroads 67 Beach No. 9 134 Wharves and Docks 67 Beach No. 3.0 134 Bridges and Causeways 67 Beach No. 11 136 Installations 70 Beach No. 12 136 Underground Installations in General 82 Beach No. 13 137 Fixed or Permanent Utilities 82 Beach No. 14 137 SIGNAL COMMUNICATIONS 86 AVIATION 138 General 86 General 138 Z Navy Communications 86 Construction of Air Facilities 138 Disposition of Aircraft 138 o Radio 86 UJ Destruction of Japanese Air Power at TRUK 139 CO Radio Countermeasures 92 Z Radio Intelligence 92 MEDICAL & SANITARY CONDITIONS 143 m Radio Direction Finding 92 u. UJ Wire 92 Introduction Radar 94 143 General 143 a Summary 98 Ul Medical 143 CO Power Equipment 100 144 Ul VIsual 100 Sanitary Conditions Z Pigeons 100 145 Codes and Ciphers 100 APPENDIX I Air-Ground Communications 100 Meteorlogical Stations 100 APPENDIX II Supply and Repair 100 150 APPENDIX III HI TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES IN PART ONE FIGURE NO.
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