• V-. ’ ■'I •' » *• . MOKDAY. JANUARY^ 7, 1987 ATcrtKc DaHy Nat Pr«M Run Tha WaaHitr. ' Por the $Ve^ Ended Feiaeaat « f IT. S. W entlm BcrMUi Jannary 5, 1467 3,600 Fair, colder tonight. Low, 10 td. t r i f l e ^ Pledged 12,328 IS. Wedneaday rhance of occsmAosi- Member of the Alidlt al' light snow daMng the day. Higll IVfMH Campaign Rurentt of Cirrulation in mid 80s. By Screw Firm WATKINI , Hanche$ter-~~A CHy o/ VUlagt^ Charm "A contribution of $3,600 to. -WEST VOL. LXXVI, NO. 8,1 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY. JA>^UARY 8, 1957 . 4, (Clbaallled Adrertiataig on P ig * U ) PRICE FIVE CENTS Mancheater Memorial Hdapital'a! $1,470,000 ftuilding fund eampaign i FHatral Ssni has .been pledged by the Hartford j Machine Screw Co.* division of| Onhand J. West, Dii|i«ter 141^ East Center ! East Reich Standai'd Screw Co, ^ ^ AOteheU 9-71M Ashed to comment concerning; • • ' - • the 'contribution. James A, Ta.vlor, j Gets President • of ‘ the company said, • "Hartford Machine'. Screw Co. has 1 Maneheater’a OldOM ion^ recognised that part of their j with Fineat F aclU lm corporate responsibility is to see Tax Extension Off-Street ParUngj Soviet A id that proper hospital, facilities are I Eatabtiahed 1874% provided fo r its einpIo>’es in the ' Washington, Jan. 8 (/P),—- be two or three weeks before joint Moscow. Jan; 8 </P)— The ij commiinitiea in which they live., 'j hearings planned by the Senate Soviet., Union has promised Sidney Ellis, chairman of ~the President Eisenhow'er and Re­ Foreign Relations s,and ' Armed ! fund's corporation committee comr publican Congressional lead- Services committees gre com-i Communist East Germany mented that the Hartford Machine era formally dwiddd today to pleted. rt more economic help and more Screw Co., established in 1876, has" seek a continuance of about The Resident feela there , is a ! control over Russian troops supported Manchester Memorial ia ' binio'n Vii exerse and cor- ' Knowland “temporarily” assigned to Hospital in previous building fund Weak, Nerveks campaigns. poration .taxe.s , beyond the "*Eisenhower called on Congreaa East German soil. ~ He expressed his Committee’s .1 e 'April ,1 expiratipn dafe. to authorize an economic aid pro- A communique signed last night pleasure at the amount of the sub­ Run-Down Folks Thn decision wa.s announced at gram coupled- tvith standby au- at the Kremlin apparently did not Sa; [go as far, however, as recent scription which exceeds the mini-' Toll af New Straagth Ro the White House by Senate OOF thorlly- to use U.S. military forces mum called for by the formula that lender Knowland of California. It in the Middle Eaat tojiead off any ; agreements on the Soviet forces Eaargy WHh FERRIIAII ; stationed in Poland. e Committee has prepared for underacored what admini.«tration ! Comrntmla^-aggression, Gettin^into the consideration Of corporations leaders previously have said ;are Next on the GOP priority list is j There was no suggestion, for ex- In determining their part\in the dim prospects for any major tax degialation to extend $3 billion In ; ampFe. that the East Berlin gov­ reductipn this year. , i excite and corporation taxes ndw ernment would be gl5’en any say- 4 program. so on the number of Russian troops ‘Hot Wall Knowland announced the de- scheduled" to- e.'fpire ApriL I. The in East Germany and their move­ clslon after he and other GOP qon- excise levies are hh aiijh items as Goes on Trial ment about the (-runti.V: This has gressional leaders^ had conferred liquor and cigarettes ainaihg oLhers. been promised- the Poles. Washington, Jan. 8-i/P)— . w ith , the President for about 90 Juvenile Dellnquenry Study '~ Mrs. Mary Knowles ' of Instead the rnmimmique said sn Rep. \Vayne Hays (D-Ohio) WINDOW SHADES minille.s. Jt was the ffrst of the rrti<l miinoNjjj^^sckwn) Knowland algo announced that Wymopth Meeting.. Pa., is agreement on the Soviet forces in regular 'ruesday mornipg White the adminlatration plana to ask for 8l^o\vn durinii^ recess Ip her stamp^ out of a House com­ iK ( ‘art Es.st Germany, t o . be conciiided Gra«n, W hitt, Ecru House sessions With the Republl-; »bout;$3 million to finance a study Washington tm l qn a charge "shortly,” would cover such mat­ mittee hearing today on Presi­ can chiefs in this new session of of contempt of Congress W o s h a b it o f jiiventle delinquency. The Sen­ ters as juidsdiction in "criminal dent Eisenhower’s emergency ■» V " N'ew Mnven and in Clin- Congres.s. ator added that details have not growing out of her refusal to cs.ses and civil action, the use of Middle East plan tyith a pro­ If you nt^ we*h— nerve Uis and Priorlly. Schedule answer queationa before the HOLLAND HNISH fcM arneraa.v; run-down glnd de-- been worked out tilt the study TiPnsing and service’ premises oc­ test that the public ■wasn’t * ' ' ' !<ay h « eoneider* his new probably will be a joint undertak­ Senate’ internal security sub- ■ >'•, •,-, he an exciting chal- prcs4*d; berause Of tired pnpov- A t a news conference. Know- cupied by- goviet military units, Made to Order »rl»b«fd blood you certainly jahould land and House Republican Leader ing of fedrraly state and local gov­ cqmmUtee. Mrs. Knowles. the u.se of lines and means of com- admitted. : ,( nst*' he believes the Ver- $ 1 . 9 9 Hays denounced the "secrecy" With Vour Rollers eoe what the famous F&R,f^IZAS Martin of Mossachusetta reported ernments. 46. is a librarian. (A P munlcstion and means..of trans­ \" « ^ ‘ has Hi grand future in . formula ran d,o for you. Wirephoto). he said rvas accorded to Secretary jfr .i r i,[; 4-orumunity. that Ei.senhower and the leader.s "The President believes this is a portation.'■ FHIX LINE OF CI.’STOM To you w» say-i—Tr>" FERltQZAX. There also was no tune limit i'at of State Dulles—"especially when the new fast-actinx lodbVo.Iron drew up a proposed priority list of, field, which, does need clos^ atten- legislation. Knowland <mphaal4ed, tion b y both the state and local for the Soviets; stay in East Ger­ Mr. Dulles' policy seems to be VENETIAN KINDS reconstructive Tonic. $falte the I getting in hot water.” , « A N G t four weeks’ test. You m utt feel however, that a final-decision on goverpments and the'federal gov- many. something the Poles have stronger, have more pep aiW «n- the salience of legislation wiH be j ernrpent," Knowland said. .. South Windsor not been told- either. " I ’ve protested, and ,ao have rnAny others,' that.there ^ tod L A. JOHNSON srg.5% work easier, sleep aojindcr up to the Democrats in lioth th e) - Anotne' item on the priority Hat No Specific Pledge . i. OIL or money bark. many executive (ciosed)..^^asions net K E im iZAN today (at a Senate and the House because their j is Civil Rights legislstlon, and (The East Berlin Radio said . party is in control Of Congress. Knowland reiterated that Eisen- Seeks Changes Russia had pjedged that its troops, around here,, and I'lit going to ‘.CHINE PAINTOO. price you can afford. dramatize it," Hays' told news-. • ion Tablets II.BS. Topplrig. the GOP priority Hat hower inten<.a to press for Con- would not interfere in Esst Ger­ 723 Main St, Tel. MI 9-4501 men. J. W. Hale Department 8iior« was a cajl for speedy action on the j greasional action on the adminia-' In Bridge Plan many's internal affairs, but no admihiatration'a anti - Communist tration progrqm submitted to Con­ C ' .such speciAc pledge was contained, Hays said "tRere .may he .some program for .the Middle.East. Ei­ gress at the last session, in the official' text of the coni- merit" in the Eisenhower resolu­ tion propoMng special authorjt.v to bantly oil senhower putlined his program for The'House approved the program Hartford. Jan. 8 tfPt Gov. Ribi- ; niunlq'ue. Poland was given such s • (\(. thwarting Red aggression in that coff today received a petition guarantee in an agreement signed Secretary of State Dulles points to the Middle East on map aa he talks with Adm. Arthur Rad­ help ^keep peace in the Middle last year., but.it was stymied in the EahSt. "but I don't' think it will be area to the lawmakera in a special Senate under the threat of a fili­ from 279 residents of South Wind­ in Moscow in December. I ford, left, chairman, of, the joint chiefs of staff, and .Rep. Thomas Gordon rD-lUy, right, before testi­ message last Saturday. sor requesting a drastic revision Signing of the communlqiie fying at-A Hou.se Foreign Affairs Committee hearing in. Washington. Gordon it'isltairma'n of <he debated behind closed doors," he buster by sputhern Den-ocrats. .added. .!i ?-4595 'Orie e f W to revi.se Senate rules; approache.s_ to the Windsor- completed three days of negotis- committee which called . Dulles to discuss President Elsenhower’s proposals for the arek-i -^k Knowland noted that the House I' Dulles and Adm. Arthur W'. Foreign Affairs committee already to make it easier to cut nff a 'n H -l® ^ ^ " 1''^ j tions here between Soviet leaders Radford, chairman of the Joint «■ V lllf b.21T7 has started* hearings on the■ Mid-.buster---- - already.... has failed.................. in the ftooTien»ir.iitCt^necMcut Rival-River, 'g n j g„ German delegation mJilfKHALCcoit 'Uhlefa of Staff, had been invited east program.
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