New Releases | Recent Discoveries | Miscellaneous | 2013 January 1, 2013 'Success Has Many Fathers While Failure is an Orphan' by machines learning http://machineslearning.bandcamp.com/album/success-has-many-fathers-while- failure-is-an-orphan released 01 January 2013 'Our Disintegrating Museum' by io http://iomusic.bandcamp.com/album/our-disintegrating-museum released 01 January 2013 ‘Tacit’ by Consciousness Removal Project http://consciousnessremovalproject.bandcamp.com/ released 03 January 2013 ‘Ark Earth’ by N O V A http://novashreds.com/ released 01 October 2011 'Voces' by Tannhauser http://tannhauser.bandcamp.com/album/voces released 16 October 2012 ‘Monuments, Monoliths’ by Huldra http://huldratheband.bandcamp.com/album/monuments-monoliths released 12 January 2013 'Never Have Dreams’ by Vasa http://overlookrecords.bandcamp.com/album/vasa-never-have-dreams released 14 December 2012 January 7, 2013 ‘Tales of Industry’ by Raining Leaf http://rainingleaf.bandcamp.com/album/tales-of-industry released 14 January 2013 ‘Gin Pleos’ by Le seul élément http://leseulelement.bandcamp.com/ released 15 August 2012 January 14, 2013 ‘We're Too Small’ by Arroway http://arroway.bandcamp.com/album/were-too-small released 13 January 2013 ‘la Petite Marchande d'Allumettes’ by Kafka http://gnougn.bandcamp.com/album/kafka-la-petite-marchande-dallumettes released 18 January 2013 ‘Into the Green/gold Morning’ by DETTA http://dettatheband.com/album/into-the-green-gold-morning releases 29 January 2013 ‘Reanimation’ by Lights & Motion http://deepelmdigital.com/album/reanimation released 16 January 2013 ‘Ram’ by Ilenkus http://ilenkus.bandcamp.com/ released 12 October 2012 ‘Ashes Of A Secret Heart’ by Hunt http://hunt.bandcamp.com/album/ashes-of-a-secret-heart released 30 April 2010 ‘The Different Visions Of Things’ by The Autumn Leaves Fall In http://theautumnleavesfallin.bandcamp.com/album/the-different-visions-of-things released 17 January 2013 January 21, 2013 ‘Not Afraid Anymore’ by Oak http://oakinstru.bandcamp.com/album/not-afraid-anymore released January 19, 2013 ‘Watching You Without Me/The Drowning Man’ by Landing http://landing.bandcamp.com/album/watching-you-without-me-the-drowning-man released 19 January 2013 ‘tortuganónima’ by tortuganónima http://tortuganonima.bandcamp.com/ released 13 January 2013 ‘Blush EP’ by The Cherry Wave http://thecherrywave.bandcamp.com/ released 24 January 2013 ‘This very holding back’ by Locomotora http://locomotoraband.bandcamp.com/album/this-very-holding-back released 25 January 2013 ‘Cartographer EP’ by Cartographer http://cartographer013.bandcamp.com/album/cartographer-ep released 15 October 2012 January 28, 2013 ‘A Forgotten Land’ by Encircling Sea http://encirclingsea.bandcamp.com/releases released 21 December 2012 ‘Tundra’ by Before Machines http://beforemachines.bandcamp.com/album/tundra released 28 January 2013 ‘New Day At Dusk’ by Kid Kin http://kidkinevil.bandcamp.com/ released 28 January 2013 ‘The Evidence of Absence’ by Hedvika http://hedvikamusic.bandcamp.com/ released January 25, 2013 ‘Humboldt Park’ by Teith http://migrationmedia.bandcamp.com/album/humboldt-park released 29 January 2013 ‘The Glass/Nails EP’ by we.own.the.sky http://weownthesky.bandcamp.com/album/the-glass-nails-ep released 31 January 2013 ‘On the verge of war’ by The Fortress http://futurerecordings.bandcamp.com/releases released 01 February 2013 February 3, 2013 ‘Perishing Road’ by Haunter http://haunter0.bandcamp.com/album/perishing-road released 02 February 2013 ‘We're All Going To Be Dirt In The Ground’ by Buildings Melt http://buildingsmelt.bandcamp.com/ released 19 February 2010 ‘demo’ by ves http://vesband.bandcamp.com/album/demo released 21 September 2012 ‘Pauwels #1’ by Pauwels http://pauwels.bandcamp.com/album/pauwels-1 released 02 March 2013 ‘Pauwels en concert à la Vitrine Mulhouse http://vimeo.com/30963410 21 octobre 2011 ‘Frozen Landscapes’ by Raining Leaf http://chapelyard.bandcamp.com/album/frozen-landscapes released 04 February 2013 ‘Stranger in the Alps’ by Lost in the Riots http://lostintheriots.bandcamp.com/album/stranger-in-the-alps released 04 February 2013 'Monolight' by As Mountains http://asmountains.bandcamp.com/album/monolight released 01 December 2012 ‘The Glass/Nails EP’ by we.own.the.sky http://weownthesky.bandcamp.com/album/the-glass-nails-ep released 31 January 2013 ‘This neighbourhood sounds like a living organism’ by Mauna Loa http://maunaloaband.bandcamp.com/ released 03 February 2013 ‘A Lonely Light’ by Thursday Bloom http://thursdaybloom.bandcamp.com/album/a-lonely-light released 31 January 2013 ‘Fulminant’ by Kellar http://kellar.bandcamp.com/album/fulminant released 08 February 2013 ‘Voronia’ by Deviante http://deviante.bandcamp.com/album/voronia released 21 January 2013 ‘EP426’ by Vasquez http://vasquez.bandcamp.com/album/ep426 released 08 February 2013 ‘WEA’ by With Eyes Abstract http://witheyesabstract.bandcamp.com/album/wea released 26 January 2011 ‘Illusions EP’ by To Sail Beyond The Sun http://tosailbeyondthesun.bandcamp.com/ released 06 March 2013 ‘Lucid’ by Airplanes Over Johannesburg http://airplanesoverjohannesburg.bandcamp.com/ released 08 February 2013 ‘The Summit’ by Mikaali Karlsson http://mikaalikarlsson.bandcamp.com/ released 15 January 2013 February 11, 2013 ‘Drone Ep I & II’ by Murnau http://murnau.bandcamp.com released 01 April 2013 ‘heimkehr’ by Fargo http://fargo-official.bandcamp.com/album/heimkehr released 26 January 2013 ‘War Elephant’ by Native Daughters http://nativedaughters.bandcamp.com/album/war-elephant released 16 September 2012 ‘And Elohim Created’ by Raining Leaf http://chapelyard.bandcamp.com/track/and-elohim-created released 12 February 2013 ‘Axis’ by Mugstar http://mugstar.bandcamp.com/ released 14 February 2013 ‘Tributaries’ by Eight Bells http://eightbells.bandcamp.com/ released 19 February 2013 ‘You Said You Would Be Here’ by The Echelon Effect http://theecheloneffect.bandcamp.com/track/you-said-you-would-be-here released 15 February 2013 ‘The Future Past’ by Slomatics http://slomatics.bandcamp.com/album/the-future-past released 16 February 2013 ‘17:04 - Now Yours, Not Ours, Not Mine’ by Cartographer http://cartographer013.bandcamp.com/album/17-04-now-yours-not-ours-not-mine released 17 February 2013 ‘How Presidential of You’ by Cyril Snear http://cyrilsnear.bandcamp.com/ released 18 February 2013 February 18, 2013 ‘Pillars of Creation’ by Census http://census61.bandcamp.com/track/pillars-of-creation released 18 February 2013 ‘Abattoir EP’ by Upcdownc http://upcdownc.bandcamp.com/album/abattoir-ep released 14 February 2013 ‘End Of Every Film EP’ by Upcdownc http://upcdownc.bandcamp.com/album/end-of-every-film-ep released 14 February 2013 ‘Miscellaneous (from 2011 to 2012)’ by sima kim http://simakim.bandcamp.com/album/miscellaneous-from-2011-to-2012 released 18 February 2013 ‘The Empty Bed’ by On Wings of Wax http://onwingsofwax.bandcamp.com/album/the-empty-bed released 19 February 2013 ‘To Those I Left Behind’ by Airplanes Over Johannesburg http://airplanesoverjohannesburg.bandcamp.com/ released 16 February 2013 ‘Echo Road EP’ by Trillion Red http://badgodmusic.bandcamp.com/album/echo-road-ep released 12 February 2013 ‘Compound Leaves’ by Rachel Grimes http://rachelgrimes.bandcamp.com released 12 March 2013 ‘I Thought It Was Us But It Was All Of Us’ by Saltland http://cstrecords.com/cst094/ releases May 14, 2013 ‘Dark Matters’ by Worldengine http://worldengine.bandcamp.com/ released 15 January 2013 ‘white tiger phantoms’ by scott cortez http://wavertone.bandcamp.com/album/white-tiger-phantoms released 21 February 2013 ‘Failed’ by Man and Machine’ by Tangled Thoughts of Leaving http://music.tangledthoughtsofleaving.com/ releases 02 March 2013 ‘Legacy’ by Heavy Spacehero http://heavyspacehero.bandcamp.com/ released 31 March 2011 ‘Heart In My Hand’ by Halo of Pendor http://haloofpendor.bandcamp.com/track/heart-in-my-hand released 21 February 2013 ‘Forgotten Feelings, Absolute Desolation {V/A}’ by Nine Gates Records http://ninegatesrecords.bandcamp.com/album/forgotten-feelings-absolute-desolation-v-a released 22 February 2013 ‘Into The Arms Of Infinity’ by Signals To Vega http://signalstovega.bandcamp.com/ released 22 February 2013 ‘Binary Opposition’ by Shy, Low http://shylowmusic.bandcamp.com/ released 23 February 2013 ‘1099’ by 1099 http://1099.bandcamp.com/ released 22 February 2013 ‘Tutti Giù - Everybody sometimes falls"’ by KOVLO http://kovlo.bandcamp.com/album/tutti-gi-everybody-sometimes-falls-ost-2 released 21 February 2013 ‘Icebreaker’ by Kasper Rosa http://kasperrosa.bandcamp.com/album/icebreaker released 21 February 2013 February 25, 2013 ‘In, Empty’ by On Your Horizon http://onyourhorizon.bandcamp.com/album/in-empty released 23 July 2012 ‘Mrtav’ by Hesperian Death Horse http://hesperiandeathhorse.bandcamp.com/ released 22 February 2013 ‘Compilado Gris’ by Colapso - Movimiento Post-rock México http://colapsopostrock.bandcamp.com/ released 22 February 2013 ‘Birth’ by dead leaf echo http://deadleafecho.bandcamp.com/album/birth-7 released 26 February 2013 ‘Surrounderer + 3’ by Royal Shoals http://royalshoals.com/album/surrounderer-3 released 04 February 2013 ‘Thermionic Emissions vol. 1’ by Dead Sea Apes http://deadseaapes.bandcamp.com/album/thermionic-emissions-vol-1 ‘A Kite, A Key and A Storm’ by The Darien Venture http://thedarienventure.com/album/a-kite-a-key-and-a-storm releases 10 March 2013 ‘Plateau’ by Io apreo http://ioapreo.bandcamp.com/album/plateau released 01 March 2013 ‘Passenger’ by RQTN http://rqtn.bandcamp.com/album/passenger
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