,r ~ Milwaukee Road Collection " Mi\l;vaukee Public library, 2 THE MILWAUKEE CONTENTS A.uthor-- Pago BoUd:.y Gr~eting •........•..•.•...•.•..•....., " . '" .•...•..•. :5 T:he S10ry Of " Doy r 6 HLet'.!I Hell)' Sfe(l" _.•.......•...•.••.•.••.•...•..•...•....•. ~ ......• ..r ., ...• 6 The Cr)··l:lnb:< " No"a n. Deeco ..•.•......... 'f .A R"llwn~' P"esl<lent '''J,o Begnn os Pdnte,,'s De,,·il ......•......•..•..•....•...... " .•.•.. " ..••.. Allnn Jiardl",S".•..•.....•• " 9 The Old Shncli: .....-.......•......•.•....•........L"ciIle A. Elson.....•.....•14 Tnl'u Out the Ljgbt~ n<)cl",,,,,t1on Con'u>.lHe"..'.•.14 FU'ty Ycn"s Of Service •........•..•.'•.........•... ' ........•.....•..•.........IS Current News Of the RniJrond....•......•..'•.•............... " , ." 18 Xl} Other Ens-Ineer AYnllable .•...,..•..•..•......•.Hnl·ol<l C. Breckenridge 11' Pr(}g"resl1 ....." .....•.........•...•.•.•..•........ ,W. 1\'. Ell" •.•....•.....•...21. ,\.,",tu'''I' ....................•..•.....•.•.., A Bent Rnll ................ •Zl Tomnn' Fox'~ Choke .......•.......•..............DIll .......•.....•.....•..•.21 FrOIH tile Dun'nll 0;: Snfety.•...•.•.......' A. '\V. Smalle,,- .....•...•.•. 23 At,Holl'e .........•...........•.••.•.••...........Hnzel IH. ))terrlU•....... : 24 'rhlrd Annuttl Convention, Am. Legion....•.•.......Ou" T. P Z'T DUbuque DI..-j~fon. BOOster Ch'b :?-7 Car Stnff lUeetlng nt iltllwllnkee ' ::8 Oldest .ot·lllng Cn.. Conductor in America ...•..•... " •..•....•... , :!S 0" the Steel Trllil .• '.' .....• ' '" •..•.•......•.•............30 ,. THE MILWAUKEE EMPLOYES .' , MAGAZI!\TE Railway Exchange Building, Chicago PubHshed monthly, devoted to the interests of and fOr free distdbution among the 65,000 employes of the Chicago, Milwauk.ee, &: St. Paul Railway System. CARPENTER KENDALL. Editor Libertyville, Illinois Single Copies, 10 Cents Each Outside Circulation, $COO Per 'Year . Address Articles and Com,munica(ions Relatlve to Editorial Matter to the Editor. Lihertyv.lle. Ill. ,VOLUME IX DECEMBER, 1921 '- .--- - _ .. --- ._... ---- .. __._ .. -_.- - ------. .:." 6 THE MILWAUKEE The Story of a Boy check caJls for; the boy who is willing Elsewhere in this nnmber of the Mag­ to sacrifice something because he wants azine is the story of a boy '\vho started to learn all he can, is the kind of a boy out on his business career at the age of who 'will be a leader when he steps into thirteen yeal'S, beginning as office boy, manhood and its responsibilities. in a printing office, or as he himself termed his job, "printer's devil", and "Let's Help Stcd" Readers of this Magazine will learn, with by industry, thrift, hard study and hard' pain, that Mr. E. K Steelmau, better known to work, climbed to a foremost position in us all as "Sted" is in failing health, and the the railroad world. This boy who was, is rest of his life is to be in the shadow. Sted H. E. Byram, the President of the Mil­ endeared hImself to employes of the Mil­ waukee through his coutl'ibution to the Mag­ waukee Road. azine. A man who can write something to Prominent men a-plenty have written make the world laugh Is sure of his place In of their beginnings which w'ere as hum­ tile beart of tbat ,,,odd, an.(l sso, now that the call comes that we of Ule Milwaukee should do ble as this "boy" of ours, and of their something to belp relieve the stringent Dnan· getting on to'ward the top,-but none cial situation in which bis family find them­ have told their storY with more of selves, the answer is quick and sure. During N01'"ember, tickets were sold for It benefit for human and compe1lillg interest than Sted, but there were not enough tickets sold .Mr. Byram, who allowed a writer for to fill tbe demands, and uow the Magnzine the American Magazine to interview desil'es to announce tbat the Editor will him, and tell his story. receive donation of any amounts. frOID ten cents up, arid will turn over the fund to Sup, The 'rriter was most successful in erintendent P. G. Hill of the Idaho Di"ision, catching Mr. Byram's happy human to be added to tile proceeds of the Benefit. way of "just talking", so tha.t even if At tl,e TIenefit. which took place November 30Ul, one of Sted's favorite rifles was d:-awn one were not especially interested in as a prize, and the JqnUlu'y issue will contain in the matter, still the manner of the full particulars of the event. telling would captivate because it is so Remember, all wbo did not have an oppor­ human and so earnest. But being tunity to contrihute to th.. Benefit RUllO, may <.lonate wbatever he or she desires. and tho interested as we are, every employee of money may be handled to the local corres­ this railroad and every reader of this pondent for the Magazine, who will forward magazine will follow the narrative with i<llme to tlJe Editor. It is desired to raise eagernesss and understanding. In it three hundred dollllf$ additional, to the Fund, he will learn how this boy achieved and so "Lets Help Ste<.l." sUCcess by mastering every detail .and by taking advantage of every oppor­ t.unity to acquire information about his 'work. Was he "printer's devil",-he used his spare moments in reading COPy and leaming' to set type; a call boy on ;. railroad, he "listened in," on the rail­ road talk going on.about him and h€ went among the railroad men as fa1' as his duties called him, always in qnest of knowledge; an exec,utive's secretary, he lost not a single opportunity to make himself competent and valuable, so that wheu big-ger jobs were offered him, he was fitted and ready for them. And that is the point to be gained in reading this story, by the boys just beginning­ the boy who uever knows enough about A""lst1\u( SUl'c>,h>tenilent N, ,A.. ~Je)''')'' Chien!;" the work in 'which he is engaged until TcrnlJ un l~. The ~lilwJlUkee Rond Club held Its firSt meet· he knows all there is to know; the boy in~ on October J~tb. nt 'l!)5 '!'hirty·tlftb slI'eet, who never watches the clock, who docs ~lilwaukee, Wis., at tbe K. of P. hall. Tile op"nlng address was presented by L. B. JensOll. not study the schedule, or is not preshlent or tbe Club. Tbe bulnnce of the pro· ~rara featured va\lctcyille. follon'NI by a buffet afraid of doing mo!'e work than his pa~' lnllcbeon. Tile first affair pl'oycd 1\ huge SUCtes~. E:MPLOYES' MAGAZINE 7 The Cry Baby Nora lJ. })cceo An imp of mischief whispel:ed to Ed­ tl.lOuglJt, otbel's were there before hel'. But \v<\l'(1s as the girl opeued We door of tl1e sbe must lJot Jet them kuow she WH" clJ iei's ottice, but be kept his eyes ou his !lfj','id--orer aod OYe!' she kept s,\ying to t [':liu sbeet. berself--'she must tiot cry.' Without. lookiug be snw bel' Cross tlle Across tbe srnnll nrea of light IJeyoud bel' rooUl ,llld go do,va sUlirs. Little find -lithe wiudow pnue :J. ,Ybite f1nke dl'ifted lIud ,lll­ ~1Je was nud be smiled to bimself l'ellleUl­ otber. Tben it wns us though her soul uedng, yesterdny eyes flashing, with stood :J.!lart watching unemotiounJly but beigllteued color uud st'lmp of sllJall foot approvIngly wlla t het' miud and body were she bad sl1.id "she ,,"ould hate him foreyer." about. For God bimself hud lent his e,\r Ag:du tbe imp whispered. - to IenI'n her ueeet Jllning iuto tbe sUeuce sotmd of iDsist· "You cowards," s.be cried to those wbose :mt, ,.'os' ...'os' , ...from a fa l' off desert e~'il e,res ,"ere upon bel'. "You cow,u'us." stMion aud, Ellwuros recalliug the times oj' nnd weeping, flung lJel'self, arms outspt'e'\tl, ]Ilte whell witb thinking of the girl lie hild upou tbe tallIe, left iuk to dry uuDlotted on bis otherwise Such weeping, such grief, the Wolf 11:v1 nellt reHdaDle tl'uin slleet, reacbed for his llel'er seen, be who had \)l'ought so much j,ey and filled iu tbe blank spaces slowly­ of it to ot!JerJ:>, for llfe to Lim was a slwple for Edw,Hcls WilS tIle lIice lookiug secoud thing, the ,YoH knew no law but the law of trick tmin dispatcher ill ('hief (1ispatcber possessiou. Coolllbs oake Ull\! be bnd called Mnrle Outsi<le, Oyer the low Ne\"llda bills came Coombs a cry baby. tile great desceu(]iug e1Hlrit;l' of suow nn(l The prosaic comluonplace trappings of fell like a cloak to COVel' the Dudity of tbnt rOIlH\llce! whIch once had beeu green and bloomIng ,m(\. uow was bore. \ To north and south low sagebrush coyer­ ed footbills where saul! pine showed blllck "'l'obncco :lUa a goo(1 co!)l fire ugainst the sky. III the west II dark cloud Are things this season doth require," lay in WHit for tbe S\lIl went liP to lllC(;t it, pulled it uuder :111(1 spread widely. SllIte McGaffey lilugbed, "Seems too bad wben borizon cnme dowu to llleet dun edge of a trnin dispatdHlt' does 11.I;lke it good sclJe,l· enrtll.. -Cll,l'\stllJns Hille in Nevadn DlU,y or nle au' is lucky euough to get a Ul'st dnss may not meun :;uo\\'. u'ew to live up to it an' b:tye it all go tv pieces like this one"., .. nlid he lool{ed at OutsWe tbe Dflt of n wind driYen hit of (be back of Bdw:ll'(ls' hend. Where wltll down that melletl :10\1 trickled ngniost her telegraph wires nUll trai U sheet be follow­ face. Iusl(lc. the office door slmtting out ed the sl)ecint Oil the ln~t Iup of its journey the night, Marie with lIer Dack to the glow­ :lcross the (lesert dhislon.
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