PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. June S3,186S. Voi. 4. J-Mabusned WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1805. Term. $s PORTLAND, 0, p„ „,„mm ln mUance ---—_____32_; ~ DAILY PRESS: our hearts. It would, however,, be a melan- ——- --1 PORTLAND the little Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. For Sale to choly satisfaction to us to find poor and Let. Wants, Lost and Found. Business Cards. JOHN T* GILMAN# Editor, mangled body, and consign it to a decent grave. Business Cards. At our becoming more accustomed PUBLISHED AT 82J EXCHANGE STREET, BY length eyes IMPORTANT SARR Streaked Mountain Place for Sale. to the state of we discovered that the Cow Lost. I>lt. If. A. ,s things, REASONS This is one of the best for sum- Notice. MALI., had covered the places a small red Cow with dark Copartnership N. A. FOSTER & CO. had fallen in, and floor mer The Sunday. Sept. 3d, ceiling boarding in the country. had a that in the where our ON htripes; leather tog attached to horns with its and place house is situated at the foot ol the morse 1 undersigned have funned a un- debris, '*G. B. Buzelie, Portland.’! Auy one re- copartnership physician and Daily Pbess is stood there was an enormous Mountain, and commands a view der the name and Arm of The Pobtland published at child’s bed had Why Persons Should Timber turningthe coW,or information of her,will be lilierallv THE surgeon, ■ Saw Mills lor natural loveliness cannot be #8.00 per year in advance. Limits, rewarded. GEO. B. pile of rubbish. surpassed——that BUZEiLE, U. T. W. BICE * CO., OFFICE HO. 193 1-2 This Maine State Pbess is published -AND- Corner aud 00H&RE88 8T. every with a .. Congress Lowed Streets. al, “Hark I” cried Edward, start, “listen, Portland—IS minutes’ ride from Thursday morning, #2.00 per annum, in advance; ” t> K. Sept 5—dlw* on of Don’t hear ? K. Station at South Paris. The contains 160 For the carrying #2.25, it paid within six months; and if all of you. you something INSURE form ET- Rc.ide.ce #2.50, pay- Hea l R.stnte! acres—fine in house and N*. 4 ment he delayed beyond six months. we all heard—what ?—a voice ? yes a orchards—excellent water strw. Yes, ,a a valuable Mineral near the A GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS, Aug 29—(12m child’s voice; but oh, so low and faint, and as Jj*”1, Spring Wanted. valuable property is now ofleredfor sale. came of TRUSTEES of the ESTATE of the late For SALESMAN in the AT ST. Kates of if she were half suffocated, the voice THEIR LIVES particulars call at S3 Commercial or address retail Dry Goods Business: S3 COMMERCIAL Advertising. THEJOHN EGAN, Esq., deceased, with a view of St., A one who is weu our Annie from under the of rubble J' A' *** acquainted with the business V. T. 8. RICE. H. 8. MELCHER. moss & One inch of space, In length of constitute poor pile closing the Trust, (of Ibfs, one of the Lumber- K1N°’ column, from the largest Sept 1—deod&w4w* permanent situation by addressing Box August 7—dtl a “square,” which reached floor up to a hole in IN THE ing establishments in Canada) have determined to of- 106+2?S!Sl? Portland Post Office. fer #1.00 per square daily first week; 75 cents per the roof, from which fragments of laths and by Public Auction iu the CITY OE OTTA- Sept. 5—dtf week alter; three insertions, or continu- WA, on the 2flth SEPTEMBER For JOHN F. ANDERSON, PLA8TEKERS, less, #1.00; of mortar were still falling. Can I ever de- WEDNESDAY, Sale or to Let. 1'LAIH AND ing every other day after first 50 cents. next, the extensive and valuable TIMBER ORNAMENTAL week, or the of that following Half square, three insertions or 76 one scribe forget rapture happiest LIMITS, comprising some seven octave Pl- less, cents; A Wanted. SURVEYOR & CIVIL ENGINEER week, #1.00; 60 cents of moments when we first knew that MUTUAL A^good^imjnd-hand STUOOO per week after. happy T) ASTERS and on AHD MA8TI0 Under head of was Seven to add*** Finishers, Cloaks, can find work UODMAN WORKERS, “Amusements,” #2.00 per square our darling still alive 1 But this was not Eight Hum! red Miles ,<ir season at OFFICE, BLOCK, Spuare SPM£.For W. W. K..” BEAL & RICK- 17 Oak per week; three insertions or loss, #1.50. time to 0„ Transcript Office, Js»K 8, No. 160 Devonshire melt dkwtf Terni .e Stieet. Street, the indulge this sensation of grateful Th<, most placed of on the and Aug 2!) St., Boston. between, Congress and Free Sts., “Special Notices," #2.oo per square first week, LIFE favorably any Ottawa, Portland,’Me. 5—d2w and for there was a work to INSURANCE {COMPANY, worthy the attention of as a Sept -1-----1- §1.00 per square alter; three insertions or less, #1-50; overpowering joy, Capitalists, large por- dlw_ tion has hoen held in reserve and never CHAS. B. POKTI.AND, II*. hali a square, three one week* be done, and this we found to be of a difficult cutupon, MERRILL, insertions, #1.00; OF NEW YORK. comprising as follows:— New Building to Let. #1.50. and for Found. Coloring, and dangerous nature, with every attempt ta Whitening White-Waslilnn nrnmnt-P Advertisement* inserted in the “Maine State The HUNNEWELL and BEAR CREEK LIM- *° be erected on the vacant lot attended to. Orders bum to remove the so as to make an SMALL Yawl Boat; the owner can hare It Counsellor and at ly out ol town s-Slcited Press” rubbish, open- ITS, haring a on the of ? aCJ[t below Photo- bv Law, zz—<iti (which has a large circulation in every part frontage Ottawa fourteen SS®“> McKeuney’s A calling on the Watchman at Portland Attorney May of the for for first insertion, ing for the child’s escape, the mass threaten- miles, an a an arear miles. (pwph Establishment, which will be finished as de- Co, prov- State) §1.00 per square orseventy square for a ing property and paying Office No. 117 Middle ami 50 Inser- respectable business \f in sea- charges. Street,] cent* per square tor each subsequent ing to collapse and fall into the cavity, and in 1st—It has more than double the CASH ASSETS The ST. CRY OR BOOM CREEK LIMITS, No. 314 si^ed applied for Sept 5 dlw* p. WILLIAMS. tion. and of this case even the loose stones would be of 315, 1863 and ’64, described to extend ten (Mlssey'8 Block,) larger any Lite Insurance Company In the United States, ^“ud 'eeatlon for a Di\ Fred A. Special Notices at the usual rates. miles up on the course of the River St. a Confectioner, Oyster Prince, sufficient to crush out the little life now 'So Cry, with PORI O? Ail Communications intended for the paper being now of five miles on Saloon, Dentist, or almost Wanted—A Press. LAND, MAINE. depth each side. any other Milliner, Printing of the dear to us. business. I he lower wil/ be finished BuHlness with the should be directed to the Editor Press,*' doubly POUSSIN a story Printer a or Me- Department* at at- CREEK OR SHEERWAY lor store with a tenement over having good Super-Royal Waffhington X>enti»s»t, and those of a business character to the “PUR- take out LIMITS, the same of ten dium Hand Press lor tended to. “Mamma, papa, Annie Annie Licenses 327 and 328 of 1863 and described as a rooms, or will be ANY sale, will please communi- JunoMdAwStu LISHER8.” *64, arranged to accommodate occupants. cate with JOHN will be cried the little now block ten miles three miles East roe lot 118 teet WILSON & SON, Bostou. sep6d3t No. 11 Block, JOB of description, exe- good,” poor thing, Over square, commencing being deep admits ol a very large Clapp’s Congresr St, PRINTING, every .*13,000,000. from the mouth of the Creek on the Dumoine in the cuted business to able to make itself heard. River, building rear, which can be connected with tne WILLIAM A. with dispatch; and all pertaining scarcely •f PEARCE, and extending East ten miles. store and and used work rooms. If PORTLAND, MB. the Office or transacted on applica- With but with for the rear lot is Wanted ! Paper promptly trembling hands, glad hearts, 2nd—The Rates tor Insuring axe less than most not otherwise it Agents tion as above. LICENSE No. 324 of 1863 and ’65. on the West improved, will be used lor an ice P March we set to and after some souse or To sed a oi L U M B E R! 28—dtl cautiously work, Branch of the River as for and will be let complete History Life, and other Companies, as may be seen by reterence to our Dumioine, described extend- storage, separately. Sufferings houns of careful and skilfol our ef- East ten Please apply to E. S2 or Death in Rebel MAKER OF endeavor, ing miles. NUTTER, Middle St.f Prisons. Some sixty thousand oi our HEVRY p. forts were crowned with and we were published tables, while the Dividends are larger. F* H- FASSETT’ ArchiteCt* brave soldiers WORCESTER, success, LICENSE No. 324 of 1863 and ’64, on the West Aug. 26—d3w# have died In the prisons. Everybody Force and Wo 1865. enabled to the now almost lifeless little Branch of. tjie.River described as extend- Pumps Water OEM B BA L nesda.v Morning, f-ept.
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