November/December 2005 Institutional subscription price: 36/6 99 euros per year 2005 news DIRECTORY & new trends,new perspectives new PECIAL ISSUE S Nonextensive statistical mechanics: statistical Nonextensive European Physical Society Physical European europhysics PUB CONTENTS europhysicsnews Volume 36 Number 6 November/December 2005 Cover picture: Fingering is a generic phenomenon that results from the destabilization of the interface between two fluids with different mobilities. But before any fingering pattern becomes visible, precursor phenomena can be detected by measuring local fluctuations whose spatial structure appears of a landscape of q-Gaussian “hills and wells”(simulation by P.Grosfils). See the article by B.M. Boghosian and J.P.Boon p.192 FEATURES 185 Special issue overview: 208 Sq entropy and self-gravitating nonextensive statistical mechanics: systems new trends, new perspectives A.R. Plastino Jean Pierre Boon and Constantino Tsallis 211 Nuclear astrophysical plasmas: ion 186 Extensivity and entropy production distribution functions and fusion Constantino Tsallis, Murray Gell-Mann rates ᭡ PAGE 189 and Yuzuru Sato Marcello Lissia and Piero Quarati Atmospheric turbulence 189 Atmospheric turbulence and 214 Critical attractors and q-statistics and superstatistics superstatistics A. Robledo C. Beck, E.G.D. Cohen and S. Rizzo 218 Nonextensive statistical mechanics s 192 Lattice Boltzmann and and complex scale-free networks s t t nonextensive diffusion Stefan Thurner n Bruce M. Boghosian and Jean Pierre Boon n e 221 Nonextensive statistical mechanics: e t 194 Relaxation and aging in a long-range implications to quantum t n interacting system information n o Francisco A. Tamarit and Celia Anteneodo A.K. Rajagopal and R.W. Rendell o c c 197 Noise induced phenomena and 224 Entropy and statistical complexity nonextensivity in brain activity ᭡ PAGE 192 Horacio S. Wio A. Plastino and O.A Rosso Lattice Boltzmann and nonextensive diffusion 202 Nonextensive thermodynamics and 228 Long-range memory and glassy behaviour nonextensivity in financial markets Andrea Rapisarda and Alessandro Pluchino Lisa Borland 206 Complexity of seismicity and nonextensive statistics Sumiyoshi Abe, Ugur Tirnakli and P.A. Varotsos NEWS, VIEWS AND ACTIVITIES ᭡ PAGE 218 231 Conferences in 2006 234 Directory Nonextensive statistical 232 Pictures from EPS 13 mechanics and networks europhysics news NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2005 183 europhysicsnews europhysicsnews is the magazine of the European physics community. It is owned by the European Physical Society and produced in cooperation with EDP Sciences. The staff of 36/6 EDP Sciences are involved in the production of the magazine and are not responsible for editorial content. Most contributors to europhysicsnews are volunteers and their work is 2005 greatly appreciated by the Editor and the Editorial Advisory Board. I N 9 n 9 o europhysicsnews is also available online at: www.europhysicsnews.com s t e v i u t e u r m o t i s Editor Claude Sébenne EMAIL: [email protected] o b n p e a e r l r / Science Editor George Morrison EMAIL: [email protected] s y D u e b e a s c r Executive Editor David Lee EMAIL: [email protected] c e r m i p t b Graphic Designer Xavier de Araujo EMAIL: [email protected] i o e n r p Directeur de la publication Jean-Marc Quilbé, EDP Sciences 2 r 0 i c 0 e 5 © European Physical Society and EDP Sciences : Schedule Production and Advertising Subscriptions Six issues will be published in 2005.The mag- Agnès Henri Individual Ordinary Members of the European azine is distributed in the second week of Jan- Physical Society receive europhysicsnews free uary, March, May, July, September, November. Address EDP Sciences of charge. Members of EPS National Member A directory issue with listings of all EPS officials 17 avenue du Hoggar, BP 112, Societies receive Europhysics News through is published once a year. PA de Courtabœuf, their society, except members of the Institute F-91944 Les Ulis Cedex A • France of Physics in the United Kingdom and the Ger- Editorial Advisory Board Tel +33 169 18 75 75 •Fax+33 169 28 84 91 man Physical Society who receive a bimonthly Chairman George Morrison Web www.edpsciences.org bulletin. The following are subscription prices Members Alexis Baratoff, Giorgio Benedek, available through EDP Sciences. Institutions Marc Besançon, Carlos Fiolhais, Bill Gelletly, Printer Printer Rotofrance • Lognes, France 99 euros (VAT included,European Union coun- Frank Israel,Thomas Jung, Karl-Heinz Meiwes- Dépôt légal: Novembre 2005 tries); 99 euros (the rest of the world). Individ- Broer, Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen, Jerzy Pro- uals 58 euros (VAT included, European Union chorow, Jean-Marc Quilbé, Christophe Rossel, countries); 58 euros (the rest of the world). Claude Sébenne,Wolfram von Oertzen Contact [email protected] or visit www.epdsciences.com ISSN 0531-7479 ISSN 1432-1092 (electronic edition) EPS Executive Committee EPS Secretariat EDP Sciences President Ove Poulsen, Aarhus Secretary General David Lee Managing Director Jean-Marc Quilbé Vice-President Martin C.E. Huber, Villigen Administrative Secretary Sylvie Loskill Secretary Peter Melville, London Accountant Pascaline Padovani Address EDP Sciences Treasurer Maria Allegrini, Pisa EPS Conferences Patricia Helfenstein 17 avenue du Hoggar, BP 112, Members Gerardo Delgado Barrio, Madrid Ophélia Fornari PA de Courtabœuf, Berndt Feuerbacher, Cologne Computer Engineer Ahmed Ouarab F-91944 Les Ulis Cedex A • France Paul Hoyer, Helsinki Graphic Designer Xavier de Araujo Tel +33 169 18 75 75 •Fax+33 169 28 84 91 Hennie Kelder, Eindhoven Europhysics Letters Yoanne Sobieski Web www.edpsciences.org Maciej Kolwas, Warsaw Gina Gunaratnam Anne-Marie Levy, Copenhagen Alexandre Berthereau Zenonas Rudzikas, Vilnius Address EPS • 6 rue des Frères Lumière BP 2136 • F-68060 Mulhouse Cedex • France Tel +33 389 32 94 40 • Fax +33 389 32 94 49 Web www.eps.org The Secretariat is open 08.00–17.00 CET except weekends and French public holidays. 184 europhysics news NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2005 FEATURES W SBG = -k∑i=1 pi ln pi in its discrete version, of the entropy a la Clau- sius with the microscopic states of the system. However, the BG Foreword theory is not universal. It has a delimited domain of applicability, as any other human intellectual construct. Outside this domain, its predictions can be slightly or even strongly inadequate. No surprise t is our pleasure to welcome Jean Pierre Boon and Constantino about that. That theory centrally addresses the very special station- I Tsallis as guests Editors for the present Special Issue of ary state denominated thermal equilibrium. This macroscopic state Europhysics News on “Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics”.They has remarkable and ubiquitous properties, hence its fundamental did a great job not only in selecting an impressive set of distin- importance. The deep foundation of this state and of 27-year-old guished authors but also in writing the introductory Editorial and Boltzmann’s famous Stosszahlansatz (“molecular chaos hypothe- in each being a co-author of one of the contributions. The subject sis”) in 1871 lie on nonlinear dynamics, more specifically on strong is difficult and could not go without a higher proportion of equa- chaos, hence mixing, hence ergodicity. However many important tions than usual in EPN: our thanks go to the EPN designer who phenomena in natural, artificial, and even social systems do not had to face a heavier task than usual. It is sometimes necessary to accomodate with this simplifying hypothesis. This is particularly address arduous developments to cover recent progress in Physics. frequent in physical sciences as well as in biology and economics, This time, EPN will ask its readers to make an effort. It is always where non-equlibrium stationary states are the common rule. Then, rewarding. The guests Editors were so efficient that the collected at the microscopic dynamical level, strong chaos is typically replaced material passes largely the size of a standard EPN issue. We are by its weak version, when the sensitivity to the initial conditions grateful to the Publisher for accepting to accommodate all the grows not exponentially with time, but rather like a power-law. articles in a single volume. It will make of this Special Issue the gen- A question then arises naturally, namely: Is it possible to address eral reference work on “nonextensive statistical mechanics”.Back to some of these important - though anomalous in the BG sense - situa- the usual mix of wide-ranging Features and News next time! tions with concepts and methods similar to those of BG statistical The Editors mechanics? Many theoretical, experimental and observational indi- cations are nowadays available that point towards the affirmative answer. A theory which appears to satisfactorily play that role is nonextensive statistical mechanics and its subsequent developments. Special issue overview This approach, first proposed in 1988, is based on the generaliza- tion of the BG entropy by the expression Nonextensive statistical Sq = with index q ∈ and S1 = SBG, i.e. the BG theory is contained as the mechanics: new trends, particular case q = 1 (see the Box). Sq shares with SBG a variety of s thermodynamically and dynamically important properties. Among e these we have concavity (relevant for the thermodynamical stability r new perspectives of the system), experimental robustness (technically known as u Lesche-stability, and relevant for the experimental reproducibility of t 1 2, 3 Jean Pierre Boon and Constantino Tsallis the results), extensivity (relevant for having a natural matching a 1 CNLPCS, Campus Plaine – CP 231 Université Libre de with the entropy as introduced in classical thermodynamics), and e Bruxelles, B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium finiteness of the entropy production per unit time (relevant for a vari- f 2 Santa Fe Institute, 1399 Hyde Park Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico ety of real situations where the system is striving to explore its 87501, USA 3 microscopic phase space in order to ultimately approach some kind Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas, Xavier Sigaud 150, of stationary state).
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