1 TrA THE HIIIlGTO TIi THCRSDAY FEBHUARI 19 lO3 3 r 5 5 4 + e t I C I HAZING MUST STOP IVETERAN HUNGARIAN t t I s e e I C C C + C S 5 5 e S OIL FIRE THREATENS NORTH SEA fiSHING ALUMNI OF GONZAGA + I SAKS AND COMPANy f AT NAVAL AAEMY MINISTER FIGHTS DUEL SHIPPING IN GLASGOW OFF BRITISH COASTS JN ANNUAL Leaders Since 1867 I + I Representative Dick Offers Three Times Wounded by Over 40000 Damage Done Industry Giving Employ- ¬ f Hear Addresses From Dis- > A a Bill RICH nun S to That End f I Member of Diet on Clyde Docks ment to Thousands C tinguished Guests f I J CROP OF 1 BUDAPEST Feb 19 Baron Cesen- GLASGOW 18 REMNANTS DISMISSAL THE Feb Fire which broke STIMULATED BY Fejervary the Hungarian minister of out in a parailine and napliljia shop on PARLIAMENT PAPAL DELEGATE ATTENDS defense fought n duel today with Herr the docks here last night spread to i I ngyclB a member of the Hungarian the Allan line sheds and over 40000 TOMORROW No Cadet Expelled for That Cause to damage was hone T diet whom he lied accused of tolling Legislation Prescribing Limit of ¬ Be Shortly midnight Trawl- Commissioner West Mgr Rooker Readmitted Until Two Years a after it was thought I falsehood Herr Langyels challenged ing Operations Due to Fears of The fruit of the specially attractive offerings > After His Class that the blaze was under control but Judge Gould Father Quill and Oth ¬ t anti tile t xctp- Graduates the baron sad the latter although over it suddenly Exhausting broke out afresh and for a the Supply- ers Talk List of Guests t tioHutty active selling of the past fortnight You kn r h w lightly- seventy years of age accepted and se- ¬ time it looked as if all the shipping in lected aabenj the harbor was doomed Burning oil we value remnants Quality has no coutrol over prices here Instead of toils as the from the store ran down the dock and t wiles Krpresnntative Dick of Ohio making 4 wPapona into the Clyde and the firemen had a In a long communication to tho lots nro reduced to odds and e s- rod HMO again of the knowledge he gain- ¬ difficult task confining the fire to the the State The Society oC Alumvt al Gowzaga Col- ¬ Beron Ferjervary was wounded three Department W H Smyth United Take it all in ed whllo conducting the Congress in docks where it originated The lire lege celebrated its seventh annual ban ¬ + M tamoLTVw wM be the biggost Friday of bar-¬ times slightly in the right hand The Is thought to be well in hand now consul at Hull discunoe the North S a vrstigatlon quet last night in the banquet room gains this into hazing at the United seconds then stopped the duel The damage Is partly covered by in- fisheries It is exhaustive in detail at 1 season The baron duel by prey- ¬ surance the old college In States Military Academy at West Point started the and costalns much valuable Informa- ¬ building I Street Over Langyels t now proposes to give the United States ing the latter with dlrtlculy tion on the subject In part he says 100 alumni braved the weather to as- ¬ parrying his tbrusts The baron how WHARF PRIVILEGES SOLD- + Naval Academy at Annapolis through From the earliest times the fisher- ¬ semble about the banquet board and re- ¬ Mens 10 Men 51000 < ever gradually became wearied and A 1 Lee clerk in the office of the ies of gr A fl Congress a doso the east coast of Great Britain new old acquaintances lt- of the same medicine Langyels took Secretary to the Board of Commission- ¬ and listen to tho f Suits DUU then the offensive pross have engaged the energies of large Overcoats thai broke up the unmanly business with ing the old minister relentlessly ers ha reported the sale of the list old college songs again In ttte fstiswiHK stars until numbers of people both wo- ¬ t e fetfewtaxatoK- 4 I wharf privilege to W W Riley who ha teen and the army he fleshly succeeded In Father Fink president of ¬ 6 1 1 1 tt 1 2- cadets wounding him hold the Ash wharf for several years men and legislative efforts have from the institu- 11 1 I I The baron was carried home tion As chairman of the subcommittee of The consideration Is 200 per annum time to time been made to stimulate assisted by members of the facul- ¬ i Ii H ty CIt House Committee on Military Af- ¬ the industry In Scotland especially served as a reception committee awl 4 4 was fairs in charge of the West Point In- ¬ this rite ca a century ago Boun- ¬ made the oldest alumnus present feel hta ties were given by parliament with youth again Mens S1250 vestigation ho acquirod an abundance of 1 The tables wore arranged t Mens S 1250 r however unsatisfactory results After ia tke form a rjr Overcoats 6 25 Irformation about the whole business of the of gridiron the guests at SUitS 6 a failure of repented experiments of honor sitting lilt m C hazing such as had not boon secured be- ¬ NEWS OF RAILROADS at the head of the table this kind parliament In Ute I eeiSsg ee S S 1 resolved to give Loon Tobriner acted as toastmaster i I 1 t 4 fore and by means thereof was enabled the fisheries a free hand and since J Many Notable Addresses I ± at act I- to draft the bill which was the basis of AND I that time the prosecution of the In- ¬ t 2 OF RAILROAD MEN a u es it IE 40 11 JI- SI ir th Congress enactment that has prov- ¬ dustry by the hardy Scotch fishermen Commissioner H L West spoke to the 4 prospered so toast The ed effective at the Military Academy It I greatly that down to District of Columbia and It Mens 1500 t To comparatively recent times it ranked- Its Growth MoBSigaor Rooker secre ¬ t rut the stamp of the disapproval of the Encourage Immigration I nan Company and in a few weeks more 15 Overcoats kPoaYU- as the most lucrative and Important i tary of the Papal legation addressed the Mens dt country A dispatch to The the full quota of 1tt tIIIt emphatically expressed by Con Times from Atlanta cars will be delivered branch of employment graduates on The Holy Both kpI S 0 I Father Suits gross upon tolls of of M V I The order of the a S all such performances and the election Richards Lackawaana Railroad Up were I I t 44 to the eighties the methods of t addresses replete with good thinga Ute I strengthened au- ¬ land and industrial agent South- ¬ necessitated a which lit also the arm of the of the rush is still in j and the speakers were given 4 1 fishing differed little from those pur- ¬ ovations as C fa thorities to deal with the evil most ern Railway as president of the asso- ¬ progress New cars are turning out at they resumed f I 1 1 1 1 U4244 4 sued in primitive times The applica- ¬ their seats Judge Ashlo I + scarchlngly and thoroughly ciation organized there yesterday for the rate or one a week M 4 Gould responded to SI CII iS 15 the purpose of encouraging immigration- tions of steam to the boats wat an idea the toast The Naval Cadets as Bad which President and was followed by Rev t S16O- to Southern States Lehighs New Secretary had not been put into operation the + Patrick Quill who discussed Alum ¬ OGVeicoats Now come the Naval Academy boys ¬ probably because the fishermen are The M17UiU Representatives of every railroad en- At the meeting of the board of direc- ¬ of ni needing the samo sort of treatment Th all classes in the country SIS <Rtf la mo Mtewfng rites + tering the Southern States were present tors of tho Lehigh Valley Railroad Com- ¬ the most t Mens present third class at Annapolis seems In The banquet hall was beautifully dec- ¬ and an enthusiastic meeting was hold pany yesterday afternoon In Philadel- ¬ conservative their habits I 2 i with some new orated with the college colors purple Suits 00 2 4- to have revived hazing Other officers chosen were phia t- as follows William C Alderson was reelected Modern Steam Trawlers- and In feMewiag sfeas to 41 0 features of its own devising although it O A white The walls wore completely t the C Park of Louisville Ky agent of treasurer D G Baird was elected sec- ¬ A ¬ modern steam trawler equipped covered with flags Is Just to note this is the first appear- the Louisville and Nashville Railroad retary of the national colors + I 4 in place of John R Fanshawe with the most uptodate appliances An orchestra presented a program > ance of the trouble at Annapolis for first vice president of 31 Mens 2000 4 J E Ingraham St who after many years of service re- ¬ costs from 20000 J U several years The matter came to the Augustine to 88090 and some music including the favorite college 1 Florida vice president of the tires from active of 100 13 Overcoats 00 connection with the thorn art to foot between songs in which ¬ I 4 public attention because Midshipman Florida East Coast Line second vice company the the guests joined fre- E A Albright was elected perpendiculars and considerably on quently and sang t Ia tile fan sfa- Robert H Pearson of New Hampshire president W L Olessner Macon Ga more assistant secretary ia place of E Y dock with a depth of ten to twelve The officers of Mens 20 bad his Jaw broken in a slugging math immigration commissioner of Geor- ¬ feet the society are Allison t the Hartshorne resigned Coal Is usually In I 22 en- ¬ carried the side bunk Xallor president Downing oo 1 In which Pearson was compelled to gia Southern and Florida Railroad sec- ¬ Rosa F Suits to n Is es Ie d- Purchasing Agent C P Coleman hav- ¬ ors which In the beat ships have a vice president T gage a few weeks after be entered the retary floor William L Soleau treas- ¬ In th sloes ing resigned to engage in of cement so Mtwrfoff one 85 Overcoat 4- other business as to minimize the danger urer Henry A Hegarty secretary I Theres academy A resolution was passed for- Tin
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