7/11/2011 SHANGHAI COOPERATION ORGAniZATION: NEW WORD in GLOBAL POLitics | page. 7 IS THE “GREAT AND POWERFUL uniON” BACK? | page. 21 MIKHAIL THE GREAT | page. 28 GRIEVES AND JOYS OF RussiAN-CHINESE PARtnERSHIP | page. 32 CAspiAN AppLE OF DiscORD | page. 42 SKOLKOVO: THE NEW CitY OF THE Sun | page. 52 Vladimir PUTIN SCO has become a real, recognized factor of economic cooperation, and we need to fully utilize all the benefits and opportunities of coop- eration in post-crisis period CONTENT Project manager KIRILL BARSKY SHANGHAI COOPERAtiON ORGAniZAtiON: Denis Tyurin 7 NEW WORD in GLOBAL POLitics Editor in chief Государственная корпорация «Банк развития и внешнеэконо- Tatiana SINITSYNA 16 мической деятельности (внешэкономБанк)» Deputy Editor in Chief TAtiANA SinitsYNA Maxim CRANS 18 THE summit is OVER. LONG LivE THE summit! Chairman of the Editorial Board ALEXANDER VOLKOV 21 IS THE “GREAT AND POWERFUL uniON” BACK? Kirill BARSKIY ALEXEY MASLOV The Editorial Board 23 SCO UnivERsitY PROJEct: DEFinitELY succEssFUL Alexei VLASOV Sergei LUZyanin AnATOLY KOROLYOV Alexander LUKIN 28 MIKHAIL THE GREAT Editor of English version DmitRY KOSYREV Natalia LATYSHEVA 32 GRIEVES AND JOYS OF RussiAN-CHINESE PARtnERSHIP Chinese version of the editor FARIBORZ SAREMI LTD «International Cultural 35 SCO BECOMES ALTERNAtivE TO WEst in AsiA transmission ALEXANDER KnYAZEV Design, layout 36 MANAGEABLE CHAOS: US GOAL in CEntRAL AsiA Michael ROGACHEV AnnA ALEKSEYEVA Technical support - 38 GREENWOOD: RussiAN CHinESE MEGA PROJEct Michael KOBZARYOV Andrei KOZLOV MARinA CHERNOVA THE citY THEY COULD NEVER HAVE CAptuRED... 40 Project Assistant VALERY TumANOV Anastasia KIRILLOVA 42 CAspiAN AppLE OF DiscORD Yelena GAGARINA Olga KOZLOva 44 SECOND “GOLDEN” DECADE OF RussiAN-CHINESE FRIENDSHIP AnDREI VAsiLYEV USING MATERIALS REFERENCE TO THE NUMBER INFOSCO REQUIRED. OPINIONS OF THE AUTHORS OF PUBLICATIONS 45 SCO REspONDS TO CYBER CHALLENGES DO NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT THE OPINION OF THE PUBLISHER. 47 THE impORTANT THinG FOR PARTNERSHip is SEttinG RIGHT PRIORitiES Editorial office: ANDREY SERENKO 50 AMERicAns LEAVE AFGHAnistAN… TO stAY 117218 Moscow, str. Krzyzanowski, 13, Bldg. 2 TAtiANA GEORGIEvsKAYA Phone / fax: +7 (495) 718-84-11 52 SKOLKOVO: THE NEW CitY OF THE Sun www.infoshos.ru AnDREI ILYASHENKO 55 CHINESE ALTERNAtivE ALEXANDER VOLKOV 57 REnminBI TO OVERTHROW DOLLAR FROM cuRREncY THROWN MEDIAGROUP ANATOLY VAsiLYEV 59 HOMER OF THE EAst ZAFAR YusuFJANOV 62 A PRicELEss GEM OF TAJIKistAN IGOR ROGOV 64 HE WAS FIRst TO SEnsE GAS in UZBEK LAND 66 «GREENWOOD»: invEstmENT in RussiA 70 CROcus EXPO InfoSCO, №3, 2011 www.infoshos.ru 4 InfoSCO, №3, 2011 www.infoshos.ru 5 InfoSCO, №3, 2011 www.infoshos.ru 6 SHANGHAI COOPERATION ORGAniZATION: NEW WORD in GLOBAL POLitics KiRILL BARSKY Russia’s national coordinator at the SCO, ambassador at large SCO PHENOMENON threat directed at Russia, China and program, the Middle Eastern tangle, Is it possible to create a Central Asia has been firmly rebuffed. protests in Syria and Yemen, the universal list of criteria to judge Law enforcement structures of the conflict between India and Pakistan… the success of an international SCO member states have together Central Asia definitely seems an island regional organization? Hardly so. prevented several hundreds of terrorist of stability against this background. The explanation is obvious: regional attacks. All large-scale international Even though there are still more than alliances are set up for different events held in the six countries over enough reasons for concern in terms reasons, with different purposes these years went smoothly, without of domestic political security, one and in different circumstances. any incidents. Separatist attacks have thing is obvious: the SCO has become They envisage a different degree of stopped. Extremists have been forced an important guarantor of stability political coordination or economic to retreat. in this part of the world, an anchor, integration and are at different stages The SCO has survived several if you want, that keeps its zone of of development. Regional political difficult episodes: the events in responsibility stable despite the projects are assessed by history itself. Andijan in 2005, the turmoil on the stormy winds of global and regional This is what has happened to the SCO. global financial market in 2009 and politics and economics. The emergence of the SCO was a disorders in the south of Kyrgyzstan Setting up the SCO, the six states natural response of the organization’s in 2010. It would be an exaggeration hoped that it would be something founders to the dangerously growing to say that the SCO played a leading more than a functional structure. threats of terrorism, separatism and part in the region’s ability to overcome Their goal (which is spelled out in extremism at a time when the general the difficulties, but measures taken the SCO Charter as the organization’s system of international relations by SCO member states, coordination main purpose) was to improve mutual developed after the end of the Cold of their efforts, the very presence trust, friendship and good neighborly war got out of balance. In order to of the organization definitely had a relations between its member states. reverse the negative trends and ensure stabilizing effect on the situation. Today, ten years later, we can say that their national and regional security, The setup of the SCO has had a the majority of SCO member states the countries decided to resort to favorable impact on the Eurasian have become strategic partners. tools of multilateral cooperation, context, marred by conflicts, problems Interaction between Russia and Has it worked? The answer can be and sources of instability. Afghanistan China has reached an unprecedented seen in developments within the SCO with its terrorist and drug threats, the scale as the two countries have just in the last ten years. The terrorist situation around the Iranian nuclear celebrated the tenth anniversary InfoSCO, №3, 2011 www.infoshos.ru 7 of their historical Treaty on Good Soviet republics and China, for which relations in the multi-polar world, and Neighborliness, Friendship and Russia and Central Asian states hold in this aspect, its importance goes Cooperation. Russia’s relations with a very important place on a scale beyond the SCO borders. Central Asian republics are on the rise; of foreign political and economic This model did not appear the amount of trade and economic interests. In this respect, the SCO has overnight, but grew out of many years cooperation between Central Asia and no alternative. Mind you, cooperation of talks on border issues that were China has grown manifold. It doesn’t within the SCO remains a definite conducted first between the Soviet mean that the six countries do not foreign policy priority for all of its Union and China and then between have any problems, they do, and they member states. Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan need to settle them. But the political In compliance with Article 1 of the and Tajikistan. Symbolically, the SCO’s umbrella of the SCO definitely helps to SCO Charter, one of the organization’s tenth anniversary coincides with the develop friendship and cooperation on goals is “promotion of a new 15th anniversary of the signing of the the bilateral level. Which is worth its democratic, fair and rational political Agreement on strengthening of trust weight in gold. and economic international order.” in the military sphere near borders It should be noted that in the 1990s Looking back to the way it has come between the above named countries: and at the beginning of the 21st over ten years, it is easy to say that this document laid the foundation century, there were attempts to carry the organization has brought a lot for further cooperation and gave an out various multilateral projects in the of new and positive things to global impulse for the setup of the so- former Soviet Union. Some of them politics. called “Shanghai Five.” Today, when were successful, such as the Collective First of all, the SCO has become development of security cooperation Security Treaty Organization, Eurasec an example of a qualitatively new is becoming one of the most relevant and the Customs Union of Russia, model of inter-state partnership, tasks for the huge region of Asia and Kazakhstan and Belarus. Some – such which is characterized by true equality Pacific, as well as for other regions as GUUAM (the regional alliance of bigger and smaller countries, of the world, the experience of of Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, mutual trust, respect to the variety implementing measures of building Azerbaijan and Moldova) – never came of civilizations, cultures, religions, trust between SCO member states may to be. The SCO, on the contrary, did forms of government and development prove very useful. not just come to be. In the past years, concepts and by pursuit of joint The setup of the SCO became a it has proved that it was needed. The prosperity. The “Shanghai spirit” as convincing proof that it is at the uniqueness of the organization is that the philosophy of this model embodies regional level that elements of multi- it matches the potentials of former the major principles of international polar global management are shaped InfoSCO, №3, 2011 www.infoshos.ru 8 today. The emergence of centripetal development. This is a new work in problems. Non-traditional threats tendencies in the region that embraces global politics. The SCO is an example and challenges are growing more Russia, Central Asia and China was to a of how non-bloc alliances may ensure serious, creating an extremely large extent encouraged by consistent international security. negative background for old territorial development of Russian-Chinese This paradigm is of huge conceptual disputes and inter-state conflicts. interaction, which in 1996 reached importance. We are living in an era We are also affected by degradation the level of a strategic partnership.
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