■f X Tha Weather X ..v N NiSD AT, JULY 18, 1948 ForeeaW of U. S. Wsatber fbUMn Avorags Dally Circulation Showem and thunderetoime PAGE SIXTEEN Mahdh^ter Evening Herald Uv— - — “ For Um Moatb of ioae,i 1S«5 early tonight bnd again Friday, principally during attemoon; coa- 9,106 tlnued very humid. ' Member of Um Aodlt BnreM.ef ClrcntatloM X PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., TBlJRSpAY (.ViMelSeS A^rertleiag M Pag* S) )L. LX IV ., NO. 245 noUnce Their V/ \ X iunitions Blasts Carrier Burns After Jap Attack 5 F / ersist 13 Hours ^ o r e Defenses Hit our Huge E x p lo s io n s U f l i t May Trade t Air and Sea „ And Series of Lesser i _ T y io Japanese Of Mikado’s Discharge#, at De^dt] U rg^d N eC d Carried into Ite^Third I In Dartmouth End Aft­ Suicide Planes War Codds ' Straight Day; Large Ear Putftre Explosi^ Seen But rf er Dawn; 12 Persons F o r Rights Hurt; One Missing. Crash Carrier Full Reports Lacking; X I J ' ■> Bush Proposes Founda^ smoke pour, out of aircraft “ r r i e r ^ ^ T l ^ n d ^ ^ ^ ‘^^ri^Veach^ "a w'.rt coad Car^F . Planes Hit (Overseas Surpluses May Halifax, July^ 19.— tion to Speed War T h e”h« S e e flT p a td .^ ^ acUve dut*again in toe Pacific. TTie Japs,had ah- Ticonderoga Has 337 dkosuka Naval Base. pC-Canadian Navymum- ______ . Be Exchanged f or Con- kona.set off by a jetty fire Against Disease and nounceVSat toe carrier was “Inrtkntoneously auhk." Casukities and Terrific fceked: the Halifax area over- Help Full Employment Damages; 144* Killed! ^cessiont^;\ to ^ Fos^ BqUetinl Guam, July 19.— (^P>— A light with four huge explo- Or Missing Included.] Post- War Business. 1 orce of more thqn 600 B-29» ■ hons and a aeries of lesser Washington, July 19— Senate Moves Quick P acific the greatest Super-Fort fleet i lischarges which ended Islation ._to create *a “supreme Washington, July IS-^KAV- This Washington, July 19—(ff)— The ever sent out against Japan, trutWulIy say, never before have we Ifter dawn today. Damaging council of Science” to guide this government la wUHi^to consider X Near Passage aircraft, carrier ’TlconUero^s suf­ ]iut the torch to four mors preiented s)Ulch a collection of J ashion Fur Co^(s ■, Ind crippling blasts nation through- a challenging fu­ Need"* trading Its ojjpraejb'^war surpluses lor more than ' 13 hour*'at tto fered 337 casualties and terrific ! )Iipponese cities early. today. ture foUowed quickly today a ad- damage when struck by two Jftp-j for foreign “r ^ t s and conces in such a w id e variety, o f F u rs./ v " Upot, In nearby t^artmwth. Om The targets Included Hitachi, Iran felt In Saint John, N. B., J25 entiat’B report to toe White O f Money anese suicide planes hear Formoakl-jona” which^ould foster post-war Triiman Emphasizing last Jan. 21. world trada^d amicable relations. shelled rcccntir by American This year the fasWon fur manufacturers have 41ea away. House, . ' Plan for W ar Fear had been expreaaed that Disclosing , tote today, toe Navy I Thom^/ B. McCabe, Army-Navy and British warships, and an The recommendation came -from Many Legislators Look Necessity to Speed Re­ aald casualties Included 144 killed oil refinery, the latter blasted done an outstanding jobjiicreating new fash­ lie main magaxlne, containing Dr. Vannevar Bush, director of Ilqul^tlon commissioner, says ,0,000 depth chargee, would go up construction of Eu­ or missing. - with demolition bombs. toe Office of Scientific Research To Big Three Agpeei Lasting Until A comparative newcomer to toe au X trad^ ■ will be thoroughly ions that really are becoming dilfferent. but the exploalona dwindled and and Development. He proposed ,a nsiderod” in disposal of the vast file Barnes died down tola morn­ rope and Global Peace. fleet—she arrived only last No­ national research foundation to ments for Greater Im vember—the ’Ticonderoga never array of surplus war goods re­ Guam, July 19'.— </P)— ‘Jh s ing. A dutt toud about 8 a. m. (B. speed toe war against disease, Late in 1946 *“ !tbXap^4rid to be toe last of pact Upon Economy. thelesa. amassed a record that maining In countries which might relentless U. S. Third flMt spur military research in peace­ Potsdam, July ‘ 19.M^P>— find it difficult to obtain American eluded toe slnkjng of one l^ v y pounded the entrance to To­ series.- » time and help assure full employ­ President Truman was be­ dpHars’for outright cash deals. 18 Known Caanaltleo Washington, July 19—(P)— cruiser, a light CVulser, t w de­ kyo bay today to carry the ment. lieved emphasizing to. his Army and Navy Lead stroyers, four destroyer /escorts, McCabe filed Mb report, on for­ There were 13 known casualties, Msgnuson Drafts BUI American'participation In a world eign surpk** disposal with the air'aftd sea battering of tim ilussian and British Allies four large oilers, five fig h ters or For The Juniori Miss tS p e r ^ s were Injured and one Acting swiftly on Bush’s re­ monetarjt compact* neared con- era Assame Japanese freighter transports. And 14' mis­ Surplus Property board’s new Mikado's capital into its third port. Senator Magnuson (D., ;oday the necessity of win­ , chairman. William Stuart S ^lng- greasionkl approval today, but %Will Fight -on Until cellaneous craft. straight dey- (Japanem T h ^ w S civilian Wash.), drafted a bill to carry ning a quick yictory in struck. her ton, shortly ifter the latter decla^ ertmouth. approximately 1 7 ,^ many legislators locked to Big Even as she broadcasts said the great out toe suggestion for a nine- Pacific in order to speed the Thoroughly Defeated planes were bu lashing enemy ed his own policies^ on • r Woman _Bnwn», and dtoera living In the member foundation. ’• •’Three, algreemente at Potsdam for Installations ^ Formosa. * aurplufl sales yesterday. In nls first lied fleet “is believed to w Inorto end of Halifax were evacu­ Blueprinting Its task to encour­ far greatex IHipnct on Europe’s reconstruction of Europe and still roaming off our Pacific coast Washington, July 19 — (AO Despite Wo heavy damage she ated on official orders. age Industrial research, financial- post-war economy. allow the world economy the suffered, X e r crew brought her (Oontinned on Paga Two) hunting for potential Invatew. Fireworks dotted toe sky. Wln- benefit of global peace. 'The third Army and Navy leaders are plan The Senate may approve by ^toe Bremerton. Wash,, beaches, but tt sent no earner • The new shoulder treatment |dow glass was meeting of the big three presu^ma- nlng for the war .against Japan tt yrard 'Where workers spent planes over Nippon today,.) nightfall bly was sechedulcd for this after- , „ p (Continned on Pago Two) country In vrith a run at least until the last monto* man days repairing her Within Five MUea of Shoro f contribution to an $8.800.000, noon. Now she la back In toe Tokyo Admits • The new sleeve treatment said toe Intensity of toe explorion of 1946'. American crulsera and -destroy- • I fund to atebiUte world currenclM To- d v e State Dinner Tonight •etter equipped than «yer.^ ers went within less toqn ^ s I was worse than anything he had and a $3,175,000,000 capital sub­ ’The president will give a state I ■ This U toe blunt truth, aa of t^. "During her first tour. In addi­ • The new 36 hieh Stroller day. despite a flood of rumpi* miles of shore to bombard coasw lever seen in battle. Owners Block scription to a $19,100,000,000 bank dinner tonight at the little White tion to enemy ships sunk, her air­ Japs’ Morale inataUatlona bn jutting . Budget I The first of the major explor to make loans for reconstruction Washington that some . House for Premier Stalin and development la. Imminent ur tne craft destroyed or damaged 207 peninsula—eastern entrance to • The new Gray furs ^ Islons occurred at 5:36 p. .m. a:w. and development. , » Prime Minister ClairchlU and five genemy planes, probably Bgnk Tokyo bay. II ®:35 p« m. Atlantic daylight Detroit Area ’The measure then will go hack to other representatives .of each gov­ Pacific conflict. more destroyers, one mdre de­ Now Shaken t o e .) ofiiera foUowed at 11:80 See Bitter-End One large' explosion was a e ^ • The new type furs , Teims the House for expected routine ernment. stroyer escort, four morq. large but Admiral Cheater W. Nlmlt* ^ m .. *:55 a. m. and 3:02 a. m. Military le^Oers, ^u m to g tee agreement on two An official announcement saw olleA 'land 20-more freighters or said full reports were idlU lackmg. <s. w. t.) Lumber Jobs mertts and then to PresldenrTru the Big'Three were meeting reg­ Japanese will f l g ^ to toe bltt.r freighter transport and damaged Air and Sea Bombard* He revealed that toe cruisers To- ® T h e new blended furs Awesome Ffilars of Fire man for hla algnaturc. end, also 67 telpa of various categories. Her . ularly with an agenda pekh. Oklahoma City, AtianU aim . K- y--' The great blaxe, sending aw^ Would Provide Trading Punda each rooming at 11 o'clock the campaigns In cfina, although whet planes also destroyed and dam­ ments Have Effect; De­ Dayton and the destroyers Ault some pUlars of fire 150 feet Into 'tep^ns toej?4iipeclfically depends aged ground Inatallbtlons on F0i> Truman Directs Icke* Because It wlU be IS monthi three foreign.secretaries.
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