Index to Volume 64 Justine Carson Page references in bold text indicate major treatments of a topic. Italic t, f, or n indicates tables, figures, or notes. A Literacy Competency Standards Abbott, A., 163, 171t–173t for Higher Education, 547, 550 Aboriginal peoples, 380n ACRL (Association of College and Academic freedom Research Libraries) Standards of China, 566–567 Information Literacy, 459 University of Illinois, 520 ACT UP Los Angeles Records, 763–764 Academic librarians. See also Librarians Activist digital archives, 360–383. See affective labor, 645–666 also Archives and archiving emotional and affective labors, ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), 659–662 471 Academic libraries. See also Libraries Adam, Amina, 136–160 African, 117–118 Adaptive preferences, 209–210 antiracist social justice, 246–284 Administrative progressivism, 541, hiring and recruiting, 264–266 552–553 racism in library spaces, 255–261 Adorno, Theodor, 585, 596, 599 racism in reference services, 269– Advocacy 276 compared to marketing and public resisting racial paradigms, 276–278 relations, 616–617 Spanish, 313–314, 313t, 314t as diversity lever, 434 staff racial diversity, 261–269 focus of activities, 628–630 Access, 463 intended audience, 626–628 disability justice, 468–491 intended purpose, 632–633 framework of collective access, methods, 630–632 481–487 as professional activity, 624–626 intersectional approach, 484 service and professional identity, physical, 486–487 615–640 ACRL (Association of College and training for, 616–617 Research Libraries), 264–269 Affect ACRL (Association of College and definition, 758 Research Libraries). Information of hatred, 757–758 LIBRARY TRENDS, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp. 795–820 (Index covers 64:1-4) © 2016 The Board of Trustees, University of Illinois 796 library trends/spring 2016 Affect theory, 758 contribution to achieving MDGs, Affective labor. See also Labor 167 academic librarians, 645–666 role of ICTs, 132–133 feminist critiques, 645–666 South Africa, 169–170 in universities, 657–659 technological impact, 165–169 Affirmative action African National Congress, 103–104 academic libraries, 264–266 African national libraries, 72–83 goal-oriented, 265 Botswana, 75–76, 81 AFL-CIO. Department for Professional history, 73–77 Employees, 605 Kenya, 79–80, 81, 82 Africa. See also Entries beginning Namibia, 80, 82, 119–120 with African; Specific African partnerships, 79–80 countries 21st century, 77–82 benefits of open scholarship, Tanzania, 119–120 136–160 Uganda, 80, 81 growth of institutional repositories, African Network on Information 152–153 Ethics (ANIE), 55 African academic libraries, 117–118. African public libraries. See also Public See also Academic libraries libraries and services African Conference on Information evolving role, 116–117 Ethics, Pretoria, 2007, 55 perceived as elitist, 128–129 African Health OER Network, 156 African rural communities African information society. See also children’s library services, 13 African society library services, 12–14, 75–76 information ethics, 53–71 African school libraries, 19–41, 79. See integration of ethical aspects, 58–67 also School libraries African librarianship, 1–2. See also African society. See also African Librarianship information society career development, 42–52 African libraries and information colonial era, 3–4, 5, 6–7, 16 services, 112–124 evolving roles, 115–118 defining factors, 113–114 history, 127 African universities, open access, 147– history and 21st century 150. See also Universities imperatives, 3–18 Against the grain, 778 key drivers of change, 122 Agents of diffusion, 98–99 new imperatives, 125–135 Ahmed, Sara, 476–477, 760–761 policy transfer lessons, 94–106 ALA transformation v. traditional commendation of Ferguson Public services, 131–133 Library, 586, 588 African libraries and information commitment to diversity, 400–401 services. See also Libraries diversity programs, 777 ICT advances, 118–121 origins of, 608–609 innovation and policy transfer, ALA. Committee on Accreditation 84–111 (COA), 612 model libraries, 13–14 ALA. Committee on Library Training, policy transfer lessons, 94–106 610 role in African society, 112–124 ALA. Core Values of Librarianship role in economic development, (2004), 398, 459 112–114, 128–129 access, 468–469 South African, 94, 103–104 democracy, 588 African LIS education, 161–177. See development of, 460–461, 469–470 also LIS education diversity, 512–513 blurring of disciplinary lines, intellectual freedom, 520, 557–559 169–170 lifelong learning, 533–534 index 797 professionalism, 605 Antiracist social justice, 246–284. See public good, 586, 588, 595–596 also Social justice service, 616 Antiviolence and marginalized social responsibility, 512–513 communities, 360–383 values adopted in 2004, 461t APCs (Article publication charges), ALA. Economic Barriers to 141–142, 154–155, 155t Information Access, 593 Apolitical spaces, libraries as, 588–592 ALA. Feminist Task Force, 704 Apollonius of Rhodes, 127 ALA. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Aponte, José, 193 Transgender Round Table Approachability, 270–272 (GLBTRT), 296n, 642 The Archeology of Knowledge (Foucault), ALA. GLBT Roundtable. See ALA. 661 Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Archetypes. See also Lady Bountiful Transgender Round Table (Archetype) (GLBTRT) compared to stereotypes, 670–671 ALA. Library Bill of Rights, 198, 557 defined, 670 confidentiality, 493 Archival science education, 789–791 democracy, 588–589 Archival science professions ALA. Outreach Resources for Services black women, 776–794 to Poor and Homeless People, diversity, 777, 784 213–214 Archivaria, 641–642 ALA. Policy on Library Services to Archive Fever (Derrida), 660–661 Poor People, 198 Archive of Feelings (Cvetkovich), 758 ALA Movers and Shakers, 628 Archives and archiving. See also ALA Policy Manual, 469, 476, 492–493 Preservation Albright, K., 227, 230 activist digital archives, 360–383 ALISE Annual conference 2016, archival appraisal, 779–783, 783– Boston, MA, 192 785 ALISE (Association for Library and bias toward power, 578–579 Information Science Education), black scholars, 778 424–425 competing theories, 782 Allard, Danielle, 190, 360–383 critical race theory (CRT), 790–791 Altman, E., 265 history, 779–783 Altmetrics, 147 indigenous knowledge, 367–369 American corners, 101 participatory, 360–383, 370–372 American education. See also social justice, 364–366 Education stewardship, 579–581 history and philosophy, 533–555 underrepresented groups, 785–787 liberal education v. vocational Aristarchus of Samothrace, 127 education, 541–545 Aristophanes of Byzantium, 127 progressive movement, 539–540 Aristotle, 229 American Heritage Center (University ARL (Association of Research of Wyoming), 765, 766–767 Libraries), 139, 478 American Library Association. See ALA Armstrong, Elizabeth, 575–576 Americanization, public libraries, Article publication charges (APCs), 675–676 141–142, 154–155, 155t Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Asamoah-Hassan, H., 153 471. See also Disabled librarians; ASCLA (Association of Specialized and Disabled people Cooperative Library Agencies), Anderson, Rick, 534 476 ANIE (African Network on Ask A Librarian, 679–680 Information Ethics), 55 Assembly of Alaska Native Educators, Anonymity, 734 405 Anonymous v. Anonymous (1971), 707 Assessment for outcomes, 549–551 798 library trends/spring 2016 Assignment, 726–727 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Assimilation, role of public libraries, Global Libraries Initiative, 81, 675–676 121 Association for Library and Birth certificates, sex designation, Information Science Education 706–707 (ALISE), 424–425 Bishop, Enid, 561 Association of College and Research Black feminist theory, 789–790. See also Libraries (ACRL) Feminism information literacy standards, 459 Black Lives Matter, 523 librarianship standards, 264–269 Black scholars, 778 Association of College and Research Black women. See also Women Libraries (ACRL). Information archival science professions, 776– Literacy Competency Standards 794 for Higher Education, 547, 550 epistemic violence, 791 Association of Research Libraries Black’s Law Dictionary (1951), 698 (ARL), 139, 478 Black’s Law Dictionary (1968), 705–706 Association of Specialized and Bloch, G., 26, 27 Cooperative Library Agencies Boas, E., 670, 672, 676 (ASCLA), 476 Bobrovitz, Jennifer, 620 Audit culture, 549–550 Bodies as books, 741–755 Austin, Jeanie, 453, 456n circulation, 747–749, 750 Autocratic Tradition and Chinese Politics defined, 743–744 (Fu), 559 publication, 746 Autonomism reading, 749–751 immaterial labor, 650–651 typology, 746 poststructuralist feminist critiques, writing, 744–747 654–657 Body language, 270–272 Socialist feminist critique, 651–654 Boew v. Colgate-Palmolive (1967), 703 Aversive racism, 265–266 Bonner, Scott, 585–586, 593, 598, 600n Bonnici, L.J., 162 B Book burning, 559–560 Bak, Greg, 380 Book-copies, 743–744 Banks, C.A., 417 The Book of Night Women (James), 776 Banks, J.A., 417 Bookery project, 34, 36 Banned books, 568 Books “Barefoot librarian,” 74–75 banned, 568 Barker, Drucilla, 655 bodies as, 741–755 Barnhardt, R., 390–391, 391–392 burning, 559–560 Baum, L. Frank, 507–508 Boston Public Library, 538 Belk, Russell, 575 Bothma, T., 166 Benedict XVI, Pope, 201 Botswana. Department of Non-Formal Bentham, Jeremy, 332–333 Education (DNFE), 75–76 Berg, Selinda A., 459–467 Botswana National Library Service Berry, John, 462 (BNLS), 75–76, 81. See also Beukes-Amiss, Catherine Maggy, African national libraries 112–124 Bourg, C., 202, 488, 578 Bibliographic relationships Bouvier’s Law Dictionary
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