February 11, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2135 Dealer and a passionate advocate of While Debbie is everywhere, raising Zeltser with his prescribed medica- FDR’s agenda. funds for great causes, creating per- tions. As a House page in the late 1930s and sonal relationships that enrich so He was initially denied two inde- early 1940s, JOHN learned the intrica- many lives, JOHN is only where he pendent medical evaluations and he cies of House procedure. He got to needs to be—focusing like a laser on has reported being physically assaulted know his way around, and developed a legislative and policy goals. and abused while incarcerated. Am- profound respect for leaders like Sam There is a common thread in the Din- nesty International has urged that Rayburn. gells’ legislative maneuvers, charitable Belarusian authorities no longer sub- Even in his youth, JOHN was any- endeavors and even JOHN’s unique use ject Mr. Zeltser to ‘‘further torture and thing but a passive observer. When of language: they are all devoted to the other ill-treatment.’’ Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and FDR goal of helping working people. People Mr. Zeltser was convicted of ‘‘using came to Congress and declared it a back home love ‘‘Big JOHN’’ because false official documents’’ and ‘‘at- ‘‘date which will live in infamy,’’ JOHN they know he is on their side—fighting tempted economic espionage’’ in a was in the Chamber. In fact, JOHN saw for their jobs, their health, their chil- closed judicial proceeding. The U.S. to it that one audio recorder continued dren. Embassy in Minsk criticized the pro- to run even after FDR’s speech ended, That is why, as much evidence as ceedings, noting that it was denied the so thanks to him we have a fascinating there is of John’s influence and respect opportunity to observe the trial. The record of the deliberations afterward in the House of Representatives, the State Department has repeatedly that quickly led to the declaration of best way to really understand JOHN’s called for Mr. Zeltser’s release on hu- war on Japan. impact on the people he represents is manitarian grounds. So have others in When he was 18, JOHN enlisted in the to make a visit to ‘‘Dingell Country.’’ Congress, especially my colleague on Army. After the war he returned to In JOHN’s district, people have placed the Helsinki Commission, cochairman Washington, and, ever a student of the JOHN’s name on a road, a bridge, a park Representative ALCEE HASTINGS. House, he worked as an elevator oper- and a library not just to honor him but But now the situation appears dire. ator here in the Capitol while attend- to inspire others. Just talk to a few of Earlier this month, Mr. Zeltser was ex- amined by an American doctor. It was ing Georgetown, where he received un- JOHN’s fellow veterans at the VA Med- dergraduate and law degrees. As a ical Center in Detroit. Those vets feel a only the second time an American phy- sician has been permitted to see Mr. young lawyer, JOHN served as a clerk little better and a little stronger know- Zeltser. The doctor concluded that for Sandy’s and my uncle, Theodore ing that they live in the JOHN DINGELL ‘‘there is a clear and high risk of sud- Levin, a Federal judge in Michigan VA Medical Center. Or stop by the den death from heart attack unless the who, along with our Dad, had actually UAW Region 1a headquarters in Tay- patient is immediately transferred to a campaigned for JOHN’s Dad in the 1930s. lor, Michigan, and tell them you’ve U.S. hospital with the proper equip- A few years later, when his father stood shoulder to shoulder with JOHN ment and facilities. Refusal to passed away, JOHN Jr. won the special DINGELL fighting for American work- transfer Mr. Zeltser to a U.S. hospital election to fill the vacant seat. The son ers—and you won’t get a warmer wel- is equivalent to a death sentence.’’ and student became a Member of the come anywhere in America. Specifically, Mr. Zeltser is in dire need institution that he had studied so JOHN is beloved in his district, and he of a coronary bypass procedure. The closely and that he respected so deeply. has been a role model to me and to my doctor also determined that because he And over the years, the Member would older brother Sandy since we arrived in had been denied prescribed diabetes become the Chairman, and the Chair- Congress. He has also been a wonderful medication, Mr. Zeltser’s left foot may man would become the Dean—the most mentor to us and to the entire Michi- need to be amputated. senior member of the House of Rep- gan delegation. In response to a press inquiry in De- resentatives. JOHN has been a son of the House, a cember, the State Department called While that alone is a significant student of the House, a Member and a for ‘‘the Belarusian authorities to re- achievement, the true mark of JOHN Chairman in the House he loves so lease Mr. Zeltser on humanitarian DINGELL is his devotion to public serv- much. On behalf of Michigan, I offer grounds before this situation takes an ice that connects him to the great men thanks to the now all-time Dean of the irrevocable turn.’’ Based on the recent and women of America’s storied past House of Representatives, JOHN DIN- doctor’s report it is apparent that such whose statues grace this Capitol, and GELL, a great institution within a great an irrevocable turn is imminent unless the legislation he has influenced that institution, for his devotion to public this American citizen can be brought has so improved the lives of our people. service and to the people of Michigan home promptly for the medical treat- He contributed to the creation of Med- and the Nation. ment necessary to save his life. icaid and Medicare, to the Civil Rights f Belarus has taken some tentative bills, to the Endangered Species Act BELARUS IMPRISONMENT steps to improve its notably poor and the Clean Air Act. He fought to human rights record, in particular the protect Social Security—which his fa- Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, as chair- release of several political prisoners ther helped create. man of the Helsinki Commission, I last August. However, Mr. Zeltser’s Like all great fighters, when JOHN would like to bring to the attention of continued, and potentially terminal, DINGELL is knocked down, he picks the Senate a situation which is lit- imprisonment threatens to override himself up. For example, he has helped erally a matter of life and death for an those initially encouraging signs. As keep the fight for universal health care American citizen, Emanuel Zeltser, such, I strongly urge the Belarusian alive by introducing legislation to who has been imprisoned in Belarus authorities to release Emanuel Zeltser achieve it in each new Congress, just as since March 12, 2008. Mr. Zeltser is in on humanitarian grounds so that he his father did. desperate and immediate need of seri- may obtain the immediate medical JOHN can be tough, running proce- ous medical treatment—including a treatment his doctor has concluded is dural circles around even the most coronary bypass operation. required if he is to live. skilled legislative adversaries. And he The poor human rights record of f can be gruff, for instance comparing a President Lukashenka’s regime is well proposal he thinks is foolish or unnec- known. No American—indeed no REMEMBERING CONGRESSMAN essary to ‘‘side pockets on a cow’’ or human being—should be subjected to WENDELL WYATT ‘‘feathers on a fish.’’ the kind of treatment Mr. Zeltser has Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I wish to But this tough and gruff Congress- been forced to endure during his incar- mark a sad occasion: the recent death man has a softer side. His wife Debbie ceration. Despite Mr. Zeltser’s grave of one of Oregon’s most respected Mem- is personable and glowing and brings health condition—he suffers from heart bers of Congress, Wendell Wyatt, who extraordinary energy to everything she disease, type 2 diabetes, severe arthri- represented the First District of Or- touches. JOHN and Debbie are each tis, gout, and dangerously elevated egon from 1965 to 1975. He died peace- powerhouses in their own right, and blood pressure—Belarusian authorities fully on January 28th at the age of 91 their relationship is a perfect synergy. have repeatedly refused to provide Mr. in Portland, OR. VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:25 Feb 12, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11FE6.031 S11FEPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with SENATE S2136 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 11, 2009 With good humor and little interest His son, Bill, was a member of the Or- through Congress bills that permanently af- in partisanship, Wendell Wyatt’s con- egon Legislature as a young man, later fected Oregon, including bills that estab- gressional career began with his serv- the chief of staff to an Oregon Gov- lished the Tualatin Reclamation Project ice on the House Interior Committee. ernor, and is now the very effective ex- (Scoggins Dam) in Washington County, the He is best known, however, for his Columbia River 40-foot shipping channel ecutive director of the Port of Port- from Astoria to Portland, and Lincoln City’s work on the House Interior Appropria- land. Bill Wyatt is a longtime friend of Cascade Head Scenic Area, as well as a bill tions Subcommittee where his working mine and of others in the economic and authorizing the $4 million purchase of ranch- relationship with its chair, distin- political leadership of our State, and lands along the Snake River for public recre- guished Washingtonian Julia Butler we all know that the Wyatt bloodline ation.
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