Minutes subject to approval at the next meeting MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF BREEDON PARISH COUNCIL HELD IN THE COMMUNITY CENTRE, BREEDON, ON MONDAY 3rd OCTOBER 2016 Open Forum: Points raised by residents: - Hastings Close – since Severn Trent/contractor have been working down there, they have churned up the green and its now full of weeds – resident asking for those responsible to put it right. - Trees planted through NWLDC – residents unhappy and would like them removed – the Chairman explained that this is in hand and will happen over the Autumn. - The Crescent – Contractors left the grass untidy and now the ground is uneven – Clerk to look into this. - Drains blocked along Ashby Road heading towards Breedon. 292) Attendances and apologies: Present: Parish Councillors: S Jones, R Morris, D Keith, D Camp and J Morrison. Clerk: Miss S Lockwood. County Councillor N Rushton. Four members of the public. Apologies: Cllr J Melen. 293) Code of Conduct - Councillors’ Declarations of Interest RESOLVED: Cllr S Jones declared a non-pecuniary interest at point 301 (a) of the agenda - 16/01005/FUL: Demolition of No. 1 The Crescent and erection of two detached dwellings with associated works at 1 The Crescent, Breedon On The Hill, Derby, DE73 8AY. Cllr S Jones took no part in the discussion of the application. 294) To approve the minutes of the previous meeting of the Council RESOLVED: The Minutes of the meetings held on Monday 5th September 2016, having been previously circulated, were signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record of that meeting. 295) Any matters to be raised with the County Councillor. Resolved: None. 296) Any matters to be raised with the District Councillor. Resolved: None. 297) Police Matters (a) Police Report Kayleigh’s Love Story Kayleigh’s Love Story is currently being released to all Secondary Schools across Leicestershire by the Force. North West Leicesershire, and in particular Castle Donington College, was the first in the county to receive the workshops which included the showing of the award-winning film to students in Y7, Y8 and Y9. The powerful film portrays aspects of last two weeks of Kayleigh Haywood's life. It was screened last week in the college following showings to adults living in the communities of Ibstock, Measham and Coalville earlier this year. In November 2015, 15-year-old Kayleigh was groomed online by 28-year-old Luke Harlow – a man she had never met. Over the course of 13 days, he sent the teenager more than 160 messages a day before she finally agreed to spend the night at his house in Ibstock. The tragic and horrific circumstances that followed saw the schoolgirl being held against her will by Harlow and his neighbour Stephen Beadman, before being raped and murdered by 29-year-old Beadman. 1 Monday 3rd October 2016 With the backing of Kayleigh's parents, Leicestershire Police made the film to raise awareness and highlight the dangers of online grooming to both parents and children. The workshop is part of a local police initiative to promote the awareness of CSE to pupils, teachers and parents throughout the academic year which also include further showings of ‘Chelsea’s Choice’ in March. Road Traffic issues across the beat Working with data supplied by Community Speed Watch Groups beat team members continue to carry out enforcement operations across the Valley beat. Planned enforcement operations will be taking place as part of a Local Beat Priority. For further practical Crime Prevention advice visit the website at http://support.leics.police.uk/. CRIME FIGURES FOR SEPTEMBER 2016: 05/09 Traffic Offence – intox driver Arrest made 09/09 Burglary non dwelling (Shed) No evidence/witnesses, filed pending further enq’s . 298) Chairman’s Report. Resolved: This has been another busy month. As well as the ongoing flooding issue which Dave will update us on later in the meeting other issues have raised their heads. I have been told by David Shields junior that Cameron Homes have finally submitted their planning application, it is not on the agenda for today but no doubt we will be discussing it next month. Whilst on the subject of Shields and planning there are many rumors circulating regarding the closure of the Priory golf course and club house and replacement by a pay and play centered on Breedon. I have spoken to DS jnr on this matter and he confirms that issues are under discussion with regard to how they go forward. Apparently, they have a substantial loan, on an interest only repayment basis, which is approaching renewal and the lender is not willing to continue on an interest only basis therefore funds have to raise to pay down the capital sum. I am concerned about how this scenario will affect the promise that was made to provide a small shop in the clubhouse at Wilson for the villagers. This will not be possible if the golf pro and the clubhouse manager are asked to leave. Perhaps we should have further discussions with the builder James Ottewell and the planners. On a lighter note I would like to thank all those who helped in the litter picking last Saturday. A huge amount of rubbish was collected and a good old chinwag was enjoyed at The Old Chapel afterwards. I am really sorry I couldn't attend but I had an attack of gout however I enjoyed the “apres pick” in my kitchen. At the Macmillan coffee morning on Friday last the stalwarts of the WI ably assisted by many others managed to collect a massive £1600.00 The weather was excellent which helped no end. Guess the weight prizes, a joint of Venison from Donington Park Farmhouse and a joint of Ham from Les Fisher were won by Jill Jamieson from Shardlow and Kim Jones from Ulverscroft. Thank you also to all those who made cakes and samosas. Our next significant event is the Remembrance service at the war memorial on Sunday 13th Nov I hope for a good turnout as we had last year. My plan is not to lose the wreath as I did last year! The A42 highways work has seen Breedon experiencing HGV’s diverting through the village. Cllr S Jones explained that it is important if you do see HGV’s passing through the village to note down the registration plate and report them to the Police. The Highways Agency and the Police are aware of this current situation. 2 Monday 3rd October 2016 299) Administration & Finance (a) Clerk's Report. CLERK’S ADMINISTRATION REPORT –3rd October 2016 Training Calling in Planning Applications – Cllr Morrison and I attended. Email sent to all Cllrs with valid information from the evening. Budgeting and Financial Management Training – Monday 10th October. Green Shoots Grant Asked for an update. Litter Pick The Community Litter Pick held on Saturday 1st October was a huge success. A massive thank you to all that came to volunteer. The Green, Breedon – Insurance Update. Broadspire on behalf of Maven have approved our claim at The Green, Main Street Breedon and the Parish Council can now begin to start works to this area. (I am awaiting a confirmation email). Church Gate I met with the Community Support Office at NWLDC to discuss what procedure the Parish Council must follow in order to be successfully granted a PSPO. Firstly, the PC needs to gain evidence. i.e. pictures and Police reports etc. I have been in contact with the Police for their help with this and now have a report dating back to 2007. In the meantime, can you please urge people to take pictures and write down dates etc of the problems that occur. For example, if there are needles or fly tipping, please take pictures before they are cleared away. These activities will give us a stronger advantage of a PSPO being granted. Budget Cllr D Keith and I will be working on the budget over the month of October with a view to presenting a proposed budget for discussion in November. Would anyone else like to join following our first meeting (this is just where we will be sorting out spreadsheets etc). I will also be having my appraisal this month too. Remembrance Day I will be ordering two wreaths following this meeting. Meeting with NWLDC Planning Dept re: Flood Report Asked for an update. – To date non received. LCC Flood Meeting Wednesday 12th October at 7pm. (b) Comments Register. None. (c) To approve Annual Membership to the SLCC. Resolved: The Parish Council agreed to the 2016 SLCC Membership, which is part paid by Long Whatton and Diseworth Parish Council. (d) To discuss and confirm the works needed to the tree on Berry Ave following expert advice. Resolved: The Parish Council confirmed the works to the Tree on Berry Ave; Felling of the Ash Tree and removal of arisings and to remove the stump by grinding. Clerk to advise tree surgeon to carry out tree works. 3 Monday 3rd October 2016 (e) To discuss quotation to replace the two-rail fence at Berry Ave, after close inspection revealed that almost every post is rotten. Resolved: The Parish Council agreed to repair the old fencing with new posts and rail. Clerk to advise contractor to carry out works. (f) To confirm the amounts of the Financial Limits of Authority – to be placed alongside the Financial Regulations. – (fwd Cllrs). Resolved: The Parish Council resolved the following: Value above Authority £138,893 EU Procurement Directive applies, as may be revised, see Standing Order Section 15 £60,000 Formal tender process required per Standing Order Section 15 £500 Three Competitive prices required per Financial Regulations Section 11 £300 – 499 Two competitive prices required per Financial Regulations Section 11, unless an emergency situation prevails per Financial Regulations Section 10.6.
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