. P 'T \ ^ ' V ' ' 1- d' ■ ' AveraRe Daily Net Pres! RuR For the tyeehtyeele Ended.Ended, ( pointment hinges'sonuwhmt upon WaTehh 28, 1957 . / Mrs. Jean Ledwlth of the Thom Four Will S approval by the Board of Directors > After a cold, flu, sore throat, vjru§ \ A b o u t T o W n as Spencer Circle of the Sou' of a proposed overall pay. hike pro­ Methodist WSCS, and Mrs. Ispbel posed forythe department. , vj you may feel run-down from 12,545 Anderson o f the Mlrpah Clrcjs; will To Kiwcunis on Concerning the i qut - of-town , Member of the-Audit The reguler ihdntWy meeHnjf of b j In charge of the combijplid food Bureau of drcuIaU'on sale of these, two groups/Thursday Jui^lr Republic men, Chief Herman ■ O. • Schendel M anchester—rrA City o f Village Charm the Brotlierhood of Temple Beth said yesterday a ruling by,-Town TIRED BLOOD* at 9:30 ip Hale's sto 8 ht?lom»wlU be heldWeanesday et Counsel Charles' N. Crockett, al­ 8 p.m. The speaker wH| be pwiUp ifSter Kiwantans,^at their • Mrs. Marlon Crpften. chairman, lows non-residents to )>€ appointed Mason o f the Ailing; Rubber Co. of luncheon meeting Thurs- to the police department. Stronger Fast , VOL., lO TVI, NO. 150 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) TH^^tfESTER, CQN^ W|SDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1957, -Hwiford. He will show a film on and her’aSsociatf# on the ways and means com nU tte of Manchester at the Manchester Ooimtiy. Saturday’s oral quiz was given g o lf Refre'rtimenU win be ser>^!9 </YA//7 7 (/ays-or m oney back! ; ^ following, the program. Larry W A’TES w«T^be In charge of the Club, will hear four persons- de* by State Policeman Walter Stecko, Splwak Is. program chairman. rulnmage^le the group Is holding scribe the work being done at Lt, Julian Darman of the Hart­ ford Police Departmenf and E.' O. a cold, flu, sore throat or virus you may sufler at 5U. ^ I n St. Thursday at 9:30. ..Connecticut Junior Republic in fibm iron deficiency anemia*'.. or, as we call it. Tired Gfrl Scout leaders who have not Mis. CJwtrude Smachettl, 691 Cen* Husch, personnel director for Nor­ Utchfield. o feel itvonger faSt.Uke Geritol, the high- ■^signed up for the art# ajid crafts teror< Mrs., Clara Kralewskl, wich. potenev tonic that .begins to strengthen iroii-poor Jamea B'elote o f Hartford, stu- workshop to be held tonight at 8 Sp^Birch ^l,, may bo called If Some ^4i2 policemen ' from sev­ Tired Bteod in 24 hours. In just one day Geritol iron t president of the w'orld’s old- d^H^k in Woodruff hall of the .ickup o f articles for the sale is eral ctfmmimttles X*arby Rock­ is in your bkx>d*treanv.carrying strength and energy / Cent'er^ngregational Chprch ai dcsin^. e lt ^ ^ y s ’ town, and 'Thomaa A. ville,'attendet* Ibe police school to ^ r y part of your body. So, after a winter welcome to observe if they w Gluz ie| Stamford, form ej Judge w^Cn It began, there a week ago illiie s ^ f Tired Bloqd is your problem— take . A film, "Adventuring in the A A public baked bean supper, aixl vide, president, will explain today. Tim cour.se ij, slated to last GERlTOl\i’rrw rfoj/. Take either the liquid or will be ahown at 8 o’clock, flow ed sponsored by the French CiUb, will ^he operation of the unique student 'eight week#.' the tablctkv You'll frtl ttrongrr, fait within by Instructkjp 'm th re^ rra fts: govemment.x ' ^ be held at the VFW .iom e Satur­ The acliool is being held iindei- seven dsys ^ y o u r money back. drawing and'*,painting, ^ o o d and day night from 4 to 7 o’clock. Alumnus Gene Rogers, Hillyer the auspices of Ro^ville Police textile design. Tickets, may be obtained from Mrs. College freshman, will entertain Washington, March, 27 (jW f^ p ln g out the jmstal deficit, a plug Capt. Peter Doh-giewfez by the for his proposal to raise mail rates. Paul Grenier or the Manchester thi group with.'trumpqt selections Connecticut Chiefs bf Police Assn. S SAVE $1.00—Buy Ecamumy:—;Presidcnt $Ir*1 Eisenhower sailaid The Operating Boom Secttbij^ of Wallpaper and Paint Co., Broad while alumnus Richard C. Stock- ■ This was Elsenlmwi’er’s first ihe Connecticut State Nurse< GE today America is going to of $95,006 bridge of Bloomfield will tell what news cohferenfce since he returned Assn, will be'held April 2 in New V the Junior Republic means to him. suffer if any severe, cuts are last weekend , fi'om Bermuda talks London. Lorraine COutu of Man­ . T O L and Mrs. PaWd Werbner, 29 Richard -J. Olllon', president of r made in government-spending with 'Britain’s Prime Minister Mac‘ chester M ^ o ria l Hospital, who Is the Hartford Aid to ,]lhe Junior WELDON DRUG StORK • millan. , chalmuur of the program commit­ StephelKSf.. have returned home FREE PARKINQ 1 W siJch things as foreign aid after speeding the winter months Republic, will introduc' the 8pe'ak-< ► 901 MAIN 8T. — 4fc7 MAIN ST. — 343 MAtN ST. Several of the questions put to tee, has arranged for Charles \V. and natiohnl defense. him dealt with' those negotiations. In southern California with their era. ► NEXT TO POPULAR Norman, a representative of the Emphatically, Eisenhower told Byrd Asks Eisenhower went to Bermuda on ElWcon Co., to speak on ‘‘Suture aon Sidney andNMa family. They ► i\ All Outlays Repaid ■visited many plae^ cy f interest, his news conference he does n o t! a Navy cruiser In, the_hope of build- . ^ r e ; - eluding Palm SpringVsfyBS Vegas belleve a cut of up to~33 billion, as ’ ing up his boaith od a round about Town Sends S E T ^ ArtliMr Drug 5lorst;j {suggested by Sen, Byrd (D -V a),-voyage of-rfix days; • —a.- / and Mexico. Ike A i The Ladies Aid Society of the can be made in the administration’s j Wants Mdre Sun ^ Emanuel laitheran Church will To Police School 371.800.000,000 biidgqt without | Asked today how he is feeling, With Union’s Fuiid^ A public setback party wilMm giving up some essentialessentii domestic ; Eiisenhower smiled and replied that have an all . day sewing meeting held at the VFW Hpme ThursdS^ ‘Thursday at 10 a.m. at the tfhurch. programs. j.he is feeling better but certainly pudgetCut at 8 p.m,, imder the sponsorship of Manchester may add six new As for foreign aid, Eisenhower would like to. get a little more sun. Members wljf bring their own the Ladles Auxiliary to Manches­ probatlonery patrolmen Jo Its po­ Washington, March 27 (/P)—^athan Shefferman wknowl- sandwiches add coffee will be said no dollars being spent today He remarked that durihg the six Washington. Match 27 (/^) ter Chapter, No. 17, DAV. Prize# lice force, bringing the depart,^ are being spent more wisely for days of his cruise there were only edged to investigating Senators^day that Dave Be^made served. will be awarded and refreshments ment total to 43 men, Incturiiflg LECLERC — Sen. Byrcl (D-Va) said to- I numerous purchases over a p erio^ f years and simply^^^t the future peace and-pr6sperlty of 2 H days o f sun. though the ship served. A white elephant sale will sergeants and officers. ' ^ 8 L Anne’s. Mothers Circle will FUNERAL HOME Best Used Car Values! the world then those being put into ranged far south hunting good 4ay President Eisenhower him. the bills. The Senators fig u r ^ these bills plus d ir^ t also be held. have a potluck supper tomorrow Six applicants paksed oial ex­ \the mutual security field. weather^ controls a backlog of $70 bil­ purchases Shafferman made on b eh a l^ f Beck totaled $94; aminations Saturday , at police at 7 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Wil­ FUNERAL \Eisenhower spent a good part of Asked about the stubborn cough lion in available funds. As a Shefferman, a Chicago labor-managWent consultant, said liam Bentz, 220 Summit St. St. Mary’s ihiild will meet to­ headquarters. ‘These applicants al­ '56 Chevrolet’ '55 Pohtiac hi#\half-hour news conference ex.> which has been bothering him for morrow following the Lenten ready have passed written exams SERVICE^ V-8 Hardtop. l*Door. Radio, heater, pouitcUng his views regarding de- about two months. Eisenhower said result, he addgd. Congress he was repaid for his expenditures on behalf of the Teamsters. service at 10 o’clock. Members j and have only to pa.ss physical Lika new. ^ 9 9 5 hydramatlc. CV ^ A C mandsTn Congress for substantial It is better. can’t make-any “ real reduc­ Union president and did not know.at the ti^e any, repayments wilt bring sandwiches and the tests to qualify. This group will ■ivalter N. Immaculate. ** IO V J reductions In the budget for the ' Eisenhower still showed a good tion" in 'spending without came from union fund.s. hostesses, Mrs. Emma Brown, | begin police school at Rockville Lcclero fiscal year^atartlng July 1. deal of a tan he, acquired on the Eisenhower’s help. N ew Mrs. Martha Butler and Mrs. tonight. • Director '55 Buick Feai^for Programs Staff aides of the Senate Rackets Investigating Committee cruise. Byrd., who heads th^ Senate Fi­ James Williams, will serve dessert; Of the six men. four are from i!»peeUI Hardtop.
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