PICTURES PfotiEff Wednesday, August 5, 1970 U. S. to Europe Andrew Filson Exit ActorsGuOdToCongressmanCorman: Robert Alda London, Aug. 4. Robert Altman Andrew Filson i's resigning Bo-Sarli Pair In Harry Algus at end of September as gen­ Larry Applebaum eral secretary of British Film 'Who Are You To Pry Into Our Biz?' Al Freeman Jr. Production Assn. of Vwhich N.Y.; Do Burn-Up J. Ronald Getty Clifford Barclay is president. Hollywood, Aug. 4. decries lack of professional stand­ ards in admitting new members. S. Frederick Gronich Replacing Filson is Mrs. The Screen Actors Guild Board Ray Harden Gwyneth Dunwoody, former of Directors refused Congressman However, in his letter Hestbn maintained that, with the board's Hy Hollinger official in labor government On Berlin Hippies' James C. Corman's "invitation" to Lee H. Katzin and onetime actress. participate in a public conference approval, he and the SAG staff Argentinian filmmaker Armando were willing to meet individually Stacy Keach Filson future is unsettled Bo ("Fuego") and his constant lead­ on Guild policies. At the request Jay Lasker of a group of dissident SAG mem­ with Corman "to discussi any prob­ but he intends staying in film ing lady, Isabel Sarli, were in New lems which beset actors and the Thomas -J. McDermott biz. York last week still steaming from bers, "who went to the Congress­ Brian McKay events at the Berlin Film Festival man, because we couldn't commu­ numerous problems which beset our whole industry today." Sue Mengers where the duo refused at the last nicate with the union hierarchy," Morton Minsky minute to screen their latest pic, the > Democrat from the 22nd dis­ Apparently a factor in the re­ Chuck Mulvehill 35 RACE APPRENTICES fusal was a story in VARIETY on "Bewitched," despite pleas from trict had invited SAG president Frank O'Connor fest director Dr. Alfred Bauer. Charlton Heston and Guild offi­ iiondEy giving the dittails and Anthony Quinn START IN IA LOCALS background of the conference. Their chief complaint is that the cials to appear at Los Angeles Marilyn Ross Hollywood. Aug. 4. Valley College on Aug. 15. Ccn- "The hope you expressed to me Berlin festival has become a show- Walter Scharf Second phase of the film indus­ gresman, privately acting as an im­ that the proposed meeting would Larry Spangler place for Communist propaganda be private has already i been dis­ try's minority employment pledge, partial third party, had also invited Howard Stark films and as such is no festival at labor attorney Leo Geffner; Arthur sipated by stories appearing in undertaken in agreement with the all. this trade paper," Hestlon noted. Stanley Tannenbaum Carstens, former chairman of the Bernie Thall U.S. Justice Dept., gets underway Although "Bewitched" was slat­ UCLA Institute of Industrial Re­ Corman, currently in Washing­ Lily Veidt this week when 35 trainees begin ed to unspool out of competition, lations; Hollywood Film Council ton, D.C., was expected by his Bo Widerberg special apprenticeships in eight Bo refused to screen it after witnes­ v.p. Donald P. Haggerty; and Sig- office to be involved in House of International Alliance of Theatri­ sing the reception given to the of­ mund Arywitz, exec secretary- Representatives' debate* on the L. A. to N. Y. cal Stage Employes locals. ficial Argentian entry, "Los Here- floor until 11 p.m. and [held him­ treasurer of the Los Angeles Fed­ Joyce Becker Agreement which went into deros." Because that film was not eration of Labor. self unavailable for comiment. Richard Benjamin politically-oriented, Bo claims it was A member of the group said that effect last iMay 1, and was reached In a letter to Corman, Heston Karl Bernstein between the government, Assn. of laughed off the screen by young Corman's office had suggested the Richard Bloch revolutionaries espousing the Com­ said that the Guild board had publicity. Jack MacGrath„ the Con­ Motion Picture & TV Producers "instructed me to convey their Stan Bly and the Alliance, has two parts, munist cause. Dr. Bauer sent a let­ gressman's field rep, said that no Budd Burton. ter to Bo asking him to reconsider vigorous and unanimous rejection policy on publicity hadi been ad­ the first providing for a minority of any participation by the Guild Richard Burton labor pool with a quota system for his decision to pull out, but to no vised since it was something to Mildred Collins avail. in your conference. This decision have been agreed upon by all hiring; the second, strictly for was reached on the basis of funda­ Bob Ellis minority training, and this latter parties involved in the now can­ Peter Feibelman Miss Saril (of the fabled super­ mental and far-reaching policy celled conference. "Our basic po­ is now being implemented. structure), who attended the Berlin considerations which must permit Totie Fields sition,' said MacGrath, "is that we Reb Foster Minority workers have been fest five years ago, says the climate labor organizations to determine are here to do anything we can hired since May 1, under the pro­ has changed so much that actors, their own policies free of outside Dave Garroway do to help." James Goldstone visos of the labor pool program. distributors and producers could interference. The matters you indi­ This portion of it calls for quali­ not credit it. She deplored "dirty cated were to be debated all in­ Harry E. Gould Peter Guber fied minority personnel to register hippies" who can't even attract the volved the internal policies and ac­ for the pool, to specify the union press. "I took many b e a u t if u 1 tions of the Guild. For this union, Jerry Graham JACKIE MASON INTO Ken Hinaman involved in whatever type of work gowns," she said, "but I should or any union, to remove responsi­ it may be, and they are then listed have gone barefoot." bility and control of such matters Howard Hilderstein FILMS; OWN COMPANY Robert Lantz as available, with studios hiring There is no need for Miss Sarli from their elected representatives them under the quota system. to go barefoot in Argentina where, and place them in the hands of an Comic Jackie Mason will make Marvin Levy his theatrical film debui this fall Kevin McCarthy However, the second phase ap­ as the reigning Latin American sex outside committee unrelated to the plies solely to newcomers. goddess, her films to date have been union, would constitute an improp­ in a project which he'll also be Thomas L. Miller producing. The comedy, a western Lois Nettleton . big b.o. In the past year she has er infringement on the right of become a name on the U.S. sexploi­ our members and the duties of the titled "A Man Called |tio," will Bobby Scott be shot in Italy as a cojjroduction John Springer tation circuit through such films as governing Board conferred upon with indie producer Al Schwartz. Paul Newman's Fracture; "Fuego" and "Muhair," released them by our 24,000 members." Thomas D. Tannenbaum Bob Siegler will direct from a Elizabeth Taylor through Haven International. Pix The fault-finding Concerned Ac­ screenplay by Willy Gilbert. Roger Williams Also Breaks Film's Sked are made for approximately $200,- tor Committee claims Guild is neg­ Mason's company, J: ma, will Portland, Ore., Aug. 4. 000 and "Fuego" looks to do some ligent in enforcement of the pref- also follow up "Rio" withi a prison- Europe to U. S. Paul Newman suffered a broken $750,000 in rentals in the U.S. erence-of-employment clause, cer­ based comedy, "The Turhkey," by Lisa Carroll ankle here in falling from a motor­ alone. tain provisions of the contract that Chuck Brown, for which director Bill Doll cycle during the filming of "Some­ Bo's main trouble in Argentina they felt were outdated. Group also (Continued on page 23) Britt Ekland times A Great Notion" at Fogarty has been censorship. Because of the Aretha Franklin Beach near Newport, Ore. nature of his films, he does not Ben Gerard The mishap occured when the qualify for government subsidies Arthur Greenslade actor's vehicle, on which he was and "Fuego" has been banned en­ Joseph Hardy rehearsing for a racing sequence, tirely despite fact that Bo made a Ted Howard hit a dirt slick, throwing him to non-nude cool version for domestic Merrill E. Joels the ground. He was taken to North consumption. He claims other Latin Pilade Levi Lincoln County Hospital in Lincoln American producer-directors are al­ Carol Leonard William Levy lowed to get away with much more. City. Newman was placed in a cast Goffredo Lombardo and flown to Hollywood for further (According to Miss Sarli, curious Currently appearing twice daily on United Danton Rissner consultation by bis personal physi­ Argentinians have begun crossing Air Lines nonstops to and from New York. Jack Rose cian. the border into Uraguay where Ben Rosenberg they can see her pictures uncut.) Headliner on Red Carpet flights two Charles H. "Schneer The Newman-Foreman Produc­ tion for Universal has been shoot­ With a new government currently years running. Antoinette Sibley being established in his country. Arnold Stang ing on location on the Oregon Catch her act and see why the top coast since June 22. Since New­ Bo thinks the censorship situation James Stewart may ease up. This he deems essen­ names book United. _. Henry S. White man is in most of the remaining scenes, it may. be necessary to close tial if the Argentinian film is to Frank Wolff come into its own. Howard Zuker down until he recovers which could be four to six weeks.
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