Sample file STAR FLEET UNIVERSE CAPTAIN’S LOG #32 Launch Something New TABLE OF CONTENTS Federation Commander is now on the store shelves and (judging by the restocks and steadily- HISTORY increasing sales) is a smash hit. We’ve added a Circle of Vengeance by Randy O. Green ................................................... 2 new section to the Log about this new game. Last Command by Randy O. Green ........................................................ 15 As time goes by, we will have more new Tholian Military Ranks by Loren Knight ................................................... 18 product lines coming into the Star Fleet Universe COMMUNICATIONS to appeal to a broader range of gamers. Tournament Reports ................................................................................ 19 We will never forget the game that brought Come to Origins and Have a Blast .......................................................... 19 us here (Star Fleet Battles) and all of the other After Action Reports ................................................................................. 20 games (Federation & Empire, Star Fleet Battle Command the Future: New Products ...................................................... 22 Force, GURPS Prime Directive, Prime Directive Starline 2400 Miniatures: New Ships ....................................................... 23 d20) that contributed to the company’s best year. Ten Questions About Federation Commander ......................................... 24 Sales in 2005 were up 25% over 2004 while the Input Guide: Federation Commander ...................................................... 25 entire industry’s sales were down by 25% or Proposals Board ...................................................................................... 26 more. Our products are now in more stores than A Galaxy of Song ..................................................................................... 27 ever — while one-third of the game retailers went Ask Admiral Growler by Mike Filsinger .................................................... 28 out of business during 2004-5. To Ask the Question WHY? ..................................................................... 32 This is a universe, and that is something big- Staff Awards, Star Fleet Rangers ............................................................. 33 ger than any single game system. FEDERATION COMMANDER CAPTAIN’S LOG STAFF New Launch and New Questions ............................................................ 34 Publisher ................................. Stephen V. Cole How is FC different from SFB? ................................................................ 34 Managing Editor ..................... Steven P. Petrick Prototype rules from Romulan Border ..................................................... 36 Assistant Editor ............... Kenneth W. Burnside Federation Commander: Borders of Madness ......................................... 39 Business Manager .................. Leanna M. Cole Tournaments and Organized League Play .............................................. 40 Star Fleet Staff………Stewart Frazier, John D. Federation Commander Tactics ............................................................... 42 Berg, Chuck Strong, Jeff Laikind, Gary Example of Play ....................................................................................... 44 Plana, Scott Moellmer, Joe Butler, Mike New Ships for Romulans and Gorns ...................................................... 111 Filsinger, Nick Blank, Mike West, Andrew SCENARIOS Harding, Richard Sherman, John Sickels, SL241 Circle of Vengeance ..................................................................... 47 Matthew Francois, Chris Fant, Scott SL242 Last Command ............................................................................. 48 Tenhoff, Paul Franz, Jonathan Thompson. SL243 Network Disruption (Battle Group) ............................................... 49 Security Staff ................................ Ramses, Isis SL244 Hearth & Home ............................................................................. 51 Cover Art ........................................ Mark Evans SL245 Dragonslayer (Omega Sector) ..................................................... 53 Interior Art............. Dale McKee, Alvin Belflower 8J Sabotage (Federation Commander) ................................................... 54 Graphics .............. S Cole, T Geibel, K Burnside DATABASE PUBLISHER’S INFORMATION Battle Group: Network Disruption ............................................................ 55 Captain’s Log #32 was created and pub- Update: Kosnett’s War ............................................................................. 60 lished by Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc., P.O. Box Monster Special Rules: Cosmic Cloud .................................................... 62 8759, Amarillo, TX 79114. Contact ADB, Inc. to Brothers of the Anarchist XIII: Lyrans vs. Klingons .................................. 65 order spare parts (or to obtain a list), replace- TACTICS ment of defective or missing parts, or anything Victory At Origins 2005 by Ken Lin .......................................................... 66 relating to Star Fleet products. Include a stamped Tactical Primer: Drex by Scott Moellmer .................................................. 78 self-addressed envelope. Captain’s Log #32 is Term Papers............................................................................................. 79 copyright © 2006 Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc.; all rights are reserved under the Pan-American, VENUES International, and Berne Copyright Conventions. Star Fleet Command: New rules for Star Fleet Battles ............................ 82 All rules questions and submissions of new Playing SFB By E-Mail ............................................................................. 83 material should be sent to ADB, Inc., Post Office Star Fleet Warlord: Dawn of a New Day .................................................. 84 Box 8759, Amarillo, TX 79114. Include a stamped Prime Directive Role-Playing Universe .................................................... 84 self-addressed envelope if you wish a reply. Un- Star Fleet Battles On-Line ....................................................................... 84 solicited submissions are accepted only under Galactic Conquest ................................................................................... 85 the standard terms found in SFB Advanced Mis- Star Fleet Battle Force: The Scouts ......................................................... 86 sions and become the property of ADB, Inc. on FEDERATION & EMPIRE receipt; but authors are compensated if the item What’s Next, ISC Update ......................................................................... 87 is published. Others should inquire by letter. Proposals ................................................................................................. 87 No materials based on, for use with, or in- Rules & Rulings by Nick Blank ................................................................ 88 corporating elements of SFB or the Star Fleet Tactical Notes........................................................................................... 89 Universe may be published without permission Questions & Answers by Nick Blank ........................................................ 88 of ADB, Inc. From Strategic Operations: Operational Bases ....................................... 94 SampleElements of the Star Fleet Universe New Ships: Ship Information Table .......................................................... file 94 are the property of Paramount Pictures Corporation SHIPYARD Shipyard Report ....................................................................................... 95 and are used with their permission. New Ships ................................................................................................ 97 www.starfleetgames.com CAPTAIN’S LOG #32 — Date of Pubication 27 January 2006 Page 1 HISTORY STAR FLEET UNIVERSE STAR FLEET HISTORY he did so. Perhaps I can double back behind the trackers. Circle of Vengeance He stopped. Two Slirdarian security guards and a Klingon miner stood across from him, scarcely seven meters away. He Randy O. Green saw the Klingon grin at the dismay that must have been clearly written on his face. All three had hand weapons trained on his Valley Floor, Gharka III chest. The Klingon motioned toward his sidearm. With a grimace, 13 March, Y180 Slee drew it slowly and tossed it to the ground in front of them. With a chuckle, the Klingon said something in Slirdarian to the The lone human ran hard. Slee darted through scrub brush hulking bear-ape on his right side. The Slirdarian bared its teeth that was barely taller than his head, withered branches scratch- in what could only be a smile of anticipation, and slowly began to ing at his face. Sand dragged at his feet. The dry air threatened strip off its weapons belt and service tunic. The other Slirdarian to suck all the moisture from his body. A quick glance backwards howled in laughter, and then engaged in what could have only showed small clouds of dust rising behind him in the light of the been a spirited gambling session with the Klingon. He realized ochre sun, pinpointing his location for the entire world to see. No that they wanted to have a little fun first. He wasn’t surprised. matter. The time for stealth was past. Now only speed would You can do this. His
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