Macro Group UK & Polymer Physics Group Bulletin No 82 July 2014 Number Page 82 1 July 2014 MACRO GROUP UK POLYMER PHYSICS GROUP BULLETIN INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Editorial Views from the Top 2 Welcome to the July edition of the Macro Group and PPG bulletin. This edition sees a change to the PPG bulletin officer. Steve Eichhorn is 3 stepping down from this role and is replaced by Anthony Higgins. The Committee members MacroGroup and PPG committees would like to thank Steve for all his editorial work over the last two years. Awards 4 As usual, this issue of the bulletin contains several reports on recent conferences, and we would like to remind students that bursaries are News 7 available to MacroGroup and PPG student members to help fund conference expenses (see p10 for details of MacroGroup bursaries and Competitions announcements 10 p11 for details of bursaries available to PPG student members). Of special note, is the availability of the DH Richards bursaries to postdoctoral researchers who are members of the MacroGroup. Bursaries & Conference Reports 10-14 We also have many notices of forthcoming meetings and we would like to highlight in particular the one day Careers in Polymer Science: Beyond Forthcoming Meetings 15-18 Academia event in October, aimed specifically at postgraduate students and post-docs considering non-academic career paths. This issue also sees the call for nominations for the PPG Founders’ PrizePrizePrize and the PPG/DPOLY exchange lectureship with deadlines in early September. Contributions for inclusion in the BUL- LETIN should be emailed (preferably) Thank you to everyone who has contributed an item to this newsletter. or sent to either: Nathalie Lavignac Dr Nathalie Lavignac (MGUK) Anthony Higgins Medway School of Pharmacy Bulletin Officers University of Kent, Chatham, ME4 4TB [email protected] or Dr Anthony Higgins (PPG) College of Engineering Swansea University Singleton Park, The Pure and Applied Macromolecular Chemistry Group Swansea, SA2 8PP (Macro Group UK) is a joint group of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Society of Chemical Industry. [email protected] The Polymer Physics Group is a joint group of the Institute of Physics and the Royal Society of Chemistry . Tel: (01792) 602274 The deadline for contributions for the next issue is 24th December 2014 Macro Group UK & Polymer Physics Group Bulletin No 82 July 2014 Page 2 Views from the Top From the From the Chairman of Macro Group Chairman of the PPG I dare say that most of us belong to one or more social network, whether it is one set up by a Harvard undergraduate or one that “links in” Welcome to the latest issue of the Macro Group with other professionals. I certainly have seen my fair share of UK Bulletin. The summer is well and truly here photographs of gourmet dinners, cocktails by the poolside, and and I hope that you all are experiencing some nice sunny sunsets. But long before I joined any electronic social network, I weather! was a member of the Polymer Physics Group. It is apparent to me that this “original” type of network – based on occasional There is a wealth of interesting information in the current issue face-to-face meetings and periodic newsletters – has much to of the Bulletin, but perhaps I can draw your attention to one offer beyond what is gained from a collection of people in cy- item in particuar. The Macro Group UK Medals meeting will be berspace. Indeed, the Polymer Physics Group is a network that held at the SCI Headquarters in London on Decmeber 16th. can help your career, regardless of your stage. PPG aims to This one-day meeting features the 2013 winners of the Macro offer something for everyone, as I will consider here. Group UK and Young Researchers’ medals (Prof Ullrich Steiner and Dr Lorna Duggan, respectively) as well as the 2013 Jon For active researchers, there are our scientific meetings. In Weaver PhD Prize winner (Dr Joe Patterson). Their lectures are April, polymer physicists were among the 170 delegates in supported by an excellent list of speakers covering diverse as- Cambridge for our co-sponsored meeting on “The Physics of pects of polymer/soft matter science. I hope that many of you Soft and Biological Matter.” The delegate feedback was over- are able to attend what promises to be an excellent day. On whelmingly positive, with 71% saying they definitely/probably the subject of medals, nominations are now being accepted for would attend again, and 85% rating the meeting as “good.” the 2014 Macro Group UK and Young Researchers Medals. The Twitter feed (#softbio14) shared some of the excitement of We have changed the eligibility criteria for the latter medal to the event. Next year, there will be another opportunity for you to no more than 12 years post-PhD experience, instead of a sep- present polymer physics research at the PPG 27 th Biennial cific age limit. If you know of an excellent candidate for either Meeting at the University of Manchester. Plus on September medal please consider nominating them. Details on how to 11 th of this year, you can update your knowledge at our one-day nominate are given on the relevant page. meeting on “The Physics of Biopolymer Self-Assembly.” In May I had the pleasure of attending the Belgian Polymer For the most senior figures in polymer physics, those who in- Group Annual Meeting in Ghent. This conference runs over two spire our research and provide clear leadership, we offer recog- full days and is attended by the vast majority of the Belgian pol- nition with our Founders’ Prize, most recently awarded to Pro- ymer community, from both academia and industry. Most of fessor Donal Bradley. You now have a chance to nominate your the talks are given by home-grown PhD students and post- polymer physics “superstar” for the Founders’ Prize that will be docs, with some longer invited talks from established research- awarded in 2015. The deadline is on September 5 th . ers (Belgian and international). The meeting was extremely well organised and the quality of the science was excellent. It Perhaps most importantly, our network has much to offer early just shows that a relatively small community can organise a career researchers (ECRs), both in industry and academia. PPG major and successful event (there were around 250 delegates) are proud co-sponsors of the next “Recent Appointees in Poly- that is supported by eveyone; this type annual meeting is mer Science” (RAPS) meeting, which will be held in Reading on something that I think we would do well to emulate. September 3 - 5. Next year, an ECR will be representing our community when giving a lecture at the American Physical Soci- ety March Meeting in San Antonio, Texas. Nominations for this Continuing with the subject of meetings, our Young Research- lectureship are now open. Who is most deserving of this great ers’ Meeting will be held in Durham very soon (July 24-25). It looks like it will be an excellent event, with over 120 delegates opportunity? This is a chance to have your say. registered and close to 100 abstracts submitted. Over the years this has become our flagship event, at which we cele- In the January Newsletter, I floated the idea of a workshop to brate the success of our young researchers, and I am confident provide information on careers in polymer science, other than that this year’s meeting will continue this strong tradition. in academic settings. I had some very positive feedback, many words of encouragement, and offers of help. Plans have now moved forward for an event to be held at the Rutherford Apple- It only remains for me to wish you all a productive summer and ton Laboratory on Wednesday, October 29. Dr Cecile Dreiss look forward to seeing many of you in the coming year! ( [email protected] ) and Dr Ann Terry ([email protected]) are the organisers. You can find more Neil Cameron information elsewhere in this newsletter. The workshop will be Chairman Macro Group ideal for PhD students and post-doctoral researchers in poly- mer science who want to know more about opportunities for work in a wide range of industries. The ECRs can start building their own network of contacts in the professional sphere. Feeling left out? Let someone on the committee know what else you’d like to see in your polymer physics “network.” #somethingforeveryone Joseph Keddie Chairman Polymer Physics Group Macro Group UK & Polymer Physics Group Bulletin No 82 July 2014 Page 3 PPG & Macro Group Committees Polymer Physics Group Committee Macro Group Committee Chairman: Prof Neil Cameron (University of Durham) 2013 - 2016 Secretary: Dr Dave Adams (University of Liverpool) 2008 - 2016 Chair: Treasurer: Dr Lian Hutchings (University of Durham) 2011 - 2014 Professor Joe Keddie (University of Surrey) Ordinary Members: Dr Carl Waterson (Innospecinc), Meetings Officer 2006 - 2014 Dr Raj Bhardwaj (Polymer Laboratories) 2007 - 2014 Dr Christopher Sammon (Sheffield Hallam University), Web Site Officer 2007 - 2014 Prof. Ian Hamley (University of Reading), EPF Representative 2008 - 2014 Honorary Secretary and Treasurer: Dr Peter Shaw (Synthomer) 2010 - 2013 Dr Peter Deakin (Aldrich) 2011 - 2014 Dr Aline Miller (University of Manchester) Dr Cecile Dreiss (Kings College London) 2011 - 2014 Dr Nathalie Lavignac (University of Kent), Bulletin Officer 2011 - 2014 Dr Wim Thielemans (University of Nottingham) 2012 - 2015 Prof. Neil Cameron (University of Durham) 2012 - 2015 Ordinary members : Prof. Charlotte Williams (Imperial College) SCI Representative 2012 - 2015 Prof. Cameron Alexander (University of Nottingham) 2012 - 2015 Dr Paul Topham (University of Aston) 2013 - 2016 Professor Steve Eichhorn (University of Exeter) Dr Matthew Gibson (University of Warwick) 2013 - 2016 Dr Adam Limer (Unilever) 2013 - 2016 Dr Valeria Arrighi (Heriot -Watt University ) Membership Officer 2013 - 2016 Dr Jonathan Howse (University of Sheffield) Representative Members: Dr Ann Terry (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) Representing Society of Chemical Industry: Prof.
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