week ending PRL 114, 100403 (2015) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 13 MARCH 2015 Nonlinear Entanglement and its Application to Generating Cat States Y. Shen,1,2,3 S. M. Assad,2 N. B. Grosse,2 X. Y. Li,1 M. D. Reid,4 and P. K. Lam1,2,* 1College of Precision Instrument and Optoelectronics Engineering, Key Laboratory of Optoelectronics Information Technology of Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China 2Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, Research School of Physics and Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 0200, Australia 3Department of Physics, The National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China 4Centre for Atom Optics and Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Victoria 3122, Australia (Received 21 May 2014; revised manuscript received 21 September 2014; published 10 March 2015) The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox, which was formulated to argue for the incompleteness of quantum mechanics, has since metamorphosed into a resource for quantum information. The EPR entanglement describes the strength of linear correlations between two objects in terms of a pair of conjugate observables in relation to the Heisenberg uncertainty limit. We propose that entanglement can be extended to include nonlinear correlations. We examine two driven harmonic oscillators that are coupled via third-order nonlinearity can exhibit quadraticlike nonlinear entanglement which, after a projective measurement on one of the oscillators, collapses the other into a cat state of tunable size. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.100403 PACS numbers: 03.65.Ud, 03.67.Mn, 42.50.Dv, 42.65.Lm The argument developed in 1935 by Einstein, Podolsky, can lead to a form of nonlinear entanglement that demon- and Rosen (EPR) [1] illuminated a striking inconsistency: strates steerability by satisfying an equivalent nonlinear quantum mechanics, as it stood then and still stands today, EPR criterion. is a theory incompatible with the premise of local realism. In this Letter, we develop the concept of nonlinear EPR Although never doubting the validity of the theory in entanglement and propose a method for demonstrating it describing the outcomes of measurements, EPR concluded optically via a third-order nonlinear interaction. We reveal that quantum mechanics was conceivably an incomplete how a cat state of tunable size is produced by a simple description of reality. At the heart of the EPR paradox is the projective measurement of the quadraticlike correlations ideal case of two particles that are spatially separated, yet that naturally comprise the nonlinearly entangled state. exhibit both perfect linear correlation in momentum and Let us consider a three-photon down-conversion process, anticorrelation in position when measurements of each are where a pump photon at frequency ωC is down converted to compared. This set of correlations for a conjugate pair of a signal photon at frequency ωA and two degenerate idler observables, termed by Schrödinger as the phenomenon of photons at frequency ωB, with the energy conservation steering [2], requires the wave function describing both relation ωC ¼ ωA þ 2ωB. This process is described by the particles to be inseparable, in which the two particles are Hamiltonian said to be entangled. Hence, two particles that invoke the EPR paradox, i.e., can be steered, are defined as being Hˆ ¼ iℏκðaˆ †bˆ †2cˆ − aˆbˆ 2cˆ†Þ; ð1Þ EPR entangled [3–5]. The requirement of steerability is strictly stronger than that of entanglement (wave function where κ is the third-order coupling constant that describes ˆ inseparability), and strictly weaker than that of the Bell the strength of the nonlinear interaction, aˆ and b are the nonlocality [6–9]. annihilation operators of the down-converted signal and The entangled states of massive particles that were idler modes, and cˆ is the annihilation operator for the introduced in the original EPR paper, possessing correla- pump mode. tions in continuous variables (CVs), have so far escaped With this Hamiltonian we propagate the initial state of no verification. However, it was discovered that pairs of photons in the signal and idler modes and a coherent state particles of the electromagnetic field could be created via jαci in the pump mode for a time t. Using the method the process of optical parametric oscillation. The insepa- introduced in Ref. [16], we can obtain the generated state rable wave function of the resulting two-mode squeezed numerically. state [10] has since been used to demonstrate steerability, the Because of the down-conversion process induced by the EPR paradox [11–15], and a diverse command of quantum pump, the modes A and B evolve away from their initial information protocols. Surprisingly, only linear correlations vacuum states. This is evident in the joint probability leading to EPR entanglement have been considered thus far. distributions of the linear quadratures taken between modes We propose that nonlinear correlations in CV observables A and B, as shown in Fig. 1. These distributions, which 0031-9007=15=114(10)=100403(5) 100403-1 © 2015 American Physical Society week ending PRL 114, 100403 (2015) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 13 MARCH 2015 FIG. 1 (color). Linear quadrature joint probability distributions for (a) XA and XB, (b) XA and YB, (c) YA and XB, (d) YA and YB. The joint probability distributions between the quadrature am- plitudes of modes A and B displays no linear correlation.pffiffiffiffiffi Interaction strength αcκt ¼ 0.3 and pump amplitude αc ¼ 10. FIG. 2 (color online). Tuning a cat state. The probability distributions of the quadratures XB (left) and YB (right) when initially were Gaussian and circularly symmetric, now X ¼ 1 X ¼ 2 X ¼ 3 show a great deal of complexity, and hint at the nonlinear postselecting with (a) A , (b) A , (c) A , and (d) XA ¼ 4. The cat state amplitude increases with XA. Interaction correlation properties of the final two-mode state. pffiffiffiffiffi strength αcκt ¼ 0.3 and pump amplitude αc ¼ 10. Being a key element for quantum information processing [17–21], the cat state has been experimentally realized using several approaches [22–25]. However, to date, the asymmetric parabolic distribution with a marked negativity size of the state has not been readily tunable. In our and interference pattern near the center. In spite of the proposal, the projective measurement is a continuous dissimilar appearance, both Wigner functions in Figs. 3(a) variable, and, hence, allows the size of the cat state to and 3(b) exhibit strong coherent superposition character- be tuned continuously. Figures 2(a)–2(d) shows the cross istics, as seen by the ripples in the quadrature projections. sections of the joint probability distributions for values of Next, we shall show that the modes A and B are not only XA ¼ 1; 2; 3, and 4. Here we have taken the scaling ℏ ¼ 1. correlated, but also entangled. As an entanglement witness, These give the probability distribution of XB given a we use the negativity NðρˆÞ defined as [29] particular outcome of XA. For large-enough XA, we observe T two distinct peaks in XB, which become more separated ∥ρˆ B ∥ − 1 NðρˆÞ¼ ; ð2Þ with larger XA. This displays the coherent superposition 2 phenomena where two contradictory outcomes are simul- taneously possible. The interference fringes in the orthogo- where ρˆTBpisffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi the partial transpose over mode B and ˆ † nal mode YB tell us that the projected state cannot be a ∥A∥ ¼ Trð A AÞ is the trace norm. N>0 is the sufficient statistical mixture of two states. condition of entanglement. The Wigner function of the projected mode ρˆB for the Since the photons in modes A and B are generated outcome XA ¼ 3 is plotted in Fig. 3(a). We find that it bears simultaneously, we expect them to be entangled. For small a remarkable resemblance to the conventional optical cat interaction strength, the three-mode state is approximately state jα0iþj− α0i [26]. The fidelity between the generated ðj0A0Biþj1A2BiαcκtÞjαci, which is entangled between state and the cat state with α0 ¼ 2.9 is 0.943. modes A and B. This is shown in the negativity plots in For completeness, we also plot the Wigner function of Fig. 4(a). In Fig. 4(b), we see that for short interaction mode A for an outcome on XB ¼ 3 in Fig. 3(b). It shows an strength (αcκt<0.4), the state ρˆAB maintains a purity 100403-2 week ending PRL 114, 100403 (2015) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 13 MARCH 2015 FIG. 3 (color). Wigner function of postselected state. (a) Wigner function of projected mode B when XA ¼ 3, displaying features of a cat state. (b) Wigner function of projected mode A when XB ¼ 3. The projections on the vertical planes show the probability density distribution of a quadrature measurement. The horizontal plane projection gives a contour plot of the Wigner function.pffiffiffiffiffi Interaction strength αcκt ¼ 0.3 and pump amplitude αc ¼ 10. higher than 0.9. We also see in these figures that the entanglement strength and purity increase for a brighter pump and a correspondingly weaker coupling constant κ. This trend has its origins in the fact that a brighter pump has reduced depletion and, hence, approaches the parametric approximation [30,31]. Steerability is also exhibited in this two-mode state between the normal linear quadratures of mode A and the so-called squared amplitudes [32] of mode B, which are defined as FIG. 4 (color). (a) Entanglement, (b) purity, (c) linear steer- ability, and (d) quadratic steerability of the generated state. (a) We ˆ 2 ˆ †2 ˆ 2 ˆ †2 ð2Þ b þ b ð2Þ ðb − b Þ observe a positive negativity for all interaction time indicating Xˆ ¼ ; Yˆ ¼ ; ð3Þ B 2 B i2 entanglement between modes A and B. (b) The state ρAB has a high purity when αcκt<0.3.
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