3 B T W B L V S SATURDAY, HAT , M . ’^ IRanclirfltnr Etmtitig f rraUi 16 1 6 D02VT FAIL tOUR HOSPITAL--IT NEEDS YOUR AID NOW •paghettl aupper. Laat Saturday aold hla e o tt a « at 'White Banda, Old . Irving B. August who Uvas at 411 night the club bad an open night Mias Cbarictta Atwood o t North I l u auperintsiidants tk* Chureh A B O U m W N Lyme, to a Weat Hartford resident North Main street, Manchester, Adams, Maas., has been apoiding and aerved a clam chowder aupper and has purchased a cottage at Sdiool of tba South Methodist which wa* enjoyed by all preaent Conn., attended the Dean’s List Din­ her spring vacation with her grand­ church are asked te meet in the Beach Park Point in the town of mother, Mrs. M. Dillon, at the home Thn Red Men’! Sodel C3ub on Clinton. As soon as the weather be­ ner held at the University Club by church p^qr promptly at 10:80 a. AVmUOB DA0.S CnCDLATION r- THB WBATHBB of Mr. and Mrs. EM win Bertscha of m. this Sunday to discuas plans for Psreeaat ot D. B. Woothor Beraoe, Bralnard piece will entertain Its comes warmer Mr. and Mrs. Strant Northwestern University. Henry street. fo r the Month et ApiU, 1086 member! and friend* tonight with a George Strant o f Main atreet, haa wilt occupy their new cottage. Children's Day. Saitfoid 5 , 8 4 6 Loeol thimdenliewero ttto after* Member of the Amst iianrhwtpr lEwntng ^? rali BOOB or tonight! cooler tontgirt; 1 Tneoday geoeraUy fair and cooler. ' ' I Boreen of CIrealstlon*. Try Our Well Known ' MANCHESTER - A CITY OF VILLAGE (H ARM VOL. LV., NO. 196. (UaaaUed .Advertislag on Pag* iCi) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MAY 18,1936: (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENIg, ITALIAN CUISINE Frigdaire Commerical For Your Sunday Dinner Refrigeration GUFFEY ACT UNCONSTITUTIONAL Convince Yourself There’s None Better Anywhere AU Types o f Installations, Including RESETTLEMENT LAW What Are Your Views BOLIVIA’S ARMY MILK COOLERS ONE WEEK-MAY I6.h to 23rd SPECIAL TOMORROW TAKES CONTROL, SUPREME COURT (New Aerating System — No Bulky Brine Tank) SPAGHETTI DINNER... $1.00 DECLARED ILLEGAL On Charter Revision? WALK-IN BOXES — DISPLAY CASES Antipasto To the Voters and Taxpayara of tha Town of Mandieater: OUSTSJORZANO .Spaghetti NEW DEAL LABOR PLAN (Thoiceof: WATER COOLING - IC'E MAKING The Charter Revision committee ie In the process of drawing Half Chicken Rabbit (Coniglio) a la Cacciatore Steak BY APPEALS COURT up a new charter for Manchester. The committee has no axe to Pie and Coffee grind and dealrea only to recommend auch charter changes as will Joins F ith Socialists to End AIR-CONDITIONING Our Annual May Sale of Spring be acceptable to the citizens of the town. f By Six to Three Decisioi Senate Group Presents Estimates Furnished Fabrics. Suitable for All Occasions. District of Colombia Tribonal Up to tha present time no final dadeiona havs ba4n made aa ""State of W ar” and Gen­ BORAH-LANDON to any provisions that are to go Into the new charter. Tha com- Nation’s Highest TribonaL^ mlttae would like to hear from the cittsena of Maneheater aa to eral Strike; War Hero to VILLA MARIA HOTEL Declares It Violates State’s what faults they see In our present system of town government, Compromise Tax Bill and what changes should be made therein. Several appeals for D echres Price Fixing PnH r South Glastonbuiy, Conn. UST TUESDAY suggaatlons have already been made to the public through the KEMP’S, INC. (Located Beyond New London Turnpike Towards New London from Buck’s Comers— Be Made President Rights; New Dealers Silent press, and to date not one letter has been received by the com- Look for the Red Light) mittee from a cltlsen of Manchester. Does this mean that Uta Washington, Msy 18.—(AP) —^ “tha oUeatlon o f insurance that visions of Soft Coal Code^ might be applied to pay tha govern- G. MIGLIETTA, Prop. PHONE GLASTONBURY 445-5 INNE^JERSEY voters of the town are satisfied with the present arrangement ’ll)* Treasury estimated today that Until the Decision Is and do not wish to see it changed in any paiticularT ^ L a Pas, Bolivia, May 18.— (A P) the latest compromise tax plan of ment’a taxea." The committee planned no further Not Legal; NRA Dedsioil' 10*. TO 3 3 ** —A provisional junta of soldiers the Senate finance committee would sesalotM until W e^eaday. Stndied. The committee desires and solicits letters of criticism of the and Boclallsta ruled Bolivia today • Dress Goods Popular Orchestra Saturday Nights Fort-HoRman Battle Is a present charter and suggeations for Improvements In our present produce $642,000,000 ot which $173,- In the face o f the delay in seach- Is Cited A s a PrecedenL form of government. If you are satisfied with the status quo, after the civilian government of 000,000 would come from individ­ Ing an agreement on the tax con­ • Flat Crepe Prints SPECIALIZING IN SPAGHETTI AND RAVIOU let that fact be known. Make your critlclsma now instead of President Joee Lula Tejada Borsano ual Income tax payers. troversy, .word wsa passed in re­ WaOhlngtqn, May 18.— (A P )—'Ah’ after the work of the oomralttee is complete. Ittdleativs, however, the fact sponsible Capitol HIU soureea today ALL TYPES OF CATERING Feature of Primary; Two fen in a peaceful military coup. a t Washington, May 18—.(A P I- • Washable Silks tacMng the 1935 Relief Act through that the committee still is groping that PresIdSBt Roosevelt considered 10 CHICKENS FREE What do you think of government by town meeting in Man­ The new council called war hero New Deal lost today in the Bup • Lingerie Silks a- teat case Involving the reeettle- Ckil. David Toro back from the Gran for an agreement on how to re;^te tax legislation essential and be­ 2 Each To Five Lucky Persons. To Be Drawn Saturday, States to Hold Conven­ chester? Do you think we ought to have a Town Manager? the tax bill as it passed the House, Court In its oontrotiem that FEATURING Should we have a Charity Commission, a Water Commlaelon, a Chaco to ^ om e President, gained lieved Congress should stay In ses­ May 16th. ment Administration, the Diatrict were requests for additional estl- sion until a bill goes on the statute Guffey Boft Coal Act was • Satins Public Works Commission, or do we have too many Commissions auspenaion o f a genera] strike move­ Also a 6-Lb. Roast of Beef—Friday—Drawing after of Columbia Court of Appeals held tions; Hasting Raps FDR. ment and proclaimed as its objec­ matas on other ways of raising the books. ■tltUtlOBSl. • Sport Silks today that It transgressed the Oon- already? Should the town pay lor Indoor recreation? Who session of The Herald Cooking School. FF should prepare the annual budget? Do we need a Board of tive to “orient the nation toward a $623,000,000 of permanent revenue The Treasury, Harrison told m a trenchant decialoa, ths ' atitotion. sought by the President. newsmen, banded over flguros today Finance? How about biennial eleettons? Should we relieve the soclalistle state by prudent, gradual said the conclusiea was unavoidable 1 No Strings Attached. Just Send In This Conpon Early. Three of the five Judges ruled, as means, without convulsions.’’ Cibalrman Harrison (D., Miss.) to show also that by retaining bad the Supreme Court in the NRA Washington, May 18— (AP) — A Selectmen of some of their duties or should we leave things gen- "that the price fixing provisions rally as they are? Advices from the interior Indicat­ named three-sub-commltteea, to re­ permanently the preaent excess POPULAR MARKET and AAA cases, that the law ap­ big week of pre-convention politics ed absolute tranquility provalled port Wednesday morning on the profits and capital stock taxes, ths (bituminous) code ar* ao C heney Hall Salesro o m propriating $4,880,000,000 delegat­ 855 Main Street Rubinow Building attentitn directed toward a strength Letters may be addressed to the Clerk of the Committee, or to throughout this Bouth American "windfall'' tax feature of the meas­ which would be kepi only tem­ lated to end dependent upon ed powera improperly to President HARTFORD ROAD attention director toward a strength the Open Forum of the Manchester Evening Herald. If you will state of almost 3,000,000 peopi*. ure, on a provision for refunds on porarily and at half ratoa under the labor proviaiona aa conditions, Name ....................................... Address............................ Roosevelt and violated states’ REMNANTS AND IMPERFECTS test between supporters of Senator tell the committee what you want the committee will try and The government overturn was the floor stocks on band at the time ot House bUl, $168,000,000 of annual rights. The Resettlement Admlnls- ■iderationa or compensations, as Borah of Idaho and Governor Alf M. give it to 3TOU. It aims to plesae and it would like to know your second to arise in the aftermath of invalidation of the AAA. and on revenue would be produced. trarion was considered invalid. pleasure. make it clearly probabla that Landon of Kansas in tomorrow’s the long Chaco war. Bolivia’s sol New Deal offl^als conferred at former being held bad, th* lat state-wide Presidential primary in diera seized power juzt three months ones to see where the decision left New Jersey. THE CHARTER REVISION COMMITTEE. would not have been paiaaed. U after their former enemies in Para­ ITALIAN NEWSPAPER LAGER. PORTER relief policy.
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