A WAVE OF S .P .R . C R ISIS RESIGNATIONS " Psychical Research is By far the most important PRICE 6d. Net. work that is being done P e r Annum » - 7/- post free Ilk the world.”— „ (Abro ad) 8/- post free W. E. GLADSTONE U.S.A. and Canada, 2 dollars C ontinental Editor : M. PASCAL FORTHUNY No. 200. V o l. 18. MAY, 1930. P rice Sixpence N et. CHIEF CONTENTS. MARYLEBONE PAGE O u r O u t l o o k T o w e r . The Editor 113 SPIRITUALIST ASSOCIATION, LTD. The Crisis in the Society for Psychical Research. Marylebone House, 42 Russell Square, W.C.l My Progress from Positivist Materialism to Spiritualistic Science ••• Prof- Ernest Bozzano 115 The Late Lord Balfour as Psychical Researcher 117 Mr, H . Dennis Bradley on Millesimo and the SUNDAY S.P • lv. ... ... ... ... ... ... The Psychic Influence in Literature R- H- Saunders 118 SERVICE The Survival of Mr. P, Goedhart ! His Hopes for A Real World Congress in 1931 ... 119 E d i t o r i a l : THE SOUL AS A PART O F N A T U R E .................................. 120 AEOLIAN HALL O u r I nternational C h r o n i c l e NEW BOND STREET, W. Pascal Forthuny 121 at 6.30 p.m. — Death of a French M inister. A Friend’s Literary Success. A W ilyThief. The Visit of M. Jean Finot. SILVER COLLECTION ON ENTERING My Doctor’s Ailments. The Paris Newspapers and Sir A. Conan Doyle. Virgil’s M essianic Prophecy. Ancient Book Tests Savants and 44 Metapsychics.” The Man-Eating Tiger. A Strange Annamite Marriage. Agnes Pilch, Medium. A Case of Obsession. Apparatus for Talking with the Beyond. F or Particulars of W e ek -d a y activities apply to the Youth Discusses Survival After Death ... 124 Hon. Sec.: F. W . Hawken, 42 Russell Square, W .C .l T d . : M u s e u m 0676 Researches by Telephone Pioneers in Canada Margaret E. Helsby 126 Publishing, Editorial, Advertisement and Registered Offices:— THE INTERNATIONAL PSYCHIC GAZETTE. LTD., 69. HIGH HOLBORN. LONDON. W.C.l IIEntered as Second-class M atter at the Post Office at Boston. Mas^.. U.S. A., under the Act of M arch 3, 1 8 7 9 . Sec. 3 9 7 , P .L . and R } f PR NATIONAL PSYCHIC GAZETTE, 1 Tifi -------------« 2 PAUL IN ATHENS I 7 / 0 1 [Scripts of Cleophäs) MIT tIEf by GERALDINE CUMMINS THE NEW ASTRONOMY JACK a COSMIC PHYSIOLOGY 4 / 6 An Introduction to the Subject. NET s of this remarkable work by G. E. SUTCLIFFE *' In the controversy over Spiritism, regard will have to be paid to a series of psychic experiments conducted without professional mediumship in Millesimo Castle, THE OCCULT CAUSES Italy. The evidence is documented and attested O F D I S E A S E 6 7 - by persons of known integrity.”— Liverpool Evening Post. by E. 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NET A u th o r o f ‘‘An Artist in the Great Beyond.” Paternoster House LONDON Paternoster House Q, LONDON Paternoster Row RIDER & CO« E.C.4 Paternoster Row I ^ I I ^ B K Ok V V . 4 E.C.4 VISITORS TO LONDON Remember to visit the PSYCHIC BOOKSHOP, LIBRARY & MUSEUM Opposite Westminster Abbey, at Abbey House, 2 Victoria Street, S.W.i T H E M U SEU M NEW BOOKS. IN THE MUSEUM you will learn in an hour more of- -Psychic - and Spiritualistic Marvels t h a n you m ight THE SPIRITUAL ADVENTURES in years of personal research and reflection, for h e r e you see the Actual Products of Supernormal Intervention in OF A BUSINESS MAN. Art and Literature.— Admission to the Museum, 1/-. , By J. A. R. Purchas. With Preface by DO NOT LEAVE LONDQN without seeing the famous painting in the Museum— Robert Blatchford. 7s. 6d. (by post 8s.). " Must carry conviction to anyone who is capable of “ THE ETERNAL MARCH.” weighing evidence.” It is at once a Masterpiece of Art and a SuBject for * S ir Arthur Conan Doyle in the Foreword Reflection fqr every earnest soul. THE LENDING LIBRARY. EXPERIENCES IN THE For all Books on Psychic Science. The Library contains over 2,000 volumes, among which UNSEEN WORLD. will b e f o u n d many now Quite out of print, and which have By W. Stainton Moses, M.A., Oxon. Through b e c o m e scarce. All new important publications are the hand of S. 0 . Cox. An excellent descrip­ a d d e d o n publication. tion of the spirit world. 2s. (by post 2s. 3d.). TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. London Members.—For one volume at a time, but changed as o f t e n as desired :— THE LAMPBEARER. <£1 Is. Od. per annum. Experiences and Progress in the Spirit World. 12s. 6d. for six months. 2s. 6d. for one month, with a deposit of 2/6 “ I commend it to the careful and sympathetic (returnable) when subscription is cancelled. study of the reader.” — Rev. George Vale Owen Country Subscribers.—Pay the same subscription, but can in the preface. 2s., or cloth 3s. 6d. have two books at a time. In either case where books have to be sent by post a further deposit should be made to cover cost of postage, TALKS WITH THE IMMORTALS. and any balance will be returned at end of subscription. Through the hand of S. 0 . Cox. Messages Subscribers taking books by post are expected to return them socurely packed or pay the cost of repair if damaged from many famous musicians and philosophers in transit. of the past. 2s. (b y post 2s. 3d.). THE INTERNATIONAL PSYCHIC GAZETTE H o. 2 0 0 . V o l . 18. M A Y , 1930* P r i c e S i x p e n c e N e t " It is not only Spiritualists who are seriously upset Our Outlook Tower. by the present methods of the S.P.R. It seemed to me months ago that the handing over to a Jesuit priest the decision as to the genuineness of the Scripts of THE CRISIS IN THE SOCIETY FOR Cleophas was an im pertinence, and I wrote to the Secretary about it, of course without avail. I have since left the PSYCHICAL RESEARCH. Society, after having belonged to it since its inception. H E A R T Y SUPPORT FOR SIR A . CONAN DOYLE. It seems to me that the S.I*.R. officials are running pretty close to the wind, for they are taking money in the form R. W . H. S a l t e r , the Honorary Secretary of subscriptions from m em bers for the purpose of Psychical M of the S.P.R., in a letter to ourselves Research, when by their actions they prevent it." published last month, said :— “ HORRID SCENES.” " I agree entirely with all you say regarding the " The Society has received several letters from discourtesy and tone of articles w ritten by Mr. Besterm an, prominent Spiritualists strongly disapproving of and the general state of the Society. In fact I sent in Sir Arthur’s action and expressing complete con­ fidence in the Society’s m ethods." m y resignation last autum n, following the special m eetings which were called. These were of such a nature as to We mentioned that Sir Arthur, on the other fill me with disgust. It is very sad to see a Society hand, had received many letters from members which has held the position of the S.P.R. in a condition of of the Society who sympathised with his action, inactivity and dry dullness, such as is its state to-day. The attem pt of a few members, including myself, to and we publish below short excerpts from these, introduce by open voting some new members on the which may be left to speak for themselves as Council was met by a storm of protest and accusations to the kind of “ complete confidence in the of desiring to harass the Council, and so on ! No doubt Society’s methods ” at present entertained. you heard of the horrid scenes which took place." A WAVE OF RESIGNATIONS. " I have received your letter, every word of which I agree with, and my resignation will follow. I have ** I have resigned membership of the S.P.R. I received been a member of the S.P.R. ever since it started, but no help from it." it almost seems condoning dishonesty to continue to subscribe." “ I became a member of the S.P.R.
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