CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E213 community. Pamela and Matthew have been ment. The Conservative Republicans wanted such an outrageous and illegal bastardization named New Mexico's top two student volun- nothing less than the total destruction of their of the American system of justice. It is only teers in the 1999 Prudential Spirit of Commu- political enemy, the nationally elected Presi- the right wing conspiracy, in justification of nity Awards program, an annual honor con- dent of our United States. Maybe this sounds their destructive pursuit, who would have you ferred on the most impressive student volun- partisan, but I'm not here to make friends or believe this is simply ``equal justice under the teers in each state, the District of Columbia win any popularity contests with my fellow law''. and Puerto Rico. Congressmen, I'm here to do what my people From almost the minute the case was The program that brought these young role asked me to doÐrepresent them. I won't pre- placed in the hands of the Congress it be- models to our attentionÐThe Prudential Spirit tend that I am not a staunch Democratic sup- came clear to me that I was no longer part of of Community AwardsÐwas created by the porter of the President. I'll just give you a little a ``Representative'' body. The American peo- Prudential Insurance Company of America in history, tell you what I've seen, you be the ple, the people who voted and sent us here, partnership with the National Association of judge. were left completely out of the process. Their Secondary School Principals in 1995 to im- It started in 1992, when a Southern, pro- ``Representatives'' decided to pursue their press upon all youth volunteers that their con- choice, environmentally minded moderate won OWN agenda instead and, with the approval tributions are critically important and highly the Presidency. The Republican minority in of their counterparts in the Senate, used their valued, and to inspire other young people to Congress were stunned. This Democratic majority muscle and pushed it through the follow their example. This program is the na- President did not attempt to win their approval House. No debate, no opposing arguments tion's largest youth recognition effort based by advocating their issues. In fact, he made considered, no witnesses needed. Don't be solely on community service, with more than hard and fast enemies while he picked apart fooled by the political theater you saw on C- 50,000 young people participating. their proposals and vetoed them. They Span. That was just a show to have you think I applaud Pamela and Matthew for their ini- shouldn't have taken it so personally because we were doing our constitutional duty. In fact, tiative in seeking to make their community a the reality is, he didn't make friends with the Mr. HYDE even told you at one point that we better place to live, and for the positive impact Democrats either! But it was back then that shouldn't be concerned with the President's they have had on the lives of others. They they decided they had to get rid of him. ``removal from office''. He said that's not what have demonstrated a level of commitment and In 1994, the Republicans succeeded in tak- impeachment means, and that a vote in favor accomplishment that is truly extraordinary in ing over the Congress with huge amounts of of the Articles didn't mean that we thought the today's world, and deserve our sincere admi- soft money from large corporations, rich spe- President should be removed from office. Did ration and respect. Their actions show that cial interest groups, and other ultra-conserv- you believe that? Well it may be true. They young Americans canÐand doÐplay impor- ative organizations. Even with their new Major- don't have to actually remove him to destroy tant roles in our communities, and that Ameri- ity in the House, the President continued to his presidency, and that IS their primary goal. ca's community spirit continues to hold tre- win the political fights and continued to gain To be fair, some of my colleagues on the mendous promise for the future. favor in the hearts and minds of the voters. other side of the aisle were interested in doing I am proud that these two outstanding While the new Majority tried to shut down the the right thing and giving this issue the level young people are from the district which I rep- government, the President stood for issues of of consideration it warranted. You might have resent, the first district of New Mexico and en- National concern such as education and social heard about this ``secret evidence'' that was courage them to continue to be leaders in- security. In effect, even though they had the ``shown'' to those undecided voters that ``con- volved in the improvement of their community. House, they still lost. Now, they decided, it vinced'' them to vote in favor of the Impeach- f was time to make a move for the political as- ment Articles. I can tell you that there was no sassination of their enemy. evidence, but it certainly was secret. They STATEMENT ON THE With the right wing organization behind were presented with threats that they would IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDINGS them, the House Conservatives tried a variety lose their special committee positions unless of tactics, each one unsuccessful. They they towed the Party line. They obeyed, and HON. ROBERT A. BRADY sought to indict him as a criminal. They pro- two Articles of Impeachment were pushed OF PENNSYLVANIA ceeded to dredge up and spin allegations of il- through the House on a strictly partisan vote IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES legal involvement by either President or First in spite of the President's consistently high job Lady, (whitewater, travelgate, filegate, etc. approval ratings. Thursday, February 11, 1999 . .) They knew that with the right amount of Into the House of the Senate marched the Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I pressure and enough fuel, they could get the 13 Conservative Managers, with their own don't think I need to say anything about the Attorney General to grant their request for a special ``rule of law'' and their own version of facts of this case. The thousands of pages Special Prosecutor (a Republicans zealot of ``truth and justice'', as self proclaimed ``Rep- from the Independent Council say it all, and their choice) to ``get him''. With the help of the resentatives of the People''. What people? anyone who still thinks there's enough in there media, (there's no news like bad news involv- Certainly not the majority of the American peo- to convict the President on Purgery or Ob- ing the President), they succeeded. ple. They continued to support the President. struction of Justice charges should read them Just short of four years and forty million tax They don't want him removed from office. again. I can't add anything to the case the dollars later, not a single shred of indictable They know his character is flawed, and while White House council presented, so I won't try. evidence was uncovered. This is incredible the scandal is fund to watch on TV, they trust I'm not going to talk about Constitutional Law, when you consider that EVERY stone had him to do his job because they know he has except to say that I don't see how the Presi- been unturned. This was also a serious prob- the best interests in his heart. In spite of the dent can be removed from office in this case lem for the Republican since they spent all very best efforts to ruin him, the Conservative even if the charges could be proven. While that time and money with nothing to show for Republicans have failed. President Clinton is guilty of bad behavior and it and, in spite of the media storm they pro- This brings us to our current dilemma. The lack of moral judgment in this issue, he didn't duced, the President's job approval rating was Conservatives have a problem. We need to put the country in jeopardy. Instead, I'll tell you still climbing! Then BINGO! They got lucky. end this and gain back the respect of the about the political lynching that's been going In walks that paragon of American virtue American people but how can THEY get out of on, how we got here, and why we can't seem that we all know and love, Ms. Linda Tripp, this gracefully? How can the Conservative to get back to the issues of the people of with juicy tales of her illegally taped conversa- Senators save face for their Congressional America. tions with the now famous Monica. Although counterparts? It seems that the Republicans fi- Ever since I can remember, I have regarded this wasn't exactly the stuff that ``High Crimes nally have their exit strategy. They will refuse the United States House of Congress with a and Misdemeanors'' are made of, it's still all to exit. They will take their chances and keep kind of awe. Throughout my political career they had, so they had to make it work. The this going as long as they possibly can with I've been impressed by the Representatives new leader of the effort to destroy the Presi- the hope that they will publicly destroy the on both sides of the House and held them in dent, the so-called ``independent'' council, de- President and the Democratic party.
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