Boreham Parish Council Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Boreham Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Boreham at 7:30 pm on Monday 6th January 2014. Present Councillor J Galley (Chair) Councillor R Munnery Councillor S Bass Councillor A Piercy Councillor Mrs S Harris Councillor Mrs G Cooch Councillor Mrs P Joughin Councillor L Batson Councillor L Mann Councillor A Chinery Minute 2495 Councillor G Baynes Also in attendance Mrs J Lane (Parish Clerk), Mrs D Crick (Minute Secretary), and Mr G Baynes, applicant for Parish Council vacancy, District Commander Ronnie Egan and two parishioners. DC Ronnie Egan explained that Essex Police would be withdrawing the match funded PCSO posts from March 2014. This decision had been made due to budgeting constraints. The Evolve Programme was the new restructuring plan for the Police Force. It was anticipated that Neighbourhood policing (although due to reduced personnel would not be a dedicated team) would continue. All match funded PCSOs would remain in place until restructuring takes place. There was an option for parish councils to fully fund a PCSO post. Another option would be to share funding with a similar Council, e.g. Springfield or Great Leighs. Members raised the following questions and DC Egan agreed to come back to the Parish Council with answers: 1.) If the Parish Council pays 50% towards the cost of a PCSO, would the Parish of Boreham receive 50% of the PCSO’s time? 2.) If the Parish Council fully funded a PCSO post, would the Parish receive 100% of the PCSO’s time or would the PCSO be deployed to meet operational requirements in the Chelmsford area? 3.) Can the Parish Council be advised of other parishes in Essex that currently match fund a PCSO? 4.) Why was there no community engagement or consultation with the parish council before the decision was made? 5.) Essex Police is aware of the timing of Parish Council budgets and precept setting. The Parish Council has now set its precept for 2014/15 and cannot therefore explore the option suggested by Essex Police to fully fund a PCSO post. It also has a figure in its budget for 2014/15 to match fund a PCSO. Why did Essex Police not take this into account when informing Parish Councils of its decision to withdraw match funded PCSO posts? Councillor J Galley thanked DC Ronnie Egan for attending the meeting and she then left. Before the commencement of the formal business of the meeting, the Chairman read out a report submitted by PCSO Farrell regarding incidents that had taken place in the parish of Boreham. The report was noted and there were no further questions or comments. 2490 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence had been received from PCSO Jess Farrell who was on a rest day . 2491 Councillors’ Declarations of Interest Parish Council 06.01.14 1 / 6 There were no declarations of Interest. 2492 Dispensation Requests No requests were received. 2493 Public Participation Session 1. A local resident advised that Satellite Navigation systems in vehicles are directing vehicles from Plantation Road, who are trying to reach St Andrews and Butterfield Road, through Haslefoot Road, a private and dead end road. Although two ‘dead end’ signs had been erected, drivers appear to ignore the signs. The resident requested that the Parish Council approach Essex County Council Highways on behalf of Haslefoot Road residents and ask for the words “Dead End Road” to be painted in large white letters at the entrance to Haselfoot Road (i.e. the public section of the road). The Parish Council agreed to support residents in this matter but advised that there were a number of other highway matters outstanding which took priority over this. 2. It was reported that there was a very large pot hole in Church Road. The Clerk confirmed that this had been reported to Essex County Council Highways and they had now been out to inspect it. 3. A local resident raised concerns with regard to the bad state of repair of the McMillian Cottages in Church Road, which have been listed since 1975 and are in a conservation area. He advised that they have been on the ‘at risk register’ for the last 3 years. The Chairman advised that the Legal Department at Chelmsford City Council were in the process of preparing an enforcement order under Section 60 (which covers all renovations not just vegetation) to be served on the owner; the owner would then have to get the work done. 4. A member asked why the street lights were not turned on overnight at Christmas and New Year. Also, the lights had been left on during the night of the first winter storm, but not during the second storm which was much worse. The Chairman advised that these were County Council decisions. It was questioned what savings had been made as a result of the lights being switch off and it was agreed to pass this query on to County Councillor John Spence. 2494 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 2 December 2013 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 2 December 2013 had been previously distributed. It was RESOLVED that the Minutes be signed as a true record of the meeting. 2495 Application received for the vacancy of Parish Councillor The Parish Council had one vacancy to be filled by co-option and an application had been received from Mr Geoffrey Baynes. The applicant was present at the meeting and was asked to leave the room whilst members discussed his application. Following a general discussion it was unanimously AGREED that Mr Geoffrey Baynes should be co-opted to fill the vacant Parish Council post. The successful applicant signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, witnessed by the Clerk. Councillor G Baynes joined the meeting and he was welcomed onto the Parish Council. 2496 Revised date for the Parish Meeting and Planning Committee Meeting scheduled to take place on Monday 21st April, which is a bank holiday Members were reminded that the Parish Meeting must meet annually between 1 March and 1 June. The Clerk suggested a date of 28th April 2014. This was unanimously agreed by all Parish Council 06.01.14 2 / 6 members present. 2497 Correspondence a Letter from Essex Police regarding the withdrawal of match funded PCSO posts across Essex Members were very disappointed to learn that without any consultation Essex Police had decided to withdraw match funded PCSO posts from 31 March 2014. Councillor Galley advised that there are two local parishes that currently match fund PCSOs: Springfield and Great Leighs. Springfield is a much larger parish, (six times greater in size than Boreham) whereas Great Leighs is closer in size so would be a much more suitable partner. It was AGREED that the Chairman, and other councillors, meet with Great Leighs Parish Council and explore the possibility of working together to fully fund a PCSO post. If both Parish Councils are then in agreement discussions would then be held with Essex Police. It was accepted that safeguards would need to be built into the contract. It was also AGREED that the Parish Council would write to Essex Association of Local Councils to ask for their support in this matter in view of their links with Nick Alston, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex. It was further AGREED that the Parish Council would write to Steve Kavanagh, the Chief Constable of Essex, and Nick Alston, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex, expressing its disappointment that no consultation took place with Parish Councils or local communities before the decision was taken to withdraw match funded PCSO posts, and the timing of the decision which meant it was too late for councils to take this into account when setting their precepts. A request would be made that we continue with the existing arrangement for 12 months to give the Parish Council time to take the implications of PCSO funding fully into consideration when setting its precept for 2015/2016. Councillor P Joughin expressed her continued personal view that the PCSO arrangement had not had an impact on crime figures in the Boreham Parish. b Email correspondence with a local resident and Essex County Council with regard to Footpath 29 Following concerns raised by local residents with regard to the condition of Footpath 29, Members noted that this matter had now been resolved and the path had been reinstated. c Email correspondence with a local resident and Essex County Council with regard to satellite navigation error, Haselfoot Road. This matter was discussed under Minute 2493 1) Public participation Session. It was AGREED to submit a request to the Chelmsford Local Highways Panel for the wordings “Dead End Road” to be painted on the entrance to Haselfoot Road. However, this scheme would not take priority over the outstanding approved highway schemes for the Parish. d Email correspondence from New Image with regard to printing the Parish Newsletter. New Image is unable to continue to print the Boreham village Newsletter. Members are asked to consider seeking quotations from other printers. The Clerk has obtained two quotations: Chelmsford City Council: £828 + VAT The Printing Place: £400 + VAT (written confirmation awaited). The current cost is £414. Councillor L Batson recommended obtaining a quote from the Chelmsford Diocese Print Unit. Members agreed that The Clerk should proceed with the quote given by The Printing Place unless a better quotation can be obtained. There are tight time constraints as the next newsletter is due to go to print at the end of January 2014. Parish Council 06.01.14 3 / 6 e Essex Association of Local Councils – Calendar of Events 2014 Members were asked to let the Clerk know if they wish to attend any of the training courses.
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