AIDA cares Summary 2016 AIDA cares 2016 – Summary TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Foreword and message of the president .................... Page 3 2.0 About this report and materiality analysis ................. Page 5 3.0 AIDA Cruises – Company profile .................................. Page 6 4.0 Our sustainability philosophy and strategy ............... Page 8 5.0 Our standards ............................................................. Page 10 6.0 In Dialogue .................................................................. Page 12 7.0 Our main areas of action ............................................ Page 13 7.1 Environment and climate protection .................. Page 13 7.2 Employees ............................................................ Page 40 7.3 Guests ................................................................... Page 57 7.4 Successes .............................................................. Page 70 Imprint ......................................................................... Page 77 2 AIDA cares 2016 – Summary TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 FOREWORD The market for cruises is growing. In 2015 Germany was With each new generation of ships we set new stand- the second-largest cruise market worldwide, behind the ards at AIDA: in terms of guest comfort and vacation ex- USA. In Europe, Germans even take the lead when it perience, as well as in the area of environmental protec- comes to cruise vacations. In early 2016 we welcomed tion. Even when planning and commissioning our ships the eleventh ship to our fleet – AIDAprima. In the com- we set great store by using the best available technolo- ing years we will be commissioning three more new gies in order to minimize the impact of our operations AIDA ships and will double our capacity. That means on the environment and the climate. we are and will remain a growth driver in the German cruise market. In many areas AIDA Cruises is taking a pioneering role – for example with regard to the use of liquefied natural At the same time, a cruise is inextricably linked with gas (LNG) for low-emission ship operations. LNG is the experiencing unspoiled nature. On board our ships our cleanest fossil fuel currently available and AIDAprima guests discover the most beautiful places in the world. will be the first cruise ship in the world to be fueled in an For us, operating sustainably is the basis of our business environmentally friendly way with LNG when docked. model because only if we shape our growth responsibly, Under our “Green Cruising” concept, we will be fueling protect the environment, and commit to our employees the next AIDA generation – whose construction we con- and partners can we continue to successfully provide tracted from the Meyer shipyard in Papenburg in 2015 cruises in future. and which we will be commissioning from 2019 – entirely 3 AIDA cares 2016 – Summary with liquefied natural gas. By using LNG the emission of Apart from environmental protection our sustainability soot particulates and sulfur oxides is completely avoid- strategy also embraces a commitment to our employ- ed. Emissions of nitrous oxides are reduced by 80 per- ees and society. We promote the potential of our em- cent and CO2 emissions by 20 percent. Furthermore, ployees with extensive training and continuing educa- since May 30, 2015 as part of a pilot project, while AI- tion options. We increased the numbers of employees DAsol is docked at the HafenCity Hamburg it is being in training by more than 50 percent in 2015 compared fueled via the LNG hybrid barge with low-emission pow- with 2014. We have also launched various initiatives – er from liquefied natural gas. Our trendsetting initiatives such as a Talent Management Program, and various dis- for the use of LNG on cruise ships earned us the Seat- tinctions such as the Seniority Award, Employee of the rade Award 2015 as the “Environmental Initiative of the Month or Intranet Award – that recognize good perfor- Year.” We are delighted to receive this recognition of mance and employee loyalty. Our intranet is a modern our efforts which is an affirmation that we should con- communication platform that allows us to inform all sistently pursue the course we have taken. employees about company news. At the same time we have made it easier for employees to exchange informa- Apart from the dual fuel motor for LNG operation, tion from ship to ship, from land to ship, and vice versa. AIDAprima also features two land power connections Our efforts were also rewarded in 2015 when we were and a three-phase system for the treatment of waste named a “Top Employer.” gas that reduces soot particulates, nitrous oxide and sul- fur oxide emissions by 90 to 99 percent. Our ship is thus Furthermore in 2015 we already celebrated ten years equipped to make use of currently available, low-emis- of partnership with the children’s charity, SOS-Kinder- sion means of power supply. Innovative MALS technolo- dorf, which we once again supported by donating the gy also allows AIDAprima to glide on a carpet of air bub- revenue from the New Year’s tombola which is held bles, reducing friction and thus also fuel consumption. on board AIDA ships. We are also involved in various initiatives that provide emergency aid to refugees. An- We have also further improved the lifecycle assessment other area of focus was on the promotion of athletes of the ships in our existing fleet by putting many differ- and sporting events, most notably in preparation for the ent measures in place. A total of four ships have already 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. been retrofitted for exhaust gas treatment. In addition we almost quadrupled the use of gas oil as a fuel in This report contains detailed information about our 2015 and cut heavy fuel oil by more than one third. commitment to the environment and society. This has reduced sulfur oxide emissions by around 13 percent. By joining the 2-Grad Foundation in 2015 we We hope you enjoy reading it and get some exciting are moreover supporting the climate target of limiting insights into the AIDA world. global warming to less than 2 °Celsius compared with the standard before the start of industrialization. Best regards, We were able to reduce per person/day consumption of fresh water on board the AIDA fleet in 2015 from 172.8 to 168.8 liters and have once again increased our waste recycling rate by 3 percent. Felix Eichhorn President AIDA Cruises 4 AIDA cares 2016 – Summary 2.0 ABOUT THIS REPORT AIDA Cruises has already been publishing a Sustaina- conjunction with B.A.U.M. Consult in order to identify bility Report since 2007 in which we inform readers in and report on both the main economic, environmental detail about our commitment to the environment and and social effects of our business activities and, con- society. sequently, on the most important issues on which we need to take action in terms of sustainability. The aim In our AIDA cares 2016 Sustainability Report we report here is to promote transparent reporting that focuses transparently and in depth about our involvement with on the essentials. the environment and society during the 2015 business year and show all relevant key indicators. Reporting is The analysis was effected by surveying the heads of based on the GRI 4.0 international standard. In addition technical departments whereby these managers were we report on the important milestones reached during asked to assess fields of activity in terms of sustaina- the first half of 2016 to highlight positive developments bility within the company on the basis of the following that have taken place, most notably these associated criteria: with the commissioning of AIDAprima. • relevance of the issue for the company In order to save paper we only publish our AIDA cares • internal requirements Sustainability Report online at www.aida.de/aidacares. (e.g. internal guidelines, Code of Conduct, etc.) The following summary is also available as a download • external requirements for anybody who would like document providing an (e.g. statutory requirements, NGOs) overview. • AIDA’s scope of influence Materiality analysis Each criterion was given a value of 1 = yes or 0 = no. Each aspect could be awarded a total of four points. As part of the conversion of the AIDA cares 2016 Sus- tainability Report from GRI 3.0 to GRI 4.0, in February Thirteen topics were seen as important. The themes of En- 2016 AIDA Cruises conducted a materiality analysis in vironment and Avoiding Emissions scored particularly high. AIDA’S MAIN FIELDS OF ACTIVITY FOR SUSTAINABILITY: Corporate management activity Environmental activity Corporate 1. Sustainability Mission Statement management activity 1. Climate protection 2. Compliance 2. Waste management Environmental 3. External communication activity 3. Energy efficiency 4. Water management Strategic alignment activity Employee activity 1. Data protection and security Employee 1. Cultural diversity 2. Controlling Strategic activity 2. Family and career 3. Stakeholder engagement alignment activity 3. Employee development 5 AIDA cares 2016 – Summary 3.0 AIDA CRUISES – THE COMPANY AIDA Cruises is one of Germany’s fastest growing and The management of AIDA Cruises changed in 2015. Fe- most financially successful tourism businesses and cur- lix Eichhorn – previously the Senior Vice President Sales, rently (as of Q3 2016) employs around 8,000 people Yield Management & Flight Operations of AIDA Cruises from 40 countries. Of these employees, 7,000 work on – became the President of AIDA Cruises on September board and 1,000 work at the company headquarters 1, 2015. He succeeds Michael Ungerer, who assumed in Rostock and Hamburg. With eleven cruise ships in new management responsibilities at Carnival as Chief 2016, AIDA Cruises operates one of the most modern Operations Officer Shared Services Carnival Asia. fleets in the world and offers cruises in the Mediterrane- an, around the Canary Islands, to the North and Baltic AIDA Cruises is now headed by Felix Eichhorn (Pres- Seas, the Caribbean, North America, Dubai and Asia. ident) and Dr.
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